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Everything posted by Tonio

  1. Does the Charge maneuver from The Ultimate Martial Artist do any damage to the character who's executing it, like Move Through and Move By do?
  2. Can you Flying Dodge with Teleportation? (Yes, this is an honest question... no, it's not meant to spark discussion on whether Flying Dodge is balanced or not.)
  3. Can you Abort to Shrinking? I sorta think not, but then it DOES give you a DCV bonus. What if the Shrinking's Inherent, and you're paying END to keep it off... can you Abort to it then?
  4. Re: Teleportation, huge noncombat, Increased END, Extra Time MEH! Still not used to the Megascale Advantage... thanks!
  5. How should I build a Teleport that's say, 10", with a huge noncombat multiple, that costs Increased END and Extra Time when it's used noncombat? The character can Teleport normally using Combat Teleportation (that is, normally), but to go the Noncombat distance, it takes Extra Time, Increased END, and probably Concentration. I thought about building two Teleportations in a MP, one with "No Noncombat", the other with "No Combat", would that work? How much should "No Combat" be worth? -1? more?
  6. Re: Normally Small character who can Grow I could go with Multiform, but it might be too much of a hassle, since all the character's powers remain the same, except for her size. Additionally, this is for a new player (new as in new to HERO, also nearly new to gaming... afaik, she's only played an RPG ONCE; it was D&D, hehe), so I wouldn't want to burden her with two character sheets. Additionally, wouldn't I lose the "growth momentum" if I went with Multiform? It's within concept for her to be able to do that.
  7. Re: Normally Small character who can Grow Yah, I'd originally built it with Shrinking, 0 END Persistent... but I ran into two problems. First, Growing would cost no END (I suppose I could buy Always On and use that GM ruling on 5ER, pg 284... but then that's 5x normal END, way too much). Second, the character would be unable to "return" to its normal size if his Shrinking were Drained or Suppressed, which is contrary to the concept. Would it be too unbalancing to just buy Shrinking, but have it work like Growth? As in "being small is END free, growing to normal size costs the same END it'd cost to Shrink normally, being normal sized is not Persistent, and it's affected by Adjustment Powers as if it were Growth"? I'm thinking it is... Mebbe buy it Inherent? Hm, I just re-read Inherent, and it looks like the way to go... says you can turn off the power using END (as GM's option, appropriate in this case, I believe).
  8. I'm trying to build a Minute character who can Grow to normal size. Minute is defined as 1/32 of normal size. So I bought the appropriate powers/skill levels/what have you to be Minute. I also bought down my STR and Running. Now I bought 15 levels of Grow, which brings me back up to normal size (15 levels is 5 doublings, which is 32x). My DCV adds up, my PER roll bonus/penalty adds up, the size adds up... but now I've got 60 STR total, instead of 10! While this may be desired, I've got two questions... 1) how would I have it only get me back up to 10, w/o a kludgy Limitation (only up to 10 STR), 2) is this due to "-25 STR" not being correct for a Minute character? Should it really be "-65"?
  9. Re: Elemental Controls, how do they work?
  10. Re: More comfortable in fire than out Even if you buy Affects Real World on your BODY (and/or ED/PD/STR/whatever's appropriate)? I'd think that would mean that you COULD affect it (the SFX, in this case fire), even if it can't affect you, meaning you could stop it even if it would normally go past you.
  11. Re: More comfortable in fire than out And you should be able to help your friend if you bought Affects Real World for your STR, right? If you're Desolid (Only to Fire), then you can't block someone's Fire Blast, unless you bought "Affects Real World" on your... I dunno, BODY? STR? ED? (I'm not arguing, I'm asking whether you think the same way I do regarding this. I'm also not suggesting that a limited Desolid is the correct way to build Invulnerability; nor am I doing the opposite. I'm, in fact, chickening out and not discussing that issue!)
  12. Re: Yet Another Build Question: rubber-morph going splat
  13. Re: Rolling mechanic question Note that just because something is more difficult that something else, it doesn't mean that it's notably more difficult. Just like something that costs $1,000.01 is more expensive than something that costs $1,000.00, just not notably so, substracting might be more difficult than adding, just not notably so. Just because you score the same in two tests, one involving only addition, the other involving just substraction, it doesn't mean one wasn't easier than the other. Might mean it wasn't notably so, or maybe it meant you took longer to do one. I think people confuse "more difficult" with "substantially more difficult", and, to risk being ridiculed again, "less intuitive" with "nonsensical" or "requiring great stretches of the imagination".
  14. Re: Yet Another Build Question: rubber-morph going splat
  15. Re: Yet Another Build Question: rubber-morph going splat
  16. Re: Yet Another Build Question: rubber-morph going splat Why not scads of Breakfall? Or regular Breakfall with scads of PSLs to reduce the penalty for distance fallen?
  17. Re: More comfortable in fire than out Regarding a limited Desolid and the need to buy Affects Real World... wouldn't it make sense that if you limit Desolid (for whatever reason, not necessarily to represent invulnerability) to a single SFX, then you should only have to buy Affects Real World if you want to affect that SFX? For example, I buy Desolid, only vs Fire. My hand passes through fires w/o me getting burnt. But I get hit (and hurt) by a thrown rock. I can pick up said rock (since I'm only Desolid to fire), but I can't stomp the fire out, unless I buy Affects Real World on my STR (I'm guessing STR, right?). If I'm Desolid to stone (say, I'm a stone elemental?), then I can affect most things normally, but I can't grab or otherwise manipulate stone objects, unless I buy Affects Real World for my STR. Likewise, my "Magma Blast" EB has no effect on stone, unless I buy it "Affects Real World". I'm not saying this is how it works right now... I'm proposing it as a house rule, optional rule, official rule change, what have you. Whaddya think?
  18. Re: Flexible Active Point Limits: What Do You Think? Haha, how did he plan on doing that?!
  19. Re: Flexible Active Point Limits: What Do You Think?
  20. Re: Help Requested with Machine Guy OIF plus Extra Time, only to Activate, should work... the OIF being an "object of opportunity", and breakable, and the Extra Time representing building the "gadget" out of the original object.
  21. Re: Suppress CSL Well, the Jedi effect, if I'm not mistaken, actually makes the STs miss like mad, and not just when they're shooting the Jedis. In any case, it's a completely valid concept: my opponents are so unnerved by my presence that they shoot timidly and with lack of confidence, making them miss more often. I completely agree with the general rule you mention; SFX should always come before game mechanics. That might not be the case here, tho.
  22. Re: What is Your Favorite Item? Gazillion Sorry, hadda do it. =/
  23. Re: It's Spooky Around here Yah! CE definitely sounds like the way to go! Rep rep! How do you make the effects last even after you leave the area, then fade away slowly, though? Sticky, at the +1/2 level (as per 5ER, pg 268, next to last paragraph on the left column), with the "fades away after time" as GM fiat?
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