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Everything posted by Twilight

  1. Precisely. Putin interfered to put one of his cronies into the American Presidency.
  2. They should be locked up too. Of course for some members of that political campaign, I was thinking that even before you posted that information.
  3. Then those clowns should be tossed in jail, just as those attempting to influence the electors via death threats should be.
  4. As do I, though by this point I'm pretty sure that's rather obvious. Still I needed to get that off my chest.
  5. Then American elections have not know, nor have they ever been Democratic. If the vote that determines the will of the people is secondary to the process, if it doesn't actually count, then the American system is built on a big fat lie.
  6. How is it fair for the votes of 38 people to override the votes of over two million people? The actual American people have decided who they wanted to be President and it wasn't Trump, yet he's going in because 38 people said it should be so.
  7. I wouldn't consider that shady at all. Disgustingly shady is 38 electoral voters telling the more then two million voters who voted for Hillary, allowing her to win the popular vote to f*** off as they put the person most of the country voted against into office.
  8. The hockey mask guy is Wild Dog, he's a very obscure DC Comics hero from the 90s if I'm not mistaken. If the Fallour guy is a dude in rags with powers, I'm guessing he's Ragman.
  9. But that doesn't solve the bad booking problem that WWE has, that just has people temporarily ignoring it. It's just smoke and mirrors.
  10. I'm just gonna leave this link here. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=5Gxp6gzKvXk
  11. Brock being okay with the stupid idea doesn't make it less stupid. I don't forsee anything good coming of this.
  12. Yeah I heard that too. Hopefully that convinces Shane that he's not meant to be wrestling.
  13. Well it'd be an absolutely moronic thing to do, given the situation so I'd say the odds are pretty good.
  14. And made all the full timers who couldn't defeat Lesnar look like garbage in the process, as they were completely outdone by a man who's almost 50 who's not wrestled in roughly 12 years.
  15. Survivor Series main event was over in seconds. Hope folks here didn't pay money for it.
  16. Yeah I can see that going well. No way that could possibly cause any sort of trouble.
  17. Logically it would only be used in the case of an election that was tied, thus ensuring that it'd only be used when it's actually needed. As it stands now, there's too much chance of it actually subverting the will of the people as it did in this election.
  18. Only Disney World could cause me to go to the US now and then only if that special somebody goes with me.
  19. A Presidential election is supposed to be the will of the people. Thus the popular vote should be more important then anything.
  20. Fixing it? I'm talking about abolishing it. It's subverted the will of the people more then once, it needs to go!
  21. I can see why. An election is meant to be about the will of the people. Well the popular vote went to Hillary, thus the people have spoken regarding whom they actually want to be President. Thus the electoral college has subverted the will of the people.
  22. So more people actually voted for her then Trump but he gets to be President because of this Electoral college BS? Sounds like the American election system needs some fixing.
  23. Things are apparently looking bad. As a friendly neighbor to your country, I hope that you Americans haven't voted in this tangerine tinted lunatic.
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