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Everything posted by Vulcan

  1. Re: Build that Character on 350 points Challenge Okay, but it should still be TK, not STR. I don't recall Magneto walking over to lift anything, he just waved his hands and did it from across the room.
  2. Re: Build that Character on 350 points Challenge Sorry, Comic, two problems. First... 95 STR? I could see 95 STR TK, but not 95 STR raw. Second, where are the disads? You could have a least copied Certified's list, or simply said 'same as on Certifed's version.' Okay, I admit, I'm nitpicky that way, but a character without disads is just a set of combat statistics.
  3. Re: Powers You've Never (or Seldom) Used? END Reserve. It just doesn't fit most of the concepts I wind up playing... But it looks like that might change in the near future, because my long-standing character (went from 250 to 386 at death) in our current game died last session, and I just had a killer idea...
  4. Re: Disadvantages that Kill! Yeouch! Sounds like some of the guys I used to play with. That wasn't a hero, that was a villian with a good press agent.
  5. Re: Build that Character on 350 points Challenge One could argue that the starting X-Men were well under 350 points...
  6. Re: Concubine Seeks New Position We can't let this one fall off the board. I want to know how things are going in this game!
  7. Re: Disadvantages that Kill! Twisted and evil. My type of players.
  8. Re: Superheroes Who Kill? I apologize if I accidentally implied that. Gven that the 4-color superhero is the core of the genre, it would clearly be inappropriate to bash the concept. I was simply pointing out that there are circumstances where even a cop will kill a criminal.
  9. Re: Build that Character on 350 points Challenge Yeah, an 'early Magneto' is acceptable. We generally acknowldged that once he raised a volcano in the ceter of a Soviet city (I forget which one) he became a 'force of naure' and didn't assign him stats anymore. We also didn't take him on face-to-face for the same reason... But it looks like Certified has certainly grasped the essence of the character very well. I give it to him.
  10. Re: Weird villain idea. I need some input on. Darn, it looks like all my ideas have already been posted. Your players are going to hate this guy. I think you should run with it!
  11. Re: Weird villain idea. I need some input on. I love it!
  12. Re: Disadvantages that Kill! Our resident snotling made this character. And boy, did the GM take advantage of it. The character (whose original name has been forgotten but forever after was known as 'leadboy') was an energy-projector whose SFX was radiation. He had a x2 vulnerability to lead. Both BODY and STUN. A couple goons with .38's shot him to death without even needing to reload their revolvers.
  13. Re: Lame Superhero Rollcall Yeah, he even got totally boned in the movies...
  14. Re: Most interesting character ideas you've seen from others? Another good one (this time from a competent character) was a power-armor-type... Red Cross, with a prototype medical/firefighting set of armor. He even had a defibrilator built into the armor - which he occasionally used as a taser! We gave him so much trouble about actually having bought a high-powered fire extinguisher in his armor... until we had to face Feurmacher from Eurostar... But we never stopped giving him trouble about paying points for the flashers mounted on the armor's shoulders (think 'Ingram' from PATLABOR).
  15. Re: Most interesting character ideas you've seen from others? We had a player who could usually be counted on to make a 300 point snotling. But every so often he surprised us, as was the case with... Outreach - a Brick with quite a bit of Stretching. He couldn't play the character very well, but the concept was interesting.
  16. Re: Build that Character on 350 points Challenge
  17. Re: Build that Character on 350 points Challenge To quote an old GM of mine, "This character is not complete. You're missing the most important part. Where are the disads?"
  18. Re: Query's Art & Stuff Thread Amazing pictures. Simply amazing. I draw okay, even pretty good sometimes, but... wow.
  19. Re: Superheroes Who Kill? If you want to run a 4-color CVK game, you have to make sure that the players know this, and know to make appropriate characters. For the CVK campaign, a several character concepts just won't work. The ex-soldier, for example, has been trained to kill threats. Cops won't hesitate to use lethal force when a life is on the line ( I know a couple; when it comes down to 'us or them', they are trained to shoot ). The CVK superhero is almost always someone with a regular life who somehow gets superpowers. They are raised by their parents and their society to equate killing with wrongness. (Which, incidentally, explains why a lot of people are uneasy around cops nowadays, much less sodiers. Sure, we support our troops - from a distance.) It is my personal, firm belief that there are some (granted, only a very small number) people who need to die. I would prefer that they be taken in, given their day in court so people can be shown why they need to die, but if they have a gun to a hostages' head, I want the police sniper to take the shot. Better that then let a killer escape to kill again. In game, this can become an issue. I have played a casual killer in game (and come to regret it). Now I tend to play cops/solider types. For these characters, lethal force has its place. It's not the perfect solution to all problems - violence rarely is - but sometimes it is better than the alternatives.
  20. Re: Superheroes Who Kill? Your GM allows you to play at that level of power? You lucky dog!
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