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Captain Obvious

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Posts posted by Captain Obvious

  1. Re: A new Enemies book: What would you want to see?


    A part of the growing-up process in Hero, IME, is seeing what other people have done and saying "Wow, I never would have thought of doing it that way". With that in mind, Enemies books should always be available for the new guys just coming on board. And I still see things other people have put together and say "Wow..." Even if I never use the characters in the book, I find such things to be useful.

  2. Re: Killiing a lot of zombies from a safe position.


    Well, I have seen zombie fans (who as far as I know were not gamers) who seemed to relish the idea that a zombie outbreak was inescapable. I don't remember if this came from a movie or was their own twisted creation, but I remember them being absolutely gleeful at the idea of a pile of zombies being a vector for zombieism, and burning them would only make it airborne. With a GM like that, I don't see the point in playing.

  3. Re: "Neat" Pictures


    Well, there's the infamous postwar Hungarian Pengo hyperinflation ..



    I think that's a hundred million billion pengo note, but I don't know if if the billion is a British billion or a US billion. The US billion is a thousand million; the British billion is a million million so it's bigger by a factor of a thousand.


    At some point you go for logarithmic money, where the number on the bill is the number of zeros in the number it's supposed be worth. So if you were to buy something worth 10,000,000 currency units, you would hand the seller an "8" note and you'd get your item plus nine "7" notes in change.


    "Can I get that in singles, please?" *backs up a semi*

  4. Re: What "Pulp" have you read lately ?


    I just picked up "Doc Atlas" and "Return of the Grey Seal" for my kindle.


    I've read all of Doc Savage, the Shadow, the Spider, the Avenger, and Fu Manchu. Any recommendations?


    I recommend you start up a Pulp Hero campaign. And let me play.

  5. Re: Blueprints/Maps for sailing or oared ships


    Plans are one thing' date=' but does anyone have a link to a good, very basic guide to ship operation for gaming purposes? As in when to raise or furl which sails, how to deploy a jib, trimming sails depending on wind direction relative to the boat, what rope to cut to drop a yardarm, which ropes you might be able to swing from, where you might find a peg or axe handy to bash your enemies with...[/quote']


    I've got basic ideas from having watched movies and read books, but not enough to be considered an authority. A book like that would be an awesome game resource though.


    Thinking about it, I've used writer's guides as fodder for gaming details before...I wonder if there's a writer's guide to sailing ships....

  6. Re: A new Enemies book: What would you want to see?


    The self-contained universe idea is pretty good, IMO. Link the villains to each other without linking them to established characters. The book is useful not only as a basis for a campaign, but also as the setting for one of those parallel universe type adventures, where the PCs pop out of the wormhole into a super-battle, and have to decide which side is the good guys and which is the bad guys before they can effectively start fighting/helping out. If a GM wants to use it to add villains to his Champions Universe campaign, it's not hard to add in a few connections to established characters later.


    And a sandwich sounds good too.

  7. Re: Ultra-Tech Punishments?


    This system/culture works well most of the time' date=' but recently a weakness has been exposed. With an estimated 1 in 10 rape cases actually ending in an arrest, and most of those the ones where the victim knew his/her attacker, there just isn't enough of a disincentive to stop everyone. A small group of people (estimated to be around five people, last I checked) around the country have been going berserk with around a rape per week for the last couple of months. [/quote']


    You guys need to bring back that blood eagle thing. A rape a week is ridiculous to put up with from one person.


    I recommend you begin a regimen of costumed vigilantism.

  8. Re: Orbital Mechanics and stuff: Check my understanding of spatial relations


    If the orbit is elliptical enough that the planet is much closer to the sun at some times than others, it would in effect cause seasons. I don't think a planet can be tidally locked without a largely circular orbit though. I don't think it can be locked if the axis is far off perpendicular to the plane of orbit either.


    However, if this is a fantasy planet, anything goes. I think KK is mostly looking for confirmation of his ideas of how this setup would affect the surface of the planet (weather, day length, apparent motion of the celestial bodies), and angling for any cool or important effects that he may have overlooked.


    It seems to work, to my mind. I don't mess around a whole lot with non-Earth-like fantasy worlds, though, and don't GM enough sci-fi to get too deep in the weeds on unusual mechanics there either.

  9. Re: Quote of the Week From My Life.


    "First and foremost: It's pronounced 'NUKE-lee-ur'' date=' [b']not[/b] 'NUKE-ya-ler'. 'NUKE-lee-ur' has reference to the nucleus of an atom. 'NUKE-ya-ler' has reference to nothing at all because it isn't a real word, despite what you may have heard from our previous President. Say it correctly in my class, please."


    -Me, to my Honors Chemistry classes this week


    If I was a physicist, I'd be on the lookout for some new particle to call a nucule. It seems kind of perverse, in that nucular would become a genuine word, but then at least people would have to get their pronunciation correct if they wanted to be clear what they were talking about.

  10. Re: Killiing a lot of zombies from a safe position.


    I've been thinking for quite some time now that it's quite appropriate to give Zeds something like this...


    No Survival Instinct -Physical Complication: Zombies don't defend themselves, don't take evasive action, and move predictably most of the time. All Hit Location Penalties are halved for purposes of aiming, just as if they had been Surprised Out of Combat


    Nice call.

  11. Re: Pirate Hero


    Wind should definitely be a factor, but generally it affects speed in certain directions. Two similarly rigged ships sailing at the same point of sail will go the same proportion of their ideal speed, so technically speaking, it can often be handwaved. Exceptions to the hand-waving being that fore-and-aft rigged ships sail into the wind better than square-rigged ships, single-masted ships sail directly downwind faster than multiple-masted ships (with more than one mast, some of the sails get obscured from the wind when moving directly downwind), and obstacles (sandbars, reefs, shorelines, etc) could make wind direction a little more important than in an open ocean battle.



    Here's a little bit I came up with for rough seas combat:


    Naval Gunfire:

    Because of the action of the ocean's waves in rocking the ship, gunners on a ship suffer an additional RMod penalty equal to (the wind's Beaufort number minus 4) x2. For example, in a gentle breeze (Beaufort number 3) the penalty would be (3-4 = -1 which is less than 0) no penalty at all, but in a strong gale (Beaufort number 9) the penalty would be (9-4 = 5 x 2 =10) -10 to all RMods.

  12. Re: A Few Slight Delays: Building a Hero System system and setting


    With all that in mind, I'd say what you need is to expand your class-specific advancement charts and expand on the magic system (especially in ways that advance with power level...the way fireball spells increase with level in other RPGs). As it's a project for your own entertainment (at least at this point) the important thing to do is not push it too hard and burn yourself out. Plug away at it when you feel the inspiration, but don't despair if you don't get the inspiration for a while.

  13. Re: Quote of the Week from my gaming group...


    Niven's Ringworld didn't require any alternate universe mining. They just gathered up all the planets, asteroids, etc in that solar system and converted that matter into whatever they needed. Not that that's a small feat, but if you're building a ringworld, you're not engaged in a small feat.

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