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Everything posted by Tim

  1. Q: What is AC/Dc's biggest hits? (couldn't think of anything better. ) A: I should have ttaken the blue pill.
  2. Q: What caused all of Von D-Man's service contracts to multiply the cost by x100? A: ;) :p (wink, wink, nudge,nudge, say no more)
  3. Q: Who would you vote for before you voted for Hillary Clinton? A; Paper-Bismol; the writer's cramps laxative.
  4. Q: So the Frat boys raided our liquor cabinet. What do we have left? A: A long pointy stick
  5. Q: So, how do you like your new vaccuum cleaner? A:A bunch of mindless Lemmings.
  6. Q: What sound effect does your teleporter make? A: Now with a new de-aging formula.
  7. Q: Which of the 2 Stallone brothers can actually act? A: 3.14159
  8. Q: Where is your monthly quota of souls, my demon minion? A: I see Paris, I see France....
  9. Q: So, What's it like working at the National Enquirer? A:Tough and stringy as an old mule.
  10. Q: What is the best description of the Democartic Primary you have heard? A: Cart Blanche
  11. Q: How do you know it was Yogi Bear that attacked you? A: Smarter than the average buffoon.
  12. Q: You've had a cameo in a comic book? Which one? A: Side tracks, back tracks, but not animal tracks.
  13. Q: Wow, You say Zornwil's lunch at him first? A: Tomorrow, is another day.
  14. Q: What did Zornwil say to complement Eliza Dusku when he found himself in her bed? A: Ladies and Gentlemen, I give you Nothing!
  15. Q: There was an accident at the candy facotry? What happened? A: Fried Chicken Vindelu
  16. As the question says, are there plans for an online grimoire so more spells can be added by us the Hero faithful?
  17. Q: What were the rejected names of new X-Men? A: It will take place on the leap hour of trhe leap day of the leap year.
  18. Q: How long is one year? A: Farmer X
  19. Tim

    Babylon 5 Hero

    Re: It Lives! Nope.
  20. If something was looking at you with puppydog eyes, run. It's thinking of eating you. Dogs are predators, lemmings are lunch.
  21. Q: What slogan will the Air Force never use? A: Lady, I have a hairbrush and I'm not afraid to use it.
  22. Q: What two things do you have to handle extremely sensitively or get seriously hurt? A: Pencils and Papyrus
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