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Everything posted by CoreBrute

  1. I'm planning a super hero game which has the player take the role of private detective by day, Super hero by night. This allows him to do help save the city and have a reasonable source of income as well. The game is going to be set in Millennium City but I'm thinking of making it slightly less more openly super human more secretive (Not everyone with powers reveal their abilities/register/go super heroing either out of indifference or because they aren't powerful enough or they use it to make money legit, robberies don't happen in broad daylight, and no one leaves a video tape explaining who they are and how they did the crime unless it's to throw police off their trails). Infact super heroes are in small numbers and villains wearing costumes are also low in number, compared to the number of people with Abilene. There are around 30-40 active super heroes in United States (including super teams) and the MARS police unit is rarely called out so it will make the PC seem much more important. What I need though are some ideas for intriguing mysteries. Here are some I have so far: First-class Murder: Local delivery company owner Alicia Coronado (p94 of Everyman) was arrested after 3 people were found having been murdered. The remains were seperated in a clean slice and half the bodies were found as much as 10 Kilometers away from the body. Forensics seem to suggest that whoever did this killed the target by teleporting half their bodies while leaving the other half behind killing instantly. Alicia Coronado's company is based around her mutant power to teleport all over the country in an instant. The 3 dead were customers of hers who had all been insulting and disrespectful to Alicia. She is being held in chains and is being refused bail because of the threat she holds as a flight risk and her alibi is being refused because of her powers. The PC has been hired by the defense to find out who actually committed the murders. Blame it on the Music: On the middle of a concert while singing with fellow Rockstar Leo Lowe, Pop Diva Corazon Valenzuela is suddenly heckled by a member of the political group 'The Institute for Human Advancement' who accosts her on stage for her pro super human lyrics, "We can all fly together" and "Read my mind anytime". Suddenly the Diva's hands begin glowing bright blue and an energy blast burns a hole through the man. The PC has been hired to investigate by Leo Lowe, and Corazon swears she never had these abilties before and never knew what was happening. She just heard this shrill sound while the man spoke and suddenly she saw she had killed the man. She is very clearly in emotional turmoil. Did Corazon mean to do this, and if not was it an accident or something more sinister? Anyway, if anyone could contribute that would be great thanks.
  2. Re: An Unusual Saboteur Zero Core: The Campaign world is already wrecked and is just beginning to recover. Zero Core would hunt this guy down for this and try to stop him. He would understand the reason but he reasons that humanity must work together now otherwise everyone will die. Countries can't resume looking out for themselves only. If the Super patriot refuses to stop, Zero Core will kill him if he has to but would rather arrest him. If he can be made certain that the Saboteur won't repeat his actions he would ask him to help stop the recent rise in criminal activities and fix some of the damage he has done. Then he would advise he goes back to protect his nation from super crime and disasters. Either response, Zero Core would try and get some of his more techno savvy team mates or allies to work on protecting the people of the Maldives (and the world) from global warming. He might even from time to time goto the Maldives to either help the super saboteur fight crime or (if he was arrested or killed) try and replace him (or help train another super hero to do so).
  3. In my gaming group we take turns running the different games, starting after a campaign or or arc ends. My turn recently ended so another person is running a game in the slot. But surprisingly one of the new players said he wanted a solo game online, because he thought I was a better GM. I have no problem doing the game online, the only difficulty is I have no idea how to run a solo game! I've only ever done group games. I have an idea and several supplements but I would value some experience and opinion from any GMs who have run a Solo game. The player has given me a lot of lee way, allowing my judgment in choosing both the system and genre. My system is Hero System 5th edition and my game is going to be in a super hero world with a twist. It will be combining Super heroes with Harry Dresden like paranormal investigation. This allows me freedom in the enemies from vampires to alien gladiators, but I'm also concerned about the point levels for a solo game and the types of challenges to throw at him. Help me Hero Boards! I need a Hero...system expert.
  4. Re: Time related powers To reflect being able to change recent events that have already happened, you could have healing bought so as only to heal damage you've taken in the last turn. The SFX is that you went back in time and changed things for the previous you so the attacks missed or was reduced.
  5. I've been working on my groups' new Classic Greek and Roman campaign, and I believed I've come up with a cool new disadvantage. In Ancient Greek Mythology (Odysseus being a prime example) If you are out of favor with the Gods, bad luck will follow you everywhere until you make amends. I thought this would be an incredible idea for the campaign and good way to introduce plot hooks. It can also be adapted to other campaigns, like a samurai game when a Samurai fails his lord or a Knight on the crusade stops acting to God's wishes. However while I thought at first to simply rename Unluck, I realized that Dishonor didn't just make you unfortunate-it made others want to avoid you, for fear the God's wrath would be contagious. So it combines both Unluck, with Social Limitation as well as this contagious factor. If you help someone who is disfavored by the gods, you will be dishonored by them as well (it may not have been your choice but the Gods are fickle and not very understanding). I have made the custom Disadvantage worth about 30 points (2 levels of unluck and 20 points of Social limitation) but I don't know how to represent the contagious part. Should I add more points to the disadvantage for that, or just GM wing it? What are your views on this disadvantage and do you have any suggestions on wither the build or how to improve the idea? Also if anyone else has come up with this idea, please post the link or their write up of the power.
  6. Re: Classical Greek-Roman Campaign Thanks, this is great stuff. One thing though I need to know is the Classical Heroes code. In Mythology, heroes were brutal and vindictive in war etc, and were more concerned with how they were remembered. Code Vs Killing isn't in the right genre. What kind of Psy Limitations do you guys think would be appropriate for a Classical Hero and/or villain (Both are helpful, so NPCs need work)? And what would you say would be major points of the Greek/Roman Code of the Hero? I am aware Rome and Greece had different ideas of heroic (Rome hated Odysseus for his Cunning but the Greeks admired intelligence) so if you could put both if you know them that would also be very helpful.
  7. Hey, my group is planning on making a clasical RP game, using fantasy elements from the time. What I'm asking is: Are there any Hero System resources to help such a game, Digital hero or websites etc? Suggestions on power levels etc? Nothing is set in ground and it's very vague only that we want it set with the Roman Empire in power, and supernatural creatures and Gods exist. Any ideas or suggestions would be welcome.
  8. Re: Profressions and how they are influenced by Superpowers Well I'm not sure if this counts, but in my game there is a werewolf names Ma'mun Sagar who owns a butcher shop, and besides supplying normal meat to humans he also offers 'The Hunting' to Werewolves who don't want to kill humans. The werewolves purchase an animal (Usually a chicken but if they have some money turkey or even a cow is an option) and are taken far away on a trip in the mountains. When they change the werewolves would only kill and feed on the animal they bought. This also prevents humans from realizing their are werewolves among them and hunting them down. As you can see, the supernatural world likes to keep the real world in the dark.
  9. Re: Vigilantee PC Actually, if you talk to the kid you find out s/he isn't necessarily violent as he is inexperienced in his abilities. He doesn't know his own strength/speed/energy so to speak. He's really sorry about what happened. And if your character is really perky, the teen is excessively so, and so becomes depressed when s/he finds out about causing the broken legs. If you try and bring him to his parents, he will act terrified and try to flee. He knows Blüdhaven better the your character does so will probably escape.
  10. In your character's secret identity, after a hard day fighting bad guys you turn on the tv/look at the newspaper and are astonished by what you see. A bank robbery was stopped yesterday in the campaign city's sister city (Let's call it Blüdhaven for simplicity's sake) by a young hero/ine they are calling, 'Hood' after the hoody s/he always wears and the sunglasses so her/his face is constantly covered. Yet what is most surprising is his/her powers. They are almost identical to your character's, except used in slightly different ways and weaker (using flight to bounce around like a ping ball, using super strength to wield taxi cabs as boxing gloves etc). Also his/her methods are rather crude and violent, as he was willing to break the legs of some escaping robbers (possibly by accident the report doesn't say). Also if your character wears any specific colors or has a color in their name, Red Avenger, Blue Cobalt etc his hoody is the same color design. The gender is the same as your PC's. This hasn't escaped the notice of the Blüdhaven media and they are accusing your character of training young people to become super heroes and subjecting them to dangerous procedures to replicate your abilities. If your character is an adult, the vigilante is around 16. If your character is a teenager the vigilante is around 9 or 10. That same day, your hero is contacted (by whatever means, bat signal, letter to headquaters or an actual visit) by a couple who claim to be the vigilante's parents. They say s/he ran away from home and emulates the PC because the PC inspires her/him. They want the PC to bring her/him back without letting the media know and ruining any possible secret identity or normal life. WWYCD?
  11. Re: Urban fantasy – Cthulhu Mythos investigator Actually now that you've mentioned the idea, I can't stop but think it would be a good idea if he was aquitted of the murder for reasons like "Who would blind blind themselves and then kill their fiance" and "Where could he have kept here, never stayed in same place etc". That would make the police suspicious and even worse when he starts breaking the law by forging documents and pretending to be a doctor and a Detective.
  12. Re: Urban fantasy – Cthulhu Mythos investigator Thanks for that, didn't see how bad the stats were written. Also my explanation for the blind thing is that Leonard can see. He sees corruption taints on objects and people, traces of the Lovecraftian dimension having touched it. This allows him to see outlines of human beings and walls so he doesn't go bumping into things. And how he gets around? He has an apprentice (PC) to help explain things to him in his old age. Before that he had a guide dog. No one ever links a blind man to a murder. The reason he has unluck but has avoided capture is when something bad happens to him it's never mundane. All his friends and loved ones are dead, and the Lovecraftian mythos creatures keeps destroying him further. He has two cover identities he uses to get around and he can always forge new identities. Like how in Supernatural, Dean is wanted by the FBI but avoids him using fake ID etc. Also the crime was done 50 years ago. Many think he's dead. He doesn't go monster hunting but he helps his apprentice with his reservoir of knowledge. I might need to give him a big base as a hideout.
  13. For the game I've been working on, I made this character as a mentor NPC for one of the PCs (don't know who, as I haven't even made the game yet). I offer the sheet to your scrutinizing eyes and if there is anything further that can be done to help/improve the character. There are no bad suggestions (Yet). Character Name: Leonard Marks Alternate Identities: The Broken Man CHARACTERISTICS Val Char Base Points Total Roll Notes 8 STR -2 14 DEX 12 8 CON -4 10 BODY 18 INT 8 21 EGO 22 20 PRE 10 6 COM -2 2 PD 2 ED 2 SPD 4 REC Points[/b]SKILLS Cost Name 3 Acting 13- 3 Bribery 13- 3 Conversation 13- 4 PS Calligraphy 13- 13 Ritual 18- 3 Lockpicking 12- 3 Bureaucratics 13- 3 Cryptography 13- 3 Disguise 13- 2 Forgery (Documents, Identity Cards, Papers) 13- 3 Inventor 13- 3 Persuasion 13- 3 Scholar 2 1) KS Arcane and Occult Lore (3 Active Points) 13- 2 2) KS Artifacts and Enchanted Items (3 Active Points) 13- 2 3) KS Cults (3 Active Points) 13- 2 4) KS Elder Ones (3 Active Points) 13- 2 5) KS Law Enforcement (3 Active Points) 13- 2 6) KS Legends and Lore (3 Active Points) 13- 2 7) KS Literature (3 Active Points) 13- 2 8) KS Supernatural Creatures (3 Active Points) 13- 2 9) KS Symbols (3 Active Points) 13- 2 10) KS The Old Ones (3 Active Points) 13- 2 11) KS Things Men were not meant to Know (10 Active Points); Extra Time (5 Minutes, Character May Take No Other Actions, -2 1/4), Side Effects (Each phrase the Character uses it, roll 1d6 and minus the result from his EGO; -1/2) 20- 10 +2 with Chtullu Mythos Knowledge skills 2 5) CK Paris 11- 2 6) CK London 11- 2 7) AK Transylvania 11- 1 8) AK Planes of Madness (3 Active Points); Side Effects (When used, Roll against EGO. If roll failed Leonard gets Psy Limitation Madness for 2d6 turns; -1) 13- 2 9) AK Rockies 11- 4 Weaponsmith (Crossbows, Firearms, Swords And Daggers) 13- 94 Total Skills Cost PERKS Cost Name 1 False Identity Dr Robert Stuart 1 False Identity Officer Barbrady 0 Equipment Points: 60 0 Vehicle/Base Points: 10 0 Follower/Contact Points: 5 0 Miscellaneous Points: 0 2 Total Perks Cost POWERS Cost Power END 4 Detect Corruption Taints: Detect A Single Thing 13- (Sight Group), Discriminatory (8 Active Points); Always On (-1/2), Side Effects (Roll 1d6 for every full turn he uses this power. Minus this roll from his INT; -1/2)0 11 Well travelled mind: Mental Defense (15 points total)0 10 Warped Soul: Power Defense (10 points)0 5 Whippersnapper, I've seen things scarier then that back when you were getting your diaper changed. : +10 PRE (10 Active Points); Only to Resist Presence attacks (-1) 14 Elder Sign Amulet: Multipower, 90-point reserve, (90 Active Points); all slots Independent (-2), Extra Time (1 Minute, Character May Take No Other Actions, -1 3/4), OAF (-1), Requires A Ritual Roll (-1/2), Incantations (-1/4) 1u 1) Portal to the planes of Mythos: Extra-Dimensional Movement (Single Dimension, Any Location corresponding to current physical location), Usable By Other (+1/4), Area Of Effect (One Hex; +1/2), Continuous (+1) (60 Active Points); Independent (-2), Extra Time (1 Minute, Character May Take No Other Actions, -1 3/4), OAF (-1), Gate (-1/2), Requires A Ritual Roll (-1/2), Incantations (-1/4) 6 1u 2) Banishment to the Mythos: Extra-Dimensional Movement (Single Dimension, Any Location corresponding to current physical location), Ranged (+1/2), Usable As Attack (+1) (55 Active Points); Independent (-2), Extra Time (1 Minute, Character May Take No Other Actions, -1 3/4), OAF (-1), Can only affect Targets native to Mythos world (-3/4), Requires A Ritual Roll (-1/2), Incantations (-1/4) 5 1u 3) Protection of the Elder Sign: Killing Attack - Ranged 2d6, Continuous (+1), Damage Shield (Affects Mental And Physical Attackers; +1) (90 Active Points); Independent (-2), Extra Time (1 Minute, Character May Take No Other Actions, -1 3/4), Only Affects those who are Corrupted (-1), OAF (-1), Requires A Ritual Roll (-1/2), Incantations (-1/4) 9 14 Elder Sign Amulet's energy: Endurance Reserve (80 END, 10 REC) Reserve: (18 Active Points); OAF (-1)0 49 Rituals of Corruption: Variable Power Pool, 45 base + 4 control cost, (67 Active Points); all slots Gestures, Requires Gestures throughout (Requires both hands; Complex; -1 1/2), Extra Time (1 Minute, -1 1/2), Side Effects (If used, the user must take a random Disadvantage given by the GM equal to the active points of the ritual used.; -1), Requires A Ritual Roll (-1/2), Incantations (Complex; -1/2) 110 Total Powers Cost DISADVANTAGES Cost Disadvantage 0 Normal Characteristic Maxima 10 Age: 60+ 20 Physical Limitation: Blind (All the Time, Greatly Impairing) 20 Psychological Limitation: Paranoid and Pedantic (Common, Total) 10 Unluck: 2d6 15 Hunted: Cults around the world dedicated to the Corruption 8- (As Pow, NCI, Harshly Punish) 75 Total Disadvantages Cost Background: In the 1930s, Leonard Marks was a well paid English Professor in Cambridge. Young, Handsome and intelligent he had the world handed to him on a silver platter. However a spur of the moment trip to the Rockies with some old College friends changed Leonard's life forever. Discovering a murder mystery involved led the group to try and be amateur detectives, using their logic and reasoning like Sherlock Holmes and Hercule Poirot. But what they found defied all possible reasoning. Cultists were sacrificing humans to some alien creature to achieve great power. What was stranger was they were succeeding. Only by quick thinking and an emergency Molotav Cocktail helped prevent multiversial disaster. Leonard's other friends wanted nothing more to do with the supernatural and tried to convince themselves it was all a dream. Several of the group took to drinking. One published a series of inspired stories after taking the fake alias Howard Phillips Lovecraft. But Leonard lost more then the others that day. His fiance Rebbecca Peterson was sucked into a portal right before it was destroyed. All the cultists had escaped. So Leonard became a paranormal hunter and took to training his mind with a wide variety of skills. But his dealings with the Corruption began to take it's toll on his sanity. In the 1950s he was offered a chance to let the last thing he ever saw would be the real Rebbecca Peterson smiling down at him. In exchange he would have to live seeing the world in terms of corruption. Leonard accepted the deal. The problem was he made the deal with Azathoth, The blind. He saw Rebbecca for the last time, and then the sight went from his eyes. Then he heard her screams as the dark corruption force killed her. And all the while the Old One just watched emotionless, not understanding the crying man on the floor. Never make a deal with the Old One. Leonard never knew what killed Rebbecca. The corruption was unique and he would be able to see it again. But to the newspapers and the police the evidence made it clear who killed her. The man who had hidden her from the world for 20 years. Leonard Marks. Leonard has since then been drifting from spot to spot, avoiding the police at every turn, all the while trying to find the creature who killed his fiance. Somehow (will explain more when I have backstories) he ended up mentoring the PC in the process of capturing, warding off or killing monsters. Well? What do you think? Post your opinions and suggestions.
  14. Re: Whirlwind Pyramid (a.k.a. Tornado Fighter) attack: how would you write this up? Perhaps take the ritual limitation from Fantasy hero (p135). It's for spells that require multiple casters, but should work for this attack. For 5 people it's a 3/4 limitation. All the players would buy the power but would only be able to use it together. The damage might or might not stack, GM call.
  15. Re: Super Law: Power stealing set precedent. Right now all Hamstrung is guilty of is grand larceny (goods not powers). This case will dictate whether the taking of powers is a felony.
  16. Re: Super Law: Power stealing Fair enough. Adjusted it, so they don't ask for the verdict after the recess.
  17. Re: Super Law: Power stealing After the prosecuter lists the victims, the defendants attorney rises. He begins to speak in a nasally voice. "My client is a victim of his powers as much as any of the citizens you have shown just now." He waits a moment for the shaking of heads among the jury and observers to subside. "Ever since my client was 17 he has possessed the ability to replicate the powers of of meta-humans he meets, first used to save the Shining Lights orphanage in Nevada he was living in from the super villain Dino-master before running from the orphanage. This was always a temporary ability and the powers would return to the original owner within 8 hours. "However several weeks ago, the villain Radiation man threatened the city of Los Angeles with an explosion blast large enough to turn make the newest attraction in California a crater. However, heroically William here," he taps his client on the head enderingly. "Grabbed the villain and absorbed his powers." "Objection your honour, Mr Hamstrung was robbing the city at the time with Radiation man." The Prosecuter states. "Now while William was there for less then noble reasons, he did save the city. However no good deed goes unpunished." He adds cryptically. He pulls out a folder from his briefcase. "I have here a medical report stating that the radiation not only turned Power Stealers effect permanent, they gave him fatal bone cancer. While my client could take the ability to heal himself from another super human, he would rather not as that would likely kill them. He wants to be allowed to die in peace in the safety of his home." The door violently opens and a man in a hospital gown walks in. "This man violated me!" He points at not Power Stealer but the Admiral, leader of the Justice Cavaliers. He gulps. "Nathan! Good to see you-" The Admiral quickly begins. "Save it! You took my powers away from me!" the court room is silenced. Then the story unfolds. A week ago, Nathan 'Mini Body' Mark was knocked into a coma by an alien parasite that would kill in 4 hours. The alien was too small to be surgically removed, so the heroes needed to shrink down to get the parasite. However Nathan was the only shrinker in the district. So they got Power Stealer to take his abilities and shrink down to remove the parasite. The parasite was removed and Power stealer went on his way. "However my powers are gone permanently! And you knew Admiral! You saw what happened to Suzan and you let this happen!" The team leader looks saddened and looks down. The judge slams his hammer. "I call a recess. We shall review the evidence when the jury returns." To be continued... Any more comments or queries will be welcomed. Opinions are also valid.
  18. The court is in session, with numerous costumed and non-costumed visitors. The defendant is currently locked to his seat with heavy metal handcuffs which glow with orange energy. The defendant himself is in an orange jumpsuit and is shaved bald with Roman numerals tattooed down his neck and head. His attorney is a short hunchbacked old man. The prosecutor is a tall man with southern good looks and a well tailored suit. Everyone rises as the judge arrives. The Judge Arnold Dredd is presiding over the proceedings, a well known law official and retired super vigilante. The charges are read out. "This is the case of William "Power Stealer' Hamstrung vs Justice Cavaliers. Mr Hamstrung's actions in a recent battle against the Cavaliers resulted in him stealing the powers of several super heroes permanently. We believe that this is a serious crime, equivalent to rape or crippling a citizen and should be treated as a felony." The 3 victims are: Suzan 'Silk Star' Makita, a second generation superhero and member of the Justice Cavaliers she had the ability to turn control her density switching between being intangible and becoming strong enough to turn graphite to diamonds. After her powers were stolen, several super criminals found her home and killed her. Without her powers Suzan could not protect herself against her acquired enemies. Dr James 'Chemistro' Mann was given the abilities to manipulate chemical elements from his high school professor back in the 70s. He is a college drop out but managed to secure a job in a university being able to create revolutionary experimental elements. Losing his powers rendered him unable to keep his job and forced him to unemployment. Charles 'Void' Graham is born from a human father and a female resident from another dimension, and was able to travel from one dimension to another under his own power. He possessed dual nationality in America and the other nationality and was the only one who could access the dimension without incredible cost or magic. Now deprived from his family he has sunk into deep depression. To be continued... What do you think should be the punishment for stealing super powers (assume permanently, except with genetics or magic etc. the criminal can't return the powers himself). Should it be a serious felony? Is having super powers a right? How is it treated in your campaign? Any ideas or suggestions for the court case please post here. How do you think the Power Stealer should be punished? How would your character punish him?
  19. Re: [uF] Designing a campaign Is this game built with heroic rules or super heroic? If it's built with heroic you could use resource points in a cool way. Make a new resource point group call Enchanted Items. Make it cost the same as vehicles. This way the PCs can pick up enchanted items from enemies or the store. It also means you can break or steal the equipment if you feel like it because they can just use resource points to buy another enchanted item. Like how Harry Dresden keeps breaking and having to rebuild his blast rod.
  20. Re: Zombie Event advice need The info stolen could be where the bodies of the heroes were buried. Knowing full well how they might be cloned by super villains, the heroes hid their remains away from the memorial they were given by the city. The mayor, being a friendly to supers chap, knows where the real bodies are. To add more intrigue, Don't let the heroes know how the zombies were raised at first. Let them assume it was the necromancer doing this, but then the necromancer says another enemy has been converting all his corpses. He wants the PCs to help stop the real enemy. And who is the real enemy?
  21. Re: The Annual Hallwoeen Game: War of the Worlds! That sounds like a fun scenario. Bit of a shallow victory in the end wasn't it, when they beat the aliens who wanted to help? How many PCs were there?
  22. Re: The Annual Hallwoeen Game: War of the Worlds! Woah! That's a monster of a machine. I don't think a group of players can beat it. And 11d6 Energy blast NND seems like over kill. Sealed systems includes life support right? How many of these behemoths are there in the game? Is this the only one, a prototype/last resort for the aliens? Because if there are more earth is in trouble. If you want to make the super heroes feel powerful change it so that the damage reduction applies only to mundane weaponry, not to innate powers. Dramatic license etc.
  23. Re: Magic powered robot with changeable weaponry Thanks for all the help, and I think i have enough to create the character. I will probably post it in the Fantasy forums rather then here, because it's Urban Fantasy. But I will post a link on this thread to it if anyone is interested.
  24. Re: Urban fantasy – Construct with changeable weaponry Thanks for the help, and yes I am aware of the cross post thread. I made that one as well. When I write up the character I will post it here.
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