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Join Team Freedom!


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In alternate world World War 2 stretched on for 20+ years. Thanks to

the accquisition of alien technologies, the Axis almost marched to

victory. Only fate intervented, creating a powerful heroine who came

to be known as "Free Spirit" who lead the what remained of the allies

to victory only to be struck down at the conclusion of the war by

treachery. Free Spirit was lain to rest as a hero and the world moved on....


Or so it was thought. Now, 20 years later. Free Spirit has returned,

awoken renewed from a regenerative hiberation. But she is not alone.

The terrorist forces of the Invisible Reich have arisen as well, along

with hordes of dark experiements and augmented super soliders

attempting to other throw the World Council and bring about a twisted

empire of Evil! Already super soliders such as Necro and Biohazard

have begun their reign of terror, despite the effort of the reawakened

Free Spirit.


Team Freedom is a Fifth Edition Champions PBEM set in an alternate

universe where the Nazi's almost won WW2. And they're back for a

rematch. It will be a Four Color, fairly black and white setting with

heroism and somewhat light hearted adventure as its focus. It will

also deal with adult subjects and tend to be a little racy, so no one

under 18 or that find such matieral objectionable should apply.


Character creation:

Base points:300


Active points:60

Concepts taken:We have a Super man style brick (Free Spirit)

Character should be fairly "simple" and straight forward. No aliens

and "natural" mutants are fairly low powered in this world, products

of Nazi experiements and enviornmental damage.


Tone:Golden Age and Silver Age character would be most appropriate.

Iron Age is possible, but would take some work. Characters should be

willing to work in a group.


Please send all submissions to Nexus@qx.net

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Re: Join Team Freedom!


Got a few essential questions and need to knows.

1) With WW2 Lasting 20 years I assume Korea and Vietnam did not happen in your time line.

2) Did the allies use the Navajo code talkers in your reality?

3) Does magic/mysticism work?


I am interested because I currently have no role playing outlet and am desperate for play. One bit of info tho I have never played by e-mail so Im not sure how it works.

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Re: Join Team Freedom!


Got a few essential questions and need to knows.

1) With WW2 Lasting 20 years I assume Korea and Vietnam did not happen in your time line.

2) Did the allies use the Navajo code talkers in your reality?

3) Does magic/mysticism work?


I am interested because I currently have no role playing outlet and am desperate for play. One bit of info tho I have never played by e-mail so Im not sure how it works.


1. They didn't happen.

2. Yes, they did, but alien translation tech made them less effective

3. Yes it does. The occult was primarely an area of nazi study and, as such, as been repressed in the current setting. Its not widely known that it works.


PBEM boils down to, I send out a description of whats going on, the players post back their actions and we go from there. It is slower, I don't deny that but can allow for a greater level of detail and description.

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Re: Join Team Freedom!


Do you want characters posted here, i sent you a Mage character from your other thread "Supermage wanted" , oppinion?


Are other archetypes avaliable?


All our available. Team Freedom is a different game. Please sent the character to me. I don't want to SPAM the board. :)


I'll be evaluating the Mage submission in the next couple of days.

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Re: Join Team Freedom!


I take it that german experiments in mutation should have the distinctive features disadvantage.

Are you allowing Variable Power Pools?


Distictive features are definately a possibly. I would be willing to look at a character with a VPP, but I tend to be very harsh with them, only allowing them if there is no other way to get the effect needed.

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Re: Join Team Freedom!


A couple of more questions Nexus....what about hunted's for diadvantages I mean are there any other villain groups running round as well or is the Invisible Reich pretty much it for villains. Also you must realize I am building this charcter with the demo version of hero designer and do not as of yet own any Fred books. Also seeing as this is a 4 color game are you requiring the heroes to take code's vs killing? As soon as I can get his disadvantages figured out I will be e-mailing you my character

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Re: Join Team Freedom!


A couple of more questions Nexus....what about hunted's for diadvantages I mean are there any other villain groups running round as well or is the Invisible Reich pretty much it for villains. Also you must realize I am building this charcter with the demo version of hero designer and do not as of yet own any Fred books. Also seeing as this is a 4 color game are you requiring the heroes to take code's vs killing? As soon as I can get his disadvantages figured out I will be e-mailing you my character



The Reich is the main source of bad guys, but you can come up with something else. Just be sure to detail it. Players can contribute to the world. I am no requireing a CAK, but character should generally be relunctant to kill.

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Re: Join Team Freedom!


Nexus are there any particular types of characters you would *like* to see?


As a GM, I had very strong ideas about what I wanted in my PCs. If you posted a entry saying what you wanted to see it would greatly help me in determining what type of characters you wanted in your campaign.


Also seeing examples of the way ~you~ build characters is important. In my experience every group is slightly different. I was taught a very ahem twinkish ahem style. It was fun for us at New World Games in the 1990s but when I moved to California my PC development style sent my first new GM into cardiac arrest.


I am eager to learn more about your new world as well, do you have any written material available for distribution? Or are we going to have little bits of Alterearth History parceled out? Importantly, are any major US cities sites of WWII action? Did the Empire State Building get Buzzbombed in the 1950s for instance?





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Re: Join Team Freedom!


Would my character Sentinel work for your campaign. He is posted in the character for a game thread. The background could be modified for your world. I would of course beef him up to the full points for the campaign and tone down the disads. Let me know and I will modify him.


Bob Adams

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Re: Join Team Freedom!


Nexus are there any particular types of characters you would *like* to see?


As a GM, I had very strong ideas about what I wanted in my PCs. If you posted a entry saying what you wanted to see it would greatly help me in determining what type of characters you wanted in your campaign.


Also seeing examples of the way ~you~ build characters is important. In my experience every group is slightly different. I was taught a very ahem twinkish ahem style. It was fun for us at New World Games in the 1990s but when I moved to California my PC development style sent my first new GM into cardiac arrest.


I am eager to learn more about your new world as well, do you have any written material available for distribution? Or are we going to have little bits of Alterearth History parceled out? Importantly, are any major US cities sites of WWII action? Did the Empire State Building get Buzzbombed in the 1950s for instance?






Its mostly in my head so I don't have much to send out. (Its a bad habit I have a GM that I really should correct since I do mostly PBEM now). Several US cities suffered some damage during the latter period of this world's WW 2, unclulding the rather spiteful decapitation of the Statue of Liberty by aGerman Ubermenshen, PanzerFaust.


As for types of character. I don't like to be too restrictive, but I think fairly "simple" character would be best. More like Golden Age designs than "modern". Free Spirit, for example, is a Superman Clone (but not as fast). The Captain (NPC), her protege is a Mini brick.

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Re: Join Team Freedom!


This is really one of the more interesting campaigns I have had the honor of potentially being a part of. If you may forgive me a slight indulgence, I will list a few nuggets that spring to my mind as to the effects of this alternate history.


The racial revolution never occurred. There was no Mall speech etc. But the racial divide dropped all the same in the face of Nazi aggression. As Society pitched in together the essential humanness of all people became evident to even the most bigoted person.


The Space Race never occurred and thus a moon landing might still not have been made. Satellites developed from the ICBM program developed in the War are used extensively but only in the Eighties were they allowed to carry commerical use.


The Cold War never happened with Russia. Russia failed early and that was one of the factors of the prolonged war. China took up the role as dominant "cold war nemesis'. Although they have more fascist than communist bent.


The Battle of Boston: a turning point in the War.


The Western White House: Cheyenne Mountain or NORAD??


Devastation at Mount Rushmoore


London was nuked by the Reich in the sixties. It is largely uninhabited and the King (Charles of course) and PM and Parliment meet in Glasgow now.


Austrailia was a bastion of power led by a relatively cut of division of the US army. The greatest and most revered man in Austrailia is General Patton.


Just some thoughts



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Re: Join Team Freedom!


Now a few questions from the uninformed:


I've never played in a PBEM. How do you resolve things? Is there a standard set of rules you (or nearly everyone else) observes that I can read?

As someone who plays/has played in a lot of PBeMs, I'd say that the biggest difference is that, after character creation, the numbers are mostly invisible to you, the player. The GM generally rolls all the dice, including yours, just to simplify things and keep combat on the up-and-up. Character development and interaction is, for the most part, more of a focus in PBeM games than in face-to-face games, partially for this reason.


In general, other considerations include what tense the game is in (present or past?), how the posts/replies are structured (from narrative prose to hard game mechanics), and what level of writing skill is required from the GM. IME, the best games are those in which everyone can write, and everything is compiled into a single narrative intended to be read by lurkers/an audience/whomever.

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Re: Join Team Freedom!


This is really one of the more interesting campaigns I have had the honor of potentially being a part of. If you may forgive me a slight indulgence, I will list a few nuggets that spring to my mind as to the effects of this alternate history.


The racial revolution never occurred. There was no Mall speech etc. But the racial divide dropped all the same in the face of Nazi aggression. As Society pitched in together the essential humanness of all people became evident to even the most bigoted person.


The Space Race never occurred and thus a moon landing might still not have been made. Satellites developed from the ICBM program developed in the War are used extensively but only in the Eighties were they allowed to carry commerical use.


The Cold War never happened with Russia. Russia failed early and that was one of the factors of the prolonged war. China took up the role as dominant "cold war nemesis'. Although they have more fascist than communist bent.


The Battle of Boston: a turning point in the War.


The Western White House: Cheyenne Mountain or NORAD??


Devastation at Mount Rushmoore


London was nuked by the Reich in the sixties. It is largely uninhabited and the King (Charles of course) and PM and Parliment meet in Glasgow now.


Austrailia was a bastion of power led by a relatively cut of division of the US army. The greatest and most revered man in Austrailia is General Patton.


Just some thoughts




Those are good ideas. I had some similar ones as well.

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Re: Join Team Freedom!


Now a few questions from the uninformed:


I've never played in a PBEM. How do you resolve things? Is there a standard set of rules you (or nearly everyone else) observes that I can read?


In most games I am familar with the game works much like a face to face game except the GM resolves most mechanics beyond character generation. He posts the actions of the NPCs, the results of character action, etc as narrative the players respond too. It is slower than face to face play but can have a higher degree of description and PC development.

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Re: Join Team Freedom!


In general' date=' other considerations include what tense the game is in (present or past?), how the posts/replies are structured (from narrative prose to hard game mechanics), and what level of writing skill is required from the GM. IME, the best games are those in which everyone can write, and everything is compiled into a single narrative intended to be read by lurkers/an audience/whomever.[/quote']


I prefer past tense/third person. IE:American Eage walked over the commanders desked and leaned forward, fixing the man with his most peircing stare.


Game mechanics would be set apart from the main text

[Mechanics]:Pre Attack at 4d6 plus any bonuses


Also player shouldn't generally post the results of actions (except for simple ones, like walking over there in the first place).

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Re: Join Team Freedom!


Would my character Sentinel work for your campaign. He is posted in the character for a game thread. The background could be modified for your world. I would of course beef him up to the full points for the campaign and tone down the disads. Let me know and I will modify him.


Bob Adams


Let me take a closer look at him and I'll get back to you.

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