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Everything posted by austenandrews

  1. Re: OMG Spy rays are real Cool, it's like the photos in Bladerunner.
  2. Re: "Neat" Pictures Just chuck it out there. Eventually it'll fall into the sun.
  3. Re: "Neat" Pictures It's such a small target, after all.
  4. Re: "Neat" Pictures Let's attach a huge magnet on the back of the space shuttle. On its farewell voyage it can run around scooping up junk, then we ditch it into the ocean at the end.
  5. Re: "Neat" Pictures What's the definition of space junk? Anything that's not a functioning satellite?
  6. Re: "Neat" Pictures This is not a man with whom to f...iddle.
  7. Re: "Neat" Pictures [ATTACH=CONFIG]37342[/ATTACH]
  8. Re: "Neat" Pictures Looks more like the train that stopped me at the crossing yesterday.
  9. Re: UN to Appoint First Ambassador to Space Aliens It's the age-old question: if a married man has sex with an alien, is it legally adultery or bestiality?
  10. Re: Exoplanet detection news Gloaming is cool too.
  11. Re: "Neat" Pictures This one's pretty amazing too.
  12. Re: Nanotechnology Personally I never bought into the idea of nanoscale computers. Certainly we can engineer and/or evolve collective/emergent behavior, and simple decisions on a microscopic level could produce results that would require tons of conventional computing power. But complex, pseudo-intelligent behavior from micromachines? I don't see it, not in the near future anyway. It would have to be driven by something larger that's directing the little ones.
  13. Re: Nanotechnology I'm fascinated by the potential applications in high-tech materials. We could have ubiquitous lightweight, durable, superstrong materials and video monitors on every surface and so on, but even cooler to me are materials that can manipulate themselves. Imagine clothes that can change their shape (say, fitting themselves to an arbitrary wearer) and color/pattern (there's those video screens again) and "heal" their rips and tears. Furniture that can collapse into a small container, then expand and become rigid again when called upon. A building that produces and removes ornamentation (or even doors and walls) as needed. Beyond that, you could theoretically eliminate much of the need for conventional motors and servos in machines. Think of a winch or an automatic door that operates by contracting its "muscles." We already see the use of memory metals in miniaturized robotics; imagine if you could build large-scale robots on similar (but much more flexible) principles. When you ditch the need for heavy frames and motors, suddenly humanoid robots become much more feasible. And these are all naive "World Of Tomorrow" applications. The reality will probably be much different and cooler in its own way. Maybe this is "whatever dude" stuff, but I find it highly interesting.
  14. Re: My dream. Your campaign flavor. "Miniaturization." You could stuff a building full of machinery into a tiny form factor, including vast heat sinks you can vent later. I once concocted a supers campaign around the idea. A suit of powered armor can have an entire industrial complex behind it, including huge weapons and a large technical staff.
  15. Re: What Have You Watched Recently? I watched an episode of Wonder Showzen. Very twisted.
  16. Re: Ctrl+V $shipment->{to_country}
  17. Re: "Neat" Pictures Huh, I wouldn't have thought she'd turn up in the mix, but it's not the only odd inclusion. I'm not sure we have 7x7 right.
  18. Re: "Neat" Pictures Right, of course. Also:
  19. Re: "Neat" Pictures I love the Blade Runner one.
  20. Re: Alternatives to the internet? You can turn a power line into a radio transmitter that easily? That's an awesome McGuyver hack for a story.
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