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Scarlett Witch?

Richard Logue

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Its been awhile since I've read any Marvel books, but I need a little info from those in the know. I need a character in my world similar to, but not eggsactly like Scarlett Witch. Unfortunately, its been so long that I have forgotten what her powers really are.


So, in general descriptions, what does she do? I don't need hard stats as I'll make those for my world's "Scarlett Witch" based on this info and other factors.


Also, as a tertiary question, I'd like each person who replies to mention who their favorite Avenger is.


Thanks a bunch! :)

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I believe it's changed a bit depending on times and writers... but chiefly she has a "Hex Power". She can alter probabilities and cause the impossible to have a chance, and the improbable to be downright likely. She started out having very little control over this, but has learned control and is now QUITE formidible.


She has been potrayed as practicing mysticism, but other rewrites instead have her merely using that as a focus for her Hex power.




Oh, and my favorite is Captain America, naturally. :) He's been the very symbol of the Avengers since he first got fished out by them in #4.



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First off,Wanda's codename is "Scarlet Witch".

As for her powers,the Scarlet Witch's powers received a MAJOR upgrade while Kurt Busiek was writing her.Kurt redefined her powers as being a form of "Chaos Magic".Her "hex spheres" have been redefined as being "chaos grenades".I reccomend you get the Kurt Busiek issues of Avengers,as he gave a more detailed explanation of Wanda's powers.

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You know, I don't think you can actually define what she does perfectly and specifically- it seems to me what she can do changes from target to target. In the latest issue of Avengers, she turns snow into steam for a nice little Change Environment... but she could have just as easily turned the ground to muck to Entangle her prey... I think I'd have to write it up as a Cosmic VPP, Transforms Only. At the level she controls her powers now, you'd probably need a 125+ point pool to simulate what she can do.



And of course, my favorite avenger is Emma Peel.

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If you have a copy of the UNTIL Superpowers Database around (and if you don't, why not?!), check out the 'Luck Powers' section. She manipulates probabilities through chaos magic, and 'luck powers' are great for that.


You might be able to do it as a MP with a Focus of Opportunity (OIF, -1/2). EB, RKA, Darkness, Flash, couple other things in it (like a Change Environment - in an old issue of Avengers, she helped fight a fire by casting a hex at a building that made the chance of new oxygen entering the building drop to 0%.)


Putting in 'Variable Special Effect' may also be suitable or required by GM, as what you have to work with will vary.


(Focus of Opportunity is such a great disad, really, for modeling things like this. I mean, it comes with limitations built into it like the fact that you have a maximum you can work with, and if you don't happen to have something useful for a particular power around you can't use it. But sometimes, it's better than VPP for making things like this work.)


Oh, and my favorite Avenger? Hank Pym, when he's not being insane.

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Just as her father is living proof of the Unified Field Theory, able to manipulate electricity and gravity as well as magnetism, Wanda embodies the Uncertanity Principle. Her basic power is to make the improbable happen.


In addition, she has studied Magic, and now uses her mutant ability to power her spells.


Definitely a pool, but include indirect EB and NND as well as transforms.


My favorte Avenger? Same as my favorite X-Man, Beast!

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Wanda's main point is that all-encompassing wonder the Plot Point power.


That is, she can do whatever the writers want her to do, especially if it involves being the solution to the problem. Seriously, one of the reasons I quit reading Avengers is that the vastest majority of their situations boil down to "Wanda does something."

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That's so true. Until recently, she never was supposed to be quite in control of her power, and yet it almost always functioned perfectly and saved the day. I think that Wanda alone would give the Avengers an edge vs the JLA despite the great disparity of their relative power levels.

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In the recent JLA/Avenger miniseries,she definitely gave the Avengers an edge,especially as she was shown to be more powerful in the DC Universe than in the Marvel Universe (In Hero system terms she at least partly bought off the "Only Chaos magic" Limitation on her VPP's control cost and replaced it with A Side Effect:"Chaos magic Corrupts User".

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Originally posted by TheEmerged

Wanda's main point is that all-encompassing wonder the Plot Point power.


That is, she can do whatever the writers want her to do, especially if it involves being the solution to the problem. Seriously, one of the reasons I quit reading Avengers is that the vastest majority of their situations boil down to "Wanda does something."


Please, most team books have a character that does this. Reed Richards and Batman being highly aggregious examples of it. It is really not that different than the Deus Ex Machina convention which dates back to Ancient Greek Theatre, and I bet it's history in litterary tradition goes back even farther.

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Originally posted by TheEmerged

I know, and I hate it in those books too. The difference being that FF and JLA have at least two people that take turns (J'onn in JLA, the whole team in FF). The Avengers pretty much have Wanda.


Odd, I usually see Iron Man, doing it at least as often as Wanda in the Avengers. Followed by Hawkeye, pulling a new arrow out of his....

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