HERO System 6th Edition Rules Questions
Post here for answers to your HERO System 6th Edition rules questions.
This forum is a question and answer forum - only members of the Rules Mavens group can post answers.
Please consider these as temporary, advisory answers until such time as Steve Long's health and personal circumstances permit him to resume answering rules questions himself.
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1. All posts in this forum should be questions pertaining to the HERO System 6th Edition ruleset.
2. How to build questions are better posted in the discussion forums.
3. As much as possible, try to keep posts to a single question. If you have multiple questions, consider breaking them out into separate posts.
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6,906 questions in this forum
STEVE - Writer's Guidelines and Hero Designer
This is a copy from the Company Questions Forum. I wanted to make sure that you got this. I wasn't sure which Forum to use. I am currently working on a project converting about 140 characters, vehicles, bases, computers, etc. from 4th to 5th. I'm using Hero Designer to do the work. Unfortunately, HD doesn't Export exactly per the WG. I've been working with Dan to create Export tags and the like to get it closer to the WG. What I'm wondering is how much leniency are you giving to the creation of characters and such using HD? These characters I'm building will be for submission in publications. So I'm very concerned about it. I have all the characters entered…
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Penetrating & Killing followup
From the FAQ: Based on this, it appears that my friends were correct in saying an RKA 1d6 has no BODY Penetrate on a roll of 1, 1 BODY Penetrate on a roll of 2-5, and 2 BODY Penetrate on a roll of 6. However, I'm confused by the second option in the FAQ answer. Where does the "1 Point of Penetrating effect per DC" come from? Is that an "official" alternate method such as Standard Effects (Which we do not use in our campaign)? Does this mean that a 2d6 RKA PEN would always do 6 BODY minimum? (Ouch!) Or does it mean it always does 1 BODY per DC whenever it is a Killing or other type of attack that effects BODY directly? Thanks, and I look forward to …
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Penetrating & Killing Attack damage
Steve: If a character has a Penetrating Killing Attack against a non-Hardened target, does the BODY damage that Penetrates equal the total pips on the dice, or 0 Body for every "1" rolled, 1 BODY for every "2-5" rolled, and 2 BODY for every "6" rolled as if you are calculating BODY for a Normal attack? I read it as being equal to the total pips on the dice, but my fellow players disagree. Example: Tachyon fires a 2d6 RKA Penetrating at Defender. The die rolls are "2" and "5". Does Defender take: 1) 2 BODY 2) 7 BODY 3) None of the above, we're all idiots and should be playing AD&D Help us, Obi Long Kenobi, you're our only hope!
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Multiform vs. OIHID
This one is proving to be a thorny issue in my circle. In what circumstance would you choose one over the other? For every instance we could think of to illustrate one or the other, we were able to come up with logical arguments such that the opposite one could apply as well. For instance: Thor, The Hulk, Captain Marvel (DC), The Thing (when he could transform), The Creeper, Etrigan the Demon, even (maybe) the Power Rangers. All of these have a normal form and a super form. So, which is right? Which IS right? How does one choose between these two? How have YOU distinguished the difference?
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Focus + OIHID
One of the players in my game wants to play a character that has a suit of power armor. This is taken as a focus, but because the suit could not be used unless worn , he wants to also add Only in Heroic ID. As opposed to say a ring which is a magic focus that must be worn but doesnt constitute a different identity. Since I am the GM i can make any ruling , but i want to use the Standards, would YOU say this is a reasonable combination?
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Vehicle NCM
A silly question, which I probably already know the answer to, but just to be sure: in a Heroic level game, do vehicles have normal characteristic maxima? Is there a point where vehicles need to pay double for their stats? Aroooo
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Multiple attacks
In a superhero style campaign if a character has 2 Energy Blast purchaced in 2 seperate EC slots could he choose to fire both EBs off as 1 attack against a single target? From what I can tell from the rules it seems this is possible. Second if it is true would this work the same with a HKA and would your base str apply to both HKAs?
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Boostable Charges
First off, just to make sure I'm not completely off-base: A character buys a 10d6 EB with 10 boostable charges. To fire one shot, he spends a charge. If he spends 5 charges, he can do 14d6 damage with his EB (+4d6 for the extra 20 active points from the extra charges). A character buys a 10d6 EB with armor piercing (+1/2) and 10 boostable charges. If he spends 5 charges, he gets 20 extra active points in his attack, but since the attack has armor piercing, he does 12.5d6 AP damage with his EB. (2.5d6 costs 13 points, +6 for AP. This assumes half-dice are allowable, and cost 3 base points.) Now the question: if a character buys a 10d6 EB with 30 boostable…
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Why can't change environment do positive effects?
I cannot understand why change environment cannot be used for positive effects. Drain and Aid cost the same amount. So in terms of point cost positive and negative effects are considered balanced. Is there an explanation for this? Is there any reason why I shouldn't just ignore the rule and allow it to have positive effects?
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Mental Awarness and BOECV
Hey Darren,... Uh, Steve... Just wondering: If a power has the BOECV advantage, does it provide Mental Awareness?
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i still cant post anywhere but here
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Rules Question!
Warning! Newbie Alert! First off I miss the old smilies!!! Next Question: I just found out from a friend of mine that you are not supposed to be able to take both a Focus and a Only in Hero ID limiter on the same power. Why is that?
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A strange question
cam the cost of followers be shared as the cost of vehicles or bases can?
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Only in Heroic Identity
I recently built (with the help of the GM) a character based on favorite video game character. This person is almost completely normal minus some martial skills to defend herself. All the power comes from her suit that has quite a few multi-powers. I was thinking of ways to lower the cost so I could get some more skills and other things. While in this suit she is totally covered, and the visor is one way seethrough, you can see none of her body at all. So does Only in Heroic Identity work like this? Can I lower the cost of the powers in the suit by applying Only in Heroic Identity under the pretense the powers only work while Im in the suit?
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Variable Limitations Question
If the special FXs of a power require a limitation, does that limitation count towards the Variable Limitation? Or can a player elected to have a fixed limitation that will always be used? For example, if a spell multipower had -1/2 Variable Limitations and it had the Animate Cables (Ultimate Supermage) as a slot, would the -1/2 only on cables limitation be enough or would I need an additional -1/2? Also since Limitations are suppose to reduce a power's effectivness, are limitations like Roll 2/3 Dice (-1/2) or Roll Half Dice (-1) be allowed? {Full endurance would have to be paid though.} Thank you.
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MegaScale and Variable Advantage
Since it says in the rules that a power with MegaScale can no longer be used as a "normal" power, would it be legal to use your Variable Advantage to get Megascale?
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Boostable Charges Costing Endurance
Consider the following power construct: Particle Accelerator Cannon: Energy Blast 12d6; 16 Boostable Charges (+.25); Costs END (-.5). Two questions: 1. Should the power cost 6 END (60 pts in EB) to use when firing off a single charge, or 7 END (75 points in EB plus 16 boostable charges)? -- For simplicity's sake, the second question will assume that the answer to the first is 6 END. Adjust accordingly if the answer is 7 END. -- 2. When using more than one charge for increased effect, should the power cost 6 END plus 1 per 2 additional DCs gained from boosting, or 6 END per charge expended?
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Damage Shield and Area of Effect
Is there any reason a character couldn't buy Damage Shield with an Area of Effect, so that people don't actually have to touch him to have the Damage Shield take effect? e.g. The Living Fireball has a flaming aura - he bellows "Fireball On!" and is sheathed in flame. Is it legal to buy this as, say, a RKA with Damage Shield +1/2, Continuous +1 (making it constant), and Area of Effect: Hex +1/2, for a total of +2? --->M@ss
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well...i tried posting my character on the appropiate forum..alas...i cant post or reply anywhere but here... gettin a bit frustrated on my end
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Damage Shield & DCV from Foci
Heroic Characters Alpha has a HKA Damage Shield (spiky stones) and carries a large shield (+3 DCV). OCV 3/DCV 6 (w/ Shield) Monster is a generic creature with HKA (claws). CV 6 Monster attacks Alpha and rolls a 12, missing. However, he missed only because Alpha has a large shield. Without his large shield, that would have been a hit. Story-wise, it seems the blow was deflected by the shield. Mechanically, it was a clean miss. Is Monster affected by the Damage Shield (spikey stones)?
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hows this mystic look?
Spellbinder Player: Val Char Cost 10 STR 0 17 DEX 21 16 CON 12 10 BODY 0 18 INT 8 23 EGO 26 17 PRE 7 18 COM 4 4/26 PD 2 6/28 ED 3 5 SPD 23 7/12 REC 4 32/72 END 0 29 STUN 6 6" RUN02" SWIM02" LEAP0Characteristics Cost: 116 Cost Power END 45 Greater Magicks: Multipower, 67-point reserve, all slots: (67 Active Points); Gestures (-1/4), Incantations (-1/4) 3u 1) Crimson bands of Cyytorak or Rings of raggador: Entangle 3d6, 3 DEF, Takes No Damage From Attacks (Limited Group; +1/4), Cannot Be Escaped With Teleportation (+1/4), Works Against EGO, Not STR (+1/4) (52 Active Points) (uses END Reserve) 5 4u 2) Do…
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Building a mecha
When building a piloted mecha, and that mecha is unique to that particular pilot (that is, each pilot in the game has his own unique mecha), do you design the characters as Superheroes with mecha as Powers, or do you build them as Heroic characters and don't make them pay for their mecha? Also, if you are building a vehicle for a single player character and you are in a heroic campaign, is there any sort of limit on the number of points the vehicle can be built on, or is the vehicle completely independent of the character?
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in answer to monoliths multipower question
well since i cant reply to your question....as it wont let me...no clue why....heres hopefully an answer check in the FAQ's section..i was askin a similar question and got my answer there...
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Changing Multipowers and points allocation
Dark Green came up with something in another Forum and I cannot find the rule to state he is incorrect. If you have a Multipower set on Flight and you make a half move, can you then switch your Multipower points to another power (switching being a Zero-Phase Action at the half move point) and use that power at full power? For example: 60 point Mulitpower 1-30" Flight 2-30 PD 30 ED Force Field 3-12d6 EB Can the character fly 15" and land (a half move), then switch his Multipower to the full 12d6 Energy Blast or to the full Force Field?
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Clairsentience & Sensory Links
If Clairsentience is bought Only Through the Senses of Others, is it assumed to have Mobile Perception Point for free? Or do you have to buy the Adder with a speed matching whoever you want to link to?
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