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Everything posted by BarretWallace

  1. Our group uses D&D Beyond mostly for character storage, and it is quite handy for that. We're already talking about backup options in light of this OGL blunder, but for now, we're still with D&D Beyond. As far as I know, only the DM is paying for a subscription...and I'm never gonna tell her what to do!
  2. And, another interesting one! Sorry folks, I normally ignore this kind of thing, but TheyWhoShallNotBeNamed is leaving me rather miffed. If they're not careful, I might upgrade to peeved. https://www.inverse.com/gaming/dnd-dungeons-dragons-ogl-11-homebrew-changes-opendnd?fbclid=IwAR3rCI-zgIsp036YLxHDM3ITjKgk2CP-XFcw6NpT5tNfGDrbS61O5C9hrNU
  3. I thought this was interesting too. https://mikeshea.net/thoughts_on_the_ogl_1_1.html
  4. I thought this was kinda funny too: https://bundleofholding.com/presents/NonOGLFantasy
  5. I just might do that, once (i.e. if) it's complete anyway. Thank you for the idea!
  6. This reminds me vaguely of my Star Wars fanfiction that grew out of playing the old West End Star Wars roleplaying game. I was fascinated enough by the characters that I wanted to explore their lives more, so I started writing. The first stories took shape in high school. In the decades since then, the characters and story arc have evolved considerably. Thanks to being an electronic pack rat I still have many of the original bits, and to call them cringe-worthy is being polite. I'm not sure I have the neural capacity to create something truly original, but I have no problem with playing in someone else's sandbox. If I ever actually finish a writing project, it will probably be this one, though copyright issues means that it will never see publication. Over the years, many other stories have flared to life and then gone back into hibernation. I haven't had a new idea for several years, and as I age, that is less and less likely to change.
  7. I am rather embarrassed to admit that I was once a die-hard Republican. What the party said, I parroted. Then a random conversation with a Scout parent got me taking a step back and looking at issues from more than one side. In this case, it was the 2003 Iraq invasion. Long story short (it's also rather boring to anyone but me), I had a sudden realization that, as part of the cost of the invasion, that kid (if he were serving in uniform overseas) could come home in a body bag some day. I'm not saying that I will never advocate US military intervention anywhere under any circumstances, but when I started considering the cost, I also found a great deal of caution, plus a great deal of critical thinking around my own opinions. These days I still lean more conservative than liberal, but if I vote for a Republican candidate, they're usually a younger Republican who advocates such crazy things as "common ground," "negotiation," "compromise," and "reaching across the aisle." Few if any of them are ever elected. I have no patience with Sith Republicans (or even some Democrats) who tell me, "If you're not with me, you're my enemy!" We don't have to agree, but at some point we do have to get along and work together for the common good. I wish there were more friendships like Scalia and Ginsburg, political opponents yet personal friends. I have no idea what the Republican party has even become. I just finished reading "Rise and Fall of the Third Reich" and there are disturbing parallels between Nazi rhetoric/tactics and modern times.
  8. Oh, how I wish this could be a real ticket in a couple of years......
  9. Red back, funnel web, blue ringed octopus Taipan, Tiger snake, Adderbox and Jellyfish Stone fish and the poison thing that lives in a shell, that spikes you when you pick it up! Come to Australia You might accidentally get killed! Your lifes constantly under threat Have you been bitten yet? You've only got 3 minutes left Before a massive coronary breakdown! Red back, funnel web, blue ringed octopus Taipan, Tiger snake, Adderbox and Jellyfish Big shark, just waiting for you to go swimming At Bondi Beach! Come on Come to Australia You might accidentally get killed Your blood is bound to be spilled With fear your pants will be Filled Because you might accidentally get killed!
  10. I believe that provoking a confrontation is a moot point. If armed whack jobs are intimidating voters, then the confrontation does not need to be provoked because it has already begun. Or is ongoing. And I do agree: if there is no penalty for these lawbreakers, it will only encourage them to continue.
  11. If recent history in my home state is any guide (well, recent from my perspective), I must sadly concur. A few years back, we elected a former pro wrestler as our governor. He did pretty well for his first two years, and then I think his ego got the better of him. There were two major high points from his governorship that I recall. Firstly (at least for his first two years), he was a breath of fresh air, a welcome break from the old, tired bickering of extreme right vs. extreme left. Second, he sparked unprecedented cooperation between the two major parties; that the cooperation was against him is another point of discussion. We haven't had a non-RepubliCrat governor since.
  12. As a chemist, I appreciate the threat there, and it brought a smile to my face. Ragitsu is right: MacRiah does have a nice ring to it. The smile didn't last long though, because I'm sad that there's any reason at all for educators to have to think of their classrooms in terms of offensive and defensive potential. As if the normal stresses of rooms full of children aren't enough.
  13. I'm still not quite old enough for the second booster. Grr. Argh.
  14. No problem here; I did write a rather [unintentionally] nebulous statement. 😜
  15. I was thinking of "take action" in the context of preventing things like this from happening again, but yes, you have a good point.
  16. Sometimes it feels like those who want to take action in situations like this have no power to do so. Those who have the power to take action are sitting on their hands.
  17. I personally choose not to wear a mask at this time, except in medical facilities, which still require masks in my state. I've gotten my jabs and booster (not quite old enough for the second booster). If someone nearby is masking, I give them what I hope is a respectful amount of space. I'd go back to wearing a mask full time if I ever get around to building my Imperial stormtrooper armor.
  18. I've never been fond of the twice-yearly time change ritual. Pick one and friggin' stick with it!
  19. "If you want to find out Russia's plans, you should look at what Russia is accusing others of." https://www.wsj.com/articles/russian-airstrikes-intensify-in-western-ukraine-11646994808?st=jbkhsoa1s3o73k2&reflink=desktopwebshare_permalink
  20. I keep wondering how anyone can take Vladimir Putin seriously enough to believe a word that comes out of his mouth anymore. Then again, we elected Donald Trump as President recently, so I'm not saying it's impossible.
  21. I am sorry for your loss, Pariah (and Lady P).
  22. How dare you pierce the bubble of my willful ignorance with science! Just kidding of course, I look forward to reading that article.
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