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The horror, the horror. European Enemies "debugged."


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Re: The horror, the horror. European Enemies "debugged."


Awesome work Susano!


Should we start a parallel thread with the following topic: How can we improve on the European Enemies characters?


The question is more, "How could we help *but* improve on EE characters." :D


Really, though, for 75%, keeping only the name or a single power and building from there would be a massive improvement.

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Re: The horror, the horror. European Enemies "debugged."


Mark me down as eagerly awaiting your take on Sir Gawain -- I used Multiform for my rewrite, you going that way or partially limited?


And I agree that Carpathia is one of the "diamonds in the rough" of EE.


Yup. It was the only way I could make it work as well.

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Re: The horror, the horror. European Enemies "debugged."


Some errata of the errata. Does that make it errata^2? :stupid:




1) Chromedome should pay 70 pts for 80 str, not 60.


2) Neon’s danger sense should cost +2 pts.


3) Casca should have 85 stun. 40 body, +20 from con, +25 from str. Choke Hold and Killing Strike are 4 pt maneuvers, not 5. Danger Sense should be 12-.


4) Cockney. Choke Hold and Killing Strike are 4 pt maneuvers, not 5.


5) Incubus. Choke Hold and Killing Strike are 4 pt maneuvers, not 5.


6) Enigma should pay 2 pts for each CK and AK since he has Traveller.


7) Godfather. Kidney Blow and Low Blow should be 4 pt maneuvers, not 5. Defense Maneuver 1 should cost 3 pts, not 5.


8) Mandelbrot. 19 pts total mental defense instead of 20. Not sure about the legality of buying a computer with OAF, thus getting a 10 for 1 discount instead of 5 for 1. It should cost 7 pts for 18- Fractal Math, not 6.


9) Marauder. Karate Chop should be 4 pts, not 5.


10) Not technically errata. Nether should have Scholar to save 1 pt on her KS.


11) Banshee’s Spd should be 5, not 20. Banshee should probably have a multipower instead of a EC.

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Re: The horror, the horror. European Enemies "debugged."


Some errata of the errata. Does that make it errata^2? :stupid:

1) Chromedome should pay 70 pts for 80 str, not 60.


2) Neon’s danger sense should cost +2 pts.


3) Casca should have 85 stun. 40 body, +20 from con, +25 from str. Choke Hold and Killing Strike are 4 pt maneuvers, not 5. Danger Sense should be 12-.


4) Cockney. Choke Hold and Killing Strike are 4 pt maneuvers, not 5.


5) Incubus. Choke Hold and Killing Strike are 4 pt maneuvers, not 5.


I have fixed all of these errors. Some of them are leftovers from the 4th Edition versions I was working on (such as Chromedome's 60 points for his STR). Choke Hold, it seems, was 5 points in 4th Edition, and is now 4. Killing Strike always was 4. The Danger Sense roll was me forgetting that it's based off of PER now, as opposed to a base 11-.


6) Enigma should pay 2 pts for each CK and AK since he has Traveller.


But he doesn't. I said he should have it.


7) Godfather. Kidney Blow and Low Blow should be 4 pt maneuvers, not 5. Defense Maneuver 1 should cost 3 pts, not 5.


See above about martial arts. As for his Defense Maneuver, it should be a II, not I. In fact, anyone in EE who has Defense Maneuver has II, since they all pay 5 points for it.


8) Mandelbrot. 19 pts total mental defense instead of 20. Not sure about the legality of buying a computer with OAF, thus getting a 10 for 1 discount instead of 5 for 1. It should cost 7 pts for 18- Fractal Math, not 6.


Actually, it is 20 points as per the book, so I raised the cost 1 point. As for the OAF Computer, I checked Spacer's Toolkit and saw a handheld computer built the way it is shown in Mandelbrot's sheet. ([Cost/5]/2 for OAF).


9) Marauder. Karate Chop should be 4 pts, not 5.


10) Not technically errata. Nether should have Scholar to save 1 pt on her KS.


11) Banshee’s Spd should be 5, not 20. Banshee should probably have a multipower instead of a EC.


Not sure where that 20 SPD come from. As for a Multipower, you're probably right, but she (it?) has an EC in the original, and it's not illegal, so I kept it.


Thanks for the corrections. I'll try and proof read a bit more before posting the rest.

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Re: The horror, the horror. European Enemies "debugged."



Val	CHA	Cost	Roll	Notes
8/38*	STR	15	17-	Lift 4800 kg; 7 1/2d6 HTH Damage
12/32*	DEX	36	15-	OCV:  11/DCV:  11
10/30*	CON	20	15-
10/15*	BODY	5	12-
18	INT	8	13-	PER Roll 13-
10	EGO	0	11-	ECV:  3
8/28	PRE	13	15-	PRE Attack:  5 1/2d6
10	COM	0	11-
2/22	PD	13		Total:  22 PD (20 rPD)
2/22	ED	7		Total:  22 ED (10 rED)
2/5	SPD	20		Phases:  3, 5, 8, 10, 12
4	REC	0
20	END	0
19	STUN	0		Total Characteristics Cost:  137
Values After / Are OIF (-1/2)
* No Figured Characteristics (-1/2)

Movement:	Running: 6" / 12"

Cost	Powers & Skills
30	Saber: Multipower; 60-point reserve; all OAF (-1)
2u	1) Saber: HKA 2d6 (4d6 w/STR),+1 Increased STUN Modifier (+1/4); 
OAF (-1), END 4
3u	2) Saber: EB 4d6, Area Of Effect (5" Cone; +1), Double KB (+3/4), Can Draw END 
From Character Or END Reserve (+1/4), END 6

10	Armor:  Damage Resistance (20 PD/10 ED), OIF (armor; -1/2)
27	Armor:  Desolidification (affected by magical attacks); OIF (armor; -1/2), END 4
7	Helm:  Sight Group Flash Defense (10 points); OIF (helmet; -1/2)
7	Helm:  Life Support (Self-Contained Breathing); OIF (helmet; -1/2)
5	Helm:  +4 versus Range Modifier for Sight Group; IIF (helmet; -1/4)
5	Helm:  +4 versus Range Modifier for Hearing Group; IIF (helmet; -1/4)
18	Helm:  Spatial Awareness; IIF (helmet; -1/4)
16	Armor:  Endurance Reserve (100 END, 10 REC); IIF (armor; -1/4)
15	Mind Link, to Ghost Horse, any distance, any dimension

2	Contact:  High-Ranking Polish Government Scientist 11-
40	Follower:  Ghost Horse (built on 200 base points)
3	Fringe Benefit:  Polish Police Powers
1	Fringe Benefit:  Passport

2	Combat Skill Levels:  +1 OCV with Saber

2	AK:  Poland 11-
7	Computer Programming 15-
7	Electronics 15-
7	Inventor 15-
2	KS:  Polish Calvary 11-
2	Language:  English (Fluent Conversation)
0	Language: Polish (native)
3	Mechanics 13-
2	PS:  Armorer 11-
3	Riding 15-
3	Tactics 13-
2	Weaponsmith (Muscle-Powered HTH) 13-

233	Total Powers & Skills Cost
370	Total Character Cost

200+	Disadvantages
15	Hunted:  Polish Government (MoPow, NCI, Watching) 11-
20	Psychological Limitation:  Code of Chivalry (VC, S)
15	Psychological Limitation:  Distrusts Anyone Who Is Not Polish (C, S)
20	Psychological Limitation:  Honorable (VC, S)
5	Psychological Limitation:  Wants To Follow In His Grandfather's Footsteps (C, M)
10	Reputation:  Hero of Poland 11-
10	Rivalry:  Professional, Superior
15	Social Limitation:  Secret ID (F, M)
60	Experience

370	Total Disadvantage Points

Designer's Notes:

1) Cavalry originally paid 150 points for his Characteristics. He actually should pay the listed 137. I'm not sure where all the mistakes were made, although a lot of the problem seems to lay in incorrect application of the Disadvantages, or failure to apply them in the first place. As a side note, Calvary was listed with an 8 INT, which is a misprint, the errata sheet shows this to be an 18 INT.


2) Made Cavalry's saber into a Multipower. Note that slot two originally had a +1 Increased STUN Modifier. This was eliminated.


3) I'm not sure if Cavalry's Mind Link is focused or not. The original didn't say.


4) Cavalry originally paid 61 points for his horse, which is the price of the horse (304 points) divided by 5. As the horse is a Follower, he only has to pay Base Cost/5, which in this case is 40 points (Base 200/5 = 40).


5) Cavalry's PS is an 11-, and should only cost 2 points, not 3.


6) Fixed the point values for all Disadvantages. I also feel that like Bastion, his Reputation should be a Perk and not a Disadvantage.


7) The original version of Cavalry cost 428 points. He now costs 370, a 58-point decrease. A ot of the savings comes from his fixed Characteristics cost, as well as placing his Saber into a Multipower.


8) Assessment: Not much to say, really. Cavalry isn't all that bad of a concept, although I think his origin is a tad absurd (I doubt anyone is going to build a government research lab in an old castle), but that's easily adjusted. I do question his 8 STR, anyone who makes armor and swords is gong to be doing a lot of hammer swinging, and should have a 10 STR at least. At 370, Cavalry needs to drop 20 points to be a starting superhero, which seems an easy task -- simply reduce his DEX and drop that Endurance Reserve.

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Re: The horror, the horror. European Enemies "debugged."



Val	CHA	Cost	Roll	Notes
30	STR	20	15-	Lift 1600 kg; 6d6 HTH Damage
18	DEX	24	13-	OCV:  6/DCV:  6
20	CON	20	13-
18	BODY	16	13-
10	INT	0	11-	PER Roll 11-
10	EGO	0	11-	ECV:  3
20	PRE	10	13-	PRE Attack:  4d6
10	COM	0	11-
20	PD	14		Total:  26 PD (6 rPD)
10	ED	6		Total:  16 ED (6 rED)
5	SPD	22		Phases:  3, 5, 8, 10, 12
12	REC	4
50	END	5
43	STUN	0		Total Characteristics Cost:  141

Movement:	Running:  20"/40"
Leaping:  6"/12"

Cost	Powers & Skills
8	Bite:  HKA 1/2d6 (1d6+1 w/STR); Reduced Penetration (-1/4), END 1
10	Hooves: HA +3d6; Hand-To-Hand Attack (-1/2), END 1
3	Natural Hide:  Armor (1 PD/1 ED)
10	Barding:  Armor (5 PD/5 ED); OIF (-1/2)
60	Ghost Form:  Desolidification (affected by magical attacks), Reduced Endurance 
(0 END; +1/2)
8	Great Size:  Knockback Resistance (-4")
4	Leaping:  +4" (6" forward, 3" upward), END 1
28	Running:  +14" (20" total), END 4
8	Sharp Ears:  +4 PER with Hearing Group
4	Great Size:  Stretching 1â€, Reduced Endurance (0 END; +1/2); Always Direct (-1/4), No 
Noncombat Stretching (-1/4), No Velocity Damage (-1/4)

3	Concealment 11-
7	Stealth 15-
3	Tactics 11-
3	Tracking 11-

159	Total Powers & Skills Cost
300	Total Character Cost

200+	Disadvantages
20	Enraged:  Dubro hurt (Uncommon) go 14-, recover 11-
15	Distinctive Features:  Glowing Red Eyes (NC)
5	Physical Limitation:  Large (4m, -2 DCV, +2 PER Rolls to perceive) (I, S)
15	Physical Limitation: Very Limited Manipulation (F, G)
20	Vulnerability:  2 x STUN from Magical attacks
20	Vulnerability:  2 x BODY from Magical attacks
5	Experience

300	Total Disadvantage Points

Designer's Notes:

1) Removed the 4 levels of Growth (Always On) off of Ghost Horse's character sheet per the accepted 5th Edition way of creating heavy and large characters.


2) Ghost Horse's bite costs 8 points, not 1.


3) Fixed the point values for all Disadvantages. Note the Distinctive Features. Since there aren't too many black stallions with glowing red eyes, I figure Ghost Horse deserves it.


4) Assessment: Nothing to say of any import, it's a supernatural horse after all. The horse, however, needs some work as it should be built on the Heavy Warhorse base from the HERO System Bestiary. I also think the horse should its Desolidification with the Useable On Others Advantage, so the horse can take its rider Desolid as well. Cavalry has Desolid via his armor, though, which may explain why the horse was bought the way it was.

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Re: The horror, the horror. European Enemies "debugged."


Actually' date=' Enigma does have Traveler on his character sheet in this thread.[/quote']


So he does. A hold over from a previous revision.


I am correcting these as my own errors are pointed out. They will be posted to my webpage when all is said and done.


Thanks again.

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Re: The horror, the horror. European Enemies "debugged."



Val	CHA	Cost	Roll	Notes
18	STR	8	13-	Lift 300 kg; 3 1/2d6 HTH Damage
18	DEX	24	13-	OCV:  6/DCV:  6
20	CON	20	13-
10	BODY	0	11-
25	INT	15	14-	PER Roll 14-
20	EGO	20	13-	ECV:  7
10	PRE	0	11-	PRE Attack:  2d6
6	COM	-2	10-

4	PD	0		Total:  4 PD (0 rPD)
4	ED	0		Total:  4 ED (0 rED)
5	SPD	22		Phases:  3, 5, 8, 10, 12
8	REC	0
40	END	0
29	STUN	0		Total Characteristics Cost:  107

Movement:	Running:  6"/12"

Cost	Powers & Skills
10	Time Control:  Elemental Control, 40-point powers; all OAF (Clock; -1)
46	1) Chronal Energy: EB 15d6, Penetrating (+1/2); OAF (Clock; -1), END 11
75	2) Major Transform, 6d6 (anything into older version if itself, heals back normally), 
Improved Results Group (+1/4); OAF (Clock; -1) plus Drain STR, DEX, BODY, and 
INT 2d6, Variable Effect (+1), Delayed Return Rate (5 points per Hour; +1), 
Ranged (+1/2); OAF (Clock; -1), Linked (-1/2), END 18
10	3) Desolidification (affected by light-based attacks); OAF (Clock; -1), END 4
40	4) Extra-Dimensional Movement (single date in time), Useable As Attack (does not work 
on anyone with Desolidification, Extra-Dimensional Movement, or time-travel 
powers; +1), Ranged (+1/2); OAF (Clock; -1), END 10
20	5) Teleport 30"; OAF (Clock; -1), END 6
13	6) Clairsentience (Sight and Hearing Groups), Precognition, Retrocognition; 
OAF (Clock; -1), Precognition/Retrocognition Only (-1), END 6

37	Duplication (creates 1 376-point Duplicate. Duplicate is exactly like Clockmaker, 
except it lacks Slot 4 of the Elemental Control, and the Duplication Power); 
OAF (Clock; -1)
20	Endurance Reserve (300 END, 10 REC); OAF (Clock; -1)

1	Fringe Benefit:  Passport

3	Absolute Time Sense

15	Combat Skill Levels: +5 With Clock-based Attacks

3	Climbing 13-
3	Computer Programming 14-
3	Disguise 14-
3	Electronics 14-
3	Language:  English (Completely Fluent Conversation)
1	Language:  French (Fluent Conversation)
0	Language:  German (native)
5	Inventor 15-
2	KS:  History 11-
3	Mechanics 14-
3	PS:  Clockmaker 14-
7	SS:  Temporal Physics 18-

326	Total Powers & Skills Cost
433	Total Character Cost

200+	Disadvantages
5	Distinctive Features:  Always Checking The Time (EC)
20	Distinctive Features:  Rapid Age Changes (C, E)
25	Hunted:  Time Continuum Overseers (MoPow, NCI, Capture) 11-
15	Hunted:  Timemaster (AsPow, Capture) 11-
10	Psychological Limitation:  Obsessed With Time (C, M)
20	Psychological Limitation:  Paranoid (C, T)
15	Psychological Limitation:  Vengeful (C, S)
10	Reputation:  Time Traveler 11-
15	Social Limitation:  Public ID (F, M)
10	Unluck:  2d6

88	Experience
433	Total Disadvantage Points

Designer's Notes:

1) The errata sheet states that Clockmaker has a 6 COM, not an 8. I made the correction.


2) Rebuilt Clockmaker's Elemental Control. For starters I included the Chronal Energy attack, as it fit in with everything else the Time Control EC contained, and was based on the OAF Clock. I also placed the Drain in the same slot as the Major Transform. I had to add "Ranged" to the Drain to make it a workable (and legal power). I note that the Extra-Dimensional movement power never specified where it sent people, other than "Time." I can only presume it was built using the minimum form of the power (which would allow Clockmaker to send someone to one specific time), which is what I have here. The defenses listed were adapted from a similar power seen in The Mystic World. Clockmaker's Desolid originally made him immune to Mental Powers, this has been dropped as it is no longer valid under 5th Edition rules.


3) Clockmaker's Duplication originally cost 202 points. I have no idea how this number was arrived at. As the cost of one 4th Edition Duplicate is 2 points for every 5, and this power has the OAF limitation, you require something like a 1010 point base character to get this result (1010/5 = 202. 202 x 2 = 404. 404/2 = 202 points.). Under 5th Edition, where you pay 1 for every 5, the Duplicate would cost 2020 points! (2020/5 = 404. 404/2 = 202). Also note the original gave a listing of 15 END, which is incorrect, as Duplication doesn't cost END.


4) Clockmaker originally had his combat skill levels divided into two sets. Set one was "+2 OCV with Clock/Time Attacks" for 4 points, and set two was "+3 OCV w/clock" for 6 points. As 2-point skill levels need to be with a single attack or item, this was obviously unworkable. Instead, I folded them into one set of skill levels, and defined each level as a 3 point "Close Group." (Clock-based attacks).


5) A number of Clockmaker's skill rolls didn't match his Characteristics. For example, he paid 3 points to have Climbing on an 11-, not a 13-. He also paid 5 points for a 14- PS, and 9 points for the 18- SS. Basing both off of INT for 3 points and adding +1 per 1 point, gave costs of 3 and 7 respectively.


6) Fixed the point values for all Disadvantages.


7) The original version of Clockmaker cost 728 points. He now costs 433, a 295-point decrease! Dropping the cost of his Duplication from 202 to 37 points helped, as did my rebuilding his EC and placing the Linked Drain into the same slot as the Transform.


8) Assessment: Clockmaker is another one of those European Enemies characters that annoys me. He's from Switzerland, so he makes clocks... as I have said before with Godfather, the book is full of stereotypes like this, which get to be almost offensive in their monotonous lack of imagination. His powers actually show some thought, however, and are at least vaguely interesting. However, Captain Chronos, from Conquerors, Killers, and Crooks, does the whole time-master thing far better.


Mechanics wise, he needs a lot of work. His defenses are virtually nonexistent, and Clockmaker will probably fold up and collapse from your typical superhero-level attack. In fact, if someone was to reflect his own 15d6 EB back at him, Clockmaker runs a good chance of dying from the result (on average, he tales 11 BODY). I have noticed that European Enemies is loaded with characters like this, who have scanty defenses, but massive (and deadly) attacks. I also find it odd that he has a Public ID. His history makes it sound like he should be hunted by law enforcement groups, and that he'd want to remain hidden. But then, a lot of European Enemies characters have Public ID when they should have either no, or Secret ID. I also disagree with his 6 COM. That is supposed to be due to rapid time changes, but it also makes him on-par with Banshee (a walking skeleton) and Grond, and more ugly than Morningstar. Oh, and one last point, I find it hard to believe that anyone who lives in Switzerland would speak English better than French.

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Re: The horror, the horror. European Enemies "debugged."



Val	CHA	Cost	Roll	Notes
60	STR	50	21-	Lift 100 tons; 12d6 HTH Damage
18	DEX	24	13-	OCV:  6/DCV:  6
40	CON	60	17-
15	BODY	10	12-
10	INT	0	11-	PER Roll 11-
10	EGO	0	11-	ECV:  3
15	PRE	5	12-	PRE Attack:  3d6
20	COM	5	13-

30	PD	18		Total:  40 PD (10 rPD)
15	ED	7		Total:  25 ED (10 rED)
5	SPD	22		Phases:  3, 5, 8, 10, 12
20	REC	0
80	END	0
75	STUN	10		Total Characteristics Cost: 211

Movement:	Running: 6" / 12"

Cost	Powers & Skills
37	Invulnerability:  Armor: (10 PD/10 ED), Hardened (+1/4)
10	Immovable:  KB Resistance (-5")

25	Combat Skill Levels:  +5 With Hand-to-Hand Combat

2	AK:  East Germany 11-
3	Bugging 11-
3	Bureaucratics 12-
3	Conversation 12-
3	Interrogation 12-
1	Language:  English (Basic Conversation)
0	Language:  German (native)
3	Persuasion 12-
3	Streetwise 12-

93	Total Powers & Skills Cost
304	Total Character Cost

200+	Disadvantages
20	Hunted:  German Government (MoPow, NCI, Watching) 14- 
20	Psychological Limitation:  East German Superpatriot (C, T)
20	Psychological Limitation:  Paranoid (VC, S)
10	Psychological Limitation:  Sadist (VC, S)
15	Reputation:  Hero of East Germany 11-, extreme
15	Social Limitation:  Public ID (F, M)
5	Unluck:  1d6

304	Total Disadvantage Points

Designer's Notes:

1) Fixed the point values for all Disadvantages.


2) The original version of Das Wall cost 304 points. He still costs 304 points, mainly because it is pretty hard to mess up a basic brick like this.


3) Assessment: It's not "Das Wall" it's "Die Wand." It could also be "Die Mauer" as well.


Das Wall is a basic brick, and not very interesting. He needs some brick tricks to add some color. I also think he's overpowered, even at 304 points, mainly due to his 40 CON and 40 PD. Anyway, if Das Wall is ex-East Germany military, he's missing a large number of logically learned skills (see Casca for an attempt at adding the right skills). I seriously think the German government would be Hunting, not Watching him. Finally, his Reputation should be changed to reflect his Psychological Limitations.

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Guest Worldmaker

Re: The horror, the horror. European Enemies "debugged."


It would be double-tapping with the Enormous Phys Lim (or whatever it was called) ... getting credit for the same thing twice.


I disagree. Physical Limitation: Enormous and Physical Limitation: Gigantic would be double-dipping. Phys Limits and DFs are two different animals entirely, ergo Physical Limit: Enormous and DF: 8' Tall Woman would not qualify as double-dipping.

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Re: The horror, the horror. European Enemies "debugged."


These are great. Any chance of posting the Hero Designer files?


I'm one of those rare people who actually liked much of European Enemies. Sure, there are lots of errors that should have been caught by the editors, and some of the concepts are pretty lame, but there are also several useful and fun characters there. I've got a particular fondness for Argent Anarky, who I've used more than once.

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Re: The horror, the horror. European Enemies "debugged."


These are great. Any chance of posting the Hero Designer files?


Only if someone who has it types them up.


I'm one of those rare people who actually liked much of European Enemies. Sure, there are lots of errors that should have been caught by the editors, and some of the concepts are pretty lame, but there are also several useful and fun characters there. I've got a particular fondness for Argent Anarky, who I've used more than once.


I presume there are people who liked the book. I'm not one of them, and I've not met any.

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Re: The horror, the horror. European Enemies "debugged."


These are great. Any chance of posting the Hero Designer files?


I'm one of those rare people who actually liked much of European Enemies. Sure, there are lots of errors that should have been caught by the editors, and some of the concepts are pretty lame, but there are also several useful and fun characters there. I've got a particular fondness for Argent Anarky, who I've used more than once.


There were a couple neat ones... the Despoiler and... Sebastian? The guy who always wore tweed blazers and hunted lost children. Two of my favorites, for some reason. :)

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Re: The horror, the horror. European Enemies "debugged."


There were a couple neat ones... the Despoiler and... Sebastian? The guy who always wore tweed blazers and hunted lost children. Two of my favorites' date=' for some reason. :)[/quote']


I think you mean the Bastion of Budapest.


And Despoiler is the next one up for debugging.

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Re: The horror, the horror. European Enemies "debugged."



Val	CHA	Cost	Roll	Notes
50	STR	40	19-	Lift 25 tons; 10d6 HTH Damage
25	DEX	45	14-	OCV:  8/DCV:  8
28	CON	36	15-
30	BODY	40	15-
21	INT	11	13-	PER Roll 13-
30	EGO	40	15-	ECV:  10
20	PRE	10	13-	PRE Attack:  4d6
6	COM	-2	10-
12	PD	2		Total: 42 PD (30 rPD)
10	ED	4		Total: 40 ED (30 rED)
5	SPD	15		Phases:  3, 5, 8, 10, 12
16	REC	0
56	END	0
69	STUN	0		Total Characteristics Cost:  241

Movement:	Running:  6"/12"

Cost	Powers & Skills
45	Mutant Destructive Powers:  Elemental Control; 90-point powers
60	1) Destructive Blast:  EB 14d6, Explosive (+1/2), END 10
45	2) Phased Blast:  EB 12d6, Affects Desolid (+1/2), END 9
67	3) The Despoiler Effect:  RKA 3d6, Continuous (+1), Uncontrolled (+1/2), No 
Knockback (-1/4), END 11

217	Destructive Energy Field:  EB 12d6, Damage Shield (does damage in HTH 
combat; +3/4), Continuous (+1), Reduced Endurance (0 END; +1/2), Persistent (+1/2); 
Always On (-1/2) plus Force Field (30 PD/ 30 ED), Hardened (+1/4), Reduced Endurance 
(0 END; +1/2), Persistent (+1/2); Always On (-1/2), Linked (-1/2)
4	Super-Dense Body:  Knockback Resistance (-2")
10	Destructive Energy Field:  Lack of Weakness (-10 for Resistant Defenses)
50	Life Support:  Total (including Longevity:  Immortality)
10	Super-Dense Body:  Power Defense (10 points)
25	Increased Arc Of Perception (360 Degrees) for all Senses
5	Infrared Perception (Sight Group)
3	Ultrasonic Perception
5	Ultraviolet Perception (Sight Group)

2	KS:  Artifacts of Destruction 11-
2	KS:  Structural Integrity 11-
3	Language:  English (Completely Fluent Conversation)
3	Language:  German (Completely Fluent Conversation)
3	Language:  Italian (Completely Fluent Conversation)
3	Language:  Polish (Completely Fluent Conversation)
3	Language:  Russian (Completely Fluent Conversation)
0	Language:  Serbian (native)

565	Total Powers & Skills Cost
806	Total Character Cost

200+	Disadvantages
25	Distinctive Features:  humanoid of black matter, surrounded by field of destructive 
energy (NC, E [fear])
20	Enraged:  if attacked (Very Common) go 11-, recover 14-
25	Enraged:  Berserk when wounded (takes BODY) (Uncommon) go 11-, recover 11-
25	Hunted:  Eastern European Militaries (All of Them) (MoPow, NCI, Kill) 11-
20	Hunted:  New Guard (MoPow, Capture) 11-
15	Physical Limitation:  Heavy (roughly 400 kg) (F, G)
25	Psychological Limitation:  Insane Desire To Destroy Everything (VC, T)
15	Psychological Limitation:  Overconfident (C, S)
10	Psychological Limitation:  Vengeful (C, M)
15	Reputation:  maniacal "killing machine" 11-, extreme
411	Experience

806	Total Disadvantage Points

Designer's Notes:

1) Removed the 2 levels of Density Increase (Always On) off of Despoiler's character sheet per the accepted 5th Edition way of creating heavy and large characters.


2) Rebuilt Despoiler's "Mutant Destructive Powers" Elemental Control (now there's a special effect for you...). I debated the legality of having two Always On powers in an Elemental Control and checked the rulebook. It said all powers needed to cost END or have the Reduced Endurance Advantage, and the example EC did show a 0 END power. So then, I checked Feurmacher from Conquers, Killers, And Crooks, and the Fire Elemental from The HERO System Bestiary. Both of them have Always On RKA Damage Shields, outside of any power frameworks. So I removed Despoiler's Damage Shield and Force Field from the EC and make them separate powers. I then rebuilt both powers slightly (somewhat violating debugging rule 1) by adding the HTH element to the Damage Shield (it should have it) and Linking the Force Field to the Damage Shield (since they both are Always On, it seemed the logical choice). Using 5th Edition the Damage Shield becomes a 225 Active Point power!


3) Fixed the point values for all Disadvantages. I added in the Heavy Physical Limitation per The Ultimate Brick.


4) The original version of Despoiler cost 647 points. He now costs 806 points, a 159-point increase. Removing the Damage Shield and Force Field from the Elemental Control is the main reason why he now costs so much.


5) According to the layout in the book, Despoiler has a CV of 5, an ECV of 4, and a SPD of 4. I have no idea where these numbers come from.


6) Assessment: I'm not sure what to make of Despoiler. He's basically the unstoppable-monster-type character to throw against the PCs for a major slugfest. He doesn't have any real exploitable weaknesses, although getting him to go Berserk might actually be in the hero's benefit. You see Despoiler will burn anywhere from 5-11 END per Phase when throwing attacks, and tends to burn around 50 END a Turn. Even with a 16 REC, he's going to be hurting pretty quick. Especially if he unleashes "The Despoiler Effect" and then attacks with something else.


Aside from his END problems, Despoiler has major problems interacting with the rest of the world. He does 12 BODY, on average, to his surroundings every Phase. It's a good thing he has Full Life Support, as he can't eat (Always On Force Field) and would blow up anything he touched anyway. Tracking him has to be the easiest job in the world. And with powers like this, I'd expect him to be Hunted by darn near everyone on the planet.


The background text contains some rather wonky bits as well. Supposedly he took the time to learn an assortment of languages to help him in his mission (destroy the world). My question is "how?" Who taught him these languages? And how did they teach him? You really can't go near him and he can't handle textbooks and the like. Also, European Enemies states that in order to stop "The Despoiler Effect" you have to render Despoiler unconscious or drain the energy away from the target. Not exactly what I'd call a reasonably obvious and common set of circumstances.

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Re: The horror, the horror. European Enemies "debugged."



Val	CHA	Cost	Roll	Notes
50	STR	40	19-	Lift 25 tons; 10d6 HTH Damage
25	DEX	45	14-	OCV:  8/DCV:  8
28	CON	36	15-
30	BODY	40	15-
21	INT	11	13-	PER Roll 13-
30	EGO	40	15-	ECV:  10
20	PRE	10	13-	PRE Attack:  4d6
6	COM	-2	10-
12	PD	2		Total: 42 PD (30 rPD)
10	ED	4		Total: 40 ED (30 rED)
5	SPD	15		Phases:  3, 5, 8, 10, 12
16	REC	0
56	END	0
69	STUN	0		Total Characteristics Cost:  241

Movement:	Running:  6"/12"

Cost	Powers & Skills
45	Mutant Destructive Powers:  Elemental Control; 90-point powers
60	1) Destructive Blast:  EB 14d6, Explosive (+1/2), END 10
45	2) Phased Blast:  EB 12d6, Affects Desolid (+1/2), END 9
67	3) The Despoiler Effect:  RKA 3d6, Continuous (+1), Uncontrolled (+1/2), No 
Knockback (-1/4), END 11

217	Destructive Energy Field:  EB 12d6, Damage Shield (does damage in HTH 
combat; +3/4), Continuous (+1), Reduced Endurance (0 END; +1/2), Persistent (+1/2); 
Always On (-1/2) plus Force Field (30 PD/ 30 ED), Hardened (+1/4), Reduced Endurance 
(0 END; +1/2), Persistent (+1/2); Always On (-1/2), Linked (-1/2)
4	Super-Dense Body:  Knockback Resistance (-2")
10	Destructive Energy Field:  Lack of Weakness (-10 for Resistant Defenses)
50	Life Support:  Total (including Longevity:  Immortality)
10	Super-Dense Body:  Power Defense (10 points)
25	Increased Arc Of Perception (360 Degrees) for all Senses
5	Infrared Perception (Sight Group)
3	Ultrasonic Perception
5	Ultraviolet Perception (Sight Group)

2	KS:  Artifacts of Destruction 11-
2	KS:  Structural Integrity 11-
3	Language:  English (Completely Fluent Conversation)
3	Language:  German (Completely Fluent Conversation)
3	Language:  Italian (Completely Fluent Conversation)
3	Language:  Polish (Completely Fluent Conversation)
3	Language:  Russian (Completely Fluent Conversation)
0	Language:  Serbian (native)

565	Total Powers & Skills Cost
806	Total Character Cost

200+	Disadvantages
25	Distinctive Features:  humanoid of black matter, surrounded by field of destructive 
energy (NC, E [fear])
20	Enraged:  if attacked (Very Common) go 11-, recover 14-
25	Enraged:  Berserk when wounded (takes BODY) (Uncommon) go 11-, recover 11-
25	Hunted:  Eastern European Militaries (All of Them) (MoPow, NCI, Kill) 11-
20	Hunted:  New Guard (MoPow, Capture) 11-
15	Physical Limitation:  Heavy (roughly 400 kg) (F, G)
25	Psychological Limitation:  Insane Desire To Destroy Everything (VC, T)
15	Psychological Limitation:  Overconfident (C, S)
10	Psychological Limitation:  Vengeful (C, M)
15	Reputation:  maniacal "killing machine" 11-, extreme
411	Experience

806	Total Disadvantage Points

Designer's Notes:

1) Removed the 2 levels of Density Increase (Always On) off of Despoiler's character sheet per the accepted 5th Edition way of creating heavy and large characters.


2) Rebuilt Despoiler's "Mutant Destructive Powers" Elemental Control (now there's a special effect for you...). I debated the legality of having two Always On powers in an Elemental Control and checked the rulebook. It said all powers needed to cost END or have the Reduced Endurance Advantage, and the example EC did show a 0 END power. So then, I checked Feurmacher from Conquers, Killers, And Crooks, and the Fire Elemental from The HERO System Bestiary. Both of them have Always On RKA Damage Shields, outside of any power frameworks. So I removed Despoiler's Damage Shield and Force Field from the EC and make them separate powers. I then rebuilt both powers slightly (somewhat violating debugging rule 1) by adding the HTH element to the Damage Shield (it should have it) and Linking the Force Field to the Damage Shield (since they both are Always On, it seemed the logical choice). Using 5th Edition the Damage Shield becomes a 225 Active Point power!


3) Fixed the point values for all Disadvantages. I added in the Heavy Physical Limitation per The Ultimate Brick.


4) The original version of Despoiler cost 647 points. He now costs 806 points, a 159-point increase. Removing the Damage Shield and Force Field from the Elemental Control is the main reason why he now costs so much.


5) According to the layout in the book, Despoiler has a CV of 5, an ECV of 4, and a SPD of 4. I have no idea where these numbers come from.


6) Assessment: I'm not sure what to make of Despoiler. He's basically the unstoppable-monster-type character to throw against the PCs for a major slugfest. He doesn't have any real exploitable weaknesses, although getting him to go Berserk might actually be in the hero's benefit. You see Despoiler will burn anywhere from 5-11 END per Phase when throwing attacks, and tends to burn around 50 END a Turn. Even with a 16 REC, he's going to be hurting pretty quick. Especially if he unleashes "The Despoiler Effect" and then attacks with something else.


Aside from his END problems, Despoiler has major problems interacting with the rest of the world. He does 12 BODY, on average, to his surroundings every Phase. It's a good thing he has Full Life Support, as he can't eat (Always On Force Field) and would blow up anything he touched anyway. Tracking him has to be the easiest job in the world. And with powers like this, I'd expect him to be Hunted by darn near everyone on the planet.


The background text contains some rather wonky bits as well. Supposedly he took the time to learn an assortment of languages to help him in his mission (destroy the world). My question is "how?" Who taught him these languages? And how did they teach him? You really can't go near him and he can't handle textbooks and the like. Also, European Enemies states that in order to stop "The Despoiler Effect" you have to render Despoiler unconscious or drain the energy away from the target. Not exactly what I'd call a reasonably obvious and common set of circumstances.



Well, having updated Despoiler for my own campaign, I tried to solve some of his problems while keeping his concept more or less intact. I changed his origin(which was never fully explained) so that he is an avatar of the Lord of Chaos. Thus, his goal is the return of everything to the nothingness from which it came(read:Wipe out everything) Among my major changes:


1) I altered the Damage Shield so that it is now a CON/BODY Drain....that fits in with his new origin and eliminates the potential logic problem of him obliterating his surroundings. Now, he slowly erodes them away. Still scary, but without the " how can he stand, etc." problems.


2) I switched the values of his EGO and PRE so that it now reads 20 EGO and 30 PRE. The prior arrangement didn't seem as logical.


3) Put all his powerblasts into a Multipower...and added a 20d6 slot(at full END) to it to give him some punch against "hard" targets. I also also made his basic 14d6 energy blast 0 END.


4) I made The Despoiler Effect 0 END as well. It's scary for a reason.


5) Eliminated the logic problems resulting from his laguages skills by simply giving him Universal Translator instead.


6) The 0 END Persistent Force Field is more or less the same as inate defenses....so I went that route instead. 35 PD/ED...fully resistant..and I threw in 25% Damage Reduction for good measure.


7) Gave him a Detect Energy and Physical Objects to represent that he views the world in a way totally beyond humanity.


8) Gave him SPD 6 to make him a more viable opponent for hero groups.


My version ended up at a total cost of 923. A significant boost, but a lot of it comes from the 5th Edition changes.



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Re: The horror, the horror. European Enemies "debugged."



Val	CHA	Cost	Roll	Notes
15	STR	5	12-	Lift 200 kg; 3d6 HTH Damage
30	DEX	60	15-	OCV:  10/DCV:  10
10	CON	0	11-
13	BODY	6	12-
15	INT	5	12-	PER Roll 12-
13	EGO	6	12-	ECV:  4
20	PRE	10	13-	PRE Attack:  4d6
16	COM	3	12-

3	PD	0		Total:  3 PD (0 rPD)
2	ED	0		Total:  2 ED (0 rED)
6	SPD	20		Phases:  2, 4, 6, 8, 10, 12
5	REC	0
20	END	0
25	STUN	0		Total Characteristics Cost:  115

Movement:	Gliding:  10"/20"
Running:  16"/32"

Cost	Powers & Skills
100	Pliable Body:  Multipower; 100-point reserve
4u	1) Entangle 5d6, 5 DEF, Reduced Endurance (0 END; +1/2); Cannot Form Barriers (-1/4), 
Nonresistant DEF (-1/4), No Range (-1/2)
1u	2) Entangle 1d6, 1 DEF, Stops Sight Group; Cannot Form Barriers (-1/4), Nonresistant 
DEF (-1/4), No Range (-1/2), END 2
13m	3) HA +8d6, NND (defense is Life Support [self-Contained Breathing]; +1), Reduced 
Endurance (0 END; +1/2); Hand-To-Hand Attack (-1/2)
2m	4) Gliding 10"
4m	5) Running +10" (16" Total), END 3
2u	6) Desolidification (affected by any attack); Cannot Pass Through Solid Objects (-1/2), 
Does Not Protect Against Damage (-1), END 4
5u	7) Shape Shift (Sight and Tough Groups, any shape), Reduced Endurance (0 END; +1/2)
15m	8) Stretching 10", Reduced Endurance (0 END; +1/2)

30	HA +10d6, Reduced Endurance (0 END; +1/2); Hand-To-Hand Attack (-1/2), Linked to 
Stretching (-1/2)
20	Pliable Body:  Physical Damage Reduction, 1/2
20	Braced For Impact:  Knockback Resistance (-10")
45	Find Weakness 14- with all attacks
27	Healing 2d6 (Regeneration; 2 BODY per Turn), Reduced Endurance (0 END; +1/2), 
Persistent (+1/2); Extra Time + Increased Time Increment (1 Turn; -1), Self Only (-1)

3	Well Connected
1	1) Contact:  Bora 11-
1	2) Contact:  Raven Scientist 11-
1	3) Contact:  VIPER Double Agent Within UNTIL 11-
1	4) Contact:  VIPER Nest Leader 11-
5	5) Favors:  10 Assorted Viper Agents Around the World
1	6) Favor:  DEMON Morbane
0	7) Favor:  Nether

3	Acting 13-
3	Breakfall 15-
3	Climbing 15-
3	Contortionist 15-
3	Criminology 12-
5	Disguise 13-
3	Forgery 12-
3	KS:  Superpowered Beings of Asia 12-
3	KS:  Superpowered Beings of Europe 12-
3	KS:  Superpowered Beings of USA 12-
4	Language:  English (Idiomatic)
4	Language:  French (Idiomatic)
0	Language:  German (native)
4	Language:  Russian (Idiomatic)
5	Mimicry 13-
3	Persuasion 13-
3	Seduction 13-
3	Shadowing 12-
3	Stealth 15-
3	Streetwise 13-
3	Tactics 12-
2	WF:  Small Arms

370	Total Powers & Skills Cost
485	Total Character Cost

200+	Disadvantages
5	Accidental Change:  8- when angry (stretches or shape shifts) (Uncommon)
20	Hunted:  Interpol (AsPow, NCI, Capture) 11-
25	Hunted:  UNTIL (MoPow, NCI, Capture) 11-
20	Psychological Limitation:  Cold-blooded Killer (VC, S)
25	Psychological Limitation:  Complete Lack Of Compassion Or Conscience (VC, T)
5	Psychological Limitation:  Power Hungry (C, S)
15	Social Limitation:  Public ID (F, M)
15	Reputation:  supervillain 11-, Extreme
155	Experience

485	Total Disadvantage Points

Designer's Notes:

1) Doppleganger's original Multipower had the Stretching as the first slot with every other slot was Linked to that. This is flat out illegal, not to mention an impossible construct. I removed the Hand Attack and left it as written (the Linked part made sense with this power), and then rebuilt the entire Multipower without the Linked limitation. I will admit to rebuilding the Entangles a bit, mainly to make them legal and logical.


2) Doppleganger's Find Weakness with All Attacks only costs 45 points, not 50. I've noticed many characters in European Enemies have Find Weakness with All Attacks, and they never pay the correct amount.


3) Doppleganger paid 1 point for each of her Favors. As she has Well Connected, she only needs to pay for every other one.


4) Fixed the point values for all Disadvantages.


5) The original version of Doppleganger cost 448 points. She now costs 485 points, a 32-point increase. Rebuilding her Multipower explains the increase in points.


6) Assessment: Doppleganger's original Multipower was a total disaster. It contained an NND with the No Knockback Limitation, as well as movement powers linked to her Stretching. It also contained (and still does contain) such useless powers as a 1d6 Entangle, which even if it blocks sight, isn't useful enough to be worth the risk the No Range Limitation puts on it. In addition, her main Entangle needs some sort of Side Effect to reflect the fact that any damage done to the Entangle is also done to her, as it is her body being used to Entangle a foe.


Probably the top of the illogical list is the Doppleganger's "Public ID." She's a shape shifter and a career criminal, who has worked with VIPER, RAVEN, DEMON, and others. Somehow I really doubt everyone knows who she is and where she can be found.

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Re: The horror, the horror. European Enemies "debugged."



Val	CHA	Cost	Roll	Notes
50	STR	40	19-	Lift 25 tons; 10d6 HTH Damage
16	DEX	18	12-	OCV:  5/DCV:  5
30	CON	40	15-
16	BODY	12	12-
12	INT	2	11-	PER Roll 11-
12	EGO	4	11-	ECV:  4
19	PRE	9	13-	PRE Attack:  3 1/2d6
6	COM	-2	10-

10	PD	0		Total:  20 PD (10 rPD)
14	ED	8		Total:  34 ED (20 rED)
4	SPD	14		Phases:  3, 6, 9, 12
16	REC	0
60	END	0
56	STUN	0		Total Characteristics Cost:  145

Movement:	Running:  6"/12"

Cost	Powers & Skills
22	Sharp Fingers:  HKA 1d6 (2d6 w/STR); Armor Piercing (+1/2), END 2
45	Body of Diamond:  Armor: (10 PD/20 ED)
16	Immense Weight:  Knockback Resistance (-8")
27	Body of Diamond: Missile Deflection & Reflection (all Ranged attacks; back at 
attacks); Energy and Light Attacks (-1/2)
50	Body of Diamond: Life Support:  Total (including Longevity:  Immortality)
45	Find Weakness 14- with all attacks

2	AK:  Brussels, Belgium 11-
3	Bribery 13-
3	Climbing 12-
2	KS:  Diamond Brokers 11-
1	Language:  English (Basic Conversation)
0	Language:  Flemish (native)
1	Language:  French (Basic Conversation)
7	Persuasion 15-
7	PS:  Gem Appraising 16-
7	PS:  Gem Cutting 16-
2	SS:  Gemology 11-
3	Security Systems 11-
7	Trading 15-

250	Total Powers & Skills Cost
395	Total Character Cost

200+	Disadvantages
25	Distinctive Features:  body of diamond (NC, E [fear])
30	Enraged:  Berserk: when comments are made about looks (Uncommon) go 14-, 
recover 11-
15	Hunted:  Belgium Police (AsPow, NCI, LimGeo, Capture) 11-
15	Physical Limitation:  Heavy (roughly 12,800 kg) (F, G)
15	Psychological Limitation:  Compelled To Steal And Destroy Diamonds (C, S)
15	Psychological Limitation:  Hates The Diamond Industry And Its Members (C, S)
20	Psychological Limitation:  Psychotic/Casual Killer (VC, T)
0	Psychological Limitation:  Vengeful (C, S)
15	Reputation:  Psychotic Diamond Thief  11-, Extreme
45	Experience

395	Total Disadvantage Points

Designer's Notes:

1) Removed the 8 levels of Density Increase (Always On) off of Facet's character sheet per the accepted 5th Edition way of creating heavy and large characters.


2) As with Doppleganger, Facet's Find Weakness with All Attacks only costs 45 points, not 50.


3) Fixed Persuasion and Trading, which were 3 points for a 15- roll. Kept the 15-, raised the cost of the Skills.


4) The two PS Skills cost 7 points each, not 6.


5) Fixed the point values for all Disadvantages. I folded "Compelled to Steal Diamonds" and "Compelled to Destroy Diamonds" into one Psychological Limitation, as he was getting 30 points for them separately, and that seemed totally out of line (and a munchkin stunt).


6) The original version of Facet cost 364 points. He now costs 395 points, a 31-point increase. This increase is mainly due to his original point total being totally incorrect.


7) Assessment: Why exactly does Facet weigh 28,000 pounds? Based on the density of a diamond, Facet should only weigh about 770 pounds.


I'm surprised at the lack of Public ID in his Disadvantages, especially since he has that 25 point Distinctive Features. Also, if he is solid diamond, I'd expect a Physical Limitation of "Requires Special Medical Attention" or something. Finally, diamonds are both hard and brittle, I think he should have a Vulnerability to reflect that in some way (2 x Effect from AP attacks? Or Find Weakness?).

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Val	CHA	Cost	Roll	Notes
18	STR	8	13-	Lift 600 kg; 3 1/2d6 HTH Damage
30	DEX	60	15-	OCV:  10/DCV:  10
20	CON	20	13-
18	BODY	16	13-
10	INT	0	11-	PER Roll 11-
10	EGO	0	11-	ECV:  3
10	PRE	0	11-	PRE Attack:  2d6
10	COM	0	11-

14	PD	10		Total:  24 PD (10 rPD)
14	ED	10		Total:  24 ED (10 rED)
5	SPD	10		Phases:  3, 5, 8, 10, 12
8	REC	0
40	END	0
37	STUN	0		Total Characteristics Cost:  134

Movement:	Running:  6"/12"
Swimming:  42"/84"

Cost	Powers & Skills
38	Water Manipulation:  Elemental Control; 75-point powers
73	1) Water Blast:  EB 8d6, Area Of Effect (9" Cone; +1), Double Knockback (+3/4), END 11
49	2) Water Blast:  RKA 3d6, NND (defense is Life Support:  Expanded Breathing [water]; +1), Does BODY (+1); Activate Roll 11- (-1), END 13
46	3) Water Manipulation  Telekinesis (80 STR), Affects Porous; Only Works On Water (-1), END 13
37	4) Swimming +40", x8 Noncombat, Reduced Endurance (0 END; +1/2)

30	Armor (10 PD/10 ED)
10	Life Support (Expanded Breathing [water], Safe Environment:  High Pressure, Intense 
15	Active Sonar

15	Combat Skill Levels: +5 With Elemental Control

3	Acrobatics 15-
2	AK:  Holland 11-
3	Breakfall 15-
3	Contortionist 15-
4	KS:  Tulips 14-
4	KS:  Water Pollution 14-
0	Language:  Dutch (native)
2	Language:  English (Fluent Conversation)
4	SS:  Environmentalism 13-

338	Total Powers & Skills Cost
472	Total Character Cost

200+	Disadvantages
20	Distinctive Features:  Body Sheathed With Water (NC, Major)
30	Enraged:  Berserk when she sees water pollution (Common), go 11-, recover 11-
20	Hunted:  Dutch Police (MoPow, NCI, Lim Geo, Capture) 11-
15	Hunted:  Eurostar (MoPow, Kill) 8-
10	Psychological Limitation:  Fears Water Pollution Will Destroy The Earth (C, M)
20	Psychological Limitation:  Hates Water Polluters, Will Attack Them On Sight (C, T)
15	Psychological Limitation:  Vengeful (C, S)
5	Reputation:  attacks water polluters, 8-
15	Social Limitation:  Secret ID (F, M)
196	Experience

472	Total Disadvantage Points

Designer's Notes:

1) Floodgate originally paid 10 points for a 10 EGO, and 20 points for a 5 SPD. The errata sheet corrects the error in her SPD (she only needs to pay 10 points for a 5 SPD as [30/10] + 1 = 4 base speed.) It doesn't mention her EGO, however, which I presume is 10 (and have kept it at such). Interestingly, Floodgate is given a 2 ECV in the stat bar at the bottom of the character sheet.


2) Rebuilt Floodgate's Water Manipulation Elemental Control. I added "Does BODY" to the NND in order to make it work with 5th Edition. I also added "Affects Porous" to the Telekinesis per the UNTIL Superpowers Database.


3) Floodgates' Combat Skill Levels were dropped from 5 points per level, to 3 points per level. I'd call an Elemental Control a "tight group."


4) Fixed the point values for all Disadvantages. I folded "Hates Water Polluters" and "Compelled to Attack Water Polluters On Sight" into one Psychological Limitation, as she was getting 35 points for them separately, and they seem to basically be two aspects of one Psych Lim.


5) The original version of Floodgate cost 461 points. She now costs 472 points, an 11-point increase. This increase is due to my rebuilding the Elemental Control.


6) Assessment: Floodgate needs a lot of work to become a better character. Ripdtide (Conquerers, Killers, and Crooks) does the water-controlling character better, while Floodgate is really overpowered (30 DEX? 80 STR TK?). I'd try and balance out her Elemental Control, and add a few more powers (like a straight Energy Blast). In addition, making the Elemental Control into a Multipower might work better in the long run.


Oh, if Floodgate is "of average height, but extremely thin." why does she have an 18 BODY?

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Re: The horror, the horror. European Enemies "debugged."



Val	CHA	Cost	Roll	Notes
75	STR	65	24-	Lift 800 tons; 15d6 HTH Damage
11	DEX	3	11-	OCV:  4/DCV:  4
50	CON	80	19-
36	BODY	52	16-
1	INT	-9	9-	PER Roll 9-
0	EGO	--	9-	ECV:  0
40	PRE	30	17-	PRE Attack:  8d6
2	COM	-4	9-
7	PD	6		Total:  7 PD (7 rPD)
7	ED	12		Total:  7 ED (7 rED)
3	SPD	9		Phases:  4, 8, 12
25	REC	0
100	END	0
--	STUN	--		Total Characteristics Cost:  244

Movement:	Running:  6"/12"

Cost	Powers & Skills
30	Body Of Ice:  EB 2d6, Damage Shield (+1/2), Continuous (+1), NND (defense is Life 
Support (Safe Environment [intense Cold], heat powers, or insulating clothing; +1), 
Reduced Endurance (0 END; +1/2), Persistent (+1/2); Always On (-1/2)
135	Freezing Blast: RKA 3d6, Area Of Effect (10" Cone; +1) plus RKA 3d6, Area Of 
Effect (10" Cone; +1), Linked (-1/2), Only Versus Inorganic Material (-1/2), END 18
37	Immense Fists:  Area Of Effect (One Hex; +1/2) for up to 75 STR, END +4
60	Body Of Ice:  Takes No STUN
20	Body Of Ice:  Sight and Hearing Group Flash Defense (10 points each)
24	Immense Weight:  Knockback Resistance (-12")
10	Body Of Ice:  Lack Of Weakness (-10) for Resistant Defenses
40	Body Of Ice:  Life Support (Self-Contained Breathing, Diminished Eating:  Need Not 
Eat, Safe Environment:  Intense Cold, Longevity:  Does Not Age, Immunity:  Diseases 
And Poisons)
42	Aura Of Freezing Cold:  Change Environment 32" radius, -4 Temperature Levels, 
Reduced Endurance (0 END; +1/2), Persistent (+1/2); Always On (-1/2), No Range (-1/2)
33	Body Of Ice:   Healing 3d6 (Regeneration; 3 BODY per Turn), Reduced Endurance 
(0 END; +1/2), Persistent (+1/2); Extra Time + Increased Time Increment (1 Turn; -1), 
Self Only (-1)
8	Long Arms:  Stretching 2â€, Reduced Endurance (0 END; +1/2); Always Direct (-1/4), No 
Noncombat Stretching (-1/4), No Velocity Damage (-1/4)

439	Total Powers & Skills Cost
683	Total Character Cost

200+	Disadvantages
20	Enraged:  Berserk: when someone/thing interferes with his movement (Common), 
go 8-, recover 14-
25	Hunted:  the superheroes of Europe (MoPow, Destroy) 14-
25	Hunted:  Norwegian Government (MoPow, Lim Geo, Destroy) 14-
20	Physical Limitation:  Enormous, 8 meters tall with a 400,000 kg mass 
(-4 DCV, +4 to PER Rolls to perceive) (A, G)
20	Physical Limitation:  Instinctive Intelligence (A, G)
25	Psychological Limitation:  Compelled To Keep Move In A Straight Line (VC, T)
15	Reputation:  mindless monster 11-, extreme
30	Vulnerability:  2 x BODY from Flame and Heat attacks
303	Experience

683	Total Disadvantage Points

Designer's Notes:

1) For the first step in debugging Glacier, I removed the 6 levels of Growth and 6 levels of Density Increase (Always On), per the accepted 5th Edition way of creating heavy and large characters. I then rebuilt Glacier's Characteristics, adjusting the cost of his PD and ED to account for his Takes No STUN power. I note that the original Glacier received 20 points for buying his EGO back to 0, which is illegal, as it is automatically a 0 when you use Takes No STUN.


2) I reduced the cost of his Area Of Effect (One Hex) STR to 37 points from 112. 112 is the total cost for a 75 STR x 1.5.


3) Rebuilt Glacier's Damage Shield to account for 5th Edition changes.


4) Rebuilt Life Support, Change Environment, and Healing powers to account for 5th Edition changes.


5) Fixed the point values for all Disadvantages. I removed the undescribed Distinctive Features as that doesn't seem to qualify under 5th Edition. I added in the Enormous Physical Limitation per The Ultimate Brick, and bumped up its value to account for Glacier's great weight. I also used the Instinctive Intelligence Disadvantage from The HERO System Bestiary to replace Glacier's original one to the same effect.


6) The original version of Glacier cost 707 points. He now costs 683, a 24-point decrease. As with Carpathia, he saved 80 points by removing the 6 levels of Growth and 6 levels of Density Increase. He also saved 75 points by purchasing his Area Of Effect (One Hex) STR correctly. Of course a lot of this saving was then eaten up by increased Characteristics costs and the increased cost of his Healing and Life Support.


7) Assessment: Glacier looks dangerous but he isn't. With a 7 DEF, he can be stopped by a well-armed SWAT team, and would fall in Phases to a military fireteam. He has a SPD of 3, 6" of Running (as does Carpathia, no increased Running for the giant-sized?), and a DCV of 0. Set, Brace, and fire at full auto with your M-16s and M-60s. I'm fairly sure that he'd drop pretty quickly. Bring some armor into play and Glacier becomes so much crushed ice (how well does 7 DEF protect against an M1A1's main gun? Answer: not very.)


If that's not bad enough, Glacier gets trashed in a simple fist fight with Carpathia. She does on average 7 BODY with each punch, while she takes an average of 14 STUN from his punches and 7 STUN from his NND. She can take 5 Phases of his punches, during which she hits him for 35 BODY. Note, however, that she will hit *him* for 35 BODY in one Turn, while he only hits her for 42 STUN (+ 21 from his NND). She has 72 STUN and is still standing. Even with his Healing, Glacier is in big trouble before he can land punch number five. If Carpathia Haymakers (might as well, no one is going anywhere in this fight) she does 14 BODY after defenses, and Glacier is in heaps of trouble. Simply put, Glacier needs a lot more DEF to be much of a threat to anyone.


Glacier's RKA looks really dangerous, until you realize the original author Linked the attacks together. What does that mean? That means some non-organic (like a car) take 2 3d6 RKAs, as opposed to one large 6d6 RKA. I think that needs fixing.


As unstoppable monsters go, Glacier needs a lot of work. A higher DEF, and some better defined attacks would work for starters. I also think some warm weather Limitations on his Regeneration would be a good idea.

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Re: The horror, the horror. European Enemies "debugged."



Val	CHA	Cost	Roll	Notes
50	STR	40	19-	Lift 25 tons; 10d6 HTH Damage
16	DEX	18	12-	OCV:  5/DCV:  5
30	CON	40	15-
16	BODY	12	12-
12	INT	2	11-	PER Roll 11-
12	EGO	4	11-	ECV:  4
19	PRE	9	13-	PRE Attack:  3 1/2d6
6	COM	-2	10-

10	PD	0		Total:  20 PD (10 rPD)
14	ED	8		Total:  34 ED (20 rED)
4	SPD	14		Phases:  3, 6, 9, 12
16	REC	0
60	END	0
56	STUN	0		Total Characteristics Cost:  145

Movement:	Running:  6"/12"

Cost	Powers & Skills
22	Sharp Fingers:  HKA 1d6 (2d6 w/STR); Armor Piercing (+1/2), END 2
45	Body of Diamond:  Armor: (10 PD/20 ED)
16	Immense Weight:  Knockback Resistance (-8")
27	Body of Diamond: Missile Deflection & Reflection (all Ranged attacks; back at 
attacks); Energy and Light Attacks (-1/2)
50	Body of Diamond: Life Support:  Total (including Longevity:  Immortality)
45	Find Weakness 14- with all attacks

2	AK:  Brussels, Belgium 11-
3	Bribery 13-
3	Climbing 12-
2	KS:  Diamond Brokers 11-
1	Language:  English (Basic Conversation)
0	Language:  Flemish (native)
1	Language:  French (Basic Conversation)
7	Persuasion 15-
7	PS:  Gem Appraising 16-
7	PS:  Gem Cutting 16-
2	SS:  Gemology 11-
3	Security Systems 11-
7	Trading 15-

250	Total Powers & Skills Cost
395	Total Character Cost

200+	Disadvantages
25	Distinctive Features:  body of diamond (NC, E [fear])
30	Enraged:  Berserk: when comments are made about looks (Uncommon) go 14-, 
recover 11-
15	Hunted:  Belgium Police (AsPow, NCI, LimGeo, Capture) 11-
15	Physical Limitation:  Heavy (roughly 12,800 kg) (F, G)
15	Psychological Limitation:  Compelled To Steal And Destroy Diamonds (C, S)
15	Psychological Limitation:  Hates The Diamond Industry And Its Members (C, S)
20	Psychological Limitation:  Psychotic/Casual Killer (VC, T)
0	Psychological Limitation:  Vengeful (C, S)
15	Reputation:  Psychotic Diamond Thief  11-, Extreme
45	Experience

395	Total Disadvantage Points

Designer's Notes:

1) Removed the 8 levels of Density Increase (Always On) off of Facet's character sheet per the accepted 5th Edition way of creating heavy and large characters.


2) As with Doppleganger, Facet's Find Weakness with All Attacks only costs 45 points, not 50.


3) Fixed Persuasion and Trading, which were 3 points for a 15- roll. Kept the 15-, raised the cost of the Skills.


4) The two PS Skills cost 7 points each, not 6.


5) Fixed the point values for all Disadvantages. I folded "Compelled to Steal Diamonds" and "Compelled to Destroy Diamonds" into one Psychological Limitation, as he was getting 30 points for them separately, and that seemed totally out of line (and a munchkin stunt).


6) The original version of Facet cost 364 points. He now costs 395 points, a 31-point increase. This increase is mainly due to his original point total being totally incorrect.


7) Assessment: Why exactly does Facet weigh 28,000 pounds? Based on the density of a diamond, Facet should only weigh about 770 pounds.


I'm surprised at the lack of Public ID in his Disadvantages, especially since he has that 25 point Distinctive Features. Also, if he is solid diamond, I'd expect a Physical Limitation of "Requires Special Medical Attention" or something. Finally, diamonds are both hard and brittle, I think he should have a Vulnerability to reflect that in some way (2 x Effect from AP attacks? Or Find Weakness?).


My Facet update didn't vary too much from the original. I gave him the light refraction powers mentioned in the USPD to round out his character a bit more. I also gave him the "super tough body" Damage Shield from Ultimate Brick. I dumped the Find Weakness and boosted his DEX to 17 to increase his chances of actually hitting something with that AP HKA. I made the armor Visible as per the usual Hero way of doing " Body of " powers of this type. Tune his skills a bit..and he's done. Total cost: 365...an increase of 1 point.



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