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The Avengers in the CU

Mark Rand

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In my opinion, Marvel's greatest team is the Avengers. I'd like to drop them in the CU and have them set up branch teams, one in the campaign city.

Only the New York team gets its funding from the Maria Stark Foundation. The branch teams get their funding from the host country.

What current New York City team do the Avengers replace, The Sentinels, The Justice Squadron, or neither?

What would make the Avengers select the campaign city as one to set up a branch team in?

What kind of support would they get from the U.S. government, money, personal or both?

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  • 4 weeks later...
Guest milton febles

Re: The Avengers in the CU


In my opinion, Marvel's greatest team is the Avengers. I'd like to drop them in the CU and have them set up branch teams, one in the campaign city.

Only the New York team gets its funding from the Maria Stark Foundation. The branch teams get their funding from the host country.

What current New York City team do the Avengers replace, The Sentinels, The Justice Squadron, or neither?

What would make the Avengers select the campaign city as one to set up a branch team in?

What kind of support would they get from the U.S. government, money, personal or both?

I myself am starting an Avengers campaign in in the CU. They( Captain America, Iron man,Thor,Warbird,the Scarlet Witch and the Vision) will become the New York branch replacing both the justice sqaudron ,the sentinels and Unity. They will be in the superhero liasion program(Until sourcebook) as a result. the oter two branch teams are:L.A.(Meteor Man 3, Tigra, Hawkeye,Hercules,Photon and stingray,the atalantean from champions universe(reformed) replacing the California Patrol and bay guardians. The third team is in Millenium city consisting Black widow, Dr. Silverback, kinetik,kodiak,tekinique(as F.B.I. liasions) , Geothermal(from millenium city book) and Impact(Mayte Sanchez,Primus does not exists in my world.) this team gets along quite well with the Champions superteam. The Avengers in this world was in the battle of detriot when teenaged thug Rick Jones managed to send a distress signal to several heroes operating independantly. The heroes were Captain America, Thor, iron man, wasp,antman,quicksilver and scarlet witch. Wasp and Antman as well as rick jones died fighting Dr. Destroyer. after the battle and months of rebuilding, the surviving heroes decided to become the Avengers. they later formed two more teams.

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Re: The Avengers in the CU


If you want to *replace* a team, use the Sentinels. Hell, for that matter, you could rename the Avengers the Sentinels.


If you want them to be the only NYC superteam of import, though, I'd suggest moving the Justice Squadron and Unity elsewhere, rather than eliminating them. They fill different "niches."

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Re: The Avengers in the CU


If you want to *replace* a team, use the Sentinels. Hell, for that matter, you could rename the Avengers the Sentinels.


If you want them to be the only NYC superteam of import, though, I'd suggest moving the Justice Squadron and Unity elsewhere, rather than eliminating them. They fill different "niches."

I'm not entirely sure about Unity. It's primary roll is to be the super human team for the UN group Until. Well the Avengers have evolved into the super human team for the UN, as has the Justice League. I would probably roll Unity into the Avengers if I felt a real need to keep the characters.

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Re: The Avengers in the CU


I don't insert characters directly into my campaigns without filing off the serial numbers, but with that said...


I'm kind of fond of the early Avengers lineups.


The founding team of "Thor and his buddies" is kind of neat. They're a real collection of most of Marvel's major solo characters at the time (apart from Spiderman).


The second lineup is cool too - aside from Captain America, they're all pretty much reformed villains!


Thinking about the original line up... the most obviously interesting member is the Hulk. The CU's closest equivalent is, of course, Grond!


Now there's someone you want to have on your team, isn't it? :)


Let's see: the rest of the team. Shrinker began her career as a heroine, so we could use her to fill the Antman/Wasp slot - we don't really need two of them. Defender could fill in for Iron Man.


But who can fill in for Thor?


Oh well, I'm sure someone will think of something.


There are plenty of flagsuits around, so it won't be a particular drama for one to join a little after the team is established.


Hmm... Grond! Shrinker! Defender! (Thor substitute!) The world's greatest superteam - the Champions!


Yeah. That works for me.

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Re: The Avengers in the CU


I've found an appropriate Thor substitute: "Lei Kung the Thunderer", from the back of CKC. He's one of the examples of how characters can be tweaked to fit a particular campaign.


He doesn't have a specific origin, although presumably you are supposed to tweak Anubis to fit. His disads aren't particularly villainous, so they aren't really a problem.


He's tough enough for most purposes.


Of course, if you really want to you can build him up to cosmic levels. The same applies to any of the other substitute Avengers I mentioned.


So now it's: Lei Kung! Grond! Shrinker! Defender! Earth's greatest heroes - the Champions!


Or you could make them a villain team, simply by replacing Defender with a villainous power suit character. Everyone else are already villains!


Of course the real interest with the Avengers concept is the idea of franchising out local branches. You could probably do the same thing with the early 90's Justice League, of course. See Justice League Antarctica for further details. :)

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Re: The Avengers in the CU


My game world:


The UN team has 100 members, divided into regional squads of 7:



Lunar, Responsible (7 High Power)

New York, San Francisco, Tokyo, Rio, Sydney, London, Moscow, Cario, Paris (7 Standard per squad)

25 members who are called "Specilists" these guys do not belong to any one squad...

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Re: The Avengers in the CU


A few interesting Thor subs would be folks like Catern (sp?)' date=' Black Paladin and Shamrock ...[/quote']


For villain teams, yes. For hero teams, you would need to do a fair bit of work.


A "White" version of Black Paladin might work as a hero, digging into all that Arthurian goodness.


I considered Cateran. She didn't quite feel right to me, but she's certainly an option.


Shamrock has the "controversial freedom fighter" thing too strongly for the Thor role, in my opinion.


Both Cateran and Shamrock might be better suited for the second wave of reformed villains, rather than the initial influx of big-H Heroes.


I might take another look at Black Paladin's character sheet. Both Kingdom of Champions and 4th Ed Golden Age Champions dig into the Arthurian themes to various degrees, so I was already thinking about this a bit.


A "White Paladin" would obviously have a ready made nemesis, and you could always stick in a Morgan Le Fay type for a more Loki-ish trickster nemesis.


Good call.

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Re: The Avengers in the CU


I seem to remember in the Ultraforce comic, they had the Black Knight show up and lead the team. The concept of how they did it was interesting.


They pulled the dimensional transportation thing, and the Black Knight got recruited to run herd on a bunch of "superheroes". The fun part about it was the heroes were a lot more "realistic" than the Marvel universe, while the Black Knight was still the Black Knight.


You could try something like this...have Tony Stark get blasted to another dimension when he drops Thor's hammer on his foot. Without Stark industries, he quickly needs money to survive in the Champions Universe. He sells the plans to the Shield Helo carrier to a defense contractor, which turns out to be a front for VIPER.


A few months later, Tony has used the money to build a massive device to take him home, and VIPER is ready to take over Newfoundland with its fleet of Helocarriers. Feeling a trifle remorseful, Tony vows to create a new Avengers team.

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Re: The Avengers in the CU


Another option would be to dip into the Olympians book for 4th ed ... or, since we're talking cross dimensional, taking the greek character from Mutants & Masterminds ;)

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Re: The Avengers in the CU


You mean Daedalus?? Hell' date=' most of the Freedom City characters could be incorporated into Champions without too much trouble.[/quote']

That'd be the one :) I know that Steve Kenson posted the Freedom City characters in Hero 4e stats on his site ... could help a bit :)

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Re: The Avengers in the CU


Personally, I'd rather rebuild them from the ground up. Since they are meant to be JLA analogues, scale them to about 700 points on average, higher or lower as needed for the concept, and to fit the existing rough power levels of the group.


Still, the concepts, backgrounds, and general construction are mucho good.

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  • 2 months later...

Re: The Avengers in the CU


Running with the idea from Ghost Who Walks, Tony contacts Warder, a lady mage he'd heard about and explained the situation to her. He agreed to tell his story, under a truth spell, to her and PRIMUS agents. Once the agents leave, Tony and Warder talk. The new Avengers begin to take shape.

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Re: The Avengers in the CU


re: basing UNITY


I'd put UNITY on the _Ragnarok_, and turn it into their floating base.


If it's a crisis for UNITY alone, they just get in their Javelin / Blackbird / etc. and bamf on over.


If it's something they need heavy backup for, they take the entire _Ragnarok_ with them.


But this way, UNITY is truly a global response team -- they can be anywhere.

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Re: The Avengers in the CU


I like the "Reformed Villains form a Hero Team" version of the Avengers:


Bulldozer! Anklanosaur! Grond! Foxbat! They are "The Danger Men!"


Heck, GRAB is already a great Hero Team. Just let one of them figure out how much more money they could be making with licensing fees and bounties than from their petty theft. "Once a gang of criminals, now serving mankind, they are the Remarkable Redeemers! Redeemers Re-assemble!"

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Re: The Avengers in the CU


I like the "Reformed Villains form a Hero Team" version of the Avengers:


Bulldozer! Anklanosaur! Grond! Foxbat! They are "The Danger Men!"


Heck, GRAB is already a great Hero Team. Just let one of them figure out how much more money they could be making with licensing fees and bounties than from their petty theft. "Once a gang of criminals, now serving mankind, they are the Remarkable Redeemers! Redeemers Re-assemble!"

I know it has worked for the Avengers, but I'm not too keen on it.

I can see it now.

From their headquarters in Millennium City, the Avengers, Iron Man, Warder, and their associates, protect the world from evil.

What do you say?"

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Re: The Avengers in the CU


I like the "Reformed Villains form a Hero Team" version of the Avengers:


Bulldozer! Anklanosaur! Grond! Foxbat! They are "The Danger Men!"


Heck, GRAB is already a great Hero Team. Just let one of them figure out how much more money they could be making with licensing fees and bounties than from their petty theft. "Once a gang of criminals, now serving mankind, they are the Remarkable Redeemers! Redeemers Re-assemble!"


Not until Black Diamond buys off her Unluck, or else they'd be back to being villains inside a month. We are talking "Justice League Antarctica" here. :D


OTOH, I can just imagine the reactions...


Black Diamond -- "... I'm surprised this is actually working. Still, it's nice to be able to go see my folks again without having to worry about police stakeouts..."


Bluejay -- "They like me! They really really like me!"


Hummingbird -- "Cool, I'm on the cover of 'People'! Like, wow!"


Lodestone (he's pretty much an associate member anyway, isn't he?) -- "I have to admit, this does have an upside."


Cheshire Cat -- "I'm bored! Can't we go back to..." *everybody throws rocks at him*

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