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What Would Your Character Do? #37


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5 years ago, an alien invasion force attempted to conquer Earth. The invaders were defeated and their capital ship crash landed on a previously uncharted atoll several miles south of Hawaii. In the years since, the invaders have never ceased to cause trouble: abducting people as slave labor in their ongoing efforts to repair their vessel, trading their advanced weapons technology to supervillains and rogue nations for various "little favors," threatening various major cities with superweapons and genetically engineered monstrosities to extort supplies of metals and other resources for the aforementioned ship repairs, and in general being a thorn in humanity's side. Recently, the aliens have completely withdrawn to the atoll and, according to UNTIL intellegence reports, have stepped up efforts to make their ship spaceworthy. Their leadership has set a time table for a very hasty departure from our planet. This all seems like good news until it is revealed why they are in such a big hurry to leave: A NASA long-range sensor array has picked up something really big heading for Earth. None of the NASA scientists have a clue what the inbound object is, but if the alien invaders are in such a rush to flee from it, it can't be good. What would you do after being presented with this info?

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Husky would transform into Kenneth so Kenneth could build a spaceship. Kenneth would then build a more detailed long range sensor to check out the object (and then build a spaceship if the sensor wasn't able to provide enough details to plan a course of action).

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One member in my group is a gadgeteer (think Tenchi Muyo's Washuu meets MacGyver;) ) he would build a device to scan the object/build a spaceship to fight it if possible. While the less technological of us may take a trip to the atoll to slow their rebuilding process (possibly a bit for spite). Alternately we might just hijack their ship if they have fixed it to fight the menace from space.

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MAYDAY: The aliens know what we are facing and knew it before us. We need to know what they know, right NOW. If they are willing to make a deal, complete information for assistance, good. But I will do my best to sneak onto their atoll and try to get it myself if they dont agree immediately.


If whats coming is a moon, the only thing she can do is try to steal alien tech and adapt it for use in destroying the thing or diverting it.


If its an alien fleet of destruction her mental powers may be useful in the battles to come.


If its a weapon of monstrous damage then she can get a space suit and American Valor will take her to it. She is a mechanical genius and has a chance at reprogramming it, perhaps.


If the Earth is doomed Mayday might be among those considered for Space Arks. She is young, female, highly intelligent with valuable skills and is a proven leader in favor with her government. Unfortunately France has no space program except I think unmanned Arianne rockets.


MARJORIE: Buy 800 copies of "When Worlds Collide" and FedEx them to the presidents of several large nations around the world, major scientists particularly astrophysicists and my teammates. After meditating for a day she will have a plan of action ready involving bloodbonding as many slaves and aliens as is possible to gain information, access to future information and access to the space ship. Terran governments and corporations are going to need space travel capability, advanced weapons and information.


If evacuation was the only option for humanity she would go home to her husband and await the end there once certain that no vampires were on board the leaving ships.


SHADOWCROSS: She has few skills beyond stealth. She would serve well on an assault against the atoll against the aliens. She would not be considered for a Space Ark and would take pleasure in seeing no known supervillains or crooks got one.


SABRE: Complete adding Full Life Support to her armor and prepare to reconoitre the approaching object. Her flight speed is extremely fast but not FTL. Her offensive power is limited to a can opener, useful against an invasion fleet but her teammates have more raw blasting power to throw at things. She would possibly be considered for a berth on a Space Arc, being female and a genius but is in her 40s. More likely she would build the necessary tech into her suit and accompany the Arcs. Or (to the surprise of everyone who knows her) die defending them.


Oh yeah, her last act before departing would be to make sure the aliens on the atoll never left.

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