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Modern Pharmaceuticals?


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4 hours ago, AlHazred said:

Has anyone done writeups for modern pharmaceuticals, like aspirin and similar? Like, I could see "energy shot drink" be a 1d6 Aid END, Drain (5 points/6 Hours). I wonder what clever ideas people might have for others.


There are a few street drugs that I worked up a while back, but nothing OTC or commonplace. 

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I'm not sure many things you can get OTC, would have game-level effects.  VERY few OTC drugs should have that significant an effect on the body.  


Note, too...1d6 Aid END?  You get 10 END.  One time.  It's burned first, too.  It shouldn't happen immediately, either...I'm not trying to be pedantic about biological accuracy, but you do have to drink the stuff, and it has to be absorbed.

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I don't want this to sound as snippy as it does, and I have run through several choices of phrasing, but the fact is that anything can be taken wrong; as such is true, I felt this preamble to be in order.


Again:  not trying to be a jerk here:


What are the in-game mechanical effects of a headache? Or a toothache?  Or poison ivy?  Or a wound that is showing early signs of infection?  Or hemorrhoids?


When we know that, we can then design their remedies.  For my own games, these things do _not_ have mechanical effects unless they are specifically listed on a character sheet as Disadplications, in which case the mechanic as regards that particular chracter is listed on the sheet.  I have never been submitted a character with hemorrhoids or allergies or "prone to sunburn," so I have never had to worry about it.


Outside the character sheet, these are, in my games, _narrative_ problems, and they are dealt with in a narrative fashion:



You were out way to late on patrol; you've got a spliting headache, and you can hear that alarm clock in your optic nerve.


Looks like it is going to be another two-cup morning.  I put the cofee pot on, pop a couple of aspirin and start getring ready for work.


You've had your shower amd a quick breakfast, and soon you are finishing off your second coffee and rinsing your plate- not quite enough time to wash up if you're going to catch your ride share to work.  At least that headache has eased off.


Yeah, I dont want to be late!  I am sort of hoping that sarcophagus we're studying might shed some light  on the case my alter-ego has gotten tangled up in....



That sort of thing.



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