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Derek Hiemforth

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Everything posted by Derek Hiemforth

  1. Re: The Mastermind's Trophies Send 'em to Warehouse 13...
  2. Re: [New Product] Champions Complete No worries. Folks're gonna call it what they call it.
  3. Re: [New Product] Champions Complete I think that's a great online abbreviation, though when spoken out loud, probably easiest to just use the name.
  4. Re: [New Product] Champions Complete While I don't necessarily feel as strongly about it as Rod does, I basically agree: the best name for it is its name. If you want something shorter, call it "Champions." Same number of syllables as "Rhino." And honestly, while the idea of nicknaming it "Rhino" is personally flattering, it's not too descriptive of the book. After all, part of the goal is for the rules to get smaller, and I don't think anyone equates rhinos with smallness. Plus, some people would inevitably start acronyming it, which could get all sorts of weird...
  5. Re: What version of Luck do you use in your game and why? Actually, when I'm GMing, I've always used the classic rule. I just responded with the variant because it kinda seemed like variants were what you were looking for.
  6. Re: What version of Luck do you use in your game and why? The Fantasy Hero game I'm currently playing in uses a Luck variant based on HAPs that makes for some nice cinematic effects. Instead of rolling HAPs at the start of each session as discussed in the book, characters roll their Luck dice (counting the pips, not the BODY) and treat the result as their HAPs for that session. As with standard HAPs, these "Luck HAPs" are use-'em-or-lose-'em... they don't carry over from adventure to adventure. Each character also earns HAPs each adventure equal to the number of XPs they earn, and those HAPs do carry over from adventure to adventure if not spent. Of course, you could use that part with or without the "Luck HAPs" concept. EDIT: Oh, and normal Luck rolls per the standard rules are also sometimes used, if the GM thinks they'd be useful for something.
  7. Re: [New Product] Champions Complete I was mostly just wanting to take a cheap shot at Champions: New Millennium...
  8. Re: New Kickstarter has an interesting take on a SuperVillians as PC RPG That's how I'll use it regardless, but I suspect it may be so the author can use custom game mechanics to enforce certain "tone" elements he wants to be part of the "experience."
  9. Re: [New Product] Champions Complete Well, although like I said, I'm just a freelancer, and not part of Hero Games, I feel pretty confident in saying that they have no intention of deliberately using bad art. Though as Andrew_A noted, art quality is very subjective.
  10. Re: [New Product] Champions Complete I had no influence on the decision whether to print the book in color or B&W (I'm just a freelancer). But even if I had, I probably would have favored B&W. Of course the color art is attractive, but I don't think it's so attractive that it makes the increased cost factors worthwhile. And while shelf appeal compared to competing games is also a factor, I think two things are true here: 1. Most of shelf appeal comes from the cover (once they've picked it up to look at the interiors, they might find other aspects of the book appealing besides just color art). 2. Let's face it: Folks have never come to Champions because it was pretty. That's not the draw. People who would genuinely choose the game they want to play just based on which book is the prettiest, are probably pretty unlikely to have been happy with Champions anyway. It's a high-crunch, substance-over-style kind of game. Now, of course that's no reason not to make it look as good as reasonably possible, but if it was all about looks, the original Champions game would never have been a big hit.
  11. Re: [New Product] Champions Complete Okay, this is a little weird, but it seems necessary... Speaking As A Moderator: Folks, please stop telling each other what is and isn't okay to say. As long as the board rules of conduct aren't being violated, it's okay. It's fine to offer opinions, and it's fine to respond with counter-opinions. But please stop short of telling people what they can post. Thanks! Okay now, back to Speaking As An Author: Carry on.
  12. Re: [New Product] Champions Complete Yes, the "economic" benefits of the 3-in-1 approach are for new buyers. If you already own 6E1, 6E2, and Champions, then of course buying a new book is not less expensive than not buying a new book. (Though it's worth noting that if you're missing even one of those books, you could get CC for the same price or less as any one of them.) The appeal for existing owners of all three previous books lies more in ease-of-use. Many players had been asking for a more concise approach to the rules (many existing players; not just newbies). And obviously (for hardcopy users) there are some advantages to only having to carry around one 240 page book instead of three books totaling 1080 pages.
  13. Re: [New Product] Champions Complete No; I only pulled in one item from any book other than 6E1, 6E2, or Champions, and it wasn't from APG I or II. Maybe I'll leave it as an Easter egg for people to find...
  14. Re: [New Product] Champions Complete Yes, this is all correct, with the exception of Classes of Minds, the Absolute Effect Rule, and the categorized aspect of Animal Handler, Forgery, Gambling, Navigation, Survival, and Weaponsmith. Those could be described as actual rules being removed. However, I would certainly argue that none of those exclusions would hinder its compatibility with 6E or 5E products in any substantial way.
  15. Re: [New Product] Champions Complete Umm... except that if you include Champions, then CC is an even better deal. Because then it replaces two $40 books and a $45 book.
  16. Re: Quickly figuring out movement rates Yeah, but that's not as easy to figure in your head as /5, and not everyone has only 2x Noncombat Movement.
  17. Re: Quickly figuring out movement rates Or, you know, if you'd like a prayer of doing the math in your head... Meters Per Turn/5. Is it exact? No. But it's close enough for government work. Seems like a whole lot of the folks who've responded missed the part where she said she wanted a way to "quickly" figure it out "on the fly"...
  18. Re: Quickly figuring out movement rates "On the fly," MPH or KPH matters much less than things like meters per Phase, so I'm not that clear on why it's important to figure out quickly on the fly instead of just noting your max speed on your character sheet. But for a quick estimate you can often do in your head, MPH is roughly (Meters Per Turn/5).
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