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Burrito Boy

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Everything posted by Burrito Boy

  1. You two got to your rooms and think about what you did!!!
  2. I've been suffering that a lot lately. You have my sympathy.
  3. It's true about dry heat, though. I'd much rather be here in Nevada where I can handle one hundred degree heat than back in Texas where anything about seventy degrees or higher would make me want to die because of the humidity. In Texas, I had an air conditioner and still couldn't handle summer. Here in Nevada, all I have is a box fan and I don't even use it every day. The only real problem I have here is needing to drink about five hundred gallons of water a day to stay hydrated. Oh, and the chapped lips. I hate that.
  4. From a dream: "I didn't go to community college and get a degree in mechanical engineering so Hulk Hogan could tell me how to do my job!"
  5. But does the infringement of rights mean those rights don't exist?
  6. The job is done, the pipes didn't explode, and I got paid!
  7. After cutting pipe, threading pipe, and wrenching pipe all day I understand why plumbers charge so much.
  8. I'll tell this story soon. I really will. I've just been busy lately. On a related note: I got to use a jackhammer today.
  9. I understand. I don't even have sympathy for myself. I'm scum. Let me be a lesson to you all that even loyalty--sweet, precious loyalty--can become a bad thing. Look on me not with pity but with the knowledge that you must never allow yourself to follow my example.
  10. Point taken. Violence is sometimes justified. But I would argue that what's happening now is far from what was happening in Nazi Germany. People aren't being forced to wear stars to identify that they're Jewish, they're not being forcibly segregated, and they aren't being shipped off to death camps. You can argue that these things might happen if we're not vigilant and I would agree with that. I know that there are people who still hold Nazi beliefs. I abhor them as I think we all do. (We, in this case being everyone in this discussion. Because as we all know there are sympathizers.) When I made my earlier comments about both sides resorting to violence, I wasn't trying to make the point that it's okay for one side to be violent because the other side is. I certainly wasn't condoning murder. I was lamenting that our society has come to the point where so many people think violence is an acceptable method of expressing their opinion. Violence should be a last resort. Neville Chamberlain was foolish for trying to appease Hitler. It's obvious that some people cannot be reasoned with. But the attempt should be made. Too many people now hear a differing opinion and, instead of hearing that person out, immediately call that person a Nazi. I myself was called a "closet Nazi" at the bookstore I used to volunteer at because I said I wouldn't vote for Hillary Clinton. I just laughed it off since I know who I am and what I believe. I can handle someone who disagrees with me without resorting to name calling or violence. If he had physically attacked me instead of simply calling me a name, I would have been within my rights to defend myself. He would have been the one charged with assault. Claiming someone is a fascist is not a legitimate excuse for attacking them. Using violence to force your opinion on others is actually fascism itself. Antifa using slogans like "Bash the Fash", setting fires, setting people on fire, punching people they identify as Nazis (whether or not those people really are Nazis), sending death threats, breaking windows, and other things they have done in Charlottesville and elsewhere is more reminiscent of Kristallnacht than it is of a concerted effort to end such pogroms. https://spectator.org/radical-anti-fascists-are-pretty-darn-fascist/ As for the person who shouted that he couldn't wait for the "great liberal genocide", I don't condone his words at all. In fact I find them disgusting. I would call him out the same as those who chant that they want "dead cops", those who post on Twitter that they can't wait for "white genocide". No matter what side of the political spectrum you're on, certain behavior is unacceptable.
  11. I'm not a theologian but I am a Christian and to me this verse (Matthew 10:34) means that some people will accept Christ as their savior and follow Him while others, sometimes in the same family as a believer, will not. It's not a call to violence.
  12. They both use violence but there's no equivalency because they're violent for different reasons? That makes no sense to me. Given, murder is worse than assault. As I said before, when talking about murder and vandalism not being equivalent, both are crimes. Both should be punished according to their severity. We shouldn't begin judging whether something is a crime based on the philosophy of the perpetrator rather than the nature of the crime.
  13. Nope. I'm going to have it piled around me and burned at my cremation.
  14. I appreciate you trying to reassure me but it's incurable. The Chargers themselves have tried curing me several times: going 1-15, letting go of Seau, letting go of Tomlinson, moving to L.A. Nothing has worked. I'm terminal.
  15. I don't have a new favorite team. I'm still a Chargers fan.
  16. I know I said this thread is dead to me but I feel it my duty to say, "Preseason!" This thread is now dead to me again. I'm going to go back to my wailing and gnashing of teeth. Carry on with your business.
  17. Trying to say advocating racism and opposing it are equivalent is insane. But, sadly, I'm not surprised there are people who feel that way.
  18. I personally haven't seen people finding equivalency between vandalism and murder. What I have seen is people laughing about the vandalism and condoning it, as if committing more crimes is the right answer to the first crime. That mentality is as absurd as the one that equates murder with vandalism. However, both are crimes and both should be punished. And I can't help wondering how long it will take until people progress from destroying statues they don't like to burning books they don't like.
  19. I have the maturity level of a six-year-old. Does that count?
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