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Fighting In A Subway Train


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I'm getting my stuff together for the my next face-to-face game and I have thought about running part of the combat on a subway train (meaning a few cars chained together).


First off, are there any hex-based mapps out there that could help me and secondly has anyone had any experience with that sort of scenrario. I need some info on stuff like:


** DEF of subway cars

** penalties for trying to run through a subway car full of passengers


Any help with this would be greatly appreciated.

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Re: Fighting In A Subway Train


Interesting fight location; I've been giving some thought to something similar although I was thinking more of an elevated train or maybe even a bullet train.


I'd apply a -2 or -3 penalty for fighting and probably a halve any movement for moving through a crowded subway car. And of course injuring the passengers is a definite concern if your heroes (and villains!) are battling through the train.


I'd give a train car maybe a 4 DEF; they're just sheet steel.


There is a pretty good subway fight scene in the Christopher Lambert film "The Hunted" which might give you some ideas. It's particularly cool if you're into swords. :)

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Re: Fighting In A Subway Train


There is a pretty good subway fight scene in the Christopher Lambert film "The Hunted" which might give you some ideas. It's particularly cool if you're into swords. :)


I loved that movie! Especially because Lamert's character didn't know how to fight. Very cool.




My suggestion for your gaming table (assuming you use miniatures) is to print out hex paper @ 1" scale, then draw your subway cars on them. Cut the cars out. Draw your tunnel section on your regular mat, lengthwise. You'll have enough room to draw 2 or 3 tunnels side by side (assuming you use a large mat, like we do). Make at least one of them have a station.


Use pennies or "Magic" counters (glass pieces) for the normals.


For running the game, be prepared for the following:


1) That a character will get knocked out of a car and get left behind.


2) That a character might get hit (if flying) or ran over (if not flying). Figure out the SPD/movement of the train ahead of time for damage.


3) That the tracks will be electric so figure out how much damage they do.


4) That a character (maybe even one of the normal passengers) might want to stop the train so figure out the rate of deceleration/acceleration ahead of time.



I've thought about having a fight happen in an airborne jet... let me know how your battle goes, please. I might use it some time. ;)



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Re: Fighting In A Subway Train


Good ideas all, Mags. Preparation can make things run a lot more smoothly. Nobody can possibly anticipate everything their players will do, but figuring out the most likely things in advance can make the whole scenario run a lot smoother.


And I mostly ogled Yoko Shimada, who I've had the hots for since I first saw her as Mariko in "Shogun" 20+ years ago. Fortunately both my GF and I own copies of that movie. :love:

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Re: Fighting In A Subway Train


If you have a big collection of old products handy there was a Dark champs?Street level champs adventure that used a fight on a train...I'm a little misty but it was against the "Pack(?)" ...Mongrel...Hellhound...Rotweiler...something like that...Might want to chect the various "Stopping a train" threads too if you've got a real confident Brick!...:)

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Re: Fighting In A Subway Train


Inside I'd give no penalty unless either their casual STR is very low, or someone is purposely using the civilians for cover.


Outside the train, I'd give no penalty if you had clinging at least good enough to support your own weight. If you don't, I'd give you a climbing roll once per turn if you are taking an action, and anytime you are struck or take a DEX based action (like attacking). If you don't have Climbing, you might wind up having to make a STR roll any time you moved.


Anytime you failed the climb or STR rolls, I'd give two options: Made a DEX roll in order to continue your action, with a failure meaning you fell off the train, or do nothing for that action and save yourself the risk of faling off.


Of course it's all GM discretion. But I always liked giving people with oddball powers (like clinging) the chance to benefit from them over people who never buy such things.

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Re: Fighting In A Subway Train


One of the maps I did for Sharper than a Serpent's Tooth is a Subway Station and string of cars. I did my best to make them a realistic scale. (There is no standard subway car, so you can feel free to wing it.)


Keith "Shilling for Hero" Curtis

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Re: Fighting In A Subway Train


Also' date=' effects of t-port and desolid.[/quote']


Yeah, reading up on the various powers that you know the heroes (and villains) have is a good idea. The No Relative Velocity Adder will make a big difference if a character has Teleport.



Another couple of things I forgot to mention are maintenance tunnels and possible bases nearby (remember Lex Luther's Base in the first Superman movie?). These would be either level with the subway tunnels or slightly higher in elevation.


Then there would be sewer and or flood channels and access holes (with heavy, iron man-hole covers) that would be, of course, at a lower level.



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Re: Fighting In A Subway Train


Too bad I can't get my hands on a copy of that book before my next game. :( It would've been perfect!


All your suggestions are great, and I can't wait to put this thing together for our next game. I'll be sure to let you guys know how it went.



One of the maps I did for Sharper than a Serpent's Tooth is a Subway Station and string of cars. I did my best to make them a realistic scale. (There is no standard subway car, so you can feel free to wing it.)


Keith "Shilling for Hero" Curtis

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