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Everything posted by Tim

  1. Q: What was Twinkie Kid eating when he died? A: Last night I was in heaven.
  2. Q: How ar eyou going to get the spy device into the villian base? A: A dozen Belly Bombers and a bottle of Pepto. (Belly Bombers are the name of White Castle's burger if you don't know)
  3. Q: What is the name of the FOurth movie in the Trilogy? A: I had a sword thrown at me by a watery tart.
  4. Q: WHy am I still alive after Rachel attacked me? A: Lovely ladies, one and all,
  5. Damn, that's better than the one for CCC.
  6. Q: What did the dungeon delvers say when they reached the outskirts of the Drow city? A: Laugh it up, nerd boy.
  7. Q: What would be the last thing the X-men saw if Pheonix changed Wolvie's garb into a ballerina's? A: Man, I don't need this.
  8. Q: What liquer is used in Seven Jack Samuri? A: slick and shiney
  9. Q: What made Zornwil become a crazed conqueror? A: Seven Jack Samuri
  11. Q: I thought you said you were going to that Shakespere in the Park thing? A: For Healthy teeth and bones, and a nice glossy coat.
  12. use 5 pt skill levels. Define them as for Ego Combat, and leave them set to DECV.
  13. Q: What kind of pasta can you not eat under a yellow sun? A:Sleep is overrated
  14. Q: Who is the odds on favorite at the existential championships? A: The pink one.
  15. Q: who won the best hair contest between Mr. Clean, Picard, and Proffesor X? A: Double or most anything
  16. Wildcat; Great stuff. Loved your colored version of Anyk... But the Best was Your version of Tombstone Kid. He truely rocked. The picture did a great job of giving a person the heebee jeebees.
  17. Q: What did the Cat in the Hat say right before he was introduced to Kara and Rachel? A: Straight Ahead and two houses to the right.
  18. Q: so this picture shows what Rachel and Kara look like? A: Hold it right there partner.
  19. Q: How were the d20 extremists captured? A: Every breath you take, I'll be watching you.
  20. Q: What did the D20 extremists demand for the release of the DOJ office staff? A: Open the door, open the door.
  21. Q: Why did Lois Lane stop dating Superman? A: We got your game right here.
  22. Q: Officer Murray, why do you say I can't have you prosecuted for shooting the sales clerk? A: the all new halloween avatar, KiKi! http://sluggy.com/daily.php?date=031028
  23. Q: What advertising slogan did DOJ pass on when starting up Hero5? A: Latin America Stuff
  24. Q: I'll tell you the meaning of life if you pull my finger. (sound) A: Bealzebub had a devil build a sideboard for me. and yes, I used to think that was what the song said.
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