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Everything posted by slikmar

  1. You don't consider Lesnar losing as a surprise. I will say I don't really follow WWE anymore, but saw the royal rumble where Lesnar removed first 13 then got eliminated by Galloway, so knew that would be a big match, but thought they would have Lesnar keep belt.
  2. paraphrasing King Louis the XVI: "Everythings so REEED!!!"
  3. and then have an ending everyone will hate once made into a series for tv.
  4. Is that Neil Peart? very cool picture.
  5. You forgot perhaps the greatest player character death in any movie.
  6. I think everything I would mention has been mentioned.
  7. if it hasn't been posted, wish this could be me. http://pvponline.com/comic/2020-03-20
  8. Watch for the change in the actors interactions. It was somewhere around this and the next season that the 2 leads dated and broke up and Filion became kind of a jerk about making sure Katic couldn't earn as much as he did. I was/am a big fan of his for all that he is done, especially in geekdom, but I really felt he took an esteem hit with his actions pertaining to this.
  9. interesting choice. he could probably do a good job. given the first picture on that page, makes me think what a great Bookworm or Clock King he would make.
  10. I am sure someone else posted this, but was rewatching Sin City the other day and realized how apropo this quote seemed nowadays: Power comes from lying. Lying big, and gettin' the whole damn world to play along with you. Once you got everybody agreeing with what they know in their hearts ain't true, you've got 'em by the balls.
  11. I am sure they would love to snuggle up to your neck.
  12. first weekend of AFL 2020 Marsh series. sort of preseason games for AFL. Was interesting watching Melbourne vs Adelaide playing in what appeared to be a park, not a stadium.
  13. I will have to check that out. I really enjoyed his Thursday Next and Nursery Crimes series.
  14. Been listening too the Quincy Harker, Demon Hunter series. Modern Pulp Detective meets Vampire Hunter D. To much profanity, but still a good listen. the reader is very good. Escalates quickly, but then his group of "superfriends" aren't pikers. Main character is the son of Mina and John Harker, 130 years old, 20% vampire, very strong sorceror and 100% badass. Along the way we meet Uncle Luke Card (Dracula), Gabriel Van Helsing (great grand daughter of Abe, who used to bounce Quincy on his knee), Adam Franks (better known as the creation of Dr. Frankenstein) and many others.
  15. my thought went exactly there too. Sympathies Simon, but I have to say, beautiful hammer before the fall.
  16. not cynicism and ambivalence. the message was about fear, which should never be Superman. The scene in question, I keep trying to think of any of the Marvel characters who wouldn't do everything they could to save Jonathon's life, damn the consequences to their secret identity. and if someone says Clark was still a kid, Peter Parker would have done so anyway. Of course, his upbringing was about the message you said, great power-great responsiblity. Superman's should have been "look out for the little guy, and all the guys are little when compared to you" mixed in with a ridiculous amount of humility. I can watch Man of Steel, I like most the movie, but I HATED that scene. Part of the death of Jonathon Kent should have been "sometimes there are things you can't fix, so fix everything you can" like a heart attack or cancer or something. NOT A PERSON 20 FEET AWAY IN A TORNADO.
  17. whoa, I really hope that umpire was taken to task and the player was apologized too. Also, video doesn't show, but how the coach did not come out and lose his **** after what is probably one of his best hitters is thrown out for that I do not know. had earl weaver or a billy martin had been coaching, their would have been parents covering under age kids ears in the stands.
  18. probably is funnier if know who guy in bottom right is. other three are cool though
  19. What is interesting is Dusty comes from the era that would have been beaning guys left and right for this stuff. And Ryu deserves to bean as many Astros as he wants that were part of the team that lit him up.
  20. And I believe that Doctor Evil has a doctorate. 'It's Dr. Evil, I didn't spend six years in Evil Medical School to be called mister, thank you very much.'
  21. MLB in one of the shows was talking about defensive runs saved. One of the guys mentioned that one first baseman had way more DRS then Paul Goldschmidt, because baseball really doesn't recognize when someone who can catch at first and undervalues their defense. He showed that in 2018 the cardinals infield was one of the worse for errors, 2019 one of the best. the difference, Paul Goldschmidt at first being able to catch the ball not thrown directly at him.
  22. Except Incredible Hulk was 70s (started in 1977).
  23. I also wanted to add that the Harley they are doing is straight from her solo comics after the year one reboot DC did about 8 or so years ago. The being roller derbi and having friends there, the stuffed beaver she talks to. I also really enjoyed that she would psychoanalyze people while fighting or running for her life.
  24. Saw it today. I enjoyed it. It was the movie I thought would be and many moments had me chuckling in the same way Ledgers pencil trick did. I found it fascinating watching McGregor channel Oldman's cop from The Professional as Sibonis. I echo Gale's disappointment in the Cassandra character and would have liked seeing at end Montoya become a version of the Question.
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