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Derek Hiemforth

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Everything posted by Derek Hiemforth

  1. Re: "Batman" Movie Shooter As Champions Villain? Shutting this down. There's wide consensus that this thread isn't appropriate right now. I know you meant no harm, dan2448. But this thread seems very unlikely to go anywhere productive, and very likely to continue rubbing people the wrong way.
  2. Re: [New Product] Champions Complete Yes, entirely.
  3. Re: Current Champions or will 4th Edition suffice? Yup! If you can hang on a bit, Champions Complete should be just what you're looking for!
  4. Re: OSR Champs? I strongly encourage anyone interested in an "old school" approach to Champions, but keeping the rules fixes of later editions, to check out the upcoming Champions Complete that was announced today. Obviously, I'm not an entirely unbiased source, but I think it might fit this bill very well.
  5. Re: Hero System Sixth Edition Concise Heh. And to be clear, when I started this thread, this project was not underway. I was honestly just what-iffing and wouldn't it be nicing. It just so happened that the opportunity arose to do something toward helping it happen.
  6. Re: Hero System Sixth Edition Concise Arise, O ancient and hoary thread! I just wanted to make sure everyone who followed or participated in this discussion was aware of the forthcoming Champions Complete book, because Champions Complete is HERO System Sixth Edition Concise. Yes, it also contains genre information on comic book superheroics, and the example powers and such in the book focus on those, but the rules engine section of the book is exactly the product discussed in this thread. It's the full game system, condensed into less space and fewer words. So if you were hoping to see HERO System Sixth Edition Concise, you get your wish! And you also get some superhero genre material to go with it.
  7. Re: [New Product] Champions Complete And a point to note about this book for Dark Champions fans... While Champions Complete doesn't necessarily focus on the Dark Champions genre, it definitely does touch on it, and does include the "realistic" HERO System rules needed for a Dark Champions game, such as Hit Locations, Bleeding/Impairing/Disabling, Encumbrance, and so on. In other words, the HERO System rules engine included in the book is the complete system condensed into less space and fewer words; it still includes the Heroic campaigning rules. It's not a Superheroic-only product.
  8. Re: Older resources That supplement was "To Serve And Protect" by Scott Heine.
  9. Re: Starting a 6th ed campaign and was wondering... Most of the changes between 4E and 6E affect costs rather than function. For example, Figured Characteristics are stand-alone now, and many CHA costs have changed as a result, but they're still the same CHAs, they still work the same way. Elemental Control has been replaced by a Limitation (Unified Power) that you apply to all the related Powers, but it still works essentially the same way. And so on. So like Doc Democracy said, I wouldn't sweat "converting" 4E stuff to 6E too much; mostly, you'd just be juggling numbers around. Of course, there are some things that do work a bit differently mechanically. Variable Power Pool now allows different values for the maximum Active Points in each Power and the total Real Points of each Power. Flash now affects Segments instead of Phases (but costs half as much). Comeliness is no longer a CHA, but has been replaced by a Talent (Striking Appearance) for characters whose appearance actually has a game effect. Mostly though, it's not that lots of things have changed from 4E to 6E... it's that lots of things have been added in 5E and 6E that weren't in 4E. So mostly, it's not that 4E characters will have a bunch of stuff that doesn't make sense in 6E... it's that you'll want to add 5E/6E goodies to the older characters.
  10. Re: Converting DC Heroes to Hero I wrote that conversion system, but had to take it down because I couldn't get permission from the owners of the MEGS/DC Heroes game system. Sorry!
  11. Re: 5E Fantasy Hero hardcover Yup, that's presumably what I'll do. Just trying to decide what to set the minimum bid at.
  12. So I'm thinking about downsizing my RPG collection a bit, and I have a copy of Pulp Hero in the limited hardcover print run they did. I'm thinking about selling it, but I'm not sure what to ask for it. Normally, I'd find other sales of the same item, and see how much they went for. But I can't find any other instance of one of these being sold. Any suggestions?
  13. So I'm thinking about downsizing my RPG collection a bit, and I have a copy of Fantasy Hero for 5E in the limited hardcover print run they did. I'm thinking about selling it, but I'm not sure what to ask for it. Normally, I'd find other sales of the same item, and see how much they went for. But I can't find any other instance of one of these being sold. Any suggestions?
  14. Re: Spider powers activate! I don't think you need to buy it at all, assuming you're talking about the spider feeling the entrapment even though it's in a different section of the web. After all, I don't need to buy any special ability to feel the floor vibrate when a big truck rumbles by, or feel the swimming pool water move when someone else jumps in. The spider's sense isn't Ranged... the motion of the victim is causing the web to move at the spider's location. It's not part of the Power per se; it's just a trait of the environment, IMO.
  15. Re: Balancing social skills and role playing Rep to you, sir! **bzzz** **frtzzz** **sputter** (bangs rep stick on the table) Or not. (sigh)
  16. Re: Abortable advantage, leading to a more general question of resolution mechanics The way I run it, and it seems to work out well, is that you can do either. You can hold for something specific (a specific action or DEX value), or you can just do an "open hold" and wait to see what happens. If you do the specific hold, then if/when that action occurs, you can automatically take your action first (or after; your choice), with no need for a DEX Roll. The rationale is that since you were specifically waiting for something to occur, then when it starts to occur, you're ready to pounce and take advantage of it. If you do the open hold, then your action automatically comes after whatever you're responding to. (Though in some genres, I'll allow a successful Tactics or PER Roll to allow you a chance to dice off.) Since you weren't waiting for this, but instead are (by definition) reacting to it, your action comes after it.
  17. Re: Champions Villains, Volume 3: Solo Villains There's no provision for such a setup in Kickstarter.
  18. Re: Balancing social skills and role playing You must spread some Reputation around before giving it to Hugh Neilson again.
  19. Re: CHAMPIONS LIVE ACTION Kickstarter from Darren and Silverback Press! Me too. I've never been a LARPer in the past, but maybe I just haven't met the right LARP...
  20. Re: Martial Arts Disarm maneuvers Ah! DUH! Steve tricked us by cleverly hiding it in plain sight in the core rules.
  21. Re: Martial Arts Disarm maneuvers Looks like we were typing simultaneously.
  22. Re: Abortable advantage, leading to a more general question of resolution mechanics Wouldn't this just be Reflection? Granted, you can't Abort to Reflecting an attack, but you can't Abort to this either under the RAW. That sounds similar to how DC Heroes did it, where the slowest characters declared actions first but carried them out last, and the fastest characters declared actions last but carried them out first. That was a good way of giving a sort of "SPD-esque" feel to things in a game system that had no SPD mechanic. I've never tried a simultaneous resolution mechanic with the HERO System, and I'm not sure how you'd go about it, to be honest. Would you eliminate SPD?
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