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Re: The New Circle


The Trash 1

Everyone knew something wasn't right down there. People had seen things, tales had been told. Those who could, moved. Those who couldn't, locked their doors and windows. Sometimes a scream echoed like the howl of a lonely wolf. Curtains were drawn tighter against the sound.


Omar knew all of the stories, believed none of them. The world was a strange place, but there was no such thing as a trash man. You had to be crazy to think something like that was real, and Omar Reed was anything but crazy. Besides his latest mark was stumbling along in front of him. He didn't have time for a scary bum story.


Omar pulled the brick he used from a bag hanging from his shoulder under his coat. The plan was to run up and conk the mark on the back of the head with the brick. It was simple and he had used it before.


If he killed the mark, so much the better.


Omar raised the brick, preparing to charge and bring the piece of hardened clay down on the mark's head. Then he would pull everything out of the mark's pockets and flee.


Simple and easy was the way to go.


The problem with Omar's plan wasn't in the plan itself, or in the execution. It was in the thing lurking in the restaurant dumpsters in the alley to his left. He glanced at something coming at him, thought it was a bum, almost screamed at the nonhuman face shrouded with cast off paper, cloth, and plastic. The thief swung the brick at the trash pile coming for him with long hands. He was less than pleased how the homemade weapon just deformed the shoulder he hit instead of the head.


The thing pulled him into its body, pulled his clothes off, ejected him on the sidewalk, and then hit him with his own brick. Omar lay in a daze until the police arrived to help him. They discounted his ramblings of a trash monster as they put him in the back of an ambulance and took him to the hospital.


After all he had been hit in the head with a brick.


The neighborhood where Omar met his hint to go straight has suffered a number of similar incidents. The police think a vigilante has moved in, pressuring the local criminals with a little street justice. The residents know the truth but are afraid to say it. Their trash comes to life.


This unlikely hero seems attracted to the local criminals, scaring them out of the twelve block radius where it lives. It leaves the street walkers and gamblers alone for the most part, but gang bangers and violent muggers and carjackers have learned the limits of where they can operate. Those that don't receive a trip to the hospital, one way or the other.


The Trash, as the residents call their protector, has helped the Rovers on several occasions. Mostly that help has come in the fashion of a surprise blitz from an unlikely area, dragging several victims into the shadows at once, then vanishing until it can surprise attack again. This noted behavior has caused VIPER and DEMON bases who have dealt with this vigilante menace to burn any waste they produce.


That hasn't stopped the Trash from using other things to do what it wants to the criminal headquarters it uncovers.


The Trash typically acts alone, even in a team effort with other Rovers. Tim Timmson is usually the only one that is aware the pile of refuse has decided to take a hand in proceedings.

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  • 2 weeks later...

Re: The New Circle




Background Information: The thing that would be known as the Trash came from four men merging into a conglomeration of waste at the local dump. The effect was totally unexpected for them. They had thought they were going to die.


Roscoe Ragland owned the dump, charging the city to put its waste and trash where it could be incinerated. He made a buck on the side for illegal toxic waste dumping. He planned to move out as soon as he had enough money. He just never had enough.


Pete Worley ran the incinerator. He knew something was going on, but not what. He tipped off the government in hopes of a reward.


Moonie Winchell and Mario Canplotti helped with the shoveling, stacking, fixing to resell, parts sale for those walking the dump desperately. They also knew something was up, but didn't try to pry into it.


News of an investigation reached Roscoe's silent partners. They were not happy with that development. They talked with the four men. The result was leaving them dead in a chemical spill that ate flesh like acid.


It was a story told in most major cities.


What's not often told is that the four men's DNA combined with the chemicals and the surrounding trash to become a gestalt of all of it. The resulting example of blind luck shambled from the dump, looking for revenge.


The Trash established his credentials as an urban monster very quickly. Becoming a vigilante came a little slower. At this point, he is a secret member of the Rovers much like Dr. Dream. Occasionally he does hit the road and wander far from his home stomping grounds, prompting a reward for capture and pictures.


Quote: "Miller Lite...breakfast of...squirrels."


Personality: The Trash has bits of personality and skills from all of his parts. Sometimes he likes shiny things, sometimes he raids a bar for a beer and pretzels. Every now and then he visits the strip clubs. Mostly he looks out for people in his territory, and along his random travel path.


Mostly he is sneaky, and hides in the trash during the day, and wanders at night. He is known for his sneak attacks, and practical jokes among the criminals that have encountered him more than once.



Appearance: The Trash is a humanoid mound of trash and debris that barely has what can be considered human features. His body colors change at random with the different trash he moves in and picks up.


Powers: The Trash is naturally hard to hurt, strong, stealthy. He has also shone an ability to move between and through trash piles. Occasionally he demonstrates some skills that a trash monster should not have.


Fire seems to be his only weakness. A man with a flame thrower can drive the heaping thing away quickly, at least until he can find something he can use to extract his messy revenge.

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  • 4 weeks later...

Re: The New Circle




Character Name: The Trash

Real Name: N/A

Nationality: American

Hair/Eye Color: N/A

Place of Birth: Ragland Landfill and Waste Disposal

Date of Birth: 3/19/2000

Height/Mass: Variable.


Cost Characteristic Value

26 STR 36

42 DEX 24

40 CON 30

60 BODY 40

-2 INT 8

10 EGO 15

10 PRE 20

- 3 COM 4

PD 7

ED 6


REC 13

END 60



OCV: 8 DCV: 8 OECV: 5 DECV: 5

Phases: 3,6,12

Cost Powers and Talents (END)

Trash Body: Full Life Support 45 pts

Trash Body: Automaton Body does not bleed, takes no stun 75 pts

Trash Body: 2d6 Regeneration(20 pts), can heal limbs (+5 pts), self only (-½), extra time (-1), only in trash (-½) 8 pts.

Trash Body: Desolidification, Str affects real world (+1), reduced end (+1/2), Always on (-1/2), not through solids (-½). 50 pts


Trash Monster 20 pt multipower

1u Teleportation 15", 30 pts, must pass through intervening space (-1/4), only to large amounts of trash (-1) 11 pts.

1u Invisibility versus sight, (20 pts) only in trash (-1), only when not moving (-1). 6 pts

2u Invisibility versus hearing. 20 pts.


Cost Skills

30 + 15 vpp pool, only skills (-1), no conscious control (-1) 15 pts


150 Points Disadvantages

30 Hunted by EPA 11-

30 Hunted by Viper 11-

15 psych lim: Loves to ambush opponents

15 Psych Lim: Protective of his neighborhood.

15 Reputation: Sneaky, no good varmint (14-)

30 Vulnerability: 2 x body from fires

15 Secret: Once Human


CHA Cost = 183

Total Powers Cost = 202

Total Skills Cost = 15

Total Cost = 400


Plot Hook 1) Homeless people are being killed more than usual. Fragments of trash at the scene convinces the authorities that the Trash has gone out of control. Is it really the defending garbage, or a clever killer with a gimmick?


Plot Hook 2) Other Trash are seen in the streets making an exodus to a public area. They crash through anything in their way. At their destination, the ground emits a strange glow. Are the Trash aliens from another planet, or a mind controlled army being assembled to strike? And where did the other heaps come from in the first place?


Plot Hook 3) Walter Peck is a man with a mission. He finally has the authority to go after the Trash with everything the government can give. When the city becomes a battlefield between the EPA and the Trash, things are bound to get more than a little messy. It's time for the heroes to step in and solve this matter.


Gm's note: The Trash could have been an urban Man-Thing, or Swamp Thing, but the actual inspiration was the original version of the Ragman. Then I overlaid the others on top of him. I'm sorry about the wait for this to be finished, but he is the last Rover.


Now I can do another team, or start on more fifties heroes.


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  • 2 weeks later...

Re: The New Circle


Cosmo Jones


Mark, Crown Prince of Yugopotamia, looked at his thin tentacles secured to the granite wall behind him. Pastel green skin flushed a darker shade over how he was so easily tricked, and then thrown in this dark, dank cell at the base of a castle he had been touring in hopes of buying.


It was a pleasant cell, but he missed his freedom.


One expected the attempted ransoming every now and then. Mark had did himself when he needed the money to buy some toy his parents had denied him. He had gotten his first planet buster that way. That stuff happened to other people, not to the royalty of a fairly wealthy planet.


Mark sighed again.


Small taps sounded outside his cell. He strained to hear what was going on. He knew he was supposed to be used for a main course. Maybe the cook was just checking his utensils before coming in and talking to Mark.


Would you like to be roasted, or broiled? Roasted is good for me, thanks.


The door opened to reveal a human holding some kind of pistol, straitening a black jacket with his other hand. He bared his teeth in delight at seeing the helpless Mark.


"Good evening, your majesty." The human entered the cell, producing the keys to the manacles around Mark's limbs. "I'm Cosmo Jones. I'm here to rescue you."


"How did you find me?" Mark's flat face broke in a grin of relief. "Did you bring me a weapon? I wish to dispense royal justice."


"No time for that, I'm afraid." Jones undid the manacles. "We only have a limited time before our transport leaves and we're stuck here."


Mark quivered his tentacles, glad to be moving again. The idea that he was on a time limit seemed much to bear. On the other hand, he was unarmed and surrounded by people who wanted to eat him.


"Please follow me and be quiet." Jones led the way to the door. "I will try to get you home without too much more bother."


"I understand, human." Mark glided across the stone pavers on his many lower body tentacles. "Let us go."


Jones led the way pass knocked out guards to an elevator leading out of the prison. He checked his watch, before pushing the call button. The doors opened immediately. His hand gestured for Mark to hurry. The prince stepped into the elevator, followed by the human.


"Won't they know we're in this conveyance?" Mark felt trapped like a stel rat, even though the cab was moving up and away from his cell.


"I rigged the detection devices to ignore us." Jones kept checking his watch, looking at the floor indicator. "There may be some trouble. I want you to stay behind cover until it is safe for you to come out."


"What if I don't want to." Mark had dealt with other races. He knew he could give as good as he got.


"I'll have to tranquilize you and make you look like a coward that ran from trouble instead of a warrior prince." Jones's weapon was still in his hand, and Mark didn't know enough about humans to determine if he was bluffing. "Stay close and out of the way, and things will be good."


"I understand," Mark said, pressing into a corner away from the doors and his rescuer.


"Spray." Jones stepped to one side, waited for the doors to open. Energy bolts sliced into the cab. He returned fired blindly. Silence reigned after the brief exchange. He looked around the edge of the elevator opening. "Target."


"Let's go." Jones led the way, searching for more guards ahead.

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  • 2 weeks later...

Re: The New Circle





Background Information: Space holds many governments at odds with each other. Jurisdictional disputes may take months, maybe years, to iron out as each sphere tries to shut out the others. Several industrial leaders, losing money because of these travesties of justice, decided to start their own police agency.


The Interstellar Security Service is an invisible agency, working behind the scenes without any police powers to back it up. Agents are sent to trouble areas to solve problems as fast as possible. They are men/aliens without allegiance except to keeping the peace, and protecting the innocent.


Bob Jones was recruited from Earth during the fifties. Bob worked for the FBI as a field agent. He was not one of Hoover's favorite people so he had a lot of dirty jobs designed to make him quit. He persevered, closing cases between the harassment of office politics.


Jones stumbled on an ISS operation on Earth. They tried to make him believe that it was a Terran Government case. He traced them back to their ship, and saved the day with the help of his fists and a borrowed high tech pistol.


He was recruited into the agency. The ISS academy trained him to use alien technology, speak many of the dialects of the galaxy, and briefed him on the cases the agency handled.


Jones, nicknamed Cosmo by now, started as a field agent and has distinguished himself among the invisible men/women/things he worked beside until his retirement.


Quote: "Jones, Cosmo Jones."


Personality: Jones is professional, tending toward obsessive about cases. Applying his Terran sensibilities has gotten him a reputation for being black and white about things, but he has always tried to make things better for those touched by his occasional forays into their lives.


Appearance: Jones is a normal human being with dark hair, brown eyes, and a small scar on his cheek. He dresses in suits that resembles the normal wear of his planet.


Powers: Jones doesn't possess any superhuman abilities. His arsenal of gadgets and dirty tricks are standard issue from the ISS. This includes protective clothing, a side arm with changing ammunition, and a bag of special issue gimmicks supplied for each mission.


The agency supplies a ship for missions. Typically this is a one seater with some type of cloaking device to prevent discovery by the planet's authorities. Bigger missions are allowed bigger ships with the knowledge that an agent can never let such a craft fall into anyone else's hands.


Since the agency is not recognized by any other law enforcement in the galaxy, agents are also equipped with a mind wipe device that can be activated if they are captured by anyone who wants to know what force they represent.


It is much like a suicide pill for agents who are about to be captured and interrogated.

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Re: The New Circle


Am I thhe only one who sees these characters as code and not in their correct format?




The earlier characters in the thread will appear as code because it's a HD export format into html and somewhere along the way they changed the way html posting worked on the boards for security reasons. Ask an 'old timer' like OddHat - there's plenty of character posts that got messed around by it.


csyphrett's stuff (later on in the thread) is ok though - and creative to boot.

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  • 3 weeks later...

Re: The New Circle




Character Name: Cosmo Jones

Real Name: Robert Jones

Hair/Eye Color: Brown/brown

Place of Birth: Fallsville, Idaho

Date of Birth: 4/1/1939

Height/Mass: 5'8", 185 pounds


Cost Characteristic Value

8 STR 18

39 DEX 23

16 CON 18

6 BODY 13

5 INT 15

6 EGO 13

1 PRE 11

COM 10

PD 3

ED 3

30 SPD 5


END 36



OCV: 7 DCV: 7 OECV: 4 DECV: 4

Phases: 3,5,8,10,12


Cost Powers and Talents (END)

Sidearm: 10d6 energy blast 50 pts, variable advantage (+1), OAF (-1), 16 charges (-0) 50 pts


Tuxedo powers

Toughness: Armor (15 ed/15 pd) 45 pts, OAF (-1) 22 pts

Environmental protection: Life Support low pressure/vacuum/ high radiation/intense cold and heat/self contained breathing. OAF (-1) 9 pts

Wall walking: Clinging OAF (-1) 5 pts


Mind wiper: 5d6 transform 75 pts, self only(-1/2), triggered by giving secrets to enemy(+1/4), IIF (-1/4) 50 pts


25 + 12 point Gadget pool, can only be changed between adventures (-1/2), can only be changed at arsenal (-1/2), IAF (½) 14 pts


Cost Skills

3 acting 11-

3 bribery 11-

3 bugging 12-

3 combat piloting 13-

3 combat driving 13-

3 concealment 12-

3 cryptography 12-

3 disguise 12-

3 lockpicking 13-

3 security systems 12-


3 stealth 13-

3 systems operations 12-

5 TF: small aircraft, hovercraft, common wheeled vehicles.

2 WF: slug throwers.


6 + 4 lightning reflexes

20 Danger sense

20 + 4 dcv against all attacks


150 Points Disadvantages

20 Secret: ISS Agent

5 Rivalry with other agents

20 Subject to orders

15 Loyal to agency

15 Will complete the mission

30 Hunted by other space security forces. 14-

10 Watched by the FBI 8-

5 reputation: Burned out pinko FBI Quitter 8-

5 DF: Tuxedo

15 minority: human

10 DNPC: Mike, brother 8-


CHA Cost = 111

Total Powers Cost = 150

Total Skills Cost = 89

Total Cost = 350


Plot Hook 1) A small coalition of aliens arrive on Earth. They demand the presence of Cosmo Jones. Naturally no one knows who they are talking about. Can the heroes avert trouble?


Plot Hook 2) Evidence has been discovered that tragedies may have been prevented by some alien agency on Earth. Some discovery has brought to life that one of the emergencies was simply delayed for a few decades. The only one who might know for sure is Robert Jones, a retiree that has vanished from his old age home.


Plot Hook 3) The heroes are taken hostage with several bystanders. One hostage, Bob Jones, seems intent on hiding his real identity from their captors. What is really going on? Who is Jones, and why would street punks have high powered alien weapons in their possession?


GM's Note: Cosmo Jones was based on Cosage, a space spy created by Steve Ditko. In the fifties, he is having a hard time for speaking out during the Red Scare/Cold War era on Earth which basically serves as his rest and relaxation spot while active protecting the galaxy from menaces everywhere.


In a modern era, he can be a contact to space, providing equipment and support. He might even have risen beyond field agent status to become one of the few humans who protect the galaxy from evil forces by directing agents on the type of cases he used to handle.

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Re: The New Circle


I haven't received any updates from OddHat in a long time, but if people send me hdc files, I can get their characters added to the NewCircle site.





Make sure to include the name you wish to be credited under.


I'm sorry KS. I don't have HD. I can send the whole sheets as plain email, but I have no means to format them as anything else.


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Re: The New Circle


Character Name: The Crackler

Real Name: Stacy Raye

Nationality: American

Hair/Eye Color: Blue/Red

Place of Birth: Chicago, Ill.

Date of Birth: 5/16/42

Height/Mass: 5'8", 175 pounds


Cost Characteristic Value

5 STR 15

30 DEX 20

10 CON 15

0 BODY 10

10 INT 20

20 EGO 20

5 PRE 15

0 COM 10

PD 3

ED 3



END 30



OCV: 6 DCV: 6 OECV: 6 DECV: 6

Phases: 6,12

Cost Powers and Talents (END)

Regeneration 3d6 30 pts. reduced end (+1/2), persistent (+1/2), self only (-½), extra time (1 hour, -2) 17 pts


Crackler Suit- Life Support: self contained breathing, safe environments, and immunities 39 pts OIF (-½) 26 pts


Crackler Suit-Armor 60 pts (15pd/25ed) OIF (-½) 40 pts


Crackler Magnetic 30 pt multipower OIF (-½) 20 pts

1u Magnetic Grip: Clinging 30 pts, only versus metal (-1), OIF (-½) 12 pts

1u Magnetic Line: 6" Stretching 30 pts, always direct (-1/4), cannot do damage (-½), can only affect metal (-1), OIF (-½) 9 pts

1u Electric Touch: 6d6 Hand Attack 30 pts, hand to hand attack (-1/2), OIF (-½) 15 pts


Operator Enhancements:

+10 strength 10 pts OIF (-½) 6 pts

+20 dex 60 pts OIF (-½) 50 pts

+20 con 40 pts OIF (-½) 26 pts

+15 body 30 pts OIF (-½) 20 pts

+2 speed 20 pts OIF (-½) 13 pts


Cost Skills

3 computer programming 13-

3 demolitions

3 electronics 13-

3 inventor 13-

3 mechanics 13-

3 Science: electromagnetism 13-

3 Science: physics 13-

3 security systems 13-

3 systems operation 13-

3 AK: Chicago 13-

7 Contact: Dr. Hunt 11-

3 streetwise 12 -

3 stealth 13-

3 deduction 13-

3 shadowing 13-


150 Points Disadvantages

15 pts Secret Identity

15 pts Watched By Dr. Brendan Hunt 14-

20 pts Believes everything is Black and White

20 pts Hunted by Police 11-

30 pts Hunted by Rogues Gallery 14-

20 pts Honorable

10 pts Reputation: electric ghost 11-

20 pts Subject to orders


CHA Cost = 80

Total Powers Cost = 221

Total Skills Cost = 49

Total Cost = __350________________


Background Information: During the fifties, Dr. Brendan Hunt, a pioneer of computer technology and a master of electromagnetism, had created his own research business. Hunt was aided by a man named Stacy Raye. The two worked long hours on problems submitted by the Chicago authorities, and on their secret prototype suit. With the space race on, Hunt and Raye wanted to build a suit that would protect astronauts better than what the fledgling NASA had come up with at the time.


Raye was testing the suit when spies tried to rob the lab. He was knocked into a bank of equipment and received a terrific shock that should have killed him. The spies took Dr. Hunt with them.


Raye recovered in time to use the suit's magnets to help trail his new found enemies across town. He broke in, freeing the doctor. He then proceeded to scare the secret thieves into submission so he could hand them over to the proper authority.


The Crackler worked to keep Chicago safe for years, finally vanishing from sight in the late sixties.


The lab closed with the death of Dr. Hunt shortly afterwards. Neither Raye, or the suit, have been seen since.


Quote: crackle (the suit prevented talking, making a frying bacon sound when it was turned all the way to full power.)


Personality: Raye's defining trait was the belief that there was right and there was wrong, and there was no shades of grey to justify doing wrong to do right. Out of that came the fact that he was strictly honest, and never bent a principle for another person.


The suit was a means that he could help people more efficiently than otherwise.


Appearance: Raye was a normal looking man with red hair and blue eyes, often found wearing a lab coat or coveralls.


The Crackler suit was basic black from helmet to boots with small bursts of lightning running along its surface.


Powers: The suit enhanced Raye's physical capabilities, protected him from harm, and allowed him to generate small magnetic fields in his hands. He used these to cling to metal, throw a line to grab things, or simply shock someone when he punched them.


Plot Hook 1) Dr. Brendan Hunt's lab has long belonged to the city since he had no heirs. The tax office has finally found someone willing to take it. No one is prepared for the electricity monster that begins terrorizing the city when demolition starts on the building.


Plot Hook 2) A new Crackler appears to protect the city. This new ‘hero' electrocutes the criminals he/she captures. The authorities need all the help they can get to stop this menace.


Plot Hook 3) Someone is supplying the local underworld with electromagnetic guns. The designs are archaic but the different types are more powerful than anything more recent in production. Argent and Viper are both interested in finding the seller of these weapons. All they have is the nickname Crackle. Can the heroes find out what's going on in time?


GM's Note: This 50's hero was based off Steve Ditko's Static that appeared in Charlton's Bull's-eye and in a collection sold by Robin Snyder.

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Re: The New Circle


Sun Man 1



"This is Shuttle 93-R." The pilot couldn't keep the fear out of his voice. "We are taking heavy fire. I repeat we are taking heavy fire."


Shuttle 93-R transported cargo between planets in the same system. There had been reports of pirates, but no one ever thought it could happen to him. Then it did, and you were running for your life.


The pilot continued to issue a may day as he spun his ship through a series of complicated maneuvers to keep from being blown apart. He knew it was a matter of time. The imperial authorities should be coming to his rescue.


He couldn't remember a spot worse than this.


A streak of light shot by the fleeing shuttle from the front. The pilot wondered who had fired a torpedo at him as he continued. It had to be a torpedo. That was the only thing that fit a man-sized projectile traveling in space.


That had to be the explanation.


Otherwise he had just seen a man in space without equipment flying like a bird. That was an impossibility and grounds for a psych eval if he reported it.


Still something was back there, making the pirates duck and weave. Their firepower had been diverted into stopping it. He poured on the power and ran. He didn't know how long his helper would last, but didn't want to be around when he was blown out of the sky.


The shuttle spotted help in the distance. A course change was requested. The pilot happily complied. The small craft descended below the armada, two fighters joining it.


Those pirates were done for.


Missile and energy beams swept the sky behind Shuttle 93-R as the authorities expressed their displeasure with the space bandits. The would be thieves were forced to stand to and give up as several of their smaller ships were blown apart by concentrated fire.


A streak of light flew by the shuttle, a hand waving at the pilot for a moment, then vanished out of the system. The pilot told himself he would not report that. He liked flying too much to give it up over a hallucination.


93-R settled on its pad, dust billowing out from underneath it. Loaders and a patrolman approached as the doors swung open. The pilot shut everything down as the handlers waited to approach and unload the cargo.


"I hear you had a bit of excitement upstairs, Captain Hoge." The patrolman inspected the interior of the shuttle as the port workers did what they were paid for. "Line ships report some kind of anomaly before the battle."


"I wouldn't know." Hoge hooked his hands in his belt so he couldn't see them shake. "I was too busy trying not to get killed."


"I will still have to pull your computer files." The patrolman held out a key for the locked nav shell. "You'll have to sign for it and wait until the end of our review."


"I understand." Hoge pulled the wafer and handed it over. "Can I ask what the anomaly registered as?"


"That's classified." The patrolman put the memory away, took a signature for it, then turned to walk away. "The review shouldn't take long. You'll be back in space in no time at all."


"Thank you." Hoge watched the patrolman walk across the pad. He looked at the cargo being checked in. At least he had some pay until he could take to space again.

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Re: The New Circle


Character Name: Sun Man

Real Name: Bara of Mystia

Hair/Eye Color: Brown, brown

Place of Birth: Mystia

Date of Birth: 52707th day of 25002 AS

Height/Mass: 5'9"/175 pounds


Cost Characteristic Value

10 STR 20

51 DEX 27

20 CON 20

30 BODY 25

5 INT 15

20 EGO 20

5 PRE 151 COM 12

PD 4

ED 4

20 SPD 5


END 40



OCV: 9 DCV: 9 OECV: 6 DECV: 6

Phases: 3, 5, 8, 10, 12


Cost Powers and Talents (END)

19 Life Support Space (self contained breathing, low pressure, vacuum, high pressure, high radiation, intense cold, intense heat.)


Sun Flight 42 pt multipower

4u Flight 21" 42 pt

4u Faster than Light Flight 32,000 ly/year x 2 42 pt


Sun Beam 60 pt multipower

6u Energy blast 12d6 60 pt

6u Ranged killing attack 4d6 60 pt

6u Flash 12d6 versus sight


10 Flash Defense sight


Cost Skills

3 Navigation: Space 12-

3 AK: 1000 Worlds 12-

3 AK: Known Space adjacent to 1000 Worlds 12-

3 Streetwise 12-

3 Stealth 14-

3 TF: spaceships, shuttles, hovercar

3 Combat Pilot 14-

3 Shadowing 14-

3 Systems operations 12-

3 WF: energy pistol, energy rifles

3 Electronics 12-

3 Computer Programming 12-

12 Survival: Space, urban, arctic, wilderness, desert, oceanic 12-

30 + 6 cvs with sunbeam multipower

3 Bump of Direction


150 Points Disadvantages

15 Secret Identity

20 Hunted by the 1000 worlds Empire 14-

20 Believes in Freedom.

20 Protective of the Empire

15 Hunted by Space Pirates 11-

5 Reputation: Starfaring energy man 8-

15 DF: Harsh Glow

20 DNPC: Empire 14-

20 Rivalry with other Space Heroes


CHA Cost = 162

Total Powers Cost = 157

Total Skills Cost = 81

Total Cost = 400


Background Information: Bara of Mystia was an ordinary traveler, working his way across the empire on one tramp freighter after another. In the 1000 Worlds, a person is his job. You are not allowed to pick anything else.


Bara's latest craft was attacked, and he was sent tumbling in space through a holed hull. He floated in the wreckage, using emergency gear to survive until he floated to a planetoid. He was able to use some of the surface of the rock to generate fuel and oxygen to travel further.


His exposure to hard radiation and the chemical processes changed Bara into a solar generator. He learned to channel his energy into flight, then fiery blasts. He knew that he could never return home like he was. He would be registered as a weapon and unable to do anything other than that.


Bara adopted a masked identity so that he could remain free, and roam the spaceways as Sun Man.


Quote: "Gravitas 9 is that way."


Personality: Bara had to take some time to adjust to his free status. Since then he has come to the conclusion that the Empire takes away any choice, predetermining what people could be when they could be so much more. He has grown to oppose that way of thinking, as much as he has started opposing the pirates that attack the shipping.


His stance on Imperial policy has made him a traitor. Even the notion of opposing policy on life mission determination makes him a criminal in the law's eyes.


Appearance: Bara has glowing skin, brown hair, and brown eyes. He normally wears a blue space suit with a blacked out helmet to prevent his face from being seen. He has added a sunburst symbol to the chest.


Powers: Bara is a flying energy blaster, able to break light speed. He can fire two types of heat at targets, preferring to use his more powerful attack on inanimate objects.


Plot Hook 1) The 1000 world has been destroyed, absorbed by the various other space governments. Sun Man has become legend among the survivors. Now their quest for their hero has brought them to Earth.


Plot Hook 2) Earth has been declared part of the Empire. Terran based heroes are asked to defend the world. Can they stop Emperor Sun Man from ruling as he wants.


Plot Hook 3) Observatories from around the world has noticed streaks of light across the sky that do not belong to any known object. Constant mapping has determined the streaks are crossing the nearby space almost at the same points. The problem is the object is shaped like a man.


GM's Note: Sun Man is based on Steve Ditko's Starman that shared space with Plastic Man in the Eighties, in Adventure Comics.

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Re: The New Circle


The Laugh


Mo Kilby roamed Los Angeles and the towns the city was already swallowing as it expanded in the fifties to be the center of the West Coast. Crime bosses were feeling the pressure as the police force tried to clean out the corruption that had stained its reputation. Kilby was trying to avoid any flatfoot who might try to put the cuffs on him. He had already been on the move for three days, looking for a place he could hide out until the heat was down.


Mo stopped at a hot dog stand, hoping to get a bite to eat and make a few calls to see if he could get a lift out of town. He couldn't stay on the run forever. Mo got the dog first, trying to decide who to call. He settled for calling a guy the gang used for odd jobs. He wasn't affiliated, and wasn't in the rackets as such. He took care of things sometimes when the big guys needed help.


Mo had a headache after dealing with Edgar. The guy was all over him about breaking the law. Still he was supposed to come to pick Kilby up. A ride out of the county would be just the thing even if he had to put up with Edgar.


A car rolled up to the stand. It matched the description that Edgar had given for the getaway car. Kilby couldn't see the driver. He walked over to make sure it was the right vehicle.


The driver stuck a hand out the opened window and waved. Mo walked to the door, harsh words forming in the back of his mind. He noticed that the streetlights around the car had dimmed, but didn't think anything about it.


"Hey pal." Kilby leaned into the window, still unable to see the man clearly. "I'm in a hurry."


A pale hand closed around Mo's arm. That was his first clue that he had made a mistake. He tried to pull away, to run. Instead everything went black. Kilby vanished into the darkened car. The automobile rolled off, allowing the street lights to work again.


Mo Kilby woke up on the steps of police headquarters, surrounded by officers, and some newspapermen. His last memory was wondering what was going on with Edgar. Rough hands dragged him to his feet.


"Got a cell waiting for you, Kilby." Mo recognized a captain he had crossed a few times. "Looks like that tip was on the money. Once the news gets to the DA, he will probably kill himself trying to get here."


"I haven't done anything wrong." Mo tried to break free of the hands holding him up. Cuffs wrapped around his wrists in a pinching grip.


"Tell that to the judge." The captain smiled. "You're just the example we've been waiting to use. Thanks for giving yourself up."


"I want my lawyer." Mo tried to shrug the cops off. "I want my phone call."


"You'll get your phone call." The captain made a let's go gesture with his thumb over a shoulder. "Take him inside and book him. Put him in the tank for a while."


The assembled crowd dragged their captive inside where he could undergo everything that went with an arrest and a wait for someone to bail him out. The captain watched them go, smiling. They had been looking for Mo for a while. Sending him away would make the streets a little safer.


The captain started inside, having waited for the men to clear the lobby. A sound drifted to his ear, causing him to turn his head. He didn't see anyone. He shook his head and went inside the building. The night was still young. Maybe another fugitive would arrive out of the blue.


The sound repeated itself after the policeman had gone. Laughter echoed along the street for a moment. Then it faded away.

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Re: The New Circle


I haven't received any updates from OddHat in a long time, but if people send me hdc files, I can get their characters added to the NewCircle site.





Make sure to include the name you wish to be credited under.


I would LOVE to send you writups for The Black Tryangle and The Great Eye, but I don't own HeroMaker (nor my own computer). Which would be a shame, since eveyone sorta liked them (except for The Dark...even I hated it, and I created it).

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Re: The New Circle



Character Name: The Laugh

Real Name: Ronald Edgar

Nationality: American

Hair/Eye Color: brown, brown

Place of Birth: Santa Monica, CA

Date of Birth: 5/31/1931

Height/Mass: 5'8", 190 pounds


Cost Characteristic Value

5 STR 15

30 DEX 20

20 CON 20

40 BODY 30

10 INT 20

20 EGO 20

8 PRE 18

2 COM 12

PD 3

ED 4

20 SPD 4


END 40



OCV: 6 DCV: 6 OECV: 6 DECV: 6

Phases: 3,6,9,12


Cost Powers and Talents (END)

Invisible to sight in shadows or darkness (-½), OIHID (-1/4) 11pts


Toughened body: 75% Physical Damage Reduction 60 pts OIHID (-1/4) 48 pts


Suppress Electricity 60 pt Multipower OIHID (-1/4) 48 pts

4u Electrical Drain: 6d6 suppress electricity 30 pts, AOE (+ 1 circle) OIHID (-1/4) 48 pts

4u Knockout: 12d6 Int Drain 60 pts, OIHID (-1/4) 48 pts


Resistant to gases and poisons: Life supports all poisons and chemical warfare 10 pts OIHID (-1/4) 8 pts


Cost Skills

3 PS: law 13-

3 KS: law 13-

3 KS: criminal underworld 13-

3 AK: Los Angeles and surroundings. 13-

3 Deduction 13-

3 Criminology 13-

3 Streetwise 13-

3 Combat driving

2 TF: Motor vehicles

2 WF: small arms

3 Stealth 13-

3 Shadowing 13-

3 Electronics 13-

3 Lockpicking 13-

3 Paramedics 13-

3 Oratory 12-


10 + 2 DCV


8 Contact: Volter the mob boss 11-

8 Contact: Wesson the detective 11-


150 Points Disadvantages

25 Watched by LA police department 14-

25 Watched by LA gangs 14-

15 Vengeful

20 Looking to Prove Innocence

15 Secret Identity

10 Reputation: Crooked Prosecutor 11-

15 Rivalry: Max Stein Mob Fixer

25 DNPC: Norma Lee, Nosy Reporter 11-


CHA Cost = 155

Total Powers Cost = 123

Total Skills Cost = 72

Total Cost = 350


Background Information: Ronald Edgar studied law, joining the Los Angeles District Attorney's office after working as a patrolman. He began a meteoric rise, hoping to be the next DA. Everything looked just right.


Others opposed Edgar's chosen path. He was convicted of taking bribes, and sent to prison. It was a brutal few years, but Edgar held on, winning respect by standing up to anyone who got in his way.


Several of the mobsters in lock up with Edgar worked an early release for him, putting him back on the street. They wanted an agent that could move in circles they couldn't touch. Edgar agreed in the hopes of clearing his name.


Edgar uncovered several plots, exposing some to the public while keeping one to himself. The public didn't need to know about the Monk juice and effect it gave anybody who drank it. He uses the juice to keep himself ahead of both sides of the fence as he looks for a way to clear himself.


Quote: "There's nothing in the shadows."


Personality: Edgar is borderline obsessed with proving he was set up. He has spent hours doing jobs to get closer to the people who hurt his career. He pays back slights as much as he can without revealing his hand.


Appearance: Edgar is a man with a normal build, usually dressed casually. His other self is covered in moving shadows whenever he drinks the Monk juice.


Powers: The Laugh is invisible in darkness, can suppress electrical activity, even in a human brain. His chemical power source renders his skin tougher than usual as well as giving him a resistance to other toxins that might invade his body.


Plot Hooks 1) Los Angeles, never a crime free city, has suddenly began to suffer a criminal surge in burglaries as people report a man who vanishes in shadow as he moves from place to place across town.


Plot Hooks 2) Ronald Edgar, a convicted ex-prosecutor, appears on camera to accuse a man running for president of framing him 50 years before. The official laughs the accusation off, but Edgar is found dead of unnatural causes soon after.


Plot Hooks 3) Criminals are becoming invisible and breaking into places thought impregnable. A stool pigeon coughs up someone is supplying these criminals for a cut of the take. None of them have dealt with this Laugh face to face though.


GM's note- This character is roughly the same as the hero known as the Mocker created by Steve Ditko.

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