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Dust Raven

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Everything posted by Dust Raven

  1. Re: Military NPC's and how to run them I think 45 points for what is effectively a single Psych Limit is a bit much. The fact that each progression also covers the previous Disads screams of "double dipping." The Disad might could also be represented with a single Psych Lim: Easily Demoralized (frequently, greatly impairing) worth 15 points. Any sudden disadvantage in combat would cause an EGO roll, the worse the roll is failed, the more severe the reaction.
  2. I was thinking a straight Extra Time: One Turn (-1). That's assuming you can't use any other attacks while preparing for this one. If it drops to every other turn after 5 shots, but only if the people operating it actually get tired, put Cost END on it too. That way the operators will only slow down if they actually get tired.
  3. While having paper that's ideal for coloring is very, very cool, it's not exactly a selling point for me. The durability is a must tough. FREd seems to be making up for the BBB and then some in that respect. I would definately agree the book should hit some of the mainstream bookstores such as Boarders, BN, Walden's and such. Other RPG products are sold is these stores, and in several they are stocked right next to the superhero graphic novels. The Champions books would almost sell themselves!
  4. At first I though an Always On plus Only When combo would be perfect, but then you mention that he could use it even if the Always When condition wasn't met. In this case, since it can be used any time, I'd do it as either an Always When -1/4 (half the value of Always On) or a Physical Limitation: Must Use Power While X with the value depending upon the frequency of X and the problems it would cause.
  5. I don't think that Improved Target Group is necessary at all, unless the character has the option to "regrow" the object as he sees fit (he could invent the missing link then, by repairing a shattered skeleton into something no one's seen before). If he can't do that, just defining it as "repaired" would be enough. An idea though, does this only apply versus things already past a certain age? Or only to non-living matter? Could he use it on a person? Can he repair broken machinery/vehicles? You might also consider Healing (as suggested above). Personally, I'd buy Healing for the repairs and a Cosmetic Transform to make somethin look new/remove scars afterward.
  6. The way I read it, you roll the dice you paid for. So if you pay for a Major Transform 4d6, but the transform you want to do is merely cosmetic, you'll still roll 4d6 for it, not 12d6.
  7. The team in my Defenders campaign has something like this. Basically, it's bought on the characters as a teleport/mega-scale teleport with a few fixed locations (various, immobile teleport pads) and a Limitation that they can only teleport to those pads. The teleport pads are bought as part of their base as teleport/mega-scale teleport without any restrictions (other than immobile focus). If the character doesn't actually have a base, but still only he can use the teleport pads, you can just buy the pad as the base and apply the appropriate skills to represent the difficulty of others finding a way to use it (like security systems).
  8. I use and enforce the suggested limits in my campaigns. Of course, it's understood that character concept is more important that limits. So if one particular character would end up with 60 points in Psych Limits instead of the suggested max of 50, so be it. Same goes for other Disad categories as well (just in case some fool wants to take from x2 STUN & BODY from all physical attacks, plus x2 effect from all Adjustment Powers). As I've understood it though, 5th Edition introduced the universal concept of "no official limits" on everything. They'll suggest using the guidelines they use for writing up their published characters, but a suggestion is as far as they'll go.
  9. Re: OCV, DCV as skills Funny how quotes don't quote... I see your point, and I agree somewhat. Then again, I'm one of those romantic fools that thinks the DEX vs CSL cost system is balanced. Sure, you can get better CV with DEX, but even at 6 points per CV (taking into the increase in SPD), they still can't add to damage, be used to bounce attacks and so forth. I do agree that too many published characters have outragous DEX scores, but that's something I fix by rewriting any published character I decide to use.
  10. If it works for you, use it. Especially if the standard system doesn't. I do think it'll add time to combat though. Doesn't really matter if the rolls are made simultaneously if you still have to look at and compare two things, both of which are random (whereas you still have to compair two things normally, but one is constant).
  11. Re: Re: OCV, DCV as skills I've always solved this problem by not giving such characters a high DEX. They have CSLs instead.
  12. There is merit to Knightmare's method, in that it directly involves the target in the attack process. The target actually has to make a roll to defend themself from an attack. On the downside, it adds an extra step in determining if the attacker hits, and add a lot more randomness to combat. The standard method assumes that combatants are moving defensively and intelligently and actively trying to avoid attacks, and represents this by giving them a DCV bassed on DEX. This works.
  13. Re: Simple solutions to try first I don't really ever "throw out" the rules, nor to I suggest it as a first resort (unless you are playing a rules light game in the first place). I generally consider this a last resort for GMs. If I can't figure out how to do it using the rules, I'll either make a rule for it, or just hand wave it in or away. I wouldn't say there's no need to get the rules involved. The rules are there for a reason. I'd stick with the advice in #2 here. Fortunately, I don't find the need to "just say no" very often. There are occasions when someone will ask for something outragous and I'll just "not in this genre" and keep playing. More often I'll just tell them what they'll need for it and how many points it'll cost (for the power, or just the skill to perform the action). Not only does it prevent an arguement, it gives the player something to work toward if they are serious about it. I've always done this, and made sure that my players know it. I also let them know it works both ways. Occasionally I'll confront the heroes with a villain possessed of a power construct that seems to overwhelm them and they'll want it too. If they work at getting it (earning xps and role-playing its acquisition) I let them have it. Of course, most player characters in my game don't need or want an orbital doomsday machine, but if they ever save up enough points...
  14. My roommate came up with one idea: The mandrake (from Harry Potter). The young ones might not have the Does BODY advantage yet. The idea is to kill, so it should be a killing attack I suppose (and a really expensive one too).
  15. I've always handled this as an SFX issue. You can buy a Detect to trace a specific think, in some cases it might apply to Teleport. Example: There are aliens in my campaign that use phase technology to create a wormwhole used for instand transportation. This is bought as Teleportation. They also have the technology to track wormwhole jumps. This is bought as detect phase signatures, ranged, analyse. A "phase signature" is the radiation left over from the use of phase technology. With the analyse adder, it can be used to learn the location of the other end of a wormwhole. Of course, when these aliens confront Tachyon and he teleports away, the'll be left scratching their heads wondering where he went (until they have some time to analyse his powers and adapt their sensors to trace his own, unique signature, and spend the experience points on the new detect). Failing that, if just wanted the villains not to get away through teleporting, just by a really large Suppress Teleport machine and turn it on when combat starts.
  16. I like the build and think it'll work perfectly, though it's still alot of math. If the effect of having two entities combine to for the character is nothing more than SFX (in that there are really no mechanical advantages or disadvantages to it) I'd just write up the combined character and leave it. If there is any real chance of losing the bandana, or the character seperates often enough, you should go with what you've got.
  17. I was under the impression that you didn't have to actually attack with the maneuver you are using though. Sure you have to use it (use up and attack action), but you don't have to actually roll to hit anything. Besides, I know enough about martial arts, and hand to hand combat in general, to know that you can hold an "attacking pose" without actually attacking. Your +5 levels (say with, punch, grab and disarm) will only apply while using those maneuvers, and only versus hand to hand combat. If you were to do anything else, such as a move by or move through, you'd lose the bonus. Nor would it apply if attacked at range. Your +3 DCV levels would apply at all times, including against ranged attacks.
  18. Re: Resistant Flash Defense Never made one. Never seen one. Now you've got me curious and I'll spend the rest of the week trying to think up SFXs that would call for AVLD Killing Attacks versus Flash Defense.
  19. Re: Linear Acceleration I'm not sure about what mechanic you'r looking for, but it sounds like you want to be able to send an opponent flying in an instant, hopefully crashing into other opponents or really thick walls. Ultimately, this sounds like the SFX of a grab/throw, or a Martial Throw maneuver. If you can use it against targets at range, I'd definately suggest using TK. If not, then just use extra STR (either would be limited to "Only To Grab And Throw"). As far as damage from throws, you just do straight STR damage. So your TK grab/throw attack would do 8d6, regardless of how far you throw the victim.
  20. I see the kid has still developing his powers, and as such they tend to trigger subconsciously. Since his subconscious mind doesn't find bumping into funiture a problem, he wouldn't become consciously aware of it. A bullet in the head is a different matter. In fact, he isn't even consciously aware of the attacks, just to need to move out of the way. The need to know about any incoming attack would be required, and definately goes beyond normal human senses. Looks like I'll be giving him that Detect anyways, along with the reduced disad.
  21. I GM for a group of players primarily new to the HERO System. Because of this, it's usually me that does the actual writing up of the characters. By default I take the "reverse engenering" method. I listen to what they want their character to do and then figure out how to do that using the game mechanics. It usually takes a few game sessions of rewriting before we get it just right though.
  22. That is just so messed up. I guess it works though, but I never use NCM, even in heroic level games (but I set character building limits around 15-18 for Primary Characteristics and let those with appropriate concepts raise above that).
  23. Oh I agree, but the character is a DNPC and potential Follower. I'll need an actual write up for it. That and it souldn't cool, I might use variations of it for other characters.
  24. This character is an NPC (actually, a potential DNPC). He actually has no attacks and shouldn't be in combat in the first place, but I figure his precognative powers would help him out defensively in case he was (and then there are all those kidnapping attempts). I think I like reducing the value of the Blindness Disad the best. Just reduce it and say it doesn't affect the DCV (though everything thing else will still apply). I'll have to remember that Desol idea though (working on a total revamp of PSI).
  25. I was thinking of this and agree with Mavnn that XDM would be most appropriate. So long as it makes the body go away when the soul is stolen. If there's a guy wandering around without a soul afterward that might be different. You could use a Cosmetic Transform (target into target who's soul I've copied) or Minor Transform (target into target who's soul I've stolen).
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