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The Human Polygraph

Michael Hopcroft

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I want to build a power for a character that enables him to determine whether the person he is speaking to is lying or telling the truth. Maybe he can detect their bodily rythmns, or maybe he just is able to pay very close attention to theoir body langauge and vocal tones. The end result is that if you consciously lie to this guy, he'll know it.


Note that this power will not detect the ABSOLUTE truth or falsehood of a statement. The thug may have been told something and sincerely believes it to be ture, but if he was lied to himself then the charatcer would not be able to determine that -- only that the thug sioncerely believes that what he is saying is true. Likewise, is the character asks three different devout believers in three different religious systems "What is God really like?" he'll detect truth from all three even though what they say is contradictory, In situations where they might actually be more than one truth, the character will find himself rather confused if he believes what people who tell the truth are telling him is the literal truth.


The character will also be able to tell if the person he is talking to is not answering his questions to the best of their knowledge -- whether they are concealing something.

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Re: The Human Polygraph


I've wondered about this ability too. Detect (truth/lie) would seem to be the most obvious' date=' but I think that , Rules-wise, you'd have to use limited [i']Telepathy[/i]

Well, if we are doing this based on a how too...


Well a limited form of Telepathy is possible, but I do not think it has the stamp of "most appropriate" in the rules.


The Detect is where I would most likely to go, but I would have define it as Detect: Sincerity, but that is a really big quibble.


There is an option as basing it off of a skill, perhaps Conversation Skill, Interogation Skill or as a Professional Skill: Read People's Sincerity.

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Re: The Human Polygraph


I've wondered about this ability too. Detect (truth/lie) would seem to be the most obvious' date=' but I think that , Rules-wise, you'd have to use limited [i']Telepathy[/i]
Telepathy would probably be the best model for it; but, for simplicity's sake, I don't see why making it a Detect should be a problem.
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Re: The Human Polygraph


I'd go with Detect: Lie with a couple of possible mods on it, depending on your rationale for the ability. Are we talking magic? A great sense of body language? Depending on the rationale, some of the mods I'd suggest would be:

must share a language with target

must be from similar background (dishonesty has different 'tells' in different cultures)

must make sustained eye contact with target

cumulative (the longer the character can speak with the target, the better the chance that a lie is detected)



If you can give us more info about how the character comes by this talent/ability/whatever, the more specific our help can be.

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Re: The Human Polygraph


The problem with most Detects/Senses is that they don't have an in-rules counter, except for Invisibility of some kind, or another power. Something like a Detect Sincerity would have to be exceedingly well defined and SFXed, and the player would have to not throw a fit every time he ran into an NPC who could evade his Detect somehow.


In the case of Detect Sincerity based on body langauge and/or vocal ques, consider that a sentient robot, or an alien being, or someone from a strange culture, or a demon, might very well confound such an ability.


Also, based on personal experience, I'm leary of such powers because of their game-breaking and fun-spoiling potential.

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Re: The Human Polygraph


They killed off Hawkeye? @#$Q#)$&@#$(~!_)$^( idiots.


Yeah, sorry to break it to you. Avengers #502. It was a good death, the sort Clint deserved. Just the right mix of heroism, poor decision making, and stupid bad luck that was the hallmark of his career.


The quote is his last words before his death.

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Re: The Human Polygraph


Something else to consider about a "Human Polygraph" (never mind that the effectiveness of polygraphs is largely bunk):


Think for awhile about how much of the ability of human beings to get along day after day is based on halftruths and lies told to avoid hurt and strife. Imagine living with someone you couldn't lie to no matter how much kinder it would be than telling the truth, no matter how much you'd like to keep something personal a secret.

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Re: The Human Polygraph


The problem with most Detects/Senses is that they don't have an in-rules counter' date=' except for Invisibility of some kind, or another power. Something like a [i']Detect Sincerity[/i] would have to be exceedingly well defined and SFXed, and the player would have to not throw a fit every time he ran into an NPC who could evade his Detect somehow.


In the case of Detect Sincerity based on body langauge and/or vocal ques, consider that a sentient robot, or an alien being, or someone from a strange culture, or a demon, might very well confound such an ability.


Also, based on personal experience, I'm leary of such powers because of their game-breaking and fun-spoiling potential.

Which is why with this particular build, I would be asking the player what he wants being able to counter this ability. If a just a skilled liar/actor has a chance to adjust the power go with a skill build. If Mental Defense and/or Ego can counter the power, go with Telepathy. Pretty much, all else I go with the Detect.

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Re: The Human Polygraph


Think for awhile about how much of the ability of human beings to get along day after day is based on halftruths and lies told to avoid hurt and strife. Imagine living with someone you couldn't lie to no matter how much kinder it would be than telling the truth' date=' no matter how much you'd like to keep something personal a secret.[/quote']


On Angel (TV show) there was a minor character who could not lie. He became incensed when people asked him questions, particulalry personal ones. Felt it was an invasion of his privacy.


I can see a person who always recognizes lies becoming the opposite, someone who never asks people questions, never asks for opinions, never asks "So what do you think of me?" Because he'd get so disheartened by the constant lies in response, and everyone being nice to spare his feelings, everytime it happened it would bring on sickening depression, etc.

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Re: The Human Polygraph


On a somewhat related note, I would recommend The Truth Machine, by James Halperin. It postulates the invention of a 100% accurate lie detector. Though most of the story is about the tribulations of it's designer/engineer, there are glimpses of the transformed society resulting from the widespread use of the device.

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Re: The Human Polygraph


On Angel (TV show) there was a minor character who could not lie. He became incensed when people asked him questions, particulalry personal ones. Felt it was an invasion of his privacy.



I am like that. It isn't that I am incapable of lying, it is just that I don't do it. I am at the point now where I can go weeks without lying at all, and I am hyperaware of it if and when I do it. Even if it is just blowing off some stranger asking for money.


I also equally dislike questions.

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Re: The Human Polygraph


On Angel (TV show) there was a minor character who could not lie. He became incensed when people asked him questions, particulalry personal ones. Felt it was an invasion of his privacy.




There is always the possibility of not answering the question or telling the questioner to mind their own bussiness. There are degrees of truth, it is possible to tell the truth without volunteering an entire lifestory. Consider the chinese who I've been led to believe find it very impolite to say no to a person, they are very good or can become very good in ensuring that they are not put in the position of having to say no. This can likewise be used with the individual who is incapable of lying, he can avoid the question,refuse to answer, be brief etc

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Re: The Human Polygraph


Perhaps a bit off topic, but a needed warning I feel. Be careful that "Detect Lies" doesn't get used as "Detect Objective Truth". I was in a game with a player that slipped a similar construct past the GM and he used it as low grade cosmic awareness. He would ask himself question about the subject, use his power to determine if they were "False" and narrow it down from there. For Example:


"Is the killer in New York City?"


If it was true, he'd keep narrowing the focus down with each question until he got a location.

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Re: The Human Polygraph


I would use detect lie. If telepathic in nature, use mental awareness sense group, and probably mental awareness as an associated sense. It sounds like you want more of a Daredevil, hyper-acute normal senses, so if should go with sight or sound group and that sense should be bought with levels for extra acuteness. Or the character might have normal senses but be highly observant due to intelect. Then the character could just have a high INT (which, of course, increases all perception rolls). In each case the detect (or sense): Lie should be bought with an additional supporting sense for the sake of character concept.

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