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Everything posted by GhostDancer

  1. Gibborim (Hebrew: mighty one), a giantess with Nephilim heritage. She takes cell samples, voluntary or otherwise, to determine who shares her heritage. Her goal is to increase her breed, the fallen angel hybrids.
  2. Siva In Polish mythology, fire flowers are mystical blooms. To find this powerful plant Ivete Zaleski had to enter a forest before midnight on the Eve of Kapula (St John's Feast, summer solstice). The flower climbed up the stalk of the fern, and precisely at midnight it bloomed so brightly that Ivete could not look directly at it. In order to harvest it, a circle had to be drawn around it, and Ivete had to deal with demons trying to distract her from doing so. It was said that if you answered the voices, or faltered during the task, it would cost you your own life. With the possession of this flower, Ivete gained the ability to read minds, find treasure, and repel evils. She confined these activities publicly to a new alternate identity - Siva, named for the Slavic goddess of life and fertility.
  3. I'll take the last villain so we can move on to Poland. Var the Spear is an assassin working out of Ultar. He uses a spear that punches through solid material by converting it into energy proceeding the blade. he is considered extremely dangerous in close quarters and known to cause collateral damage to accomplish his goals. CES Ultar, that's in Pakistan, yes?
  4. Looks to me like we're still short a Mongol villain. Son of Tengri looks like a hero to me- he defends good people of Mongolia, hunts evil-doers.
  5. Glad y'all like them, too. I now return the mike to our reigning Champion (heh), Cygnia. -GD
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