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Posts posted by slikmar

  1. I'm with you Bazza. I'm Team Caity, not Team Katie, all the way. I think the first Canary was the best Canary, despite her perma-pouty face. Legends of Tomorrow doesn't deserve her. Doesn't deserve Snart either, but what can you do.


    I feel bad for Katie Cassady that the writers never quite knew what to do with Laurel as a character. Should she be Oliver's love interest? Should she become Black Canary? Should she be a saccharine do-gooder or a complicated, hot mess? I kind of feel that putting her into the Black Canary role was a last ditch attempt to make her appealing to fans. It maybe sorta worked, a little, but I also think it was too little too late. Most viewer's (poor) opinions of Laurel weren't going to change that much no matter what they did, and asking her to stand in the shadow of Caity's superior characterization was unfair.


    I'll be giving up on Flash and Arrow at the end of the current season, and given the poor prognosis for Supergirl, it looks like I'll only be getting my tv superhero fix from Agents of SHIELD and the Netflix MCU shows. I shouldn't be too surprised that only Marvel seems to know how to keep me entertained, not just on the big screen, but on the small one too.

    I sometimes wonder if the major use of Willa's Thea interfered with using the hot mess for Laurel, as Thea is one in every way.


    I got the feeling this in another Ollie secret that Laural asked him to do

    he has a mastery of poisons

    it is a fake death so she can spy and keep her father safe




    That was my thought also. It also gives them a secret weapon to use.

  3. I was thinking an interesting way to do this movie would be to start off with Diana and Bruce talking about finding the heroes and him asking her about the picture and what she meant by leaving. She could then tell the story of her meeting Steve and fighting in WWI. They could take slow moments to "interrupt" as they meet with these other heroes and Bruce's plane gets more and more full as the movie goes on, thus doing her movie, tieing in with the universe AND setting up a Justice League movie where you don't have to introduce and find all the other heroes wasting the first hour or so of the movie, but instead use 5 minute vignettes in Wonder Woman.

  4. Saw it today. I thought they did a good job. I was confused for a long time by the fact that

    Lex seemed to know who both Bats and Supes were.

    Still not thrilled with Eisenberg's Lex, but he wasn't horrid. I just felt he was a little to Cackling Villain type for me. I look forward to the Wonder Woman movie and really thought Gadot pulled off both Diana Prince and WW,

    Her smile during the battle with Doomsday was great and really fit what they have been doing with her character the last few years.


  5. In the comics, the saddest part is that the mini-series Civil War were the worst written books of the whole thing. In his own books and even the spider-man ones, Tony wasn't an out and out idiot/villain. His position made a sort of sense. I actually always felt they should have approached it more like private detectives of the 40s-50s (not sure if is still the same today) who not only had to be licensed, but actually were expected to work with the DAs and Police to a certain extent. It is what made the Philip Marlowe and such books cool.

    I am interested to see how this is handled. Cap's point was actually made when Tony was removed and psychotic Norman Osborn took over. Also, there were lots of things in the other books saying that the big three's (Richards, Stark and Pym) ideas were wrong. Peter asking Reed if his father would be proud after seeing 52 (the other dimensional prison). Nuclear Man, while working with Richards and Pym on the portals for 52 commenting how funny it was that he, a Chinese National, was being asked by representatives of the US government to help capture Captain America. Then repeating it a little louder in case they weren't paying attention.

    It is just sad that some of the best character writing was during this period, but the main story issues were just so bad.

  6. Watched the latest Sherlock with Benedict Cumberbatch, the Abominable Bride. I have mixed feelings on this episode. I have enjoyed this series immensely, but felt this episode was just way to strange. If I were telling people how good the series is and this was the 2 hour show they tuned into, they would have wondered what the heck I was talking about. I realize it was an episode to show Sherlock's drug addiction and its effects, but was just odd. Cumberbatch and Freeman were excellent, as was everyone else, I am just not really sure it fit with the overall feel of the first 2 series.

  7. I think people misconstrued my comment about Elba being The Gunslinger. I have no problem with him being black, I just didn't picture him as English. I always got the feeling the character (correctly described as gunfighter/cowboy/samurai) as being American Midwestern or Southwestern (perhaps even Hispanic). Hence why I said Elba, who is an excellent actor, may be able to pull it off. John Cleese has shown an amazing ability to do various american accents.

  8. Elba's a good actor. I haven't read the source material, but I thought it was a post-apocalyptic setting, so race shouldn't really be an issue. Unless there's a good reason that the character can't be black (certain historical settings, for instance), picking a good actor for the role should be the priority.

    A good reason for not being black, no. But the character as written, at least to me, came across very much an American Cowboy whom I always thought of as very Clint Eastwood or Sam Elliott. Back isn't a problem, but a cowboy is. I think Elba is a great actor, so maybe he can pull it off.

  9. If that's how you choose to see it, I can't call you wrong. :)


    AFAIK Iron Man was the first of the "powered armor" supers. IMHO the character doesn't get enough credit for originating a ground-breaking concept which has since become a staple of the genre. It has also fed the fantasies of generations of young comic fans. Most of us weren't born on Krypton, or can afford to spend a lifetime fanatically training to fight crime; but anyone might find a suit of super-armor and instantly become an iron man.

    Well, he needed that +1/2 OIF modifier to afford all those things under the original point limit.

  10. Most of those were known. My problem, and I get that execs involving can be bad, is that all of them should have known what they were getting into. Marvel has a plan and established characters. What has made their movies successful is that, for the most part, they are using their source material (see Fantastic Four and Catwoman as examples when studios don't and what can go wrong).

    The person being misrepresented really is Elba, he was annoyed at having to get in costume for extra scenes as his star was rising during the second Thor movie. He even says he has a good relationship with Marvel.

    2 of those were known for being problems if you didn't kowtow to their vision (Rourke and Norton). The one that bothers me most, strangely, is Whedon. Given the job he did on the first Avengers movie, and his respect in the Marvel Comic side, I am surprised they interfered as much as they did.

    I feel bad for the Ant Man director who got taken out. Portman has entirely to do with the female director they split with when she apparently didn't want to stick to the overall plan they had.

  11. slikmar, on 20 Dec 2015 - 11:19 AM, said:


    Really? I didn't pick up on that, though I can see it's a distinct possibility. What did I miss?


    Astra said to her 2nd in command that Alura wasn't the girls mother. He agreed, but pointed out she didn't know that and grew up thinking it. IIRC. Paraphrasing, but I clearly remember Astra saying that.


  12. Wow, I'm impressed by how many DC characters CW has brought on board; Green Arrow, Flash, Firestorm, Black Canary, Vibe, Hawkgirl and Hawkman and now Vixon, just to name the heroes.  At this point forget Legends of Tomorrow, they could just call it Justice League and have enough canon members to earn the name.

    You forgot Atom.

  13. I would point out also, not argue either way, but the mind controlling rapist isn't just in the past. Only Jessica's part was in the past, we see many examples of his work during and after he has been there.

    I consider it noir like, dark in its material, but also it and Daredevil were 2 of the dark, as in hard to see what is happening without turning contrast way up, series I have seen.

  14. I actually wonder if really all we will see, other then WW, is cameos of Flash, Aquaman and Cyborg (maybe even just Vic Stone). Maybe 5 minutes, no introduction really and no origin story. Just cameos to set them up as their own movies.

    Personally, I think they should have just set them up as linked to their tv series, ie same world. I think, for people who are non comic fans, having 2 flash's will be confusing. Not something you see in Marvel. When Sif showed up, it was the same Sif we knew from the movies.

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