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Posts posted by Sociotard

  1. Re: Power Armor


    For the Armor: Creating powered armor as a vehicle is sometimes considered 'powergaming'. just be careful with it. I'd say yes for very large suits, no for smaller suits (i.e. Could someone walk through the doorway in your house while wearing it)


    For the STR: Use the "normal STR does not add" limitation. I think it's a 1/4.


    I would personally add a breathing immunity.


    Also add a com link. That's in FREd.

  2. Re: Where Supervillain buy...






    Usually our Customer of the Month is a supervillain, madman or despot. But for April, we have chosen an evil subordinate, a man who has elevated the craft of the villainous toady to new and exciting heights. A henchman among henchmen, he's the (former) Iraqi Information Minister, Mohammed Saeed al-Sahaf.


    Never has one man remained so pigheadedly loyal to an evil despot. Even in the face of complete and utter defeat, he soldiered on, oblivious to reality. If every villain had a henchman like Mr. al-Sahaf, well, the world would be a much eviller place.


    Or, as the man himself said, "I triple guarantee you, there are no American soldiers in Baghdad." Oh, Mohammed, that's just lovable.

  3. Re: Help, Zombies are eating my PCs!


    I'll second the distribution of combat levels only to hit in the head. Or you could just alter the zombies hit location table.


    A sawed off shotgun could, at close range, be handy. They make head shots all the easier.


    Does garlic work. Some of the older zombie flicks use that convention, as well as aversion to sunlight, or bright lights in general.

  4. Re: A Cross-Game Superhero Game


    That sounds Awesome! In our case, one of the players in star wars campaign A was GM of Campaign B. Campaign A fought a sith lord on a fabricated world, and wound up without a ship when all was said and done. So, next time, a ship showed up, as driven by campaign B. Highly entertaining.


    You were right, though. two parties meeting each other is tricky.

  5. Re: A Cross-Game Superhero Game


    Here's a thought. Have any of the GM's on this board tried to team up to make a 'crossover' episode? The two teams vs. each other, then team up to fight someone big?


    We did it once in a Star Wars campaign. It was fun.

  6. Re: A Cross-Game Superhero Game


    I know, I'm getting it when it comes out. :)


    I'm just thinking in terms of Tim "The Toolman" Taylor-MORE POWER! ARG! ARG! ARG!


    Besides, there's just this scene in my mind of Iron Man and Defender arguing armor characteristics, when somebody asks them "how do you take a tinkle in the armor"? :)

    Same way the astronauts do?

  7. Re: Hero Character Portfolio -- What Do *You* Want To See?


    I knew a gm a while back who did the questionaire thing. It was actually pretty cool, and helped cement character concepts. While the questions are pretty specific for the campaign (set in the wheel of time universe), they could give some good ideas for a more general questionaire

    1. What would you like your characters full name, titles, heraldry to be at the end of your epic?
    2. What type of literary archetype do you want you character to emulate?
    3. Would you want you character to become infamous, famous or remain anonymous?
    4. What is the Arch of your character's story?
    5. What type of story hook will your character have to encourage him to adventure?
    6. What is the major difference in personality between you and the player character you are going to portray?
    7. What is the biggest similarity in personality shared by you and the player character you are going to portray?
    8. What secret does you character keep that he fears anyone discovering? (Must have one)
    9. What was the event that made your character become an adventurer?
    10. How did that event change your character’s previous outlook?
    11. What do you do for a living?
    12. Why did you choose this vocation?
    13. What are you trying to do?
    14. Why are you trying to do that?
    15. How do you measure your degree of success or failure?
    16. What will you do if you fail?
    17. What do you consider the greatest obstacles to your success?
    18. What are you doing to ensure that you overcome these obstacles?
    19. If you could change one thing about the world, what would that be?
    20. If you could change one thing about yourself, what would that be?
    21. Do you fear anything?
    22. How would others describe you?
    23. How would you describe yourself? (Give 3 traits two general and one contradictory trait)
    24. Are there any individuals you trust or rely on?
    25. Are there any individuals who trust or rely upon you?
    26. Do you enjoy the company of others or do you prefer to be alone?
    27. Do you have servants or employees?
    28. How do you gain their cooperation?
    29. Are you a servant or employee?
    30. How does this relationship benefit your personal interests?
    31. How do you spend your leisure time?
    32. What do you like to wear?
    33. What do you enjoy most about your work?
    34. What do you like to eat?
    35. Do you collect anything?
    36. Do you have any pets?
    37. Where did you live before you came to (insert GM’s starting point)?
    38. Why did you live there?
    39. What is your daily routine?
    40. How do you protect yourself?
    41. What is your name?
    42. How old are you?
    43. Where were you born and raised?
    44. Did you know your parents (if they did not play a significant role supplement who did, and in what respect for all parent/sibling questions)?
    45. How did you feel about them?
    46. Are your parents alive?
    47. Do you have any brothers or sisters?
    48. If yes do you know where they are?
    49. Did you have any friends in your youth?
    50. What role did you family play in your upbringing?
    51. Are you married if yes, what do (es) your spouse(s) do for a living?
    52. Do you ever want to get married?
    53. Do you have any children? How many? What ages?
    54. Do you ever want to have children?
    55. What is your race (include background)?
    56. Did you receive formal education?
    57. How did you learn to do what you are doing now?
    58. Did you have a mentor?
    59. What has been your greatest achievement?
    60. What has been your greatest disappointment?
    61. Who are your influential acquaintances?
    62. Who are your personal enemies?
    63. Who do you interact with on a daily basis?
    64. What do you look like?
    65. What aspect of your physical appearance is most distinctive or easiest to identify you?
    66. What is your allegiance ?
    67. What are your most developed skills? (These do not refer to game mechanics)
    68. What are your least developed skills?
    69. How did you come to be in (insert GM Starting point)?
    70. Why have you come to the (insert GM starting point)?
    71. What is there in your life that is worth living for?
    72. What is there in your life that is worth dying for?
    73. What do you refuse to eat?
    74. What are your sleeping habits? (lay abed all day, light sleeper, insomniac)
    75. Do you have any signature habits. (Thumb your earlobes and hum at pretty women, appraise the price of everything valuable etc.)
    76. Do you like to dance?
    77. Can you dance?
    78. What are three things that always make you angry
    79. What actions do you consider good/evil outside of the social norm?
    80. What individuals do you consider good/evil outside of the social norm?
    81. Are there any organizations you wish to belong too?
    82. Are there any organizations you mistrust?
    83. Are there any organizations you Hate?
    84. Is there a particular background of people you are unsure of? (ie. Nationalities, Races, Religeons)
    85. What would the person your character is most likely to fall in love with be like?
    86. Under what terms would you become a 'Bad Guy'

    This list is property of Steve Russell and is used with his expressed permission. Many of these questions were adapted from books owned by WoTC and are not the original property of Steven Russell or creation. Do not repost or use publicly without his permission.

  8. Re: What Would Your Character Do? #66


    Colonel Jonathan Rebman. As a ghost possessing a cast iron Statue, Colonel Rebman is reasonably resistant to mental control. He's resistant to most things, actually. The most obvious attack here would be the rebel yell, which would drain the presence of both individuals.


    First however, the official team mentalist would use his metallist senses to confirm that this was, in fact, a mental attack. and try to telepathically hack the motives behind it.


    He won't ever be able to switch over to the ectoplasma rifle, however. he has the "a true gentleman" disadvantage, and can't hit a girl

  9. Re: Suddenly Alone on the Stations


    Depending on how advanced embryology gets, it could be possible to create 'meat farms'. The muscle itself would be the only thing grown, and the energy to grow it would come straight from the source (as opposed to livestock, which need phototrophs). Milk and Eggs could be made similarly.


    Voyager did suck.

    A friend onced described the difference between it and Farscape (which was better than Voyager, even when it got bad at the end) as follows:


    An alien offers to send the crew home, and in payment requests the limb of one crewman.


    Voyager Reaction: Janeway contemplates the deal over a cup of international blend coffee, and decides not to, based on the worth of one soul or something, and later saves the life of the mean alien to give a lesson on humanity.


    Farscape Reaction: D'Argo draws his sword . . .

  10. Re: Please help with this character


    You're on the right track. Lets see, the GM is treating the 10 Overall skill levels as a power? an 100 point one? But the problem is that it takes on too many real points, not too many active points? Well, either drop down to 5 OSL's, or add on some limitations (you would need a 2). You said that he sometimes he aquires personality oddities when he does this. That would be a side effect. He could sometimes start speaking ancient african languages, etc. That leaves many more limitations to go.


    I'll post more if I think of more

  11. Re: Ultimate Brick -- What Things Weigh


    plenty of density related stuff, which shouldn't be too hard. Just list the volume for a 1 hex space 2 meters high and a whole bunch of equivalent masses. Lets see

    The volume of a 1 hex space should be 9.52 m^3, or 9,520 Liters. Therefore


    A1hex space of

    • water weighs 9,520 kg

    • Sea water weighs 9,758 kg

    • Beer weighs 9,615 kg

    • Gold weighs 183,926 kg

    • Stainless Steel weighs between 71,210 and 76,160 kg

    • Maple wood weighs about 7,188 kg

    • Apples (including empty space) 6100 kg

    Go to http://www.simetric.co.uk for a slew of densities.

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