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Everything posted by Legatus

  1. Re: Malazan Hero I think you really got the point here, malazan magic is raw and seldom used for fine effects. And yes, if it goes wrong, it does so horribly. We should try to make a list of the warrens and what their special effects and most used aspects are. In my current reread of Memories of Ice I found a warren that was never mentioned before or after: Aral Gamelon, a demonic warren. The Korvalahrai and the Galayn, the favorite demons in the empire, are both from this warren.
  2. A DC Animated-style Space Opera more Space Corsairs: deep down in the archaelogical site beneath that prison on Reykjavik 4 the prisoners of cell block Y were slowly approaching the powerful artefact. I've already presented the first five prisoners that were encountered by the Corsairs. In the deepest level they found another five. Then the fight against the prison guards, the mercenaries (Angels) and the prisoners broke out again. Cerberus: legitimate king of Fenris 5; killed on Reykjavik 4 by an explosion Tatonka: mutant chieftain of a nomadic tribe from Fenris 4; escaped from the prison on R4; now roams the icy wastelands of the planet Platokles: philosopher, agitator,rebel; kidnapped Jaryn Voy and fell in love with her; right now fleeing from her father in a stolen space ship Gibbons: dark skinned alien with reality altering powers, which were activated when the artefact was discovered; fell into a coma after exhausting his new powers; his body was taken to a laboratory by soldiers of the Reydar Empire Torgowanov 49: mining robot from Lexington X; he was imbued with awesome power and an ancient sentience upon the discovery of the artefact (a chest that was opened by Gibbons); he allied with the Corsairs the Space Corsairs are still on Reykjavik 4 since the only space ship was taken by Platokles and Jaryn Voy, so the Corsairs are now heading towards the capitol city of R4 in a plane to find a space transport to bring them to their space ship that is orbiting the planet
  3. Re: A DC Animated-style HeroMachine I like 'em. They've got potential. I already got a story line for them. Let me use 'em, please. And could somebody please hit Pariah with repstick for me.
  4. Re: Malazan Hero Dark High Fantasy? Sounds good to me. and if the books were about a bunch of teenagers learning magic in some awkward wizard school, would the genre be called Fantasy High?
  5. Re: Superhero Images gorilla foot included for scale
  6. Re: A DC Animated-style HeroMachine Thanks! You're welcome to join the club anytime. BTW There's lots of villains to come from this campaign. Be patient, can't post them before they appear in our campaign. And Egyptoid: I didn't understand that Futurama reference:confused:
  7. Re: Who are Foxbat's Official Henchmen? That was 4E's Enemies Assemble ! Foxabat's henchmen were 1. Exo-Skeleton Man (FB's right-hand man) 2. Harmonious Fist (martial artist from the future) 3. Agent One (robotics expert, marksman ???) 4. Agent Orange ("Fast Eddy", speedster, FB's driver, SPD 6) 5. Agent X (Big Vic the brick; STR 35 AP) 6. Charly (the stunning beauty and medical doctor) 7. Alex Hampton (FB's servant) I just loved these guys! Endless hours of fun!
  8. Re: A DC Animated-style HeroMachine from the Space Corsairs: when the Corsairs entered cell block Y in that high security prison on Reykjavik 4, they battled the Angels mercenaries, who were guarding an archaelogical site that was buried beneath the prison. These prisoners were there to dig it out. Bobo: alien bounty-hunter with a bad, bad reputation Quake: mutant with the ability to cause earth-quakes and to sense what's inside the rocks Groll: 10 feet tall, red skinned alien monster Digger: reptile alien, spits acid; hates all other life-forms; works alone in a secluded tunnel Leiko: green haired cannibal; psychopath; calmed down by a daily dosis of drugs
  9. Re: Malazan Hero The Anomander write-up is awesome. It is slightly different from what I expected, but as a whole it is absolutely fantastic. As far as campaigning ideas are concerned, I wouldn't bother too much with varying power levels, as long as everybody gets his moments to shine, it should be okay. The idea of not telling/showing the other players your character's write-up and thus keeping them guessing what the power level of the character is, is a great idea. And totally in line with the novels.
  10. Re: Malazan Hero Since I don't have HD, I'll have to wait for the text version. Sorry.
  11. Re: Malazan Hero You could definitely be right about that one. But the timeline problem exists. Even Steven Erikson himself admitted it. http://www.sffworld.com/interview/242p0.html
  12. Re: Malazan Hero The timeline is a big problem in the novels.
  13. Re: Malazan Hero Thoughts on one of the founding races: the K'Chain Che Malle - They are giant intelligent reptiles resembling velociraptors. - They are said to be extinct. Though in Reaper's Gale we see two that are well alive and there may be even more of them. - They lack a racial warren. - They were technologically advanced, dwelled in skykeeps (Anomander's Mooon's Spawn being one of them) and were ruled by matrons that were powerful magicians. - They were bred for specific tasks. In Memories of Ice we see the undead versions of K'ell Hunters that have swords instead of arms. - The undead versions were very fast, although IIRC the living K'Chain are even faster. - The K'Chain Che Malle were nearly exterminated in a civil war between two variants the Long-tails and the Short-tails. - The survivors of this civil war were then slain by the combined forces of the invading Tiste Edur and Tiste Andii. (Midnight Tides; Prologue) - or was it the other way round? The K'Chain lost the war against the Tiste and then the Short-tails rebelled? Because in Midnight Tides they fight alongside eachother against the Tiste.
  14. Re: A DC Animated-style HeroMachine I always loved the New Gods.
  15. Re: Malazan Hero Let's not argue about the size of that particular horse. 26 normal hand would be huge. 26 Teblor hands would be gigantic. And for Teblor cavalry: didn't Karsa say, he wanted to return someday to his plateau and forge the Teblor tribes into an army. Since they breed horses, cavalry would be a sure option.
  16. Re: A DC Animated-style HeroMachine more Space Corsairs adventure: after the Corairs freed Black Cloud and his fellow inmates, surviving the assault by Black Shadow, the Corsairs and the other prisoners were seperated. The prisoners made it to the hangar and stole a shuttle, the Corsairs were chased by the Reydar agents through the maze of the prison. After a while they came to cell block Y, where the prisoners were had to to work at an underground archaelogical site. One of the ruling members of royal family of Reykjavik 4 wanted to find an artifact of immense power in the ruins of an abandoned city built by a long forgotten civilization. The cell block was guarded by a famous mercenary unit: the Aangels. Serafina: squad leader with high STR and lightning reflexes Samira: second in command; leader of the agents; incredible fighter Shannon & Sheryl: sergeants with energy blasting blades; quick capable fencers also
  17. Re: What books and stuff do I need to run a complete campaign of the Champions game as GA said! and BTW...welcome to the HERO boards!
  18. Re: Malazan Hero Will you post a write-up of Anomander? That would be a task! A mighty callenge! If you can do it, you are the !
  19. Re: Prisoner Exchange Primadonna: she'd try to protect the FoJ agent with an invisible sonic force wall Primaballerina: her martial arts are outgunned here; so she'd meditate to prepare a chi blast big enough to blow away all Tiberius agents at one time Diva: her mind-controlled powers come in handy here, she'd make sure nobody pulls the trigger
  20. Re: You are president:the truth Tell the CIA to do what they do best, hide the truth, kill the rest.
  21. Re: A DC Animated-style HeroMachine More Space Corsairs: on the ice planet Reykjavik 4, they found a prison where their former captain Black Cloud was held. In cell block B the Corsairs encountered these inmates: Black Cloud: the captain, wielder of the ShadowForce; from Earth Black Corsair: a nasty space pirate captain Brutallus: Black Corsair's first officer Black Shadow: another wielder of the ShadowForce, lusts for Black Cloud's power another inmate in this cell block was Momma Babalola, but none of the templates could depict an elderly, fat voodoo priestess:eek:
  22. Re: Malazan Hero Tiste Andii: -Eye colour changes with mood: is that true for all Tiste Andii or only for Anomander? Size of Karsa: - as we get no fact, we can only try to calculate it: - when Karsa and Torvald Nom get into the flooded sphere, the water reaches Torvald's chest, while it would only reach Karsa's waist: -assuming Torvald is of average height (by modern standards: 180cm), the water would be 130 cm high - if a Teblor had the same propotions as a human, Karsa would be 234 cm - when Karsa swims away with Borrug, Borrug's head lies on his shoulders, while his knees hit Karsa's thighs - again assuming 180cm for Borrug's height, he'd be 130cm from knees to head - mid-thighs to shoulder is 4/9th of total height - so Karsa would 292,5cm - in House of Chains it is said, that he is as tall as two Dal Honese combined (minimum 300-320cm; 350cm more likely) - in Bonehunters it is said, that he is one and a half times as tall as a normal man (approx. 270cm) Original size of the Thelomen Toblakai: - Kalam finds the body of a true Thelomen Toblakai on the bottom of a well - this giant warrior is three times as tall as a human (minimum 500cm)
  23. Re: Brainstorming: Enforcers of the Scarlet Moon (spoilers below) More on Freya: -she rode on a boar named Hilisvini: that boar could be given to her highpriest on Earth Clarissa Thorp; maybe with the ability to transform into a man of raw power, acting as a bodyguard and enforcer -her daughters were Hnoss and Gersimi: these two women could act as Freya's ambassadors on Earth; maybe they are even jealous of Clarissa's position as highpriest (lots of possibilities here) -Friday was named after her: give her enforcer a power boost on Fridays
  24. Re: Malazan Hero These books are so complicated. Now I must go and search for the right page...
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