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Sell me the FH line


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I am primarily a Champions Player. HOWEVER I do like the multi genre nature of the game, and have picked up all the genre books. However I find I like to tinker and make my own stuff.


Now why should I buy the extra books for this line? Convince me.


Especialy books like the FHG, MM&M, TA & FHB

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Re: Sell me the FH line


I am primarily a Champions Player. HOWEVER I do like the multi genre nature of the game, and have picked up all the genre books. However I find I like to tinker and make my own stuff.


Now why should I buy the extra books for this line? Convince me.


Especialy books like the FHG, MM&M, TA & FHB


Grimoire: As much as I enjoy writing stuff up, having a large number of pre-gen spells is very handy. I used FMG to "bulk up" my spell system. Each spell in the book is written up with a set of standard variant versions. I found that of the variant version (the Master version) slid very nicely into the magic system I was using for my current game. Instantly, I had dozens dozens and dozens of extra spells to add into my system.


Beastiary: My standard source for "normal" animals. Special creatures I may want to create myself, but thing like horse, bear, lion, wolf, etc, etc, etc should be standardized (and thus predictable to the players).


MM&M: Harder than HB to justify if your plan is to write-up all of your own monsters, but that hardly makes it worthless. I use it a lot when I'm feeling lazy.


Turakian Age: I don't use TA as the setting for my current game (it started before TA was available) and I doubt that I ever will use it as a setting; but it is a well designed world, and serves as a good example and a source of ideas to steal.

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Re: Sell me the FH line


I can't speak to the last two titles, but I never seriously considered running a FH game until I got FHG and MMM. I just don't have time to make everything from scratch. Not to say I'd use everything in those books as-is, but it's a lot easier to make small modifications to good work than to make it on your own.

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Re: Sell me the FH line


Now why should I buy the extra books for this line? Convince me.



If still need convincing, I is obvious that you still need to spend more time in Steve's Mind Control Nook ... "Look at those pretty covers ... buy! Buy! BUY! Damaged book discounts ...yes! Yes! YES!"




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Re: Sell me the FH line


Like you, I usually run Champions, having sworn off the fantasy genre 20 years ago, when I picked up first edition Champions and went "Gee, you can make whatever you want and not have to roll up a character." Then I saw the LOTR trilogy and remembered that fantasy could be really cool if it wasn't "Let's get a party together and go raid the dungeon." So when TA was in playtest, I downloaded it. Man, what a great setting. Political & Religious conflict, interesting secondary races, a wide variety of character packages. Really neat stuff.


So I picked up FH, TA and FHG and I'm planning on starting my campaign as soon as my damaged Beastiary and MMM comes in via UPS. FHB I cannot count on, because I haven't picked it up, but I didn't purchase the Champions version either.

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Re: Sell me the FH line


Take Champions, make it have simpler character creation and faster play - you get Fantasy Hero.


If you own Fantasy Hero, whether or not you buy the other books is a matter of whether or not your use of Fantasy Hero is such that they become useful.


The setting book is only useful if you want to use that setting, or you like buying setting books as a deconstruction tool.


The monster book is useful if you want more monsters than the bestiary.


The grimoire is useful if you want a volume of premade spells. This is handy even if you use a VPP style of magic, as it gives players a pool to quickly pick from during play.


The battles book if you want to see three small scenerios to get an idea on how to set up your own scenerios as well as some sample locations for a similar purpose.

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Re: Sell me the FH line


I think that many have already hit the nail but to echo those thoughts:


1. I don't use the TA but I do steal some ideas from it now and again.

2. I generally have mannish opponents so I don't have a boatload of monsters populating my world but when I need them, MM&M and the Bestiary really come in handy.

3. The Grimoere is a godsend. I buff the snot out of my magic system with it.

4. Battlegrounds is well written and can help you "settle the scale" if you know what I mean. After running champs you may not think anything of a 23 DEX 5 SPD character but that is the level of Lancelot or Aragorn - having FHBg really helps you find the right scale (for heroic level play....if you are in one of theose 250 + 100 games then it does not do much except provide a good read and some very useful maps.

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Re: Sell me the FH line


Personally Jm ... I bought FH, MMM and FHG mainly for my FH game, but looking at them again, you could easily mine these books for Champs as well ... so, not only do you get some added genre stuff, but some new ideas for superheroes as well :D

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Re: Sell me the FH line


Well, since you're actually asking for someone to sell you on this idea ;) :


The creatures in Monsters, Minions and Marauders can easily be pumped up to use in a modern-day Champions game. This is especially true if you're using some variant of the default Champs Universe; since all the official settings are part of the same timeline, you can readily justify these creatures existing in the present. For example, I've been thinking that an exceptionally powerful Migdalar would make an interesting inhabitant of the infrastructure tunnels beneath Campaign City... :eg: Character origins can certainly be derived from the Turakian Age - in fact there's one written up in an issue of Digital Hero.


For the same reason, time-travel stories with the heroes in the Turakian Age could make a very interesting change of pace. As one idea, maybe the only way to stop the modern incarnation of Takofanes would be to learn how he was overthrown the first time.


If you're running a campaign with any type of "super magic," the Grimoire will greatly expand your characters' premade spell repetoire. It's not hard to remove a few Limitations on the spells as written to buff them up for a supers campaign.

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