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Evil Toki

HERO Member
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Everything posted by Evil Toki

  1. Re: New to Champions and the Hero system... This is all good info... I guess I will need to pick up UNTIL Database in the near future
  2. Re: Upon Further Review: The Champions So what would you use as a starting character amount Zornwill, I am still muddling my way through and building my setting, Pantheon and just want to know what veterans have done
  3. Re: Finally Picked up Heroes 5th and Champions...
  4. Been a long time Superhero gamer and I finally picked up Hero 5th Ed. the other day, the latest edition along with Champions and the Conquerers, Killers, and Crooks book. I have to say this is the best stuff I have seen, I can truly build any hero or character I want, I am still learning the system but I hope to share my imagination with the boards, but I have to say this book has me sold... I love it!
  5. I take the theme of the game or the characters is playing cards... a card slipped into every picture
  6. Sadly I recall the Disco Godfather as well and his war against the Angel Dust...
  7. Pattern Ghost hope you don't mind but I cross-posted your first post on the Mutants & Masterminds boards, since this got such a good reply here... and since I play that game mainly HERO seems pretty cool too
  8. This is a sweet Thread My own comments, I have to agree on them powering down Superman, he gets his butt handed to him alot, but he also deals out alot of pain, I guess it all depends on the needs of the story. My own thoughts are about Hawkgirl, she really is a flat character to me, they have yet to do anything that I have seen to give her more dimension, outside of a few stories, it seems like each of the characters gets a story that focuses on one of them outside of her, have I missed one that sheds more light on Hawkgirl... and is it me or is there some tensions between her and GL? Batman I agree, he runs that show, but pushes himself hard to keep up. Martian Manhunter, is just well all over the place, sometimes he is tough, and sometimes not, i guess him and Superman suffer from the same maladity?
  9. This would be a cool thread, I have a few stories, they are not based on Champions though, I run Mutants and MNasterminds, but lurk here to get ideas on superheroic gaming in general, big fan of the RDU stuff... if you guys don't mind I got a few stories to share from my own universe on origin stories, cool fights, and well just plain fun stuff!
  10. Good stuff as usual Storn... I am once again taken aback... must get better at art to compare to such ability
  11. Of course wolverine kills god knows how many people in the Mansion scene... so is that justified as well?
  12. All good points Neil, I think that is the difference we can make bewteen Superheroic roleplaying, and Superheroic games... The choice to deal with those harsh realities and explore them.
  13. good story Mastermind!
  14. I like this idea, consider it stolen...
  15. that is a sweet picture Storn, I like the whole floating baby thing.. real nice piece of work, conveys a feeling of family to me which I assume is intended... I hope I can create as deep a world as the RDU sounds to be
  16. I like the term Duat... consider it yoinked...
  17. It is definitely a cool character design... I like it Storn.. any chance we will see more Iconic characters from the RDU?
  18. The more I hear about the RDU, the more I want to see some more stories from that universe...
  19. This is actually similar to my own world, which until 2004 had no super powers, but in the world of 2014, after a comet passed through the solar system, the Earth passing through its tail, the energies of the comet, began changing people... and thus the elites were born... I call that earth: Legacy, because of the legacy of the comet... but that is only one Earth in a multitude of Earth's in the multiverse, such as Earth: Prime, our own normal world, or Earth: Majestic a purely 4-color world where all manners of things have come to pass, mimicing the comics of our modern world, while Earth: legacy is heavily Aberrant and Kingdom Come inspired... two very ways of looking at Superheroes
  20. in my current campaign I call them elites though an alternate world, calls them simply metahumans
  21. Interesting I am approaching thsi situation in my own games, and I will have this addressed, as the game plays out as the United Nations debates wether or not making all paranormals, called elites register with the United Nations. Thus that would allow the United Nations to keep tabs on all of the elites of the world, and those that didn't register would be labeled terrorists or criminals to pressure other elites to come forward... Perhaps in tiem they may even become to be seen as a threat... but that is a few steps down the road I think
  22. being a struggling artist myself.. well okay, an old hat trying to get back into it, I say your art rocks Storn, and I understand your position this stuff is free, and just stuff you do, to play around with, I hear you, I have plenty of stuff like that... plenty! Keep it up...
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