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Secret Master

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Everything posted by Secret Master

  1. Hero System Equipment Guide Steven S. Long Bill Keyes 1-978-58366-133-8 DOJHERO1007 352 Pages PDF: $22.99 The HERO System Equipment Guide contains hundreds of pre-generated weapons, defensive devices, sensors, communication devices, movement devices, and other gadgets for use in your HERO System games. It includes only personal equipment — the sorts of weapons and devices characters might carry themselves on their adventures.
  2. Hero System Equipment Guide Steven S. Long Bill Keyes 1-978-58366-133-8 DOJHERO1007 352 Pages PDF: $22.99 The HERO System Equipment Guide contains hundreds of pre-generated weapons, defensive devices, sensors, communication devices, movement devices, and other gadgets for use in your HERO System games. It includes only personal equipment — the sorts of weapons and devices characters might carry themselves on their adventures.
  3. Hero System Equipment Guide Steven S. Long Bill Keyes 1-978-58366-133-8 DOJHERO1007 352 Pages PDF: $22.99 The HERO System Equipment Guide contains hundreds of pre-generated weapons, defensive devices, sensors, communication devices, movement devices, and other gadgets for use in your HERO System games. It includes only personal equipment — the sorts of weapons and devices characters might carry themselves on their adventures.
  4. Hero System Equipment Guide Steven S. Long Bill Keyes 1-978-58366-133-8 DOJHERO1007 352 Pages PDF: $22.99 The HERO System Equipment Guide contains hundreds of pre-generated weapons, defensive devices, sensors, communication devices, movement devices, and other gadgets for use in your HERO System games. It includes only personal equipment — the sorts of weapons and devices characters might carry themselves on their adventures.
  5. Hero System Equipment Guide Steven S. Long Bill Keyes 1-978-58366-133-8 DOJHERO1007 352 Pages PDF: $22.99 The HERO System Equipment Guide contains hundreds of pre-generated weapons, defensive devices, sensors, communication devices, movement devices, and other gadgets for use in your HERO System games. It includes only personal equipment — the sorts of weapons and devices characters might carry themselves on their adventures.
  6. Champions Villains Volume 3: Solo Villains Steven S. Long Brian & Brendon Fraim DOJHERO1105 978-1-58366-132-1 336 pages PDF: $28.46 Champions Villains — a trilogy of Champions supplements — describes the bad guys of the Champions Universe in thorough detail. It doesn’t describe every single villain, of course (three books, even big ones, aren’t enough for that), but within these three volumes you’ll find over 300 villains — the most important, intriguing, dangerous, and defining supercriminals in the setting. This book, Volume 3, covers solo villain: villains who aren’t a part of any specific team, who work as mercenaries for whoever can pay them, or who just prefer to keep to themselves.
  7. Champions Villains Volume 3: Solo Villains Steven S. Long Brian & Brendon Fraim DOJHERO1105 978-1-58366-132-1 336 pages PDF: $28.46 Champions Villains — a trilogy of Champions supplements — describes the bad guys of the Champions Universe in thorough detail. It doesn’t describe every single villain, of course (three books, even big ones, aren’t enough for that), but within these three volumes you’ll find over 300 villains — the most important, intriguing, dangerous, and defining supercriminals in the setting. This book, Volume 3, covers solo villain: villains who aren’t a part of any specific team, who work as mercenaries for whoever can pay them, or who just prefer to keep to themselves.
  8. For those of you who are interested in such things, the first two chapters of my upcoming roleplaying game book Posthegemony: Terra Nomenklatura are available for your enjoyment on my blog. "History is not, as Karl Marx described it, a class struggle, but rather a struggle to produce class." -Jason Walters
  9. Now in the Hero Store: Kazei 5 Character Pack. All of the characters, vehicles, and equipment for Kazei 5 in Hero Designer format. K5CP: $4.99 -Jason Walters
  10. Now in the Hero Store: Kazei 5 Character Pack. All of the characters, vehicles, and equipment for Kazei 5 in Hero Designer format. K5CP: $4.99 -Jason Walters
  11. Re: Political/Religious Space Colonies? I call BS on that statement. The Weaver family didn't have a particularly coherent plan when they moved, other than that they were fundamentalists of the LDS variety who believed that the "end was near." (Which, when you think about it, wasn't far from the truth.) Weaver was believed to be a white supremacist by the FBI, but he's always denied it. Oh, he got along with Aryan Nations on a personal level, but disagreed with them philosophically on various things. According to his daughter he kind of had to: they were his closest neighbors, and they'd built a "really nice" picnic ground on their compound that he liked to take his children to. As a rural American let me say this: no matter how strange they are, when you live in the countryside you have to get along with your neighbors. My closest neighbors are Burning Man. I get along with them, even though I'm not personally a bisexual druggie pyromaniac. But, hey, they're my closest neighbors... and they've built a really nice picnic ground at Black Rock Station. But I digress. The charge against Randy Weaver "was transfer of a short-barreled shotgun without a license." Not bomb making. I've read a lot of things about Ruby Ridge and never read anything about bombs. Furthermore, it was entrapment: the ATF wanted him to join Aryan Nations so that he could be an informant. Weaver refused... and refused... and made a big public stink about refusing. Which was stupid and convinced the Powers That Be that he needed to be made an example of. Which led to something horrible for everyone involved. Anyhow, the Weaver family really weren't the sharpest knives in the drawer, and are thus not a great example of anything. Trust me: I'm a "survivalist." Many of my friends are "survivalists." I live "separately" from mainstream society on an isolated ranch. Why? Because I don't like the direction that modern urban civilization is headed in. And you know what? I would a) never saw off a shotgun for anyone, and hire a lawyer if I were stupid enough to get caught doing it by the ATF! (My source: Jon Rohnson's excellent Them: Adventures With Extremists) In any case, there are several excellent science fiction novels about exactly what you gentlemen are talking about. I think Kirenyaga by Mike Resnick is the best one of the lot, but the whole backstory of the Multicolored Land series is based on the same premise. -Jason Walters, resident survivalist (not that I commonly use the term)
  12. As many of you already know, Blackwyrm is reviewing proposals for Project WyrmStar: our plan to release six unique Star Hero settings in conjunction with Star Hero for 6th Edition at GenCon 2011. Dave and I have decided on some deadlines for this project which we would like to share with you, as well other information. The proposal deadline is October 31st. All reasonable proposals will be considered. The manuscript deadline is January 31st. Manuscripts must be well-organized, thorough, and playtested before submission. We will select six manuscripts and announce our choices by March 1st. Project WyrmStar will receive some or all of its funding through Kickstarter. More announcements about this will be made in March. Blackwyrm will be doing print runs of 150, plus digital copies will be made available through our website, the Hero Store, RPGNow, and Paizo. Project WyrmStar physical copies will be made available through our website, the Hero Store, and will go into distribution to game stores through Impressions Marketing. -Jason Walters
  13. It's been printed and should be in the warehouse shortly. Champions Villains Volume One: Master Villains Steven S. Long Brian & Brendon Fraim DOJHERO1103 978-1-58366-130-7 288 pages Print: $37.99 PDF: $28.46 BUNDLE: $55.00 A superhero needs just the right villains to make his adventures exciting. Whether you want world-threatening master villains, teams of supercriminals, or solo villains to oppose your heroes, you’ll find what you’re looking for in Champions Villains, a trilogy of books describing over 300 of the most important, powerful, and fun supervillains of the Champions Universe! This book, Volume 1, describes Master Villains — the costumed criminals with enough power to conquer humanity, take on entire superhero teams singlehandedly, and affect the course of entire campaigns. Some of the fiendish foes you’ll find between its covers include: —Dr. Destroyer —Gravitar —Istvatha V’han —King Cobra —Mechanon —Menton —Shadow Destroyer —the Slug —Takofanes the Archlich —Teleios, the Perfect Man —Tyrannon the Conqueror —the Warlord —Dr. Yin Wu Besides those villains and more, you’ll find information on their minions, bases, resources, and evil schemes. So prepare yourself for the most dangerous enemies your heroes will ever face in Champions Villains! -Jason Walters
  14. It's been printed and should be in the warehouse shortly. Champions Villains Volume One: Master Villains Steven S. Long Brian & Brendon Fraim DOJHERO1103 978-1-58366-130-7 288 pages Print: $37.99 PDF: $28.46 BUNDLE: $55.00 A superhero needs just the right villains to make his adventures exciting. Whether you want world-threatening master villains, teams of supercriminals, or solo villains to oppose your heroes, you’ll find what you’re looking for in Champions Villains, a trilogy of books describing over 300 of the most important, powerful, and fun supervillains of the Champions Universe! This book, Volume 1, describes Master Villains — the costumed criminals with enough power to conquer humanity, take on entire superhero teams singlehandedly, and affect the course of entire campaigns. Some of the fiendish foes you’ll find between its covers include: —Dr. Destroyer —Gravitar —Istvatha V’han —King Cobra —Mechanon —Menton —Shadow Destroyer —the Slug —Takofanes the Archlich —Teleios, the Perfect Man —Tyrannon the Conqueror —the Warlord —Dr. Yin Wu Besides those villains and more, you’ll find information on their minions, bases, resources, and evil schemes. So prepare yourself for the most dangerous enemies your heroes will ever face in Champions Villains! -Jason Walters
  15. It's been printed and should be in the warehouse shortly. Champions Villains Volume One: Master Villains Steven S. Long Brian & Brendon Fraim DOJHERO1103 978-1-58366-130-7 288 pages Print: $37.99 PDF: $28.46 BUNDLE: $55.00 A superhero needs just the right villains to make his adventures exciting. Whether you want world-threatening master villains, teams of supercriminals, or solo villains to oppose your heroes, you’ll find what you’re looking for in Champions Villains, a trilogy of books describing over 300 of the most important, powerful, and fun supervillains of the Champions Universe! This book, Volume 1, describes Master Villains — the costumed criminals with enough power to conquer humanity, take on entire superhero teams singlehandedly, and affect the course of entire campaigns. Some of the fiendish foes you’ll find between its covers include: —Dr. Destroyer —Gravitar —Istvatha V’han —King Cobra —Mechanon —Menton —Shadow Destroyer —the Slug —Takofanes the Archlich —Teleios, the Perfect Man —Tyrannon the Conqueror —the Warlord —Dr. Yin Wu Besides those villains and more, you’ll find information on their minions, bases, resources, and evil schemes. So prepare yourself for the most dangerous enemies your heroes will ever face in Champions Villains! -Jason Walters
  16. Bloodsucker Rampage is available here. Author: Steven S. Long Artist: Bill Keyes DOJHERO-HPA31 PDF: 3.99 27 Pages In fiction and folklore, few monsters are as popular as the vampire. No matter what the time and place, it seems you can find a legend or story of a blood-drinking monster that preys upon mortal men by night. Bloodsucker Rampage is a review of some of the different types of vampires and vampire-like monsters found around the world. For the HERO System 6th Edition. -Jason Walters
  17. Bloodsucker Rampage is available here. Author: Steven S. Long Artist: Bill Keyes DOJHERO-HPA31 PDF: 3.99 27 Pages In fiction and folklore, few monsters are as popular as the vampire. No matter what the time and place, it seems you can find a legend or story of a blood-drinking monster that preys upon mortal men by night. Bloodsucker Rampage is a review of some of the different types of vampires and vampire-like monsters found around the world. For the HERO System 6th Edition. -Jason Walters
  18. Bloodsucker Rampage is available here. Author: Steven S. Long Artist: Bill Keyes DOJHERO-HPA31 PDF: 3.99 27 Pages In fiction and folklore, few monsters are as popular as the vampire. No matter what the time and place, it seems you can find a legend or story of a blood-drinking monster that preys upon mortal men by night. Bloodsucker Rampage is a review of some of the different types of vampires and vampire-like monsters found around the world. For the HERO System 6th Edition. -Jason Walters
  19. Bloodsucker Rampage is available here. Author: Steven S. Long Artist: Bill Keyes DOJHERO-HPA31 PDF: 3.99 27 Pages In fiction and folklore, few monsters are as popular as the vampire. No matter what the time and place, it seems you can find a legend or story of a blood-drinking monster that preys upon mortal men by night. Bloodsucker Rampage is a review of some of the different types of vampires and vampire-like monsters found around the world. For the HERO System 6th Edition. -Jason Walters
  20. Re: Champions It's not so much that it's ceased to exist - it's that we sold almost totally out of them. However, I still have seven copies that I was saving for the next convention. I'm putting them back into stock: so come and get 'em. - Jason Walters
  21. Castles & Sieges is available here. DOJHERO1-PHA28 PDF: $6.99 The quintessential Fantasy base is of course the castle, whether it’s an Iron Age hill-fort consisting of little more than a mound protected by trenches and earthen “walls,” an early motte-and-bailey castle with palisades and a wooden keep, a High Middle Ages “typical” castle of worked stone, or a massive fortification of the Age of Cannon. Castles & Sieges discusses the many features of castles and how to represent them in HERO System terms. It focuses on the physical components of castles so that players and GMs can build them to suit their Fantasy Hero campaigns. This product has been excerpted from The Ultimate Base. -Jason Walters
  22. Castles & Sieges is available here. DOJHERO1-PHA28 PDF: $6.99 The quintessential Fantasy base is of course the castle, whether it’s an Iron Age hill-fort consisting of little more than a mound protected by trenches and earthen “walls,” an early motte-and-bailey castle with palisades and a wooden keep, a High Middle Ages “typical” castle of worked stone, or a massive fortification of the Age of Cannon. Castles & Sieges discusses the many features of castles and how to represent them in HERO System terms. It focuses on the physical components of castles so that players and GMs can build them to suit their Fantasy Hero campaigns. This product has been excerpted from The Ultimate Base. -Jason Walters
  23. Do you have abnormal aliens? Weird worlds? Strange Starships? Blackwyrm Books and Games is interested in unique science fiction settings for possible release in 2011 to dovetail with the release of Star Hero at GenCon. If you have something you think we should see, please contact either Dave Mattingly (dave@blackwyrm.com) or myself (jason@blackwyrm.com) and show us what you got, chief. Klaatu barada nikto! -Jason Walters
  24. The newest Hero Plus Adventure The Crossroads Blues is available here. 10 pages PDF: 2.99 DOJHERO-PHA27 The Crossroads Blues is a voodoo-themed Champions adventure for four to six 400-point characters. It takes place in the mystically-plagued city of Vibora Bay in the Champions Universe setting, though with a few minor changes it could take place in any city the GM chooses. Written by yours truly, actually. -Jason Walters
  25. The newest Hero Plus Adventure The Crossroads Blues is available here. 10 pages PDF: 2.99 DOJHERO-PHA27 The Crossroads Blues is a voodoo-themed Champions adventure for four to six 400-point characters. It takes place in the mystically-plagued city of Vibora Bay in the Champions Universe setting, though with a few minor changes it could take place in any city the GM chooses. Written by yours truly, actually. -Jason Walters
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