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The cranky thread


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Re: The cranky thread


So. F**KING. Pissed.


I've got about 15 minutes of my treatment left. I can feel cramping kind of starting, but I know if I stay still and calm, I should make it through without cramping hard enough to make an issue of it. Discomfort, but not pain.


In the meanwhile, the guy in an adjacent chair gets done earlier than I do, gets clamped up, bandaged, etc. On his way out, he decides he wants to tickle my foot. While I'm trying to keep my muscles from spasming.


Cue the most painful cramp I have *ever* had. Plus, I absolutely hate Hate HATE getting tickled, so my whole body starts tensing up as I immediately get angry. At this point, I'm pretty much one giant cramp from the waist down.


And that pigf**king c**kheaded s**teating thunderc**t cracker doesn't even say anything resembling an apology.

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Re: The cranky thread


Wtf kind of [person] tickles an immobilized patient at a clinic? He better hope you never see him again.


Unfortunately, he's also a patient, so yeah, I'm gonna see him again. The nurses are going to give him a talking-to Saturday.


He seems to be a little ... I don't know the word. Not 'slow', but definitely kind of thick.

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Re: The cranky thread


Unfortunately, he's also a patient, so yeah, I'm gonna see him again. The nurses are going to give him a talking-to Saturday.


He seems to be a little ... I don't know the word. Not 'slow', but definitely kind of thick.


I think words like "idiot", "stupid", "moron" and/or "a total douchebag" are equally appropriate.

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Re: The cranky thread


I've got my first bout of Holiday Blues. It just hit like a ton of bricks today. Sigh.


I think it got me last night. Of course, I knew I had to go to work today, which was enough to make me depressed. But I did stop by a hotel lobby afterwards. I could have had a drink at the bar, but they were playing Christmas music. I decided to leave before it drove me batty.



Then again, I'm batty enough as it is! ;)


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Re: The cranky thread


I've got my first bout of Holiday Blues. It just hit like a ton of bricks today. Sigh.


I had that on friday. The wife insisted that I go down to Home Depot way too early in the morning so that I could pick up the advertised wreath for $5. Of course it was the usual advertise-a-super-low-price-and-stock-only-twelve scam. I did get to marvel at the line of people waiting to get in to the adjacent Costco, however. The line went 3/4 of the way around the store, and it's not a small Costco.


Really not looking forward to the whole buying a tree, wrapping and mailing, paying the bills routine. After what I went through this year I really would like some time off from my life.

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Re: The cranky thread


I had that on friday. The wife insisted that I go down to Home Depot way too early in the morning so that I could pick up the advertised wreath for $5. Of course it was the usual advertise-a-super-low-price-and-stock-only-twelve scam. I did get to marvel at the line of people waiting to get in to the adjacent Costco, however. The line went 3/4 of the way around the store, and it's not a small Costco.


Really not looking forward to the whole buying a tree, wrapping and mailing, paying the bills routine. After what I went through this year I really would like some time off from my life.

Yea, I'm really not liking this end of year right now.

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Re: The cranky thread


I need to stop reading the comments on YouTube videos. People keep posting about Justin Bieber when the video is about the Beatles, Simon and Garfunkel, Bobby Darin, or even Mozart! What the hell does that little twerp have to do with any of those great musicians?

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