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Everything posted by DusterBoy

  1. The third image looks like a winged Tars Tarkas.
  2. I think the second one is better, as well, especially from a practical (tactical?) point of view.
  3. She looks good, death tribble.
  4. I'm glad I found this thread. I've been wondering how to stat up this ability ever since I saw "Katanaspace" in BESM.
  5. And how long before that fits in a rifle?
  6. Giggles hysterically. I love these guys and wish I could play in this campaign.
  7. Is Muscle wearing an exoskeleton, because otherwise she's got very distorted arms?
  8. Very amusing, Greywind, but not, I think, strictly germane....
  9. I love that an ork street samurai goes by "The Hogfather". Just shows that people still read Pratchett in the 2070s.
  10. The only character I've got who I planned to be bisexual is Blue Streak, a female porn star in a long-term relationship with a woman but who enjoys having sex on camera with guys,
  11. Maybe if he wore male gymnast's leggings?
  12. I love how Catwoman is slinking it up in that chair. She knows that she wins either way. 'Cos face it, it the Connery era, a leather suited female cat burglar would fir right in.
  13. Actually, there's a website: They Fight Crime!
  14. Check this cutie out: http://www.thefirearmblog.com/blog/2012/05/16/338-nm-lightweight-medium-machine-gun-lwmmg/
  15. I love Bob Greenwade's concept of superhero sanction as a kind of professional accreditation system for metahumans and the fact that the system incentivises people to become sanctioned by providing them with so many advantages unavailable to non-sanctioned supers. I would definitely be using a modified version of it myself if I ran a Champions campaign.
  16. There's a scene in the New Avengers where Luke Cage tells a reporter that he joined up on the condition that the Avengers, instead of playing X-Box and watching TV between super-villains, got into uniform and just showed up in a particular neighbourhood to throw a scare into the local crims and make them take their business someplace else, then repeat the process, to make it too non-profitable for them to operate there. He called it IMPACT super-heroing, after a similar programme by the (I think) NYPD. He then points to where there's a crack house near a school and demands to know why no-one seems bothered by this. He then threatens to come back and tear it down unless it was dealt with by the authorities. That's the kind of stuff I can see super-teams doing in the "real world". I haven't got it exactly right, but that's certainly the gist of it.
  17. Not very original, but how about Assault and Battery? Assault is a brick with a high SPD and appropriate powers. Battery is an electricity-wielding character with a mean streak.
  18. Slap. Slapslapslapslapslapslap Those are awful. But funny, and imaginative. I think "Fast and Furious" is my favourite.
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