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HD6 font size - Windows 11


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There was a forum from 2017 on changing font (see below). Do you have an updated version of this "for Dummies" or a YouTube video that I can follow to duplicate? 


Also, do you have a webpage that shows the various export formats? Are there non-.hde formats that you can download and edit? 




"To use, you need to launch HD from the command line (or create a batch script) with the following:

javaw -jar HD6.jar [font size]

for example, the following would set the default font size throughout the application to 18pt:

javaw -jar HD6.jar 18
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Providing videos or tutorials on basic use of a computer/operating system is well beyond the purview of HD's support.  That said, I'm sure that a simple search would find you any number of videos detailing how to open a command prompt under Windows.


The download section of this site has a large number of export formats.  I have no idea what you mean by "non-.hde formats" -- .hde is the extension for HD export formats, there is no other option.  All .hde files are editable, assuming you're familiar with the syntax of whatever format they're designed to produce (e.g. HTML, RTF, text, etc.).

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  • 2 months later...

My suggestion would be to create a new shortcut on the Desktop by right-clicking and then choosing New->Shortcut. It will ask which item you'd like to create a shortcut for. Hit browse, navigate to the folder where Hero Designer is located,  select the hd6.jar file, then click next. On the next screen, name it Hero Designer or some equivalent, then click Finish.

Next, right-click the shortcut and select properties. You will see a box like the one in the attached image. Change the Target line to read:

javaw.exe -jar HD6.jar 18

Do not change the Start In line.  Change the 18 to the font size you desire and select OK. Windows 11 should find your Java installation, add the correct path, and produce a usable shortcut. The most likely reasons for the shortcut not working properly are not having Java installed correctly and having the Start In line pointing to a location that does not contain the jar file.

Screenshot 2023-11-08 164745.gif

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I actually run HD6 on both of my machines, a Windows 11 laptop and a MacBook Pro. I never worried about font size on the Mac, since I can read everything fine with the defaults, but it occurred to me this morning that I didn't know if creating a shortcut on the Mac was even possible. It is, so I thought I would share the process in case it is helpful to anyone else.

Press ⌘-{SPACE} to bring up the Spotlight search, find Shortcuts.app, and launch it.
Click Shortcuts->Settings in the Menu bar, select the Advanced tab, check "Allow Running Scripts," then close Settings.
Click the + icon at the top center of the Shortcuts app window to create a new shortcut.
At the top of the new window, type a name for the shortcut, such as "HERO Designer."
In the search box at the top left of the window, type "Run Shell Script," then select it from the list of matches.
Replace the 

echo "Hello World"


cd ~/HERODesigner
java -jar HD6.jar 18

replacing the "~/HERODesigner" with the path to the folder where Hero Designer is stored and the "18" with the desired font size.
The default choices should be fine for the remainder of the options. Close the new shortcut window.
If you wish, you can right click the new shortcut in the main Shortcuts window and change its icon and/or add the shortcut to the dock.
To run the shortcut, click on it in the dock or right click it in the Shortcuts.app and choose Run.

Just like above, it the shortcut doesn't work, the most likely causes are a broken JRE installation or an incorrect folder path.

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  • 6 months later...
On 11/8/2023 at 3:20 PM, n5dkj said:

My suggestion would be to create a new shortcut ....


Thanks n5dkj.


I had known how to do this many moons ago, but had completely forgotten.  I was going to begin the task of hunting down the forum thread from long ago when I saw this one. 


So much time saved 😁

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