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Guest WhammeWhamme

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Originally posted by Bengal

Okay, I'll be back on let with my 750-point duplicator. He will be enough to give many whole teams the business. With five friends, he should have no trouble surviving the Destroyer challenge.


We'll need someone to write fan fiction or something too... lol

Hermit's ideally suited to write a fictional account.:)
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Guest Champsguy

Well, you guys could use some of my groups' characters. They're only around 450 points with their experience. Of course, they're 4th Edition, so they're not legal anymore (hell, they were barely legal in 4th Edition). And they violate the campaign limits. :)


24DC maximum? These guys are pansies. :)

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Guest WhammeWhamme
Originally posted by Metaphysician

How about instead of making a character of my own, I merely suggest ways to make other peoples' characters point-efficient??


First, biggest thing: break down that ELemental Control. EC's are hideously expensive.


Not really. EC's actually are point efficent...


Originally posted by Metaphysician

Instead, build it as two multipowers and an EC. The first multipower should have two slots, the "tactical" speed skimming-only Flight, and the megascale version. I'm not sure you even need the variable advantage thing, really; what would you spend it on besides Megascale or NC multipliers??


That would free up 95 points...

75 Multipower

u7 HyperFlight

u4 HyperSpeed


9 points saved... but there is no 0 Endurance cost option, and turn mode always required.


Yes, cutting things saves points... but the EC was reducing them by 50 points anyway...


Originally posted by Metaphysician

Second, build a multipower for the speed stunts. Of the tricks listed, the Hypergames and Hyperpunch could be put there. Plus, it would allow cheaper development of additional tricks. For that matter, you could probably put the Megascale Flight in this multipower, if you want only one; you probably won't be doing Hypergames when running and Mach 100.


Lastly, build the EC containing *only* passive powers, Hyper field and Hyper Healing.


By doing this, you'll free up a ton of points. You might wanna look over those primary characteristics, though, and consider whether points spent on strength would be better spent on speed tricks ( using the new cheaper system ).


Since the Hypergames and the Hyperpunch have 60 active points each, and only 50 points was spent on them, this costs 22 points.


The second option might work:


60 Multipower

u6 Hypergames

u6 Hyperpunch

u4 Ultimate Speed




...except Hypergames, Hyperpunch and Ultimate Speed cost 70 points anyway.


Not really great savings. In fact, the opposite of savings.


You do save points if you then take variable advantage of the flight, true... but at the cost of it's effectiveness.


For the effects I wanted, this was the best build.

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Guest WhammeWhamme
Originally posted by Champsguy

Well, you guys could use some of my groups' characters. They're only around 450 points with their experience. Of course, they're 4th Edition, so they're not legal anymore (hell, they were barely legal in 4th Edition). And they violate the campaign limits. :)


24DC maximum? These guys are pansies. :)


Well... I wanted clean, simple characters. Minimal rulemaxing.


And 24 DC was what I felt would make them compare to DD the way lesser heroes compare to the average master villain. (12d6 vs 15d6, 24d6 vs 30d6)


I shudder to think of what YOUR group would produce...

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Golden Hunter


Dyval Trrl aka "Golden Hunter"

[b]Val Char Cost Roll Notes[/b]
40 STR 30 17- Lift 6.4 tons; 8d6 HTH damage [4]
30 DEX 60 15- OCV: 10/DCV: 10
40 CON 40 17-
15 BODY 10 12-
18 INT 8 13- PER Roll 13-
20 EGO 20 12- ECV: 7
40 PRE 30 14- PRE Attack: 8d6
22 COM 6 11-

20 PD 12 Total: 40 PD (20 rPD)
20 ED 12 Total: 40 ED(20 rED)
7 SPD 30 Phases: 2, 4, 6, 7,9,11, 12
20 REC 8
80 END 0
75 STUN 20 Total Characteristics Points: 286

Movement: Running: 6"/12"

Flight: 30"/120"


Cost Powers END[/b]

100 [i]The Golden Light of Malva[/i] Multipower, 100-point powers

10u 1)[i]The Undimmed Light[/i] Energy Blast 20d6 10

10u 2)[i]The Righteous Light[/i] Energy Blast 8d6, AVLD(+1 and 1/2) 10

8u 3)[i]The Ever Reaching Light[/i] Energy Blast 11d6, No Range Penality(+1/2), Reduced Endurance (1/2 END;+1/4) 4

10u 4)[i]The Piercing Light[/i] Energy Blast 13d6, Armor Piercing (+1/2) 10

9u 5)[i]The Cleansing Radiance[/i] RKA 3d6, x2 Penetrating (+1) 9

9u 6)[i]Dazzling Display I[/i] Sight and Mystic Sense Groups 10d6, Does Knock Back (+1/4) Reduced Endurance (1/2 END; +1/4) 4

7u 7)[i]Dazzling Display II[/i] Sight and Mystic Sense Groups 8d6, Does Knock Back (+1/4) Explosion (+1/2), Personal Immunity (+1/4), No Range (-1/2) 10

10u 8) [i]Phantom Light[/i] Energy Blast 11d6, Affects Desolidified (+1/2), Reduced Endurance (1/2 END, +1/4) 4


30 [i]Lord of Light[/i] Elemental Control, 60 point powers

30 [i]Cloaking[/i] Invisibility to Sight and Mystic Groups, No Fringe, Reduced Endurance (0 END;+1/2) 0

40 [i]Glowing Mantle of Malva[/i] Force Field (20 PD/20 ED), Hardened (+1/4), Reduced Endurance (0 END;+1/2) 0

51 [i]Shimmering Flight[/i] Flight 30", x4 NC, Reduced Endurance (1/2 END;+1/4) 3


37 [i]Unfazable Gaze[/i] Sight Flash Defense (30 pts total), Hardened (+1/4)

45 [i]Cosmic Lifeform[/i] Life Support: Total

28 [i]Hyperflight[/i] FTL Travel (1LY/day)

5 [i]Stargift Gaze[/i] Ultraviolet Perception (Sight Group)




9 +3 with Golden Light of Malva Multipower

8 +1 Combat Level

2 KS: The "Before Time" 11-

2 KS: Elder Worms 11-


2 Language: English (fluent, Olde Malvan is Native)

2 Navigation (Space) 13-


Total Powers & Skills Cost: 464

Total Cost: 750


200+ [b]Disadvantages[/b]

15 Enraged: When facing Elder Worms or their minions (Arcane, etc) (Uncommon), go 11, recover 11-

20 Hunted: By Doctor Destroyer 8- (More Powerful, NCI, Capture)

20 Hunted: By Firewing 11- (More Powerful, Kill)

15 Hunted: By DEMON 8- (As Powerful, NCI, Capture/Kill)

5 Hunted: By the Slug and other Elder Wyrm Agents 8- (Less Powerful Kill)

10 Hunted: By UNTIL 8- (As Pow, NCI, Watch)

10 Physical Limitation: Knows Little of Earth Culture (Frequently, Slightly)

20 Psychological Limitation: Code of the Golden Hunter (Com, Total)

20 Psychological Limitation: Wavers between melancholy nostalgia and arrogant nobility (Very Common,Strong)

15 Psychological Limitation: Loyal to Teammates (Common, Strong)

15 Reputation: Cosmic Alien Super Hero of vast power, 14-

10 Rivalry with other Energy Projectors (espescially 'cosmic' types)

15 Social Limitation: Public Identity (Dylan Trrl, cosmic warrior) (Frequently, Major)

15 Susceptibility: To Time Travel 3d6 damage, Instant Effect (Uncommon)

100 Experience Points


[b]Total Disadvantage Points: 750[/b]




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Golden Hunter part 2


Background/History: The past is too far away now for the light of my memory to cast away all the shadows that cling to it as mist clings to cold stone. I remember the plague, the great horror of the Elder Worms as their taint spread through the still new galaxy.The others came to us, chosen scions of Malva, and begged us to be their champions. The Phazor so decreed it, and we took up the gauntlet. Most took up arms of the more mundane variety, though those weapons were potent. One thousand among the millions that went to war were offered a chance, the slimmest chance, for true power that touched the the primal forces of the universe. That one thousand walked in, only twenty came out. Yet, what a glorious twenty we were. They would one day call us "The Golden Hunters of Malva".


I, Dyval Trrl, was not the first to step into the Life Flame, but I was determined to become the greatest.


For years we warred against the Elder Worms and their lackeys, years blurred into decades, and decades surrendered to what must have been centuries. Allies were lost (Oh, Jyn le, how I miss you), whole races were exterminated, and planets died... yet in the end, we were victorious, and the galaxy was saved. All that remained was the killing blow, the final strike that would ensure the Elder Worms would never rise again.


The shadows grow stronger here. I... think I made my way through. My light drove back my foes as it always had, and I pierced the veil of their defenses. I can remember the ill presence of the minds of the Elder Worms... the smell of their fear was a sweet balm to the righteous rage that set my soul alight. How they shook, how they threatened, how they pleaded and bargained; but in my arrogance I had forgotten the Arcane.


Their insidious ritual cast me away through the void of infinity itself, a journey that was meant to destroy me, and to this day I bear a great scar of the spirit from the experience. If I had underestimated them, they had done the same with me. A Golden Hunter does not yield, not even to time's embrace. My cosmic light shone, and I was freed from that prison.


Alas, I was in a new cage, albeit one more finite. I made my disoriented way to Malva, only to find that we Golden Hunters had saved the galaxy, but lost our homeworld. We had lost it to greed, corruption, and bloodlust. This was Malva, but it was not my Malva. I have felt the nether lashes of the Elder Worms themselves, but nothing hurt me as badly as that realization. I found the stones, amazed at how many there were now, but I had not the heart to hear all the secrets they told me. One they did speak of was of how one had braved the Furnace and become a Firewing.


I had a brother! Finding he had gone to earth, I went to seek him out.


It was not a happy gathering of kin. Earth was strange enough, but my heart ache doubled when I faced Ariax Thone (May his own flames consume the impurity that is his betraying pride). He could not , would not accept that he was 'a' firewing, instead of 'the' Firewing. We fought, and to my shame, the present champion of a corrupt Malva cast down the defender of the purer past. I barely survived.


Again the blurred memories, this not from time, but from grief. I wandered the human lands, a strange place called "I O Wah" ... drinking, partaking of their women. All of Malva had fallen to decadence, what was one more? If I could have willed myself to die, I would have.


It was (name of other hero) who found me, apparently the humans were frightened by my power, and had sent one of their "superheroes". I prepared to do battle, but instead (insert name) spoke to me, and offered me a chance to be a defender again... not of old Malva, it was gone forever, but of this whelpling Earth. Besides, perhaps some taint of my old foe remained, and thus my task was not finished. I agreed, not to save earth, but to save myself and reclaim my lost honor.


Since then, I have... grown fond of the humans. Most are primitive, not so clever, and have "no class", but they do have fire, and potiential. Perhaps with my example, they will succeed.



Personality/Motivation: Dyval is a warrior who saved the universe, won the war, and lost everything he was fighting for. Thanks to his new allies, he is recovering some of what he has lost, but it is a slow process. He still wavers between melancholy moments as he bemoans his fate and the fate of his once glorious world, and arrogance that would befit a kindly king. He has taken the name Golden Hunter to sate the need for humans to have titles for their heroes, but he has always tried to follow the Code of the Golden Hunters. He is it's last follower. It was once quite vast, but most of it's core tenents include:

1) Cleanse the galaxy of the Elder Worms and their taint

2) Protect and Preserve lesser races (ones not under the Worm) since they can not do so for themselves.

3) Defend yourself, but killing your opponent only elevates him and debases you... (But letting Worms live is even more debasing, so they and their minions remain the eternal exception)

4) The more difficult the struggle, the greater the glory! (Hence, striking from ambush or by unfair advantage is cheap and unsatisfying and should only be done in exreme situations)


Currently, Golden Hunter has few goals save to beat some sense into Firewing, Destroy the Elder Worms' legacy (Yes, the Slug is #1 on his list), and to earn great glory with his team and keep this new planet safe. He does have a rivalry with other Energy Projectors, particularly those on a cosmic scale, but it's subconcious and he denies it.


Quote: "Is this then, my end? Does the last of old Malva perish? Will the light die, to shine no more? ...NO! I am a Golden Hunter, and you shall grow to fear the light as my wrath shines anew!"


Power/Tactics: Stepping into the Life Flame, the Furnace of the ancients, for those Malvans that survive, magnifies their mystic connection to the cosmos a thousand times over. Golden Hunter is imbued with a cosmic light that strikes with such primal force that even knocks it's foes back. It defies many of the conventions of 'real' light, for it is an illumination bordering on the spiritual in nature. He has learned to use this light to varying and powerful effects. Golden Hunter has no particular preference for one use over the other, as he is enough of a soldier to know that each has it's uses. His Undimmed Light maybe his most powerful burst of raw energy, but often it is the Righteous Light that undoes a foe not shielded from it. His Cleansing Radiance he rarely uses, for it's purpose is clearly lethal. His mystical light can also blind foes, not only their eyes, but whatever mystic senses they might possess.

Like any Firewing, he is virtually immortal, and nigh indestructable. He can sail the stars, or ride along light within Earth's atmosphere (Though it's annoyingly SLOW by his standards). He can even wrap himself in a cloak of unseen light, to gain advantage. However, he rarely keeps this up in battle... there's no glory in it. It is useful for spying on foes though, until the time is right to act and shine in all his true glory.

Golden Hunter often laments how time, and the curse of the Arcane that hurled him here, have weakened him. He claims to have once been more powerful. Perhaps that is so, for he can be rather direct in battle. While no tactician, he has the sense to find what hurts a foe most, and then use it over and over until they're seeing sense and beg for mercy. Fortunately for them, he'll grant it.

Unless it's an Elder Worm or one of their minions; then his rage is like a thousand suns and he attacks without ceasing until he can recover from his ire, or his foe is bested. Unfortuantely, this means he can forget sense and charge ahead when facing them even into his doom, but his friends are trying to help him, and have much useful advice such as "for God's sake, CHILL!"


Campaign Use: Golden Hunter is meant to be the energy projecting powerhouse of the team. He has little subtlety to offer, though flashes of past memory of the 'before times' might help at odd moments or adventures. He's also a great way to tie in adventures to Slug, the Elder Worms, and other mystical threats, as well as Firewing and Malva. Golden Hunter's hatred of the Worm means he can be very proactive compared to some heroes, as he flies around the earth ready to destroy their legacy. This COULD lead to problems for other heroes, especially if they have the misfortune of using Worm relics as a source of their power.


Appearance: Golden Hunter wears a costume of yellow and gold with a shimmering light wave design on the front. Light dances about him and spreads outward from his form in golden cascades, save for his eyes, which flicker with white intensity.

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Guest WhammeWhamme
Originally posted by Hermit

I liked your write up Whammewhamme, but I find the urge to spread his seed a bit... weird, if potientially humorous.


"Sapphire, I've come to admire you... would you bear my child?"






300 points of Disadvantages was a bit hard, even for someone with half of those in susc's/vulns...


There are superhero groupies in the CU, right?


I anticipate this being a major plot hook for Hyperman...

possibly worth more than I allocated it. :)

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Guest WhammeWhamme

Oh, and Hermit?


I like Golden Hunter.


Good to see people still using FTL Travel... :)


Interesting to see two superfast (one more so) mystically powered characters who call themselves aliens...


We really need a technoPC to balance things.

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Guest WhammeWhamme
Originally posted by Hermit

Shucks, I appreciate the vote of confidence... especially considering the torments that I put my mother tongue through (as the many Typos in Golden Hunter's write up will testify)


Spelling an Creativity are far from friendly... and I've yet to meet or read an american who spelt correctly. :D


(silly people. the letter U exists)


Seriously, neato PC there.

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Originally posted by WhammeWhamme

Oh, and Hermit?


I like Golden Hunter.


Good to see people still using FTL Travel... :)


Interesting to see two superfast (one more so) mystically powered characters who call themselves aliens...


We really need a technoPC to balance things.


Thanks, but a lot of that was inspired or used from Firewing, who also has FTL, so I can't take the credit for that choice. I want them to be consistent with each other (as much as they can be considering the point difference).


Unfortunately, I didn't get the full 300 pts disads... maybe a DNPC or two would work to help that out.




And yeah, no more aliens :) We also might want to have at least one lady on the team...assuming she can explain to Hyperman how she's not interested in helping him out :)

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Guest WhammeWhamme
Originally posted by Hermit

Thanks, but a lot of that was inspired or used from Firewing, who also has FTL, so I can't take the credit for that choice. I want them to be consistent with each other (as much as they can be considering the point difference).


Unfortunately, I didn't get the full 300 pts disads... maybe a DNPC or two would work to help that out.




And yeah, no more aliens :) We also might want to have at least one lady on the team...assuming she can explain to Hyperman how she's not interested in helping him out :)


Yes... :o


Hey, a guy with almost all of Superman's weaknesses barely squeaked it... I think maybe the bar was too high.


'Based on Firewing' was a good call, and I was making a comment about the efficacy of MegaMegamovment. :)


Yeah... a female team member might would be

A) A good idea


B) Very interesting with Hyperman around.

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Originally posted by WhammeWhamme

We really need a technoPC to balance things.


The gadgeteer is in the works.


I'm thinking 120 points active in the gadget pool - 150 points real. That's a lot, but it allows him to build the uber-weapons necessary to zap a humungous bad guy.


Unfortunately, he has to spend a bunch more points to make him a super-scientist, which leaves him with painfully few for his own personal combat effectiveness. He still needs to be able to not get flattened in a high SPD, high CV, high damage environment... This is tricky.


I was even tempted to give him shrinking, in the hope that he could avoid damage by not being seen! Unfortunately, there's still likely to be big explosions going off.


His character conception is still subject to revision, as you can see, because I'm struggling with excuses for him being not being splattered by 20 dice attacks!


Hopefully I will have something by later this evening.



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Guest WhammeWhamme
Originally posted by assault

The gadgeteer is in the works.


I'm thinking 120 points active in the gadget pool - 150 points real. That's a lot, but it allows him to build the uber-weapons necessary to zap a humungous bad guy.


Unfortunately, he has to spend a bunch more points to make him a super-scientist, which leaves him with painfully few for his own personal combat effectiveness. He still needs to be able to not get flattened in a high SPD, high CV, high damage environment... This is tricky.


I was even tempted to give him shrinking, in the hope that he could avoid damage by not being seen! Unfortunately, there's still likely to be big explosions going off.


His character conception is still subject to revision, as you can see, because I'm struggling with excuses for him being not being splattered by 20 dice attacks!


Hopefully I will have something by later this evening.




150 for power pool...

150 for Skills and INT (generous)

450 for combat abilities?


24/24 Combat luck is only 48 points. :)

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Originally posted by WhammeWhamme

150 for power pool...

150 for Skills and INT (generous)

450 for combat abilities?


24/24 Combat luck is only 48 points. :)


The problem is one of character conception, not actual design.


It would be easy enough to give him 40/40 resistant hardened PD/ED, and 33-38 CON. But... why does he have this?


That's what I'm angst-ing about.


Don't worry, I'll come up with something I'm happy with... If I get really bored I'll just make him a smarter than usual Brick!



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Originally posted by assault

The gadgeteer is in the works.


I'm thinking 120 points active in the gadget pool - 150 points real. That's a lot, but it allows him to build the uber-weapons necessary to zap a humungous bad guy.


Unfortunately, he has to spend a bunch more points to make him a super-scientist, which leaves him with painfully few for his own personal combat effectiveness. He still needs to be able to not get flattened in a high SPD, high CV, high damage environment... This is tricky.


I was even tempted to give him shrinking, in the hope that he could avoid damage by not being seen! Unfortunately, there's still likely to be big explosions going off.


His character conception is still subject to revision, as you can see, because I'm struggling with excuses for him being not being splattered by 20 dice attacks!


Hopefully I will have something by later this evening.



Well, it depends on his area of expertise if any. A guy who's favorite sciences are bio chemistry would have a different style than a more mechanical engineer.


Perhaps Damage Reduction? One 5th Ed book (I think CU) has an ARGENT device which shunts the energy from attacks to another dimension as a rationalization.


Or he could rationalize it with pain killing drugs (Damage Reduction, Stun only).


Perhaps he has misile deflection/ reflection in the form of a small whirling robotic orb that constantly moves to protect him? :)

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Damage Reduction based on deflector shield or dimensional shunt technology has many precedents in both comics and the Champions universe.


Damage Reduction, STUN only, built as either painkilling drugs or as a cybernetic implant that reduces all pain senssation is also a definite possibility.

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Don't worry - I've got his character conception down now. All I have to do is finish the writeup - on a Monday. Oops! You may have to wait a few hours.


Anyway - it occurred to me that my earlier conceptions were encroaching on other characters' schticks, and doing so in a way that ensured that he would be a perpetual second banana. So I decided to build him as a Martial Artist, since none of the other characters were based around this. After that it was relatively easy.


So, the question is: what do you get when you cross Fiacho, Defender and... SEEKER!!!



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