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Longest Running Thread EVER

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Re: Longest Running Thread EVER


Um, the alternative world has Comic Book Physics and superpower humans can be "born".


My FtF campaign is going to be a bunch of players pulled through a portal to an alternate reality and in the process develop superpowers. The world is mostly run by bad guys with superpowers. I'd like to have a city in this world that is safe because of a long standing team of good guy supers. That would be you guys.

How about a deaf brick? I haven't gotten to play that character much at all and would like to. He's basically modelled loosely after Justice from that aborted Marvel "New Universe", except for being a brick and not so disoriented. I guess what I'm saying is he's merely taciturn and serious and just looks like Justice!

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Re: Longest Running Thread EVER


I just finished reading 2001: A Space Odyssey. I would like to complain about how excrutiatingly long-winded Clarke is when describing things, but he does it so well that I really, honestly CAN'T complain. I mean, his ability to first imagine the fantastic and then describe it to a T is absolutely amazing. The last 20 pages contains some of the most insane visual descriptions I have ever read... and it's not like he's describing simple objects... I am truly amazed by it.


The movie makes a lot more sense now, although I already knew what was going on when I first saw the movie. But the book (as usual) gives a much deeper exploration into what is going on behind the scenes. So much was left out in the movie that it makes sense that a lot of people walked away from the film saying "What the hell was THAT about." But the book makes it much clearer... but still, not crystal clear.


The only part I don't get is the very very very end when Bowman, as the Star Child returns to Earth. And he does... something... from Clarke's suddenly vague descriptions I was unable to interpret exactly what he did. I think he disarmed all of the nuclear missiles that were launched at him, but I may be taking his words to literally. Like the movie, it kind of leaves you hanging and asking "Okay, THEN what happens?" I guess I have to read 2010 to find out.


But I'll read that in the future. I need something that's not as difficult to read and easier on the brain.





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Guest joen00b

Re: Longest Running Thread EVER


I just finished reading 2001: A Space Odyssey. I would like to complain about how excrutiatingly long-winded Clarke is when describing things...


Worse than Terry Brooks descibing the hook in Allanon's nose?

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Re: Longest Running Thread EVER


Cool, how many points? dark, moderately dark, or light in tone?





i just remembered something that made me laugh in a Very dark way. In Supermegatopia (.com will take you there) there was a character named Ferret Man. He was kind of a cross between Batman and the Shadow. It turns out he has a book. "Big book of things I shoot people for" that is on the BESTSELLER LIST. All criminals feared him, because if they didn't they ended up... Dead.


I am not certain why that sprung into my head, but...





Okay... I'm like majorly addicted to this game I'm making right now and with 52 hour work weeks... yeah. Busy.


The game, I would like 3 players if possible so if you have a third you can think of that would be nice.


You are all natives to the city, I have decided. I'm going Low-powered supers. It was an event that gave you superpowers, though I still need the details it was an explosion or exposure to a gateway. Or maybe you just don't know. I'll base it on what you have for characters.


All mental powers are ! in this setting but are not restricted.

I will allow Multiform but it will make me happier if you avoid it.


The setting is alternative earth Japan. But that doesn't mean you have to have a Japanese name. It is an alternate reality after all.

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Re: Longest Running Thread EVER


How about a deaf brick? I haven't gotten to play that character much at all and would like to. He's basically modelled loosely after Justice from that aborted Marvel "New Universe"' date=' except for being a brick and not so disoriented. I guess what I'm saying is he's merely taciturn and serious and just looks like Justice![/quote']

Deaf before or after the emergence of super powers?


Feel free to take it to email as well if you want.

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Re: Longest Running Thread EVER


Cool, how many points? dark, moderately dark, or light in tone?





i just remembered something that made me laugh in a Very dark way. In Supermegatopia (.com will take you there) there was a character named Ferret Man. He was kind of a cross between Batman and the Shadow. It turns out he has a book. "Big book of things I shoot people for" that is on the BESTSELLER LIST. All criminals feared him, because if they didn't they ended up... Dead.


I am not certain why that sprung into my head, but...

150 + 100


Batman Gothem City Dark at first but there is a bit of an anime feel. You can't really die, you just go comatose. Villains don't go around killing people, they just go around intimedating them and stealing their things. So it really isn't that dark.

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Re: Longest Running Thread EVER


Deaf before or after the emergence of super powers?


Feel free to take it to email as well if you want.

I will, but in the meantime doesn't hurt to post here! Deafness was always - well, given your scenario, could be changed.

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Re: Longest Running Thread EVER


Are you trying to seduce me?
We realy need to put that on a t-shirt for a gaming convention. Or just generally on a t-shirt.


:):eg: I can't imagine what kind of expressions people will give when they read it from a bunch of gaming geeks. Ok, maybe I can.

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Re: Longest Running Thread EVER


a deaf brick?
I've played a mute monk in a D&D game. I even had about 33 preplanned words and phrases worked out. Some included "Hi please to meet you, I'm mute taken an oath, can't speak" to "run away or we will all be goners". If you don't believe me I'll try to find the sheet and post it.
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