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Posts posted by Sociotard

  1. Re: Character Posting Game: Restart


    I'm done! Buwahahahahaha!


    The Dark Patriot

    The Dark Patriot

    Val Char Cost Notes
    35 STR 15 16- Lift 3,200 kg, 7d6, 7" leap
    23 DEX 39 14- OCV/DCV: 8
    23 CON 26 14-
    20 BOD 10 13-
    23 INT 13 14- Per roll: 14-
    18 EGO 16 13-

    38PRE2817- Pre attack: 7.5d614COM2 12-7 PD 0 5 ED 0 4 SPD7 12REC0 46END0 49STN0 Total Char Cost: 156


    Cost Skill Roll
    3 Acrobatics 14-
    20 Autofire Skills (all)
    3 Concealment 14-
    3 Criminology 14-
    3 Demolitions 14-
    10 Full Defense Maneuver
    3 Interrogation 17-
    3 KS-Groups: Terrorist Organizations 14-
    3 KS-places: Middle East 14-
    3 KS-Groups: Terrorists 14-
    6 Language: Arabic (able to imitate dialects)
    3 Language: Hebrew (idiomatic native accent)
    6 Language: Spanish, french & German (Completely Fluent)
    42 Martial Arts: Kung Fu
    3> Persuasion
    10 Rapid Attack (HTH and ranged)
    3 Security Systems 14-
    3 Tracking 14-
    6 Weapon Familiarity (Common Melee Weapons, Small Arms) 14-
    Total Skill Cost: 133


    Cost Perk
    20 The Hand of the Patriot 8 followers, all competent normals
    20 Silent Attack Chopper, can convert to supersonic aircraft (think air wolf)
    Total perk cost: 40

    35 Wife (what he calls his gun): 2d6 RKA (15) +1/2 AP +1/4 Autofire (3 shot burst) -1 OAF +1/4 (4 clips of 16 charges) +5 OCV -1 Focus



    15 enraged by anti-american behavior (flag burning, etc. Uncommon, 8- to become enraged, 8- to recover)

    20 Hunted by United States (he's a rogue, mo pow, kill, 8-, extensive NCI)

    20 Hunted by Countless terrorists, drug cartels, etc (as pow, kill, 14-)

    10 Psych lim: Vengeful

    20 Psych Lim: Paranoid

    10 Reputation: Dangerous Vigilante 11-

    15 3d6 Unluck

    30 Dependence - Goes nuts if he doesn't have his parents picture with him (difficult to obtain new picture, incompetence, 1 Turn)

    10 X2 damage from bee stings (allergic)

    Total disadvantage points: 150


    Experience needed: 14 points.



    While he was attending military school, Geoffrey Tucker watched his parents die. That's actually not surprising, because the whole nation watched it happen on broadcast television. His father, a renouned diplomat, had been taken hostage, and murdered by an extremist group in Southern Europe. Geoffrey was, understandably, traumatized. He began walking around campus holding a photograph of his parents, a habit that grew into a psychological dependence. He began training in a variety of military arts, preparing for the day he would make the terrorists of the world pay for what they did to his family and to his country. When he was 25, he stole a top secret military chopper, and disapeared. He began to attack known terrorist bases, using his prodigious talent to deadly effect. He also turned into something of a pirate. When he attacked a drug cartel or killed an arms smuggler, he used the 'spoils of war' to further his cause, including a dose of experimental super-soldier serum. Over the years, other men, mostly former special ops members who felt the government lacked the spine to do what was necessary, began to join him, greatly aiding his quest for justice.


    Quote: "The time for diplomacy is over. I should know. I watched him die."


    Next Challenge: Create the most hard-to-take-care-of dnpc possible.

  2. Re: Character Posting Game: Restart


    I was just chipping away at "The Dark Patriot". He's a patriotic terrorist fighter (ala captain america) that likes to opperate "outside the rules" and be moody, like batman. Hoo, boy, Those points add up fast. I was gonna give him a neat gun and super sheild, but, um, I'm already waaay over 350. here, I'll post what I got, but I need to run. I'll fix him later.

    The Dark Patriot

    *edit* See the finished work below

  3. Re: Memory And Flash?


    Interesting comments, especially

    With senses' date=' it's easy to figure out what happens when you are affected by Darkness or a Flash. It's not even open to discussion. But one of the original questions that started this thread is "what happens?" If you don't know, it's probably not a sense you are working with.[/quote'] But then, Memory aside, what happens if we flash clairsentience.
    I could reasonably declare Find Weakness a Sense because it detects areas of weakness in a target's DEF that can be exploited. Except that it doesn't work like a Sense or is even used like a Sense. [/Quote] And yet page 85 of FREd lists the following as being sensory powers:
    • Clairsentience
    • Enhanced Senses (such as n-ray vision, sonar, hrrp, etc.)
    • Find weakness
    • Mind Scan

    And the following Sense-Affecting Powers:

    • Darkness
    • Flash
    • Images
    • Invisibility

    Should all of the latter affect all of the former? Could any of the former affect all of the latter? Or do Sense affecting Powers only fiddle with Enhanced and Normal Senses? I can see how memory in general should usually be handled with mental powers and transforms, but as long as this can of worms is open, why not take a look at how Sensory powers in general are affected by sense affecting powers.

  4. Re: Ninja Hero Review At ENWorld


    Am I the only one bothered by the fact that this is a published review, and yet displays the grammatic grace of a one-legged duck? Maybe the author did this for free, in which case it's fine. Who'd bother proof-reading something that didn't really matter? yeah, that's gotta be it.

  5. Re: Character Posting Game: Restart


    What was I thinking? Well, I kept it as vague as I could to give everyone their freedom, but if you want specifics . . . I originally thought of a guy with lots of skills with an activation roll (he has to sort though a lot of memories), throw in some martial arts, mental shape shift, Presentience (sees their memories) and variable psych limitations (one day he has one ancestors cleptomania, the next hydrophobia, or hatred of frenchies, etc). He occasionally slips and starts speaking ancient tongues. Once in a great while, he may forget who he is and believe he is a viking marauder or some such thing (berzerk). He might be able to do this to other people. I envisioned him taking their pulse (the blood-ancestory mythography) and doing a presentience or something. Which is why he has a dog that has a similar schtick (he's unlocked all the dogs memories, so there's someone in the world who can empathise with him).


    This is a character I've mused about, and never felt like stating out.

  6. Re: Memory And Flash?


    I prefer Darkness to memory. People see me and interact with me' date=' but they forget me as soon as I leave their presence. :eg:[/quote']

    Ah, but this is not Darkness. This is invisibility. :D

    Great idea! I will steal that...makes for good mental protection but with some timing limitations and various plot possibilities. Thanks very much!
    Do you want to write it up for the USPD or should I?
  7. Re: Chemical Compound names


    Propylene Glycol (rocket fuel)

    Methelene Chloride (I spilled some on my lab gloves once. They started to bubble right before my eyes. I took off those gloves real quick)

    Hexanol (stinky)

    Methanol (makes you go blind)

    Trans-cinnamic Acid

  8. Re: Character Posting Game: Restart


    I forgot about the Automaton rules. :stupid:


    Actually anything would do I would just like a non-piloted construct of some sort to compare to my ideas of a Xorn Warstrider.



    I have no Idea what a 'Xorn Warstrider' is. Sounds like Terran Empire? I just thought this up.


    Archaeologists in northern India have uncovered long snake-like mecha. Until the alien inscriptions are deciphered, they are being called "Naga Sahana", sanskrit for 'Mighty Snakes'. The controls are extremely sensitive, as the things appear to have been intended for beings with reflexes far more honed than our own. Any human attempting to pilot one is advised to install a governor on the controls.


    Naga Sahana


    Cost Characteristic Value
    0 Intelligence 10
    -20 Strength 45
    1 Body 20
    45 Length 32 hex’s
    Width 1 hex
    Mass 50 tons
    KB -6
    Crew Size 3
    DCV Penalty -6
    Max CV 15
    48 Defense 18
    105 Dexterity 45
    5 Speed 6

    Movement Powers:

    Cost Power
    57 32†Running × 4
    30 6†Tunneling
    1 1†Leaping, megascale (1†= 1


    Attack Powers:

    Cost Power

    85vidyuddAman (Sanskrit for Lightning Bolt):

    1d6+1 RKA AoE radius ×2 and 2d6 Sight Flash

    Explosion -1d6 per 4†and 2d6 Hearing

    Flash Explosion -1d6 per 4â€

    4 Tail: Extra limb, limited manipulation (note, all but the

    first 1†of length are in the tail

    Other Powers:

    Cost Power
    40 Endurance Reserve (200 END, 20 REC)
    12 High Range Radio Perception
    5 Infrared Perception


    I forgot He wanted it to be autonomous. uh, slap a computer on it.

    mastuluGga (Meaning 'Brain')

    Val Char Cost
    8 INT -2
    45 DEX 105
    6 SPD 5
    Cost Skill
    3 Combat Piloting 11-
    2 Navigation
    1 Fight
    1 Go from point A to B


    And my challenge is: A guy with access to all the skills/ memories/ talents/ etc. of his ancestors.

  9. Re: Towel - Shout out?


    Well, the books writeup of a towel was a very low-level towel, such as might be found on our own mostly-harmless world. A more highly developed towel can be soaked in nutrients to sustain its bearer like a field ration. It could be made wet and coiled to form a weapon known as a 'rat tail'. It can be draped over ones head to avoid detection by the Ravenous Beast of (I forget where), which believes that if you can't see it, it can't see you.


    I also loved the "Sonic Screwdriver" Shout out to the Dr. Who series.

  10. 1) Flash is a Sense-Affecting Power.

    2) Clairsentience is a Sensory Power.

    3) Eiditic Memory is built as a form of Clairsentience.


    Does this mean Memory can be thought of as a sense in general? Can I flash it? What happens if it is flashed?

  11. Re: missile deflection for ego attacks


    5pts -- can deflect Mind Control & Mental Illusions

    10pts -- can deflect Telepathy

    15pts -- can deflect Mind Scan and most BoECV

    20pts -- can deflect Ego Attacks and any remaining BoECV attacks.

    That sounds like a recipie for comedy. You could make Mentalists read their own minds!
  12. Re: Authority, we just need a few good men.


    I'm really only familliar with marvel, or more accurately, spiderman. I have a few thoughts though. . .


    Tony Stark has already dabbled in politcal matters, so I could see Iron Man getting involved.


    Do you know how many Lawyers sit in Congress? Daredevil could get into this.


    Captain America . . . I'm not sure. He does have strong political views.

  13. Re: Cheese Check


    Well, the sonic booms thing would require another power writeup, obviously.


    The last time I wrote up a speedster, I went with NCM. It was just more convenient than megascale was.


    (hoody hoo! I've hit 500 posts!)

  14. Re: This clown deserves a Writeup.


    He carries Bowling balls, meat cleavers, torches, hatchets and chainsaws (for juggling)


    He has sleight of hand 14- (he knows lots of majic tricks)


    He has 5 vehicles (2 big trucks and one little clown car, a unicycle, and stilts)


    He has a buffalo he rides, and a small dog that knows lots of tricks (2 followers)

  15. Re: Hellboy Write-up


    Under fireproof, you have the limitation "only against fire/heat/electricity" as being a -1/2 limitation. I'd say -1/4 if anything. After those three, there just aren't that many attacks that do energy damage.

  16. Re: Sand Powers


    Don't bother with invisibility. Just use concealment (only in certain environments)


    How about a dispel gizmo? Ever try to use sensitive electronics when there's sand flying around?


    How about a create sandstorm? It'd be huge, but fun.

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