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Everything posted by Tim

  1. Q: How did Supes destroy Two-Face's giant penny? A: Dice? We don't need no stinking Dice.
  2. Q: What three new weapons are they thinking to add to the next edition of CLUE? A: I don't want to be a fish-boy.
  3. All American II: would check to make sure the would be mugger is alright (full CvK) then confront the would be vistim to ask about the gun. (He just absorb the resulting gun shot then channel the kinetic energy back at the perp thru his punch.)
  4. (Finally one I can answer in character.) ALL American II: A super-patriot who absorbs physical (kinetic) energy and redirects it thru his punch. He would first try and get him to come with him, then, when that didn't work, do as he asked. Then free his teammates. Cortex: A mentalist whose origin is similar to "Lawnmower man" (ie: a mentlly retarded individual given mental powers when given an experimental drug treatment.) Would have trouble doing so, as he starts losing his power and intellegence when he can't be given a stabilizing drug every 12 hours. He would try though, then proceed to fry every other agents mind in the base.
  5. Q: Marcus, what do you use to relieve the boredom on Dateless Friday nights? (just kidding ) A: Campaign 2088
  6. Q: What's with the dogtags and bubblegum for a date with the Hilton sisters? A: Me casa, Sue's Casa
  7. Q: Why was your last date on an active volcanoe in the far past? A: The last time I saw him, he was heading south.
  8. Q: You've never hasd a Reeses before? A: The place: On the top of an active volcano. The Time: 4,000,000 BC, on a Tuesday.
  9. Please delete that song..
  10. Q: Mr. Burns, there are starving homeless people at the front door. What do you want me to do? A: Last week I did a belly flop into an empty pool.
  11. Q: Hermit's costume for Hoalloween was awesome. You say he got the Cousin It look by taking a bath in Rogaine? A: I'm on a misson from FREd.
  12. Q: Sir, We're burning the village as ordered, but the men want some treasure now, not when it's time to loot. A: Where am I, and who is this gorgeous, scatily clad lady calling me Master?
  13. Neither he, nor his 15 other alternate personalitys are normal.
  14. Q: You're the Addam's Family Therapist? A:Let's see... Nope. Wrong Universe.
  15. Q: You said the operation on Steve Long's mind was nessessary.What I want to know is why? A: Silly Rabid, Ticks are for Lids
  16. Q: Count your cards. You should have five. A: Swing the King
  17. From one of our groups. "I'm going to hide and listen for the footprints."
  18. Tim

    Babylon 5 Hero

    Congrats on starting a new business. Hope it is more successful than you could imagine.
  19. Deletion is for those who don't renew. Renew, or become a runner.
  20. Q: What was the most incoherent answer in that interveiw? A: Lazy, crazy, hazy, days in LA
  21. Q: What is found in any bad Shaskpere ripoff? A: I like Pie.
  22. Tim

    Babylon 5 Hero

    What happened did everyone disappear?
  23. Preheat extra large frying pan to 1000 degrees C. Pour in plenty of oil to keep planet from sticking. After outside is brown turn down to 250 degrees C and let cook until throughly browned throughout.
  24. Q: How did Foxbat split his effort to escape from prison? A: Hero System 5.5 Ed.
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