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Everything posted by Fearghus

  1. Re: Animate Flame That is exactly what I was thinking. Images with side effects and physical manifestation so that the image can be snuffed out. The image is so small I might even let the player have this power as a gimme so long as he didn't actually start using it for arson.
  2. Re: What is a MP and what is not ? Yeah I think you have the hang of it. of the powers you mentioned Life support and enhanced senses are the only ones that that shouldn't be placed in a multi-power because they are special powers and so should not be in an MP without GM permission. I also always caution players about putting defenses in an MP since it would suck to make a great attack, but be left vulnerable until your next phase. But what you described seems reasonably since you placed the special powers and your defense on a focus not in your Multi-power The key to understanding multi-power is thinking of them as the SAME POWER. Think of the slots as different ways of using the same power. As a drawback the multi-power gets suppressed or drained as one power. So FIRESTORM from above could suffer a drain attack and still have two powers to fall back on, but FIREGUY could be drained and be out of luck.
  3. Re: Summon Willing Targets I guess the question comes down to functionality. In the end I think what matters most is what function you want this power to have. If it is as you described where even during combat you can blip an ally around a combat... the teleport build is probably the one you would have to go with... (WAY EXPENSIVE, and for good reason. that is a VERY useful ability). on the other hand if you want to simply bring allies to you when you need them, that is summon.
  4. Re: Multipower imbalance Very good point.
  5. Re: Multipower imbalance I agree. In fact I have discovered if you either A> do not put enough slots into a multipower, or B> put too many limitations on the slots in your multi-power. it can sometimes be cheaper to buy the slots individually rather than buy them as a multipower. It allows for low point characters to be more than a one trick pony with out making them TOO powerful.
  6. OK I had this idea for a villain in my game who's powers are all based on ants. One of the powers I would like to give him is a distracting / incapacitating ability. The idea is that a swarm of ants crawls out of the ground and causes the poor victim to itch, and in the end prevents them from acting. I was originally going to build this as an entangle, but realized that I don't want it to prevent movement, just attacking / acting. in fact if this power could get people to run away it might even be preferable. So then I think about a change environment build that puts combat penalties on the victim, but I would have to put mobile advantages on it, and it being an area of effect power isn't really fitting the flavor of what I wanted. Well in the end I figured since I am thinking about this I would share the misery. How would you guys build it? Basically I am looking for three main features to this power. 1> It's personal. It effects one target, moves with that target and only that target. 2> It's lasting. It would have a duration or a fade rate of some kind. It should not require the villain to re-do the attack every phase. 3> It effectively prevents the character from taking actions. doesn't prevent movement, though it might slow it, but the victim should at least find it very difficult to perform skills, attack, defend etc.
  7. Re: Making a master Table Booklet Because... It's pretty much the same thing as reproducing a chart from the book. You reproduce a small portion of the books content. Granted there are a few RPGs that specify on the character sheet page that you have permission to copy it, but not all do, so if copying a chart is a violation so is copying the character sheet. In the end the word DAMAGES is the key from what I understand. It's not like making a copy of the character sheet to make your character does any harm to the sale of the book, just like the charts you are compiling are not particularly useful with out the book. So it's not cutting into sales of the book. I am confident that this is all well within the realm of fair use, and I personally will continue to make sheets / booklets like this for my / my gaming group's use.
  8. Re: Making a master Table Booklet First question: I have made sheets / booklets / packets like that for nearly every role playing game I have ever played. Having said that "technically" it probably violated copyright. I never took a penny from anyone for these sheets, I never tried to collect money from anyone, and since copyright law is intended to prevent someone from making profit on other people's intellectual property I don't see how there are any damages. Like Prestidigitator said though. I am not a lawyer. I can't promise it won't bite you in the butt if you create this document, but seriously... it's not like your harming anything by doing it. If this is illegal so is every excel character sheet that is published on-line for EVERYONE to download for free. hell there are people selling spreadsheet versions of character sheets, and they aren't being sued, and they ARE making profit on other people's intellectual property. Second Question: What everyone else said. Cut and paste into your favorite word processor... Print and Enjoy.
  9. Re: New Mechanic: Block Sense I agree with Bigbywolfe... This power is flash with a few advantages to make it last longer. I see no need for a new power for this.
  10. Re: So many questions... I was going to suggest both Follower and Summon... That is probably how I would do it. Another suggestion you may wish to consider is simply buy healing add the ranged advantage to it and call the mini-bot a physical manefestation of the power. Everything in the hero system can be built in 20 different ways, and none of them are wrong or right. The various builds are all in personal preference and what the GM will allow.
  11. Re: Constant END I have always had the same problem only in regards to movement. a character that has a 20 running, but only a 2 speed is slower in combat than a character with a 10 running but a speed of 5.
  12. Re: Hero/Fate/Karma points for Hero System I played in a game where the GM did something very simple. We received Karma points as a special perk when we did something particularly impressive (either a good idea, solved a mystery, or risked our own safety to protect others etc.) The award was kind of arbitrary but The GM tended to pass at least one or two karma points per session. So they were not uncommon, but not expected either. Now a karma point was basically a 10 point skill level you got to use for one action. then it was spent. so if you had 4 of them saved up you could add two damage classes to an attack or a +4 to hit or a +4 to a skill roll or any combination you choose. It made adding damage kinda tough, but adding bonuses to hit rather easy.
  13. Re: New Mechanic: Protean Form Hmmmm. This seems to me it would be more straitforward to build it as desolidify with some limitations rather than as a brand new power. I have often created characters like this that have bodies made of liquid or vapor. It works pretty well If you place the correct advantages and disadvantages on it.
  14. Re: Bloody? The wounding rules always felt like a variation on the stun rules to me which is why I never used them. I guess it could work for this but I was thinking of penalties that would stick with you for the rest of the combat (or at least until you were healed.) It would suck for you to take one Body... botch the ego roll and be stuck at -4 for the rest of the scene.
  15. I have been thinking lately about a concept. I might try in my heroic games. It doesn't fit the genre for a supers game, but more others it might fit. It occurs to me that a character fights at 100% effectiveness weather they have all their body or weather they are down to one body. For supers this is fine... even for more cinematic games this is fine. How many times has the hero been on his last leg... almost dead... then... he gets a boost of inspiration or something and starts fighting better than ever. But if you want more realism. I was thinking that it might makes sense to start applying combat penalties the more injured you are. In my mind Stun would not be part of this equation only Body. The penalties should not be massive especially since a +1 in either direction in combat is a huge boost so I am thinking if a character is at %50 of their normal max Body they take a -1 OCV and DCV. Call this condition Bruised. at %25 of max normal Body something like 1/2 OCV and 1/2 DCV. Call this condition Bloody. So... what does the community think. Like I said... I am just kicking it around and wanted to know what you guys think.
  16. Re: Beating the bell curve I know other people have weighed in with similar comments but what you are saying sounds like you are increasing the damage a character would do for free. So personally I think it is a bad idea. The system is pretty well balanced as it is with the cost of defense being cheaper than the attack so that attacks aren't instantly fatal. What you are talking about messes with that balance. If you want more normalized results... then use the standard effect rules. Just my two cents... It just seems to me that this would make attacks overwhelm defenses most of the time. meaning you'd have to spend more points on defense powers and less on attack powers.
  17. Re: Vehicle body Again that sounds like it is making tanks (or any vehicle really) way too weak. Suddenly a compact car can be disabled because a buyer kicks the tires. If you want to have a guy strong enough to smash the engine of a car with one blow... make a guy that can smash the whole car in one blow... Don't make the car weaker, make the guy stronger. Smashing the engine as opposed the the whole care is really just fluff. The car is disabled either way. If you really want to compartmentalize the body of a vehicle I would split it up differently. based on the configuration of the vehicle. front... back... top... bottom... are too vague. for a car the main body and 4 tires. Tires are weak, but very hard to hit, the body is tough. On the other hand a blimp... the bag is both weak and easy to hit, the crew compartment could be very well armored though.
  18. Re: Knowledge/Profession/Science Skill question Here is how I see it, and run it in my games. If it doesn't have game effect... It's flavor. He can give himself 18- on a skry history roll if it doesn't effect the game for all I care. I have had this sort of thing happen in my game where a character for flavor was an expert in some sort of literature or a wine connoisseur or what ever KS you care to give him... But because it was only flavor I didn't make him spend points for it. On the reverse side of the coin. If it does have game effect... YEP... pay for those skills. They might be considered everyman skills for that character but then he would have to buy skills for earth cultures.
  19. Re: House! Math make me head hurt!
  20. Re: End: Should he go the way of Com? If tracking your numbers becomes difficult you could always try doing what I do. I write a list of numbers down the side of my character sheet in the margin. Mar the my body, END and Stun are in those numbers. then pick three colors of paper clips. One for body, one for stun and one for end. When I use up two END I move the paper clip It's pretty easy and you really only have to be able to count to do it. I have a player that keeps d10s in front of him with all his values on them. I find that to be a bit awkward because there is always the potential for the dice to get knocked around and you loose track of where you were.
  21. Re: End: Should he go the way of Com? Yeah... Bad idea. I like the END mechanic especially in normal heroic games. It makes running street battles more interesting. suddenly the character that spent extra points on recovery has an edge. He can out pace is opponents simply by taking less recovery rounds. The Brick tactic of letting an opponent wear himself out is also an option only if END is in the game. I would not mind revising the END system a bit though. I am not sure how I would go about doing this, but it I think almost everything costing end is a bit too much paper work. Every time you move, use a power, attack... I have always thought there should be some things that you can just do because they are just that simple. For example if you made something like taking a 1/2 move not cost end then you would have to lower overall END and REC to compensate... but the system seems to work as is so I am sticking with it. "Do not let what you can not accomplish interfere with what your CAN accomplish."
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