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Ah, got it now... an mentalist S/FX rationale for Shrinking.


Psychokinesis is a common power set for mentalists. In this case the character can psychokinetically strengthen the attraction between the atoms of his/her body, causing their volume to compress. If you're worried about the character's mass, you could say that a side effect of the intense psychokinetic field is to mildly repulse all other nearby matter, effectively countering the effects of greater density.


Is that sufficiently coherent pseudoscientific shovelling? ;)

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Shrinking with a mental special effect? Hmmm.


MIND OVER BODY: Yogi mystics train in the ability to contort their bodies. Perhaps they have some mental ability to control shrinking.


SPLINTER OF THE MIND'S EYE: The power is simply a matter of self-image. Character simply perceives themselves as smaller and *poof*, they are. This of course works better if they have other forms as well.


FIGMENT: The character is smaller because they've convinced others that they are smaller. (Wrap your brain around that one!)

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Originally posted by JmOz

Sorry did not clarify, I am rewriting Hummingbird of GRAB...


See I try to keep powers around a center theme, and I do not allow mutants other than mental powers...


So How can shinking be a mental power?


OH, okay.


Call it biokinesis. Since the "true Hummingbird" is a spirit/soul construct, it doesn't matter what happens to the contianer (translation, her body). So she can use biokinesis to shrink her contianer into a smaller form.


Or perhaps she creates a smaller "homonucleous" form via biokinesis and then transmits her "self" into the smaller form telepathically.

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I really liked Lord Laiden's suggestion:


Psychokinesis is a common power set for mentalists. In this case the character can psychokinetically strengthen the attraction between the atoms of his/her body, causing their volume to compress. If you're worried about the character's mass, you could say that a side effect of the intense psychokinetic field is to mildly repulse all other nearby matter, effectively countering the effects of greater density.


But you didn't specify if the character retains his/her original mass, if that's the case, then the appropriate amount of Density Increase should be bought, linked to the shrinking. Right?

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Re: mental?


Originally posted by drrushing

But you didn't specify if the character retains his/her original mass, if that's the case, then the appropriate amount of Density Increase should be bought, linked to the shrinking. Right?


i wouldn't recommend that at all. I let a player do that in one of my games, and the combination of increased DCV and Def turned out to be abusive for my campaign.

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