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Everything posted by Tonio

  1. Re: Mixed Movement Right, but I still can't do two half-moves and a move through. Meh, ok... so I can't do one half-move using multiple forms of movements... sux. Would that mean I'd have to be right up to wall if I want to half-Tunnel through it then attack on the other side, since I can't quarter-Run, then quarter-Tunnel through it? Kinda counter-intuitive, I'd think.
  2. Re: Mixed Movement Hrm, but a half-move with Running, then a half-move with Leaping isn't the same as a Full Move. For example, consider Move Through, which requires you to make a Full Move, and presumably wouldn't work with "two half moves". Also, that doesn't answer the "mixed half-move" question... could a character, for example, mix Flight and Tunnelling in a half-move?
  3. Re: "Stun Target" power -- what am I doing wrong? You can't Dispel Characteristics. Also, even if you could, the attacks being simultaneous, you'd be checking against the un-Dispelled CON for Stunning. A solution I've found for the "Stun Target" power is a STUN Suppress with the Instant Limitation. Being Instant, it has no lasting effects (any other hits would go against the target's normal STUN). But if you Suppress more STUN than the target has CON, he's Stunned. As per the rules, getting the STUN back from the Suppress ending won't revert your Stunned status. Edit: Meh! Beat me to it! But yeah, what Hyper-Man said.
  4. Can you combine movement types in a half or full move? By this I mean... If I have 6" running and 6" leaping, can I do 3" running and 3" leaping as a full move? What about 2" running and 1" leaping as a half-move?
  5. Steve, your answer to the Coordinated Grab/Punch Combo question made me wonder... Can you coordinate just the squeeze part of Grab-and-Squeeze with the punch, so that the other character gets the benefits of the Grab when he Punches? That is, can you time the sequence so that the Grab occurs first, then the Punch and Squeeze, coordinated, afterwards?
  6. Re: Defences against the stun of KAs This is misleading... in both instances you're applying a multiplier to a value to determine the total STUN inflicted. You can think of it as "KA's normal multiplier is 1d6-1, NA's is 1... hit locations replace the normal multiplier with another one". You can think of KA's as doing a "base" STUN equal to the BODY done, which then gets multiplied by the STUN multiplier, rather than doing a base STUN equal to the BODY done multiplied by the STUN multiplier. Mathematically, they're the same thing. Using that point of view, the only conceptual difference between KA STUN multiplier and NA STUNx when using hit locations is whether they're applied before or after defenses.
  7. Re: Does anyone have any idea... I meant EC's can include them. (See below.) According to 5ER, pg 314, it can go into an EC: "Normally, all slots in an Elemental Control must cost END or have the Reduced Endurance Advantage (characters can buy the END cost down to 0 if they wish)."
  8. Re: Does anyone have any idea... Well, as far as your 2nd question, it includes powers that normally cost END and have the Reduced END Advantage (at either 1/2 or 0 END). It also includes powers that normally don't cost END, but have the Costs END Limitation.
  9. Re: Energiser Bunny Effect Why not use a STUN Heal instead of an Aid? As I understand it, current Aid boosts your max and doesn't "heal" damage, and it seems like what your concept calls for is the opposite (not a higher STUN score, but rather a "continuous recovery").
  10. Re: A Comeliness for Every Sense Group How attractive your "mental voice" is (the one you use to communicate via Telepathy/Mind Link), how pleasing the mental commands from Mind Control are (this has nothing to do with how hard to resist they are, of course), how awesome your mind "looks" to a Detect Minds power, etc.
  11. Re: Mirror Images w/ Teleport ... also, Teleport w/ Martial Arts Well, note he can only create one Image per Phase (or can he Sweep/Rapid Fire that?), so unless he comes prepared with multiple Images, he'd have to spend time creating the Images before he can switch to them. Time during which he can be attacked, and while he's not attacking back. Also, you can, with a high enough PER or an appropriate sense, know which is which and attack accordingly. Against a HTH opponent he has a significant advantage, that's for sure. Against ranged, not so much, especially since the small size of the Images prevent them from appearing to fire at range (if you see a blast coming at you, you know that's the right one). Also note he can't switch after attacking, since you can't perform Zero-Phase Actions afte an Attack Action. This isn't a problem for him if he's attacking at HTH Range (Images are Touch, too, so you'd feel a smack), but at range it's an issue. Well, that works great for actually being everywhere at once (or close to it). I might actually "borrow" it for an NPC. ;-) On the other hand, what my player wants isn't so much that but the ability to appear to be in several places (without actually being there at all) plus the ability to instantaneously swap places with any of those images. The idea behind the 0-phase thing isn't so much so he can do it multiple times, but so that he can do it without "wasting" a half-phase action.
  12. Re: Move Through only PD Thanks! No wonder I didn't find it... my TUB's at home. =)
  13. What's a good value for the "Only vs self-inflicted Move Through Damage" limitation for PD, assuming there isn't an official version somewhere around? I know I've seen that many times, but I can't for the life of me find it now. =/ I'm thinking -1.
  14. Re: A Comeliness for Every Sense Group While I don't think it's worth it, it can make sense for any and all sense groups. "Attractive to Radio Sense Group" means that anybody perceiving them with a sense in the Radio Sense Group finds their Radio Sense Group "appearance" attractive. "Man, check out Radio Gal's transmit frequencies... I wish I could transmit like that!"
  15. Re: Always on for size and/or density altering powers Problem with this is with growth, you're paying for the benefits. With Shrinking, you're getting them "free" with the Disadvantage. With growth, you pay for reach and get a Disadvantage for being too big to fit in some places. With shrinking, you get a Disadvantage for lack of reach, but get to fit in more places for free.
  16. CSLs for Telepathy (that is, to boost the OECV when using Telepathy only) cost 2pts, right? The 1pters from The Ultimate Skill (which apply to one attack with one weapon) aren't applicable, right?
  17. Re: Mirror Images w/ Teleport ... also, Teleport w/ Martial Arts Thanks for your replies!
  18. Re: help me with Animalistic powers Not quite. It's close to the effective surface temperature of the sun, but nowhere near the core temperature, which is around three thousand times hotter, nor the corona, which is around a thousand times hotter. Still impressive, though!
  19. Two unrelated (well, they both involve Teleport, but that's a coincidence, really) questions/issues/requests for comments: First, a power (or couple of powers, really) one of the PCs in a campaign I'm starting wants has him creating one or more mirror images of himself, which act just like him (not mimic him, they just act like he would). Additionally, he can swap with any of these images on a moment's notice. There are two general ways this is useful. The first is defensive/tactical: an attacker is never quite sure which if the images is the real character (unless he makes his PER roll, of course), he can get a multiple attacker bonus by himself, etc. The second is mobility: he can, for example, cross a canyon by projecting an image on the other side, and then swapping with it. Here's what we've come up with... what do you think? (I might've posted on this issue before... this is the "finished" version.) 22pts Holograms: Sight, Hearing and Touch Groups Images 1" radius, -8 to PER Rolls, 8 Continuing Charges lasting 1 Minute each (+1/4) (55 Active Points); Set Effect (Duplicates of the character; -1), OIF (-1/2) 29 pts Hologram Swap: Teleportation 9", Reduced Endurance (0 END; +1/2), Trigger (Activating the Trigger requires a Zero Phase Action, Trigger resets automatically, immediately after it activates; Mental Command; +3/4), Invisible Power Effects (Fully Invisible; +1) (58 Active Points); OIF (-1/2), Limited Power (Only to swap with hologram; -1/2) The other issue is... I'm trying to build a super-fast martial artist (not a new concept, I know!). Super-fast as in "mobility", not as in SPD or reactions, which would be normal-fast. Basically, instead of high Running, he'll have teleport, must cross intervening space. Question is, would Stretching, Instant (-1/2) be a good way to simulate his running real quick up to the target, smacking him, then running back? I'm thinking Instant since the "Stretching" only lasts an instant (he can't be in both places at once). Stretching because it'd let him use melee attacks at range, even giving him a velocity damage bonus, which is appropriate. Can anybody think of any problems with this, in terms of things that might not make sense?
  20. Re: What advantages apply when calculating DCs? Earth has 4 corner simultaneous 4-day time cube in only 1 Earth rotation?
  21. Re: Package deals In some cases, multiple package deals are almost required, as in Fantasy HERO, where you would probably take a racial package deal and a professional package deal, at least.
  22. Re: Social resolution mechanics for Hero I think this reflects something more like COM being a complimentary roll here, otherwise low COM, high PRE (ugly but imposing) targets would be incongruously easy to pick up, while high COM, low PRE (shy beauties) would be inordinately resistant to seduction.
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