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New talents for Fantasy Hero


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I'm currently playtesting my Home-brew campaign setting for Fantasy Hero. One of the things that my players have requested is an expanded list of Talents. They like talents because talents can function the similar to feats in the D20 system that they are familiar with. The players are not as experienced at using the Hero system system as I am, and have trouble converting their favorite feats from D20 or designing talents from scratch. Having a large list of talents that are already designed and pre-approved would help make my job easier. To this end I am setting up this thread so that I can steal . . . I mean share ideas for new talents. I will post some of my own and hope that some of you will respond in kind.


My first entry is Environmental awareness.


Some people are so comfortable and familiar with certain environments that they can sense impending danger by subconciously registering small discrepancies in their surroundings that others would not. For example, Darleth is a warden who has spent most of his adult life patrolling the forests of Baron Gilcrest. In fact Darleth is more comfortable in the forest than he is in a safe quiet village. The Baron's forests are often raided by goblins who poach the local game. Many times, goblin poachers have set traps and ambushes for Darleth, but he has an uncanny nose for danger in the forests. Currently, Darleth is tracking a group of goblins who have slain and carried off a prize stag. The goblins set a deadfall trap at the edge of a clearing and concealed the tripwire in a stand of faerie grass. One of the goblins conceals himself behind the patch of faerie grass and mimics the cries of a small child hoping to lure Darleth into the trap, while the other goblins flee with their prize. As Darleth enters the clearing, he subconciously notes the fact that the faerie grass has been disturbed and the fact that bird calls have become more agitated. Darleth can't say why, but he knows there is danger ahead. Darleth eludes the trap, slays the lone goblin and follows the poachers out of the forest and up into the mountains. In desperation, the goblins set an ambush in a narrow ravine. Unfortunately, Darleth is not familiar with mountainous environments and can't pick up the subtle clues that danger is imminent. The goblins ambush succeeds and they leave Darleth bleeding and near death, fleeing to their mountain hideout with the stags carcass.



Environmental awareness.


Effect: Intuitional danger sense usable out of combat.

Disads: Only usable in environments for which the character has the appropriate survival skill (-1/2)


Active cost: 15 Real Cost: 10

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Re: New talents for Fantasy Hero


I like it.


I suppose you could take a look at "Favored Enemy" too; a staple of 3.*'s sytem




Favored Enemy

Effect: + 2 overall levels

Limitation: Only against "Favored Enemy"; -1


Active Cost: 20 real Cost: 10


This means the character is better at any action when dealing with their favored enemy. (Combat, Tracking, Knowledge skills, etc. perhaps additional damage would also be appropriate.

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Re: New talents for Fantasy Hero


Pain tolerance


An elven archer has seriously hurt his hand. He is finding it hard to shoot and the wound resists what magic they have to heal it. They have wrapped it up but it still stings every time he goes to use it. So he is learning to live with the pain.


I use the FH wound penalties that as you take Body your going to have a general minus to things till your felling better. He is at -2 level right now. Also had this hand wound impaired him this Talent could also help with the -3 OCV that he might have had. Or even used when having to pull out that burning rock from the fire, etc.


+1 Overall Level (Only to cancel Pain penalty (-1)) Real Cost 5pts, Active 10 pts.


Its expensive but this elf has taken alot of punishment and kept on going. Would also work for the hulking Barbarian or Monk like characters. It also only comes into play if you use rules about pain or the like in your FH game. I do so it will be something my players use.

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Re: New talents for Fantasy Hero


I wrote up a few of the 3e feats for my game. I'll attach the hdp file, but here's a couple:


Improved Shield Bash - the character is skilled at using their shield for both offense and defense at the same time;


Improved Shield Bash: +4 with DCV (20 Active Points); Only while doing a shield bash (-1/2), Only up to shield's normal DCV bonus (-1/2): real cost 10



Improved Bull Rush - the character is skilled at using his body when he charges. He can often force people back, even if they are larger than he is.


Improved Bull Rush: HA +2d6, Double Knockback (+3/4) (17 Active Points); Only when doing move through (-1), HA (-1/2); real cost 7



Disentangler - the character is unusually wiry - strong and flexible. It makes him harder to hold onto when grabbed, and makes it easier for him to get out of bonds.


Disentangler: (Total: 13 Active Cost, 7 Real Cost) +5 STR, Reduced Endurance (0 END; +1/2) (7 Active Points); Only to escape Grabs (-1/2), No Figured Characteristics (-1/2) (Real Cost: 3) plus +2 with Contortionist (6 Active Points); Only for escaping ropes/bonds/etc (-1/2) (Real Cost: 4)


I haven't done a lot, but it was enough to get my group started.

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Re: New talents for Fantasy Hero


Here is one I wrote up a awhile back, it can be considered a Talent or part of a Thief/Assassin Package. There was lots of debate on what the game effect of a backstab was, this was my version.



When striking unaware from behind, the thief or assassin can stab for the Vitals for a devastating blow. Note this only works on humanoid creatures. (If hit location is not used, the attack does double BODY and an automatic x4 STUN multiplier upon hit and successful activation)


+8 OCV; Only to negate penalities to striking to the Vitals (-1), Only when striking from behind on a humanoid (-1), Activation 11- (10 real points)


Option 1: Change to Activation 14- (11 real points)

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Re: New talents for Fantasy Hero


I wrote up backstabbing as :


7 (30) +2d6 HKA

______(-1/2) Can't add Strength

______(-1/4) No Knockback

______(-1/2) Only if base blow does Body

______(-1/2) Only on aimed shots

______(-1/2) Only with Short Blades/Knives (precision weapons)

______(-1) Only vs. humanoid targets that are unaware of incoming attack

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Re: New talents for Fantasy Hero


I don't have my book or my notes, but here are some I built for my post-apocalypse fantasy game:


Ambassador: The character is tremendously observant in the face of alien cultures and society. His attempt to emulate the local culture glosses over any faux pas he might make. Members of other races see something of their own race in him. 10 points, bought as +20 PRE, only to offset racial modifiers.(-1)


I'll have to go home to find the others, they escape me at the moment...

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Re: New talents for Fantasy Hero


I wrote up a few of the 3e feats for my game. I'll attach the hdp file, but here's a couple:


Improved Shield Bash - the character is skilled at using their shield for both offense and defense at the same time;


Improved Shield Bash: +4 with DCV (20 Active Points); Only while doing a shield bash (-1/2), Only up to shield's normal DCV bonus (-1/2): real cost 10



Improved Bull Rush - the character is skilled at using his body when he charges. He can often force people back, even if they are larger than he is.


Improved Bull Rush: HA +2d6, Double Knockback (+3/4) (17 Active Points); Only when doing move through (-1), HA (-1/2); real cost 7



Disentangler - the character is unusually wiry - strong and flexible. It makes him harder to hold onto when grabbed, and makes it easier for him to get out of bonds.


Disentangler: (Total: 13 Active Cost, 7 Real Cost) +5 STR, Reduced Endurance (0 END; +1/2) (7 Active Points); Only to escape Grabs (-1/2), No Figured Characteristics (-1/2) (Real Cost: 3) plus +2 with Contortionist (6 Active Points); Only for escaping ropes/bonds/etc (-1/2) (Real Cost: 4)


I haven't done a lot, but it was enough to get my group started.


Unfortunately, I don't have Hero Designer, but I like the talents you've posted.


Here is another unique talent I've come up with.


Aura of confidence. A character with this talent is the embodiment coolness in battle. Because of this he or she tends to inspire all friendly characters in the immediate area during a fight, granting them a +1 OCV. However if the character falls in battle, flees or drops below the required presence the aura ceases to have any effect.


Aura of confidence


Change environment 4" radius (
+1 OCV to friendly characters

0 end.

Must have a minimum of 15 pre. (-1/4), Ceases to work if character flees or acts in a cowardly manner(-1/4), No range (-1/2).


Active cost: 22 Real cost: 11

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Re: New talents for Fantasy Hero


Let's see if this works:


Acrobatic: +2 with Acrobatics, Breakfall, and Climb (6 real)


Agile: +2 with Acrobatics and Contorionist (6 real)


Alertness: +2 PER with all Sense Groups (6 real)


Animal Affinity: +2 with Animal Handler and Riding (6 real)


Artist: +2 with artistic/performance Skills (10 real)


Blind-Fight: Combat Sense 11- (15 real)


Blooded: (Total: 9 Active Cost, 9 Real Cost) +2 PER with all Sense Groups (Real Cost: 6) plus Lightning Reflexes: +2 DEX to act first with All Actions (Real Cost: 3)


Bullheaded: (Total: 7 Active Cost, 4 Real Cost) Resistance (2 points) (Real Cost: 2) plus +5 PRE (5 Active Points); Only to resist intimidation (-1) (Real Cost: 2)


Cosmopolitan: +2 with one skill chosen when feat is taken (4 real)


Courteous Magocracy: +2 with Bureaucratics, High Society, and Persuasion (6 real)


Daylight Adaptation: Buy off Light Sensitivity (5 Active Points, 5 real)


Deceitful: +2 with Disguise and Forgery (6 real)


Defensive Spellcasting: +2 with DCV (10 Active Points); Only to counter Concentration DCV penalties (-1/2) (7 real)


Deflect Arrows: Missile Deflection (Arrows, Slings, Etc.) (10 real)


Discipline: (Total: 4 Active Cost, 4 Real Cost) Resistance (2 points) (Real Cost: 2) plus +2 Mental Defense (6 points total) (Real Cost: 2)


Disentangler: (Total: 13 Active Cost, 7 Real Cost) +5 STR, Reduced Endurance (0 END; +1/2) (7 Active Points); Only to escape Grabs (-1/2), No Figured Characteristics (-1/2) (Real Cost: 3) plus +2 with Contortionist (6 Active Points); Only for escaping ropes/bonds/etc (-1/2) (Real Cost: 4)


Dodge: +1 with DCV (5 Active Points); Only vs One Designated Opponent (-1/2) (3 real)


Education Feat: scholar enhancer (3 Active Points, 3 real)


Forester: +2 with Healing and Survival (6 real)


Gnoll Hunter: (Total: 15 Active Cost, 11 Real Cost) +1 with All Combat (8 Active Points); Only for OCV (-1/2), Only vs Gnolls (-1/2) (Real Cost: 4) plus Deadly Blow: +1d6 (Only vs Gnolls) (Real Cost: 7)


Goblin Hunter: (Total: 15 Active Cost, 11 Real Cost) +1 with All Combat (8 Active Points); Only for OCV (-1/2), Only vs Goblinoids (-1/2) (Real Cost: 4) plus Deadly Blow: +1d6 (Only vs Goblinoids) (Real Cost: 7)


Great Fortitude: +2 with Constitution Rolls (4 real)


Horse Nomad: (Total: 8 Active Cost, 8 Real Cost) +2 with Riding (Real Cost: 4) plus Mounted Warrior (Ranged Combat) (Real Cost: 4)


Hunter of Orcs: (Total: 15 Active Cost, 11 Real Cost) +1 with All Combat (8 Active Points); Only for OCV (-1/2), Only vs Orcs and Half-Orcs (-1/2) (Real Cost: 4) plus Deadly Blow: +1d6 (vs Orcs and Half-Orcs) (Real Cost: 7)


Improved Bull Rush: HA +2d6, Double Knockback (+3/4) (17 Active Points); Only when doing move through (-1), HA (-1/2) (7 real)


Improved Initiative: Lightning Reflexes: +4 DEX to act first with All Actions (6 real)


Improved Precise Shot: Penalty Skill Levels: +4 vs. Hit Location modifiers with All Ranged Attacks (12 Active Points); Only to counter penalties for concealment (-1), Must have Precise Shot feat (-1/4) (5 real)


Improved Shield Bash: +4 with DCV (20 Active Points); Only while doing a shield bash (-1/2), Only up to shield's normal DCV bonus (-1/2) (10 real)


Investigator: +2 with Deduction and Interrogation (6 real)


Iron Will: (Total: 4 Active Cost, 4 Real Cost) +2 Mental Defense (6 points total) (Real Cost: 2) plus Resistance (2 points) (Real Cost: 2)


Lightning Reactions: +2 with Dexterity Rolls (4 real)


Luck of Heroes: Luck 1d6 (5 real)


Magical Training: Multipower, 16-point reserve, (16 Active Points); all slots Gestures (-1/4), Incantations (-1/4) (x0.33 Cost) (8 real with multiplier)



1) Dancing Lights: Sight Group Images 1" radius, +/-2 to PER Rolls (16 Active Points); Only for dancing light effects or ghostly glowing shape (-2), 1 Continuing Charge lasting 1 Minute (-1), Concentration (1/2 DCV; -1/4), Gestures (-1/4), Incantations (-1/4) (x0.33 Cost)



2) Daze: Sight Group Flash 2d6 (10 Active Points); 1 Charge (-2), Gestures (-1/4), Incantations (-1/4) (x0.33 Cost)




3) Mage Hand: Telekinesis (4 STR), Fine Manipulation (16 Active Points); 1 Charge (-2), Gestures (-1/4), Incantations (-1/4) (x0.33 Cost)


Manyshot: +2 with Ranged Combat (10 Active Points); Only to counter rapid fire penalties (-1) (5 real)


Mobility: +3 with DCV (15 Active Points); Only while Moving (-1) (7 real)


Nimble Fingers: +2 with Lockpicking, Security Systems, and Sleight of Hand (6 real)


Point Blank Shot: +2 with Ranged Combat (10 Active Points); Only for OCV (-1/2), Only within 4" (-1/2) (5 real)


Power Attack: Deadly Blow: +1d6 (any circumstances, any HTH weapon) (10 Active Points); Side Effects, Side Effect occurs automatically whenever Power is used (-2 to OCV when using this ability; -1/2) (7 real)


Precise Shot: +4 with Ranged Combat (20 Active Points); Only to counter penalties for firing into melee (-1) (10 real)


Quick Draw: Fast Draw 11- (3 real)


Quicken Spell: To drop full phase to half-phase spells (to 100 points) (34 Active Points); Only vs Spells (-1/2) (23 real)


Rapid Shot: Rapid Attack (Ranged) (5 real)


Saddleback: +3 with Riding (6 real)


Shot on the Run: Running 3", Trigger (After a ranged attack is made; +1/4) (7 Active Points) (7 real)


Silver Palm: +2 with PS: Appraise and Persuasion (6 real)


Smooth Talker: +2 with Interaction Skills (10 real)


Snake Blood: Life Support (Immunity Ophidotoxins) (3 real)


Snake Hunter: (Total: 15 Active Cost, 10 Real Cost) +1 with All Combat (8 Active Points); Only vs Lizard-Folk/Yuan-ti (-1), Only for OCV (-1/2) (Real Cost: 3) plus Deadly Blow: +1d6 (Only vs Lizard-folk and Yaun-ti) (Real Cost: 7)


Snatch Arrows: Missile Deflection (Arrows, Slings, Etc.), Missile Reflection, Reflect At Any Target, Required Hands One-Handed (+0) (40 Active Points); Can only reflect thrown weapons (-1/2), Requires Deflect Arrows (-1/4)

Notes: replace Deflect Arrows with this ability (23 real, but costs less since it replaces the earlier feat)


Spring Attack: Leaping +4" (2"/6" forward, 1"/3" upward) (4 Active Points); Only while Attacking (-1/2) (3 real)


Stealthy: +2 with Concealment and Stealth (6 real)


Steet Smart: +2 with Conversation and Persuasion (6 real)


Survivor: (Total: 4 Active Cost, 4 Real Cost) +1 with Con Roll (Real Cost: 2) plus +1 with Survival (Real Cost: 2)


Thug: (Total: 8 Active Cost, 6 Real Cost) Lightning Reflexes: +2 DEX to act first with All Actions (Real Cost: 3) plus +5 PRE (5 Active Points); Only to intimidate (-1/2) (Real Cost: 3)


Treetopper: (Total: 12 Active Cost, 5 Real Cost) +2 with DCV (10 Active Points); Only when climbing (-2) (Real Cost: 3) plus +1 with Climbing (Real Cost: 2)


Weapon Focus: +1 with one weapon type

Notes: choose type when picking this feat (i.e. swords, axes, etc) (3 real for CSL)


Weapon Specialization: +2 with one weapon (10 Active Points); Only for DC (+1 DC; -1/2), Requires Weapon Focus with weapon (-1/4)

Notes: choose weapon type when feat is chosen (6 real)


Most of these are from the PH or the FR books, and most are self-explanatory. If needed, I can explain further any point.

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