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Posts posted by Sociotard

  1. I wouldn't let people call up a base around summon either, unless, maybe, they bought usable as attack and ranged.


    As for the entangle, if this is a cage and not a box, the person inside should be able to still move around within the cage, and even shoot through the bars. I'm not sure what limitation that would be.

  2. Originally posted by Dr. Anomaly

    Side Effects affect the person who uses or activates the Power, not the target of the Power.


    The only exception I can think of off hand is the Dangerous Whatever modifier for vehicles...a rocket's thrust, a helicopter's blades, etc.


    Normally true. However, FREd also states that when applied to an adjustment power intended to help the target, such as aid or heal, the side effect could apply to the recipient. It goes on to say that such a limitation is worth 1/4 (or was it 1/2) less as a limitation.


    Originally posted by devlin1

    My two cents:


    Ditch the Mind Control, and make it Side Efects (Psych. Lim.: Obsessed with work, VCom, Tot).

    Can psych lims be used as side effects? If so, your idea is better. I could even make the severity increase with time. (stage 1: moderate; stage 2 strong etc)

  3. I like the LS: Immunity or the CHAR Roll at -1/10AC (or other arbitrary number, some diseases have over 100 active points).
    Agreed. I went with "real points/ 10" for each stage. Each stage had about 40 real points, so they could avoid the disease with a CON roll -4.


    egardless of the damage inflicted, the defense of the power worked out like this:


    AVLD (Power Def), not vs LS: Disease, target gets CON/5 as automatic Power Def.


    Someone with a high CON would automatically be more likely to fight off the disease faster. I think that's how I wrote up the power at any rate.


    Veeery interesting. I am confused, though. The disease wouldn't work against LS and power def of CON/5 applied? Isn't AVLD supposed to be a much larger advantage than NND, like +2, or some such thing? Normal diseases have NND with just a LS, and your writeup offers a wider range of defenses. Still, the defense idea is one I'll have to consider.

  4. So it's Captain America vs. a Sentinel. Sort of. If I were Cap, I'd turn my indestructable shield so it was perpindicular to me (think of a 'T', where the top line is the shield and I am the bottom line). and move using my super soldier speed so the sheild intersected the digits like so




    Or something like that.


    Besides, aren't most shields written up as extra DCV? or even armor only vs. one side?

  5. Second Stage: Drain CONSTITUTION 2d6, Delayed Return Rate (points return at the rate of 5 per 3 months; +2¼), NND (defense is appropriate LS: Immunity or a CONSTITUTION roll by 4; +1) (85 Active Points); Extra Time (After First stage takes full effect; -4½), Gradual Effect (4 days, 1d6/ day; -1¾), Linked (First Stage –½) (Total Cost: 11 points) plus Drain STRENGTH 3d6, Delayed Return Rate (points return at the rate of 5 per 3 months; +2¼), NND (defense is appropriate LS: Immunity or a CONSTITUTION roll by 4; +1) (128 Active Points); Extra Time (After First stage takes full effect; -4½), Gradual Effect (4 days, 1d6/ day; -1¾), Linked (Stage 2 Constitution drain –½) (Total Cost: 16 points) plus Mind Control 4d6, Continuous (+1), Uncontrolled (+½) 0 End (+½) (40 Active Points); Set Effect (Be an Obsessive Workaholic; -1) Extra Time (one week’s onset time; -4½), Gradual Effect (4 days, 1d6/ day; -1¾), Linked to Drain (-½) (Total Cost 5 points) plus Aid INTELLIGENCE 1d6, Delayed Return Rate (points return at the rate of 5 per 3 months; +2¼), Extra Time (one week’s onset time; -4½), Gradual Effect (4 days, 1d6/ day; -1¾), Side Effect (Mental Illusions 3d6 whenever is used; -¼) (Total Cost 5 pts) plus +2 Skill Levels (5 pt skill levels); Usable as Attack (+1) (20 Active Points); Extra Time (one week’s onset time; -4½), Gradual Effect (4 days, 1d6/ day; -1¾) (Total Cost 3 pts). Total Cost: 40 points.


    Third Stage: Drain STUN 3d6, Delayed Return Rate (points return at the rate of 5 per 3 months; +2¼), NND (defense is appropriate LS: Immunity or a CONSTITUTION roll by 4; +1) (128 Active Points); Extra Time (After First stage takes full effect; -4½), Gradual Effect (4 days, 1d6/ day; -1¾), Linked (Second Stage –½) (Total Cost: 16 points) plus Drain END 3d6, Delayed Return Rate (points return at the rate of 5 per 3 months; +2¼), NND (defense is appropriate LS: Immunity or a CONSTITUTION roll by 4; +1) (128 Active Points); Extra Time (After First stage takes full effect; -4½), Gradual Effect (4 days, 1d6/ day; -1¾), Linked (Stage 2 Constitution drain –½) (Total Cost: 16 points) plus Aid INTELLIGENCE ½d6, Delayed Return Rate (points return at the rate of 5 per 3 months; +2¼), Extra Time (one week’s onset time; -4½), Gradual Effect (4 days, 1d6/ day; -1¾), Side Effect (Mental Illusions 3d6 whenever is used; -¼) (Total Cost 4 pts) plus +2 Skill Levels (5 pt skill levels); Usable as Attack (+1) (20 Active Points); Extra Time (one week’s onset time; -4½), Gradual Effect (4 days, 1d6/ day; -1¾), Linked (Drain Stun & End (Total Cost 3 pts). Total Cost: 40 points.


    Fourth Stage: Drain BODY 7d6, Delayed Return Rate (points return at the rate of 5 per 3 months; +2¼), NND (defense is appropriate LS: Immunity or a CONSTITUTION roll by 4; +1) (128 Active Points); Extra Time (After First stage takes full effect; -4½), Gradual Effect (4 days, 1d6/ day; -1¾), Linked (Third Stage –½) (Total Cost: 38 points) plus +2 Skill Levels (5 pt skill levels); Usable as Attack (+1) (20 Active Points); Extra Time (one week’s onset time; -4½), Gradual Effect (4 days, 1d6/ day; -1¾), Linked (Drain BODY; -½) (Total Cost 3 pts). Total Cost: 41 points.


    Here's the rest of it. As the Disease progresses, the hallucinations get more vivid, the obsession to work more intensifies, and the patient gets weaker. The disease is bacterial, so it can be treated. Untreated, almost no-one survives.

  6. Once more, to the top of the pile


    I wrote up the first stage of my disease. I based it on the myths (at least, I assume they're myths) surrounding syphilis. People used to think that syphilis, while fatal, made the victims into brilliant creative geniuses! I'm introducing it as a contraband item in my campaign. People desperate to make some mark in the world, artists, playwrights, scientists, buy syringes of contaminated blood and infect themselves. The disease will kill them, but it will make them brilliant just before they die. Even in the first stage, the victim exibits reduced constitution and hallucinations. However, they develope an obsession with work, sleep as little as 1 1/2 hours per night, and are much more intelligent and skillful than before.


    First Stage: Drain CONSTITUTION 2d6, Delayed Return Rate (points return at the rate of 5 per 3 months; +2¼), NND (defense is appropriate LS: Immunity or a CONSTITUTION roll by 4 or more; +1) (85 Active Points); Extra Time (one week’s onset time; -4½), Gradual Effect (4 days, ½d6/ day; -1¾) (Total Cost: 12 points) plus Mind Control 4d6, Continuous (+1), Uncontrolled (+½) 0 End (+½) (40 Active Points); Set Effect (Be an Obsessive Workaholic; -1) Extra Time (one week’s onset time; -4½), Gradual Effect (4 days, 1d6/ day; -1¾) (Total Cost 5 points) plus Aid INTELLIGENCE 2d6, Delayed Return Rate (points return at the rate of 5 per 3 months; +2¼), Extra Time (one week’s onset time; -4½), Gradual Effect (4 days, ½d6/ day; -1¾), Side Effect (Mental Illusions 3d6 whenever is used; -¼) (Total Cost 9 pts) plus Life Support (only sleep 1½ hours per day); Usable as Attack (+1) (2 Active Points); Extra Time (one week’s onset time; -4½), Gradual Effect (4 days; -1¾) (Total Cost 2 pts) plus +2 Skill Levels (5 pt skill levels); Usable as Attack (+1) (20 Active Points); Extra Time (one week’s onset time; -4½), Gradual Effect (4 days, 1d6/ day; -1¾) (Total Cost 3 pts). Total Cost: 31 points.

  7. 1) could feasibly be a 10 point detect. I might actually require you to buy clairsentiance, but Detect might work. It depends on how puzzeling I wanted certain items to be


    2) For the multiple items, are they meant to go together in some way, like stumbling onto a dissasembled m-16, and instantly knowing how to assemble the thing? Detect. Do it like mcgyver, using unusual items to create something new? Invention skill and penalty skill levels for lack of equipment.

  8. However, if the defense is Life Support or a CON roll, that would be fine. The Life Support fulfills the requirement that NND have a defense; the CON roll is just an extra chance at reprieve for the target.
    Yeah, that's what I was leaning towards. I don't have an immunity to intestinal infection, but last time I unwittingly ate some bad hot dogs with my friends, they all went down, and I was okay, and I ate more than any of them! I thought the Con roll would simulate that. It seems nicer too; How many characters take immunity?

    Sorry, I'm fresh out.
    A funny guy, eh? Ya wanna know what we do to funny guy's around here? ;)
  9. I was writing up a new disease using the bestiary diseases as a template. I did have a few questions. For example, for the NND, can you say defense is "successful CON roll"? What about "Life support (immunity) or successful CON roll (modified by disease point cost/10), whichever the character feels like."


    Also, the several stages of disease have extra time limitations on them, reflecting the onset time for their disease. I wanted to modify that so characters, at the end of their time limit, could roll CON to 'reset the clock' so to speak. As an example, rabies has a 1 week extra time for the first stage. If Ranger Joe was bitten, he could roll a successful CON, and stave off the effects for another week, and another, until he finally fails.


    The end effect would be a disease that could take a loooong time to kill you, especially if you're unusually strong and healthy (kind of what I'm going for) I thought about writing it as adding an extra 1/4 to the extra time limitation. Waddaya think?


    While I'm at it, I'm interested in seeing other diseases/ poisons that herodom has devised. Especially Opium, if you have it.

  10. Maybe this shouldn't be an automaton. I conceived of that option as a way to avoid biofeedback, as ghost-angel mentioned. However, now that I think about it, this feels much more like an adder for the extra limbs power. It feels like about 10 points.


    I say this as I think of comic book examples, like Doc Oc or Scorpion. If memory serves, they had limbs that were hard to destroy, but still were on occasion. When it happened, the villians were mad their toys were broken, but weren't really acting hurt.



  11. I swear on the graves of both grandfathers, I have only watched one episode of LEXX (it stank, imo. Except for the assasin character, who was cool)


    On that one epsiode, the crew of LEXX, encounters a planet of monks, who have carefully purged themselves of all knowledge of women. They have a great library, but only one monk knows how to read at any given time. Well, that's all fine and dandy, but one of the crew (she being one of the reasons I only watched one episode) is a former sex slave, and starts to vamp the monks. The head monk realizes that he won't be able to fix things when she goes, so he blows up the planet. So ended what they called "the planet of milkfed boys"


    Like I said, stupid series.

  12. Don't get me wrong, I was delighted with fantasy hero, but the one thing that bothered me was the building writeups in the back. They're fine writeups, but they don't have maps to accompany them. That's the hard/annoying part of making any setting! Has anyone drawn them out? Keith? Anyone?

  13. It is a follower, but the desolid etc. is highly unnecessary. This is an A.I.

    That of course assumes the A.I. has useful skills, such as extensive knowledge or contacts or some such thing. If it was just somebody to talk to in the lonely hours of the night . . . Free, or at most a 1 point contact.


    Actually, if this was an imaginary friend that pestered you, making jokes at inappropriate times etc., this might be a distinctive feature (talks to/ swats at person who doesn't exist) Ala Quantum Leap. Of course Al was a very useful A.I., but that's beside the point.

  14. Restrainable is a popular choice for prosthetic (sp?) limbs, provided there are accessable means of disabling limbs. Another good choice is the Real Item limitation (you need to perform maintanence on your arm or it decays and breaks)


    As for Takes no body or stun . . . lets figure out what the limiting value should be. Hands and arms are locations 6-8 on a 3d6 roll, so there is a 21.29629629629630000% chance of hitting them. We only use the Left arm here, so it's half that, or 10.64814814814815%. That means that, placed shots aside, the takes no stun bit will only come into play 11% of the time. That's either a -1 or a -.75 depending on how you look at it (I actually might let you use -.89, were you my player)


    Hmmm, the real problem here is that the arm itself does take damage. It could even take stun. However, the damage it takes only applies to the arm, meaning the arm can take 10 body, and the rest of the body take none. It's not really desolidified, because any attack can affect the limb. Lets try the 60 point automaton power works . . .




    How would you like an automaton, period? You could have an automaton shaped like a human arm, no problem. and it's cost would be cut down to 1/5. Not only that, you could have it hop off your shoulder and perform your commands. Give it a mind link, no range, and you can control it using a mind link! When it's attached to you, you can use the hit location rules normally.

  15. Widows as Rewards! I love it!


    GM [roleplaying King]: Well done, ye noble adventurers! I have your reward ready and waiting.


    Player 1: Ah, yes, the 60,000 gold pieces.


    GM: Even better!


    Player 1: How so?


    GM: Well, there are 5 of you, and as it happens the dragon left a number of widows in its wake. I present each of you with one such widow in marriage.


    Player 2: Um, are they hot?


    GM: No, they're all over 50, but their lands together have an estimated value of over 90,000 gold pieces.


    Player 3: Hey! I'm playing a female elven archer!


    GM: Not to worry. This is a forward thinking kingdom.

  16. I'm worried about some of the things that might happen without the clinging. Say a character tries missile deflection based on them hitting the grenade with their hand. Based on the rules, I think that would work. With clinging, it just sticks to their hand, and they spend four segments looking very silly. Maybe it's just a fiat thing.

  17. I took a swing at it. Here's what I have.


    Plasma Grenade

    2 1/2 d6 RKA, Explosion (-1 DC/2"; +3/4); Range Based on STR (-1/4), 4 segment delay (-1/4), OAF (-1) 1 Charge (-2) 16 pts

    plus 1 1/2 d6 RKA ; Range Based on STR (-1/4), 4 segment delay (-1/4), OAF (-1), 1 charge (-2) 6 pts

    plus Clinging ; OAF (-1), 1 charge (-2) 2 pts

    Real Point Cost: 24 pts

  18. I dabble in "Halo" now and again, and I wanted to build one of my favorite weapons, the plasma grenade. Here are the characteristics:


    Like standard grenades, Plasmas have an explosion effect, have a range based on STR, and go off a few seconds after being thrown.

    Unlike standard grenades, plasmas are 'sticky'. If you manage to hit a character, it clings to them, and does much more damage as it explodes.

    The strategy is to hit an enemy, and hope the enemy panics and runs toward the safety of his own, helping you blow them up.

  19. It depends on what type of game you're running. If it's super-heroic, you would need a fancy multipower slot to make the gun work. If it's heroic, on the other hand, just define the gun with it's standard ammo (standard bullets, frag grenades). The cost of the weapon is based on those. If the character ever wants to buy special ammo, such as silver bullets or flashbang grenades, define those seperatly, and the character just pays money for them. The GM decides what ammo can be used with the weapon (sorry, the heat seeking bullets don't come in a 45 mm calibur)

  20. So the characters will barter with deeds of ownership? Interesting. How do you plan on handling everyday transactions? It's not like every shopkeeper has change for 10 hectares when you're in the mood for a mug of grog.

  21. nononononono. no.


    Is this a heroic campaign? If so, remember one of the (optional) uses of EGO. When characters are taking damage, bleeding to death, etc. they need to make an ego roll to do anything productive. Or destructive. This power is either an Aid or Ego Usable by Other, with an Only To Resist The Effects Of Pain limitation (I'd guess a -1, or maybe even a -2). The special effect is that the character can act normally, even though he makes ego rolls as a mechanic.


    Now, this is all moot if you don't use that ego roll rule.


    You can also make pain guns with a similar approach. RKA, only to force characters to make an ego roll, so no body or stun or anything (-1)

  22. include the heat pouch. Remember it can be a smallish explosive with a demolitions roll.


    Remembering what was in my MRE's on some hiking trips


    Toliet Paper (Minor transform: you know what into you know what else) And that aint just cosmetic




    Coffee creamer. As I recall, we were able to turn it into flash powder. Or at least make the fire pit do cool stuff with it.


    how did I survive childhood, again :o

  23. I'll cheerfully accept naming suggestions, too, since "Snow Man" sounds almost half as heroic as "Captain Nor'easter", but twice as heroic as "Avalanche".

    Dander Boy?


    Old Yellow?


    Yeti The Penguinator? (I hope you've played that game)


    It's either a wierd visible or a side effect, and I'm leaning towards side effect. Does your character have environmental movement: slush? Or life support: cold environments? Or good water damage insurance? All that playes into account. ch930204.gif

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