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Everything posted by DusterBoy

  1. Jrska is such a pain slut... emphasis on the "slut". How many birds do you know who, after getting shot, immediately want to do it again because they think it's fun? I love her so much but don't tell her that.
  2. Not a fan of either, to be honest. And, although the swastika is an ancient Aryan solar symbol of good luck, coming from the root Sanskrit, meaning "it is well", good luck trying to get away with wearing one today, or trying to explain its true origins before they slam you a cell and label you a Nazi.
  3. That's a brilliant picture, Death Tribble.
  4. That is possibly the most frightening thing anyone will ever say on this thread
  5. If "Aquaman From the Black Lagoon" is inspired, then "What If Bela Lugosi Played Batman" is even more so. Brilliant, Duke.
  6. Fixing this problem is easy... just give Cog or Aladar a futanari fetish. ....I'm going to Hell, aren't I?
  7. Wow. Just.... wow. Cassius is now a Demon Prince of Tzeentch, which is disturbing enough, but not half as disturbing as the fact that Jrska is now a hermaphrodite.
  8. These guys are officially my new favourite shadowrunners.
  9. "Kraznay Scopnyn" I imagine is "Red Scorpion". Which leads to wonder why that's not a pic of Dolph Lundgren? I don't now what "Sorokopat" is. "Eagle", maybe?
  10. That's a brilliant story, Houston GM and a very interesting take on what are normally considered the "combat monsters" of the setting.
  11. Couldn't "Change Environment" with the applicable modifiers be used for this? Or, try this from one of Killer Shrike's characters whose power works 1) Mystic Anonymity: Major Transform 1d6 (Remove All Memory Of The Magus Maximus, Meeting Lord Arcane Again), Selective (+1/4), Personal Immunity (+1/4), Inherent (+1/4), Partial Transform (+1/2), AOE (One Hex; +1/2), Uncontrolled (+1/2), Reduced Endurance (0 END; +1/2), Persistent (+1/2), Affects Desol Any form of Desolidification (+1/2), Continuous (+1), BOECV (Mental Defense applies; +1), IPE, Hide effects of Power (Fully Invisible; +2), MegaScale (The Entire Dimension; +5), Penetrating (x10; +5) (281 Active Points) Notes: Without constant exposure to the Magus Maximus, memory of his existance and role in events fades away. 0 2) Mystic Anonymity: Major Transform 1d6 (Remove All Record Of The Magus Maximus, Countermagic), Personal Immunity (+1/4), Inherent (+1/4), Partial Transform (+1/2), AOE (One Hex; +1/2), Uncontrolled (+1/2), Reduced Endurance (0 END; +1/2), Persistent (+1/2), Affects Desol Any form of Desolidification (+1/2), Continuous (+1), IPE, Hide effects of Power (Fully Invisible; +1), MegaScale (The Entire Dimension; +5), Penetrating (x10; +5) (247 Active Points) Notes: All physical records of the Magus Maximus existance are erased / altered to conceal his existance and role in events. Admittedly, doing it this way gets really pricey really fast.
  12. It will indeed And going back a bit I wonder if Sister Bilitis looks anything like Patti d'Arbanville?
  13. I think this a spectacularly dumb group of players... and a spectacularly insane (and ingenious) Ian.
  14. I was thinking it would allow her to know her opponent's moves before he makes them. For example, she and her team are chasing a guy - based on what he she knows about his MO, she can predict, ferex, that he'll head for the sewers and escape that way, and know which sewer he's heading to, allowing her to cut him off. She's kind of inspired by Blackwolf from Soon I Will Be Invincible, who pulls that exact stunt against Dr Impossible, because Blackwolf has a similar ability. Logically, it would also allow her to predict an opponent's strategy, ferex countering deceptions because she can tell that's what he'll try. It also allows her to pull Midnighter type stunts when actually fighting, although she's far from being the sociopathic ultra-violent nutbar that he is. It does require her to do her homework on any opponents, but it also gives her a massive advantage in coming up with plans on the fly. The concept is "light brick/combat savant" character.
  15. H'mmm... that sounds similar to a character I've got with this power: Tactical Precognition: Precognitive Clairsentience (Unusual Group), Reduced Endurance (0 END, +½), Precognition Only (-1), Requires an Analyse: Combat Technique roll (-½) Notes: this power allows Jen to predict what an opponent will do in combat, allowing her to anticipate that opponent's moves in advance. It uses Unusual Group, because although Jen can “see” her opponent's moves, it's only with her mind's eye, not her physical ones. What do people think?
  16. Ah.. I see one of VIPER's experimental lab rats has escaped and turned against them, again. He's a neat character, Russell. You might want to up his body a bit to make sure he can withstand the physical stresses of moving at such speeds, though. You'd think VIPER would learn, though...
  17. Interesting way of handling this, narrative-wise... I assume Warren got his "origin story" from the chemical dumping?
  18. Amusing... although I couldn't really make out what was going on.
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