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Everything posted by Tim

  1. Q: How do you know it was Opus that you saw? A: (singing)...two turtle shells and a partridge on a CD.
  2. Q: Did you ever get the jar of Universal Solvent open? A: Expansion AND Contraction. What a country.
  3. Q; YOU went to the future and only brought back one book? A: I see pink elephants
  4. IF a person can be SUPERstitious, why can't they just be Stitious?
  5. Q: What is the name of PAIDs newest evil plan? A: MMMMM, Minty
  6. Q: I here you have pictures of Kara naked. Could you post them? (just kidding Rachel ) A: I heard it thru the cable
  7. Q: What is Great Cuthulu's favorite 60s song? A: Let he who lives in glass houses throw the first stone.
  8. Q: [Mechanon voice] How did you like my Thanksgiving Dinner? A: Cheese Steak
  9. Q: WHAT did Zornwil want for dessert? A: Not Cap vs. Batman again.
  10. Q: You paid WHAT for you spell components? A: He had a bald head and a wheelchair.
  11. Q: What Military Action/Detective Thriller/ Reality show that came out this last year was a complete flop. A: DOA Extreme beach ... wait-a-minute... those aren't volleyballs.
  12. Q: What did you hear the cheerleader say before she mugged you? A: You put your right foot in, you pull your right stump out.
  13. Drrushing, really liked your Renegade Legion Fighter.
  14. Q: You sure are happy for someone about to face the firing squad. Ar eyou ready? A: 2 men go in, 1 woman comes out.
  15. Q: So, you show up 4 hours late for the game, naked, and covered in weird tatoos. What happened? A: An Acme Corp Bubble Gun
  16. Q: What did Foxbat send Sapphire for her birthday? A: Buy one get one for full price
  17. Q: What's this Marquee de Sade of Rock exhibit going to have? A: The collossus of Urbana, Ill.
  18. Q: After you hit me with that battleaxe, I had to do something to get ahead. Did I win? A: Yakov's Smirnoff
  19. Five down on this page is a Fex. Human Descent Gallery
  20. I liked the two owl/cats and the squirrel/cat. (justdon't let SuperSquirrel see the last one. )
  21. Q: WHy are you looking at me like that? A: Whig out.
  22. Q: Who are you? A: The great train giveaway.
  23. Q: WHat is the most disturbing change to "the Cat in the Hat" A: You load 16 tons, then go to the next truck.
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