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Sidekick character sheet .pdf


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I don't actually play HERO, but I'm contemplating starting or joining a Champions game. I do wish there was a .pdf of the most magnificent Sidekick character sheet. It's just cleaner and friendlier than other, although no less magnificent, chracter sheets. If you, too, wished there was such a thing as a .pdf of the Sidekick character sheet, post your best broccoli haiku here.


I'll begin...


I hate broccoli

and think it totally sucks

why is it not meat?

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Re: Sidekick character sheet .pdf


I don't have the skills

to create a Sidekick sheet

Broccoli still sucks =)


Actually when I ordered a damaged copy of Sidekick, I figured when it arrived I might scavenge the character sheet inside for scanning or something. But since the book suffered only very minor damage at worst, I can't bring myself to harm it.

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Guest bblackmoor

Re: Sidekick character sheet .pdf


I do not own a copy of Sidekick, or I'd help you out. Making a PDF is not that big a deal. The hardest thing about it is getting around to updating them when the rules change (I still haven't updated my D&D3 character sheet to D&D3.5).

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Re: Sidekick character sheet .pdf


No biggie. I could always bite the bullet and remove the sheet from one of my Sidekick books and scan it. But I thought it would be nice, if there was enough interest out there, if HERO Games put one on the website to go with all the other ones they already have. So far there doesn't seem to be much interest, though. Maybe everyone is busy furiously scribing their best broccoli haikus.


Yeah, that must be it...

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Re: Sidekick character sheet .pdf


For one thing, Sidekick apparently seems to not use all the stuff that's on a proper 5th Edition character sheet, so a Sidekick sheet doesn't have those things, present a cleaner, friendlier sheet that generates tranquil vibes of serenity.

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Guest bblackmoor

Re: Sidekick character sheet .pdf


You might want to check with Ben to make sure this is acceptable to Hero Games.


Character sheets nearly always have a statement at the bottom clearly stating they may be reproduced for personal use.


But thanks for keeping an eye on us, Mom.

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Re: Sidekick character sheet .pdf


Wasn't aware that passing it around on the net was "personal use"


Actually the sheet is available for download under Free Stuff. The only difference being the Sidekick one says Sidekick and the downloadable one says Hero System Fifth Edition.

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Re: Sidekick character sheet .pdf


Actually the sheet is available for download under Free Stuff. The only difference being the Sidekick one says Sidekick and the downloadable one says Hero System Fifth Edition.

For one thing, Sidekick apparently seems to not use all the stuff that's on a proper 5th Edition character sheet, so a Sidekick sheet doesn't have those things, present a cleaner, friendlier sheet that generates tranquil vibes of serenity.[/Quote]

More differences to it then just a change in name. Since actually doing something nice though is getting me so much grief someone else can do it. I rescind the offer.

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Guest bblackmoor

Re: Sidekick character sheet .pdf


Oh, and for what it's worth, my offer of help with PDF files stands. They're not hard to make, particularly with OpenOffice (which is free), but if anyone needs help, and if I have time, I'm happy to help. :)

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Re: Sidekick character sheet .pdf


I guess I'll just cut the sheet out of one of my books and scan it myself, which is something I hate to do because I like to keep all my books in the best condition I possibly can. I just thought it wouldn't be a big deal if HERO Games put one up on their site to go with the other sheets they already have, which ARE different in more than just name. Although, one of them is actually very similar, so I suppose it wouldn't hurt to try it out and ignore the stuff printed on it that Sidekick doesn't seem to use.


Thanks anyway, guys. There was some most spectacular haikuery.

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Re: Sidekick character sheet .pdf


Character sheets nearly always have a statement at the bottom clearly stating they may be reproduced for personal use.
Posting them on a web site is not personal use.

But thanks for keeping an eye on us' date=' Mom.[/quote']And thank you for meeting my polite suggestion with sarcasm and eye rolling.
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Re: Sidekick character sheet .pdf


I guess I'll just cut the sheet out of one of my books and scan it myself' date=' which is something I hate to do because I like to keep all my books in the best condition I possibly can. I just thought it wouldn't be a big deal if HERO Games put one up on their site to go with the other sheets they already have, which ARE different in more than just name.[/quote']Guys... seriously... just ask Ben, or post this in the Company Questions forum. Everyone's saying they're getting grief or being pestered by "Mom" or giving up in dismay about cutting up their book, and no one has simply asked the company to post the PDF.


ChaosDrgn, just send an email to "benseeman@herogames.com" with your PDF attached, and ask him to post it in the Free Stuff area. If it's okay with them to have it posted, I'm sure Ben will do it early next week.


You're all making this out to be way more traumatic than it really is. :)

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Guest bblackmoor

Re: Sidekick character sheet .pdf


Posting them on a web site is not personal use.


No one has suggested or requested "passing it out on the net" or "posting it on a [non-Hero] web site" or anything else even remotely "grey". No one. So why would anyone insinuate that someone has? I do not know, but it's obnoxious, and insulting, and I would like it to cease, please.


Thank you.


[edit: revised from the original short, sarcastic reply that probably was not constructive]

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Re: Sidekick character sheet .pdf


Well, to be fair, bblackmoor, you did post an offer to have someone send you a piece of DOJ's copyrighted book for you to turn into a PDF, on DOJ's own website. Now, I'm certain that no-one believes you had any ill-will behind your generous offer, and in all likelihood the company would not have a problem with it. OTOH they have in the past been a little touchy about their website being used to solicit reproductions of their material (which you probably weren't aware of), and it would just be good form to confirm that they're fine with this instance - they usually respond quite promptly. That was the tone that I got from Derek's suggestion. I can't say that I picked up any implication of insult toward you, and if there had been it certainly wouldn't have been warranted. :)

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