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Everything posted by TSandman

  1. Re: Star System Generation (Now at the RIGHT place :/) Only because the only positive comments I'd be witing for on tha front would be "well, you commented some of your code" I did it in Perl because I could make it work. I suck at programming because it's not a hobby I enjoy, and I only have very basic training in it (Trained as an electronic/telecom technician, so I have only passing nowledge of programming). Feel free to comment if you want anyway, I only wanted to eliminate comments from those coding for a living
  2. Re: How Much BODY does a human body have? One must remember that Death is not the destruction of the Body, but only the end of the biochemical processes. If you do enough damage to the "body" via poison, mental jackammering or chainsaws, you come to a point where those processes cannot self-sustain and stops, rendering the actual character "dead". There IS physical evidence left behind tho, its condition depending on the SFX... To leave "No evidence behind", one way you could be going is that you'd need only to render the target to -10 BODY if the attacks is targeting it's low level integrity (Disintegrator Gun, Strong Acid, Digestive Juices, Using TK to pry molecules apart, etc), -20 BODY if it's using more "normal" methods of killing (Gunning like mad to reduce the corps to pulp, slice it "Butcher Style" with a sword, Burn to ashes with Fire... As for the less "physically interacting ways" of Poison, mind-destroying satellites etc, you'd still have a body with near perfect Integrity on your hands... I remember a session in another system-game I've played a gadgeteer, I disposed of a corpse using strong bio-eating acids and a good old top-loading washer
  3. Re: Star System Generation (Now at the RIGHT place :/) The best "way" I see it, to minimize modification on both, would be for the perl script to generate an XML file that you could input into your program. I choose Perl because it's one of the few scripting language I know and that I'm not running Windows. On the plus side, any Perl script can be easily adapted to PHP (as stated on posts above) so it could pretty easily run on any webservers. I'll have to take a peek at your program using Wine to know if it can be run on that
  4. Re: Star System Generation (Now at the RIGHT place :/) If you manage to do it, keep us posted
  5. Re: 3D Star mapping software Verrra Interresting! I'll take a look at the xml later to see if I can easily modify my System Generator to output something usefull.. (well, maybe after some cleanup of my Chef Boyardee's Spaghetti Code
  6. Re: Star System Generation (Now at the RIGHT place :/) Shouldn't be a problem for those versed in that art, which I'm not. Or else I'd have a web page up already with all the stuff on it ;P
  7. Re: Real sounding fantasy reporting At the time, it made me think about the pseudo-documentary about Dragons on National Geographic Channel, narrated by Patrick Stewart....
  8. What if scientists in the far far future discovered ONLY that sound bite from our civilization: http://www.atomfilms.com/film/battle_hoth.jsp
  9. Re: Star System Generation (Now at the RIGHT place :/) Any one tried it?
  10. Re: Star System Generation (Now at the RIGHT place :/) To give you an example of how it can help you generate Sectors faster: Tonight I've generated a whole sector for 20 x 20 lightyears for my game tomorrow... That's 23 star systems totalling 48 stars, 366 planets with 842 asteroids, 627 planetary moons and 77 planetary Rings. Of all those planets and moons, 29 supports life. It took me less than 4 hours (mainly cut & pasting)
  11. Star System Generation Scripts Having had the blessing of the Almighty Steven, I present you these Ten... ... er... TWO scripts. They REQUIRE Perl to be installed and functionnal on the computer you are using to run them. These scripts are based on the Sector and Planet Generation system found in Star Hero They are is given to the community "As Is". There is *No* warranty on anything There is no file writing capability but even so: USE AT YOUR OWN RISK The only thing I ask of you is to share your modifications to the community, and your feedback with me Note: I can barely code, so its not pretty and I know it, so don't bother telling me Here y'a go! First, the Sector generation script: Sector.pl Just execute it and you'll get random star system generated for a 20x20LY cube of space. It generates single to 6 stars systems, including the possibilities for strange objects . I've let out the Age generation since it's nonsense to have soo many stars close together with very different ages. It calculates planetary orbits (in AU) with a "bode-like" law, taht is Bode's Law with some randomness thrown in (so it's not all copies of our own system) and taking account of how massive the star is. Howerver, it doesn remove orbits that are too close to companion stars as per Star Hero, so you have to do it manually (and quite easily). Second, the Planet generation script: PlanetGen.pl This script REQUIRES four parameters Orbit (in Astronomical Units) Star Mass (In Suns) Star Luminosity (In Suns) The Zone the orbit is in (Yellow, Green, Blue, Black... case insensitive) ex: to generate a planet with earth-like parameters (orbit, star mass, etc) I just type "./PlanetGen.pl 1 1 1 green" This will generate the Planet itself and any moons, asteroids or ring around it. It will also generate the atmosphere for any of the above which has one, as per the Star Hero parameters NOTE: in some circumstances NO planet is generated, simply because of the Star Hero system makes it so. If that happens, you'll get the following output: "The planet disappeard in a puff of folger's crystal (Planet too small to form, orbit empty)" WARNING: It generate planets randomly with some VERY basic parameters used to guide the generation, not with 4 billions of evolutions so it might get some things QUITE wrong. If not satisfied, just run it again with the same parameters, it'll generate another one.
  12. Re: warhammer 40k Star hero
  13. Re: warhammer 40k Star hero For those loving WH40K and who were waiting to get their powerfists on Dark Heresy and the like, I hope you got it... Dark Industries/GW announced that they're closing down their RPG lines... No more RPG Fluff besides Novels and Wargame stuff And that is even if Dark Heresy Collector Edition sold out in SIX minutes... ... and the "regular" one is already sold out... (it came out LAST WEEK)
  14. Re: Seeking Deckplan Sources (Semi Traveller Hero Related) Having bought Traveller Hero, I can tell you that there is three deckplans in Book 2 of Traveller Hero... Beowulf class Free Trader Gyro Cadis class Fat TraderSuleiman Class Scout/courrier All pretty "Traveller standard" ships... As for websites out there, those two sites could help you: http://home2.btconnect.com/hughfoster/Traveller/DeckPlans/DECKPLAN.HTM http://x.webring.com/hub?ring=deckring I had a hell of a time just finding "nice" plans for my traveller T20 games some years ago... :/ You might check that one out: https://www.zaon.com/ VERY nice desings... but they're really slow to produce anything ( Hope it helped!
  15. Re: Dyson Sphere Ship Unobtainium is much less costly and far easier to find...
  16. Re: Star System Generation (Now at the RIGHT place :/) Here are the latest output samples... I've generated a full sector and one planet for each zone (Yellow, Green, Blue and Black) As for posting the script, I've asked Steven if he gives me persmission to do it, since the script is largely an automatisation of the Star Hero system and planet generation.
  17. Re: Star System Generation (Now at the RIGHT place :/) Hehehe ) I've found the Atmosphere bug that made the composition drop below 100% (WELL below... not just rounding errors). I've also uncovered a logic glitch... I had forgotten to remove Gas and Hydrogen planet from the Life determination test... Duh!
  18. Re: Fantasy Cosmologies If you want a Disc Shaped "Planet" and a serious game, make sure no player has ever read any Discworld novels... Else, you *WILL* have problems
  19. Re: Star System Generation (Now at the RIGHT place :/) Found a bug (that I probably caused while fixing another... oh well) In *some* cases, the atmosphere composition doesn't add up to 100%... It only happens in some Biotic atmosphere, but it's bugging me nonetheless...
  20. Re: Fantasy Cosmologies Ain't it the way it's written in Destiny's book? He could have written it himself, and since he's the older one, who's to challenge him
  21. Re: Star System Generation (Now at the RIGHT place :/) Aye... that's why I had chosen Periapsis/Apoapsis... I've had changed it for the Planet to Perihelion/Aphelion, but forgot about Periastron/Apastron... I think that I'll stick with Periapsis/Apoapsis
  22. Re: Is the Hero the Ultimate System? And about as usefull for PCs
  23. Re: Star System Generation (Now at the RIGHT place :/) Hehehe Well, Doc.. the Star Hero system does differentiate between Rock, Rock-Iron, Rock-Ice and some other planet type... AFAIK, it's the *Best* sector/system/planet generation system that I've found in any RPG... Pretty complete, that's why I'm using it as a base... Since I'm no Astronomer or Astrophysicist, I needed a base that was grounded in what we know (well, what we knew circa 2002
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