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Evil Toki

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Everything posted by Evil Toki

  1. Man I just read the first two Trade Paperbacks of this series and it absolutely rocks the house. I really love it, I know many people don't like Millar, but I guess he just strikes a chord with me, I love it. I can't get into that Silver Age stuff, anyone run any games in this kind of more gritty style? BTW Nick Fury and Captain America are the best... and of Course I think Thor is off the scale... anyone done writeups based on the Ultimate versions?
  2. Re: Timelines I use Timelines for my current game, Legacy Universe... it helps to keep things straight but with only ten years of divrgent history it in't too hard
  3. Re: Campaign Premise - Elite: Year One Sounds good, at first I want to keep it intimate and small so them staying underground is fine... but I would raw them out at some point, sooner then later thanks for the suggestion though
  4. Re: Campaign Premise - Elite: Year One
  5. Re: I need a Super Hero Name for TinkerBelle.... Faerie Fire?
  6. Elite: Year One This is a campaign, story about the beginning of a new age. An age where man can do things that should not be. Men that can fly, women that can read minds and a world that will be forever changed. But it is a time of turmoil and strife, as the world learns to adapt to a changing environment and an uncertain future where perhaps the meek will not inherit the Earth. This will be an exploration of what defines a hero. The morality will b grey and the characters will have the chance to lay the foundation for the world to come. They are special, but also feared, and the world is a scary place for “elite†and baseline alike. This will be a story of how disparate lives all become twisted as they learn that they are not quite human, or at least not baseline. They are now gods among men, or perhaps monsters. Timeline of Events • June 5th to June 18th of 2004: Ghenther’s Comet passes into Earth orbit, and the Earth passes through its tail towards the tail end of its journey through our solar system. It is a magnificent sight of purple, blue and white in the night sky, and is even visible during the day, like a second brilliant sun. • June 19th, 2004: Michael McCoy becomes the first documented Elite, in human history after surviving a semi-truck crash. The truck lost control and swerved onto the sidewalk and just as it was about to crush Michael he was able to create a field of protective energy around himself and was spared from the damage. • June 24th, 2004: Michael McCoy goes public with his story and demonstrates his powers for the local Oklahoma City news, catapulting him into the public eye overnight; the news dubs him Miracle Kid, and he is a media darling; despite rampant skepticism to his story • July 2nd, 2004: Several other individuals are identified worldwide as having abilities that go well beyond the norm. The stories are too numerous, too visceral, and too televised to be thought of as fakes. World hysteria begins to rise as questions about the why, and the how become commonplace on the news. • July 4th, 2004: The first act of violence between the “new†humans and baselines occurs in Italy. An unidentified male lashes out against a mob of hysterical baselines and fries several of the crowd with what appeared to be a pyrokinetic burst of energy. Sixteen people were killed, and several dozens more were wounded. The suspect was never caught but the incident received international attention. • July 7th, 2004: Several national governments worldwide issue laws that enforce a strict zero tolerance of violence using these strange and unusual abilities and anti-“new†human sentiment rises as people begin to fear these incredible yet strange people. • July 15th, 2004: The opening stage for Elite: Year One begins on this day with disparate characters linked by their new condition. This campaign is actually the second campaign I plan to run in this game world that I designed. The first was a teen styled game set in the year 2014, the “modern†day of the setting. It is pretty much Iron Age inspired by the Aberrant setting, a smattering of the Ultimate universe, purely by chance. Did not read Ultimate X-Men till well today. Anyway the actual premise for this game will be that the heroes will be among the first wave of super beings, which will eventually be called “elitesâ€. There are no super humans, no laws to really control them, yet, and very few if any conventional way to control their abilities. It has been maybe three to four weeks since the first one appeared. Just wondering what kind of stories would you run given the concept and meager background. The world is pretty much our world, as it is, with current political climate and technology now being subjected to something completely amazing and scary at the same time. Just looking to see if others have done this or if there are story ideas I could mine for it. In the future of the setting; the United Nations controls much of the world politics and some of the most powerful elites in the world. A powerful elite terrorist group called Pantheon demands to free elite from baseline oppression and exploitation… but all of that does not exist yet. Just a brave new world trying to adapt to something that has the possibility to put the world on its ear…
  7. Re: New Justice League anime tomorrow? It was a great episode I loved it!
  8. Re: Super-sentencing Well in classical comic book conditions they can expect to escape when the writer deems it important enough to use them again
  9. Re: Old Habits Die Hard Nice... Crooks has some great characters in it
  10. Re: Old Habits Die Hard It is okay we still love you... happy gaming... can you share any notes on this superspies game
  11. Re: Finally Picked up Heroes 5th and Champions... Thanks an awesome resource already downloaded the PDF!
  12. Re: Finally Picked up Heroes 5th and Champions... I just bought UNTIL Superpowers Database... this is the best book ever I love it... helps me out abunch as a novice at this game, gives me great ideas and resources to draw from!
  13. Re: Building a Robin/Nightwing inspired Hero NEED HELP! Well Nightchild was very athletic... but he has only been doing this for about two years... he is only about 16 now
  14. Re: What do you like about the various ages of comics? I like Iron Age because it is the style I am most familiar with particularly Teen Heroes... I love the angst, the drama and the fun... I don't collect many comics, so those I get are usually recent ones, since I like the artwork in the more recent stuff then the older stuff...
  15. Re: Clerks... Uh... I mean HEROES! That is good stuff
  16. Re: Building a Robin/Nightwing inspired Hero NEED HELP! well that is what I am going for a stick-fighting acrobat teen hero... Lot of good ideas... so many ways to build it boggles the mind
  17. Re: X-Men Evolution Probably for the best
  18. Re: Bolvu - Potential PC? This post makes baby Jesus cry... I would like to see more
  19. Re: What happened to seeker??
  20. Re: AWESOME Cover! Awesome cover... I will have to agree...
  21. Re: Building a Robin/Nightwing inspired Hero NEED HELP! would I have to have two slots for fighting sticks, or just one?
  22. Re: Evil Toki's Pantheon Universe Completed Nightchild, Dr. Midnight's sidekick and the de facto leader of Teen Justice... next is Dr. Midnight... and then I will try tackling Paragon... using the suggested writeup as a guideline... and of course some history stuff too
  23. Revised Nightchild (Tentative Final Version sana Background) Nightchild Real Name: Charlie Parker STR 15 (5 pts.) DEX 22 (36 pts.) CON 15 (10 pts.) BODY 12 (4 pts.) INT 15 (5 pts.) EGO 15 (10 pts.) PRE 19 (9 pts.) COM 16 (3 pts.) PD 3 (0 pts.) ED 3 (0 pts.) SPD 5 (18 pts.) REC 8 (4 pts.) END 30 (0 pts.) STUN 32 (4 pts.) MOVE: Running 10â€, Swimming 2â€, Leaping 9†CV 7 ECV 5 Characteristics Points: 108 points Skills (107 pts.) +4 Hand to Hand (20 pts.) +1 Agility Skills (5 pts.) Acrobatics 16- (9 pts.) Analyze Combat Technique 13- (3 pts.) Breakfall 13- (3 pts.) Climbing 13- (3 pts.) Computer Programming 12 (3 pts.) Concealment 12- (3 pts.) Contortionist 13- (3 pts.) Criminology 14- (7 pts.) Deduction 13- (5 pts.) Defensive Maneuver IV (12 pts.) Forensic Medecine 8- (1 pt.) KS: Olympic City Underworld 8- (1 pt.) KS: Superhuman Affairs 8- (1 pt.) Lockpicking 13- (3 pts.) Security Systems 8- (1 pt.) Stealth 16- (9 pts.) Tactics 12- (3 pts.) Teamwork 13- (3 pts.) HTH Two Weapon Fighting (10 pts.) Perk (7 pts.) Contact (Dr. Midnight, Good Relationship, Extremely Useful Skills & Resources) 11- (7 pts.) Talents (3 pts.) Ambidexterity (3 pts.) Powers (118 pts.) Martial Arts: Jeet Kun Do Martial Block (4 pts.) Martial Dodge (4 pts.) Offensive Strike (5 pts.) Weapon Element: Fighting Sticks (1 pt.) +4 Damage Class (16 pts.) Nightchild Flexible Costume Armor: (10 rPD/10rED); Activation 14- (-1/2); OIF- Costume (-1/2); Total Cost 15 pts. Nightchild Fighting Stick I: +2d6 HtH; Limitation (-1/2); OAF- Fighting Stick (-1); Total Cost 4 pts. Nightchild Fighting Stick II: +2d6 HtH; Limitation (-1/2); OAF- Fighting Stick (-1); Total Cost 4 pts. Nightchild Domino Mask: Ultraviolet Perception; OIF- Domino Mask (-1/2); Cost 3 pts. Nightchild Domino Mask: Nightvision; OIF- Domino Mask (-1/2); Cost 3 pts. Nightchild Domino Mask: Infrared Perception; OIF- Domino Mask (-1/2); Cost 3 pts. Sprinter: Running +4†(10†total); Cost 8 pts. Acrobatic Leaping: Leaping +6â€; Requires Acrobatics Roll (-1/2); Cost 4 pts. Perching: Clinging (Normal Strength); Only to Perch (-1/2); Requires Climbing Roll (-1/2); Cannot Resist Knockback (-1/4); Cost 4 pts. Night Fang Boomerang: 5d6 EB, Affects PD; OAF- Boomerang (-1); No Knockback (-1/4); Cost 11 pts. Gas Mask: Life Support (Self-Contained Breathing); OIF: Gasmask (-1/2); 1 Fuel Charge lasting 1 hour (-1/4); Cost 6 pts. Iron Will: Mental Defense +5; Cost 5 points Hate when you do that: Invisibility to Sight Group, Hearing Group; OIF: Costume (-1/2); Only when Not Attacking (-1/2); Requires Stealth Roll (-1/2); 0 END (+1/2); Only Works in shadows or Darkness (-1/2); Cost 10 pts. Respect the Uniform: +6 PRE; OIHID (-1/4); Cost 5 pts. Nightchild Grappler: Multipower (10) OAF: Grapple Multi-Tool 1u- Leaping +10â€; Vertical Only (-1); OAF (-1); Must have Anchor to Pull up; OAF (-1); Cost 1 pt. 2u- Swinging 10â€; OAF (-1); Cost 1 pt. 3u- Stretching 2â€; OAF (-1); Cost 1pt. Total Cost- 8pts. Disadvantages DNPC: Grandma Parker 11- (Incompetent, Unaware of Heroic Identity); Cost 25 pts. DNPC: Heidi Williams 11- (Normal, Unaware of Heroic Identity); Cost 20 pts. Hunted: Dr. Midnight’s Rogue’s Gallery 8- (Mo Pow, NCI); Cost 20pts. Hunted: Brass Orchid Triad 8- (Mo Pow, NCI); Cost 20 pts. Psychological Limitation: Code versus Killing (Common, Total); 20 pts. Psychological Limitation: Prove himself to Dr. Midnight (Very Common, Strong); 20 pts. Reputation: Dr.Midnight’s Sidekick 11-; 10 pts. Social Limitation: Secret Identity of Charlie Parker (Frequently, Major); 15 pts. 150 pts.
  24. Re: Building a Robin/Nightwing inspired Hero NEED HELP! Thanks Acroyear this was my first Hero build and I had alot of questions.. but I got alot of help... and much good feedback, I will be doing another build soon... probably just modify stuff, tone down the leaping LOL... I don't want him to jump that far... just far enough to get between buildings... I like the swingline idea... but I would rather see him bouncing between buildings... but he may need that in case he falls... bleh... I guess he beter not fall.. and I may add those breaking and entering skills... As far as the boost to PRE I like that angle... once I get the rebuild done, I will post a full background next up will be Dr. Midnight after him a Darkness manipulating mutant who is also a detective and Nightchild's Mentor... and also a Legacy hero The Current Dr. Midnight used to be the Nightchild to the previous Dr. Midnight, who was a skilled normal, and also the current Dr. Midnight's father
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