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Derek Hiemforth

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Everything posted by Derek Hiemforth

  1. Re: How would you make "the Doctor"? According to the info I've seen, the limit has rarely actually been talked about in the series (it's apparently a much bigger deal in fandom, trying to define the Doctor). It was originally 12 (which technically they still haven't reached, so who knows?... it might still be 12). Then in an episode of the Sarah Jane Chronicles, he flippantly says he can regenerate 507 times. But as River Song very wisely points out, rule number one is: The Doctor lies. So taking any number as the "limit" on his regeneration is taking the Doctor's own word for it. Taking the Doctor's word for something (especially something about himself/his background) strikes me as dicey at best...
  2. Re: New Kickstarter has an interesting take on a SuperVillians as PC RPG And just as the Demons might possess good people (either unwittingly, or because they enjoy forcing the righteous to perform evil), so also the Angels might possess evil people (either choosing to use the already-tainted as their "weapons" in this war of good vs. evil so as not to endanger good people, or to try and redeem them by influencing them to perform valiant deeds)...
  3. Re: How would you make "the Doctor"? A good friend of mine played character a obviously intended to be The Doctor in one of our past Champions campaigns. What seems deus ex machina in his own series just seems like another cool set of powers in a superhero game.
  4. Re: [New Product] Champions Complete Actually, that's a good point. The biggest "differences" in Champions Complete (the de-categorizing of Animal Handler, Gamling, et al; the removal of the Absolute Effect Rule; the removal of Classes of Minds) were all true of Hero System Basic as well. Then Basic also had many other changes/omissions compared to 6E1&2 that Champions Complete does not have. So yes... CC is much closer to 6E1&2 in function, even though it's much closer to Basic in form.
  5. Re: Ripper 6E Statblock? What Book? There hasn't been a 6E version published yet. The most recent is in the 5E VIPER book.
  6. Re: [New Product] Champions Complete I guess that's something the community will have to decide in hindsight, but I don't personally think so. I don't think the actual functional differences are that significant (to the extent that there even are any; they're mostly differences in presentation and focus). I'd certainly say it's no more than edition 6.1... probably more like 6.01
  7. Re: [New Product] Champions Complete I'm not certain what you're asking...
  8. Re: [New Product] Champions Complete OCV and DCV scan even easier with OCVM and DCVM. Let's change to those! (Kidding... They're staying OMCV and DMCV. )
  9. Re: Yow would you make "the Doctor"? Here's my take, with the caveats that (A) this is based only on the Doctor since the Doctor Who reboot a few years ago (I've never seen the older seasons), and ( I'm just going off the top of my head, not researching anything, and © I'm going for a smaller number of more general and flexible abilities, rather than a larger list of more finely-detailed abilities. (I gave him Special GM Permission to only spend 9 points on Martial Arts, and to have Skills in a Power Framework... ) [ATTACH=CONFIG]44058[/ATTACH]
  10. Re: [New Product] Champions Complete There's not a pre-made form to fill in, but the questions and considerations it covered are all discussed in the "Playing Comic Book Campaigns" section of the book (which includes subsections like Points & Power Levels, Creating Champions Campaigns, and Running Champions Campaigns).
  11. Re: [New Product] Champions Complete I'm probably the wrong person to ask on that one. Because I personally lobbied against there being a character sheet in the book at all. Instead, I said it should be a freebie download. Really, who photocopies blank record sheets out of books anymore? Ya' print 'em out from PDFs or from Hero Designer. Since folks keep mentioning color, I'll talk about it a bit. Though it wasn't my decision to make, I don't disagree with it at all. Yes, color's pretty. But there are some points on the other side too: 1. Color isn't important enough to everyone for them to be willing to pay a higher price. 2. Some gamers actually prefer black-and-white, because they feel it makes the book more durable for its cost. 3. (This is the big one) Color doesn't just cost more to print once... it also costs more to reprint every time. Which means doing smaller reprint runs is impractical, and requires a big chunk o' cash to do a reprint. Which leads to your core book being unavailable in print for long stretches of time. That's a Bad Thing. Although I'm not privvy to the sales numbers (I'm speaking strictly as a fan, now), remember that 6E1 and 6E2, Champions, Champions Universe, Champions Villains 1 & 2, Fantasy Hero, and Star Hero were all done as color books. And the folks who do know the sales and cost details on those books are the same folks deciding to do Champions Complete with black-and-white interior. I think that should tell us something. Nope. Gotta leave something for newcomers to connect with old-timers about, right? The Champions. There will also (assuming everything fits) be five example villains from the Champions Universe. And altogether, the ten example characters will match the ten character archetypes (Blaster, Brick, Gadgeteer, Martial Artist, Mentalist, Metamorph, Mystic, Powered Armor, Speedster, and Weaponmaster). Many of those were considered, and often dismissed (sometimes for the grounds you note). Obviously, we thought Champions Complete was the best choice overall.
  12. Re: [New Product] Champions Complete Since this will be the core rulebook, removing them isn't really an option, and I don't think it's necessary anyway. They're clearly flagged as Heroic rules, and can easily be skipped.
  13. Re: [New Product] Champions Complete Yes, they're in there. And really, nothing is specifically flagged as "optional." Items are flagged with the Caution Sign and Stop Sign icons (as they have been since 4E), and Champions Complete introduces two icons as well: Superheroic and Heroic. These quickly highlight mechanics more appropriate for one or the other style of campaign. So in a sense, GMs running a Superheroic campaign might consider anything with a Heroic icon to be "optional" or not specifically aimed at their game, but the book doesn't literally call anything an "optional rule." (Well, except for Optional Combat Maneuvers, which are still called that.)
  14. Re: [New Product] Champions Complete You can check http://www.bits-and-mortar.com for more information. I'm sure the specifics will be made known as the publication date approaches.
  15. Re: [New Product] Champions Complete It's not a specifically defined type of Physical Complication, but since a Physical Complication is a general concept, it certainly can be in a particular game if the GM thinks it merits a Complication.
  16. Re: [New Product] Champions Complete Yes. Nope. It's worth whatever the GM thinks it should be worth, based on the campaign. For example, "Machines Only" would be worth a big Limitation in a world where few machines are advanced enough to be affected, and not nearly as much in a world where androids are as common as humans.
  17. Re: [New Product] Champions Complete I wouldn't say that there are no rules changes whatsoever, mainly because it's hard to predict what someone will consider a "change." For example, 6E1 page 182 has a paragraph describing the exact effect of Area Of Effect: personal Surface (Damage Shield) on Clinging. That information is not in Champions Complete. Is that "changing" a rule? I'd say it's not; it's simply deciding that the situation is rare enough that the core rulebook doesn't need to speak to it specifically, and therefore essentially leaving it up the GM. (And I suspect that most GMs would run the situation much like 6E1 suggests anyway, even without the book spelling it out.) If you consider this sort of thing to be a "changed" rule, then yes... the book has many "changes." What about if something works the same way, but is called something different? For example, the game concept of the Naked Advantage has been renamed Independent Advantage in Champions Complete, but it works the same way. Is that a change? What about if a few closely-related or nearly-identical game elements are combined into one? For example, Champions Complete combines Radio Perception, Radio Perception/Transmission, and High Range Radio Perception into a single Enhanced Sense simply called Radio Perception, with a three-tiered pricing structure that's the same as the three cost separately before. Is that a rule change, or just re-arranging the presentation? Likewise, Safe Blind Travel (from Extra-Dimensional Movement) and Safe Blind Teleport (from Teleportation) are combined into a single Adder called Safe Blind Travel that can apply to either Power. Rule change? Or just different presentation? I consider, and I suspect most folks see it the same way, a "change" to be where a rule used to work one way, and now works differently. If that's the criterion, then (to the best of my recollection off the top of my head), there are at most three "changes" in Champions Complete: Animal Handler, Forgery, Gambling, Navigation, Survival and Weaponsmith are presented as normal 3-point Skills instead of broken into categories. The concept of breaking Skills down into categories if you want more detail is in the book, but none of the Skills are presented that way by default. The Absolute Effect Rule has been removed. However, the Core Concept of You Can Change Anything specifically spells out that the GM can allow anything he or she wishes to allow, at whatever cost he or she thinks is appropriate. So it's not like you can't do it anymore... the specific suggestion about it just isn't there anymore. Classes Of Minds has been removed as a concept. Mental Powers now work universally by default, and if you want them to apply to a limited type of target, you take a Limitation. That's about it. The place where folks will notice the most "change" is in the presentation. Aside from the obvious more concise approach -- removal of a lot of repetition, elaboration, detail, and examples -- one noteworthy re-arrangement regards Power Modifiers. In Champions Complete, Adders, Advantages, and Limitations that can apply to one-and-only-one Power are listed with that Power's description. All other Adders, Advantages, and Limitations -- even if they can only apply to two Powers, or only apply to Vehicles or what have you -- are listed alphabetically in a single Power Modifiers chapter (and the description of each one indicates which Powers it can apply to). Consolidating things in this way will hopefully make things easier to find as well.
  18. Re: [New Product] Champions Complete No. Every game has its jargon. (Pathfinder certainly has plenty, and that doesn't seem to stop anyone from playing that... ) Of course, they are all explained.
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