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The Invisibles Writeups


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Re: The Invisibles Writeups


It's not legal to spread an AoE attack, it's on page 380 of 5ER, as Steve pointed out, I just missed it the other night, it says specifically "Characters may not spread attacks that affect an area (such as...any power with the Area of Effect...Advantages)".


So either a slightly expanded AoE beyond a hex with Selective or Autofire with the +1/4 AoE. I'm inclined to go towards the latter with 2 shots, I don't get the impression he could do a whole lot.

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Re: The Incredibles Writeups


Finally saw the movie Sunday, so I can read these threads now :) .


Nice writeups, my only real comment is that I would have called Mr Incredible's extra STR either Limited Conscious Control or No Conscious Control. He seems to have a bit of a problem controlling his super-strength when he's ticked off (see the fingerprints in the car roof), and of course when he thinks his family is dead and goes Enraged ....

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Re: The Incredibles Writeups


Thanks much. NCC or Limited CC sounds good. Might do that, but not for a while, I saw the movie today (7th time, yes I am a fanatic) and really want to do the others.


Also, as to the discussion above re Syndrome's ZPE hold, I realized today that the reason he gets off 2 separate shots is simple, one shot is from each of his 2 wrist controls, so it's an instance of 2 Foci/Weapons going off in the same phase. I have to double-check the rules on duplicated Foci, two-handed fighting, and multi-power attacks, but that will straighten out his ability for sure to hit 2 target hexes.

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Re: The Incredibles WriteupsOkay, here's Frozone. Although we saw a reasonable bit of him, I found it hard to do - it's implied he can probably do even more with ice powers, though I stopped shy of giving him Variable Advantages. It was a bit hard to boost his power level to 350, but I think it really should be, as in a full write-up Mr. Incredible would certainly be more, and bear in mind as Mr. Incredible flips through Syndrome's computer, the supers that the Omnidroids fought go up in power (note there's a power level in the upper right of each super's profile, though we don't see Frozone's or Elasti-girl's, but we know Mr. Incredible is 9.1 (IIRC, it's 9.x at least) and the power level goes up more or less as he thumbs through each Omnidroid's opponent chronologically), and Frozone was, based on Mirage's surveillance, somewhere fairly soon on the list and presumably not too far below Mr. Incredible. A few things I'd like to explain right off - given his handling of the police and his earliest comments on dealing with superwomen and his general appeal, I figured while his general PRE isn't THAT high, he is "charming" hence the Skill Levels with Conversation, Persuasion, and (not in the movie directly but I figured) Seduction, and this goes to explaining why a policeman (even a rookie one, obviously he's a nervous kid) would let him "drink his drink". The "small personal base" is a reflection of, if you noticed, the various "stuff" behind the fake wall, it doesn't look like just Mr. Incredible's den with memories of old days, looks like he has a computer and such. I figured he MUST be well-off, given that he has a nice apartment right downtown near the financial district, and given the snazzy way he has his personal stuff hidden behind a rather high-tech switchable wall. Re the powers, I might have hyped his MP too much but I wanted to be sure he could variably switch through stuff as needed plus I think, as stated, he's probably fairly powerful, it's just hard to tell as we only saw him against the final Omnidroid, which was too much even for Mr. Incredible alone, and before that just dealing with normals (NB - note he was carrying a couple and could still run, hence a little STR). Re Disads, hard to fit in 150, so I admit a couple are probably overstated a bit. The interesting thing, and I think what I reasonably hit, is that while he has heroic ambitions to protect people, he very much wants to obey the law (remember, he's not keen on going out for "bowling night" and deceiving everyone); so I gave him 3 relevant Disads, one is that he certainly will protect against grave danger (note he is inflexible in wanting to stop the Omnidroid, not even "the greatest good you'll ever have" stops him :) ), another is that he is a good friend to Mr. Incredible (so he allows himself to get mixed up in heroics again even against small threats), and finally he really wants to do what society and his wife are asking him. I included the "honesty" with that as I noticed it was interesting his wife, who clearly didn't know or see the Omnidroid, wasn't surprised that he wanted to go out and do some "daring-do" so I strongly suspect he's told her of some sort of occassions of such, though probably not the most recent so-called bowling nights (although maybe so, given that was almost 2 months before the Omnidroid attack). You miay wonder why I gave him 2d6 of Unluck; that was done to reflect that he seems to suffer from bad timing/events. Note that the Omnidroid attack comes exactly when his wife has his supersuit removed, and he and Mr. Incredible both fall into the jewelry store, looking like "bad guys - incompetent bad guys!"Okay, without further ado, here's Frozone!Frozone (Lucius Best)Player:

Val Char Cost
15 STR 5
20 DEX 30
13 CON 6
10 BODY 0
13 INT 3
12 EGO 4
13 PRE 3
14 COM 2
4/24 PD 1
7/27 ED 4
5 SPD 20
12 REC 12
60 END 17
25 STUN 0
6" RUN02" SWIM03" LEAP0Characteristics Cost: 107
Cost Power END
60 Suit and Helmet: Armor (20 PD/20 ED) 0
4 Visor Mutes Light: Sight Group Flash Defense (5 points) (5 Active Points); IIF (-1/4) 0
16 Quick on Ice: Running 10" (20 Active Points); Power only works on ice Power does not work in Uncommon Circumstances (-1/4) 2
11 Snazzy Icecapades on Iceboard: Flight 10", Reduced Endurance (1/2 END; +1/4) (25 Active Points); OAF (-1), Only In Contact With Ice Surface (-1/4) 1
80 Ice Attacks: Multipower, 100-point reserve, (100 Active Points); all slots Does not work when Frozone is dehydrated or no water in air Power does not work in Uncommon Circumstances (-1/4)
12m 1) Frozen (with Ice Wall option): Entangle 7d6, 7 DEF (Larger Wall (+3")) (76 Active Points); Does not work when Frozone is dehydrated or no water in air Power does not work in Uncommon Circumstances (-1/4) 8
11m 2) Stunningly Cold: EB 14d6 (70 Active Points); Does not work when Frozone is dehydrated or no water in air Power does not work in Uncommon Circumstances (-1/4) 7
5m 3) Icey Conditions: Change Environment 8" radius, Varying Combat Effects (30 Active Points); Does not work when Frozone is dehydrated or no water in air Power does not work in Uncommon Circumstances (-1/4) 3
Powers Cost: 199
Cost Skill
9 Power - Freezing Multipower 14-
3 Acrobatics 13-
3 Defense Maneuver I
3 Teamwork 13-
6 +2 with any three related Skills
3 Conversation 12-
3 Persuasion 12-
3 Seduction 12-
Skills Cost: 33
Cost Perk
5 Money: Well Off
4 Vehicles & Bases
Perks Cost: 9
Cost Talent
2 Environmental Movement - Icey Terrain (no penalties on)
Talents Cost: 2
Val Disadvantages
20 Hunted: Syndrome 11- (Mo Pow, Harshly Punish)
15 Psychological Limitation: Protect the Public in Times of Unusual Danger (Uncommon, Total)
20 DNPC: Wife, Honey 11- (Incompetent)
10 Social Limitation: Social Events, Wife's Obligations (Occasionally, Major)
15 Social Limitation: Secret Identity (Frequently, Major)
10 Social Limitation: Well-off, job (Occasionally, Major)
15 Psychological Limitation: Loyalty/Friendship to Mr. Incredible and family (Very Common, Moderate)
15 Psychological Limitation: Honest and tries to obey society's rules (Very Common, Moderate)
10 Unluck: 2d6
15 Reputation: Major super of past, 14-
5 Psychological Limitation: Nostalgic (Uncommon, Moderate)
Disadvantage Points: 150

Base Points: 200Experience Required: 0Total Experience Available: 0Experience Unspent: 0Total Character Cost: 350

Height: 1.84 m Hair: Black (facial hair only)
Weight: 62.00 kg Eyes: Brown
Appearance: Personality: A charming and attractive man, Lucius manages to be both affable and commanding in presence at the same time. He tries to do the right thing for his country, his family, and his friends.Quote:None in particular known, but he eschews corny ice-related catch phrases, hearing them too often from his friends.Background: Frozone was one of the major supers in the great age of such in the '60s. As required by the government, he went underground.with all others, settling down with his wife, Honey.Powers/Tactics: Frozone has both offensive and combat support abilities, given his abilities to alter the terrain with ice as well as create great ice walls or freeze opponents. Moreover, he's extremely quick, covering a lot of ground and assisting others in combat if they're compromised.Campaign Use: 
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Re: The Incredibles WriteupsAnd for Christmas...here's Edna Mode!I went to town, but not unrealistically so, I think, given the impression she makes in the film. :)By the way, I found great file photos from Pixar for all the characters, those will be added to uploads going backwards. To save space on the boards, the oldest (v1) writeups are being eliminated for those characters with a v2. They are available upon request. Later I'll also put stuff up on my site and link to here as KS has done on his site and save the HERO boards the space, just too lazy right now.(PS - whoops, yuck, I noticed the export dropped some details, added now)Edna ModePlayer:

Val** Char*** Cost
10** STR 0
10** DEX 0
10** CON 0
10** BODY 0
20** INT 10
20** EGO 20
25** PRE 15
12** COM 1
2** PD 0
2** ED 0
2** SPD 0
4** REC 0
20** END 0
20** STUN 0
*6"**RUN02"**SWIM02"**LEAP0Characteristics Cost: 46
Cost** Power END
82** Raw Materials to Amazing Clothes: Major Transform 20d6 (standard effect: 60 points) (Destruction!), Reduced Endurance (0 END; +1/2) (450 Active Points); Extra Time (1 Day, Absolute minimum time is 1 day; Skill Roll can still take advantage of time chart BEYOND that; -4), Requires A Skill - Inventor Roll (-1/2) [Notes: NB - 30 points is about enough to create something worth an added 50 CP from raw material - ((50-0)/5) = +10 BOD to original material, usually consisting of 20 BOD if sturdy/amazing material]* 0
Powers Cost: 82
Cost** Skill
3** Oratory 14-*
3** Conversation 14-*
3** Interrogation 14-*
3** Persuasion 14-*
3** Deduction 13-*
3** High Society 14-*
9** Inventor 16-*
3** SS Biochemistry 13-*
3** SS Physics 13-*
3** Security Systems 13-*
6** +2 with any three related Skills, Skill Levels with Costume (Armor or Fashion) Design*
7** Armorsmith 13-*
3** PS Fashion Designer 13-*
3** KS Fashion 13-*
Skills Cost: 55
Cost** Perk
5** Superhero Access: Access*
36** Superhero Contacts: Contact (Contact has extremely useful Skills or resources, Contact has significant Contacts of his own, Contact is slavishly loyal to character), Organization Contact (Superheroes as a group; x3) (36 Active Points) 14- [Notes: Given Edna's persuasion and IOUs, the contact as a group is listed as "slavishly loyal" (can anyone imagine Edna not getting her way when necessary?)]*
10** Pool of Favors 1: Favor*
10** Pool of Favors2: Favor*
15** Money: Filthy Rich*
1** Clothes designer for the superheroes: Reputation (A small to medium sized group) 14-, +1/+1d6*
40** Superhero Clothes Design (and certainly more) Base: Vehicles & Bases*
15** Advanced Tech*
3** Major Fashion Designer: Reputation (A large group) 14-, +1/+1d6*
21** Fashion Contacts: Contact (Contact has significant Contacts of his own, Contact has useful Skills or resources), Organization Contact (Fashion world as a whole, and by extension; x3) (21 Active Points) 14-*
Perks Cost: 156
Cost** Talent
11** Inspire*
Talents Cost: 11
Val** Disadvantages
20** Psychological Limitation: Speaks her mind (Very Common, Strong)*
20** Psychological Limitation: Manipulative (Very Common, Strong)*
10** Psychological Limitation: Enjoys a challenge (Common, Moderate)*
10** Psychological Limitation: Never looks back, it distracts from the now (Common, Moderate)*
5** Psychological Limitation: Ambitious (Uncommon, Moderate)*
5** Social Limitation: Maintains secret base/to a limited extent secret life (Occasionally, Minor)*
5** Reputation: Fashion Designer to Superheroes, 11- (Known Only To A Small Group)*
10** Psychological Limitation: Unhappy no longer designing for supers (Uncommon, Strong)*
15** Reputation: Major fashion designer, 14-*
10** Distinctive Features: Manner of speech and dress (Concealable; Noticed and Recognizable; Detectable By Commonly-Used Senses)*
20** Social Limitation: Major fashion designer (Frequently, Severe)*
5** Rivalry: Professional, Other fashion designers (as a group), Rival is As Powerful, Seek to Outdo, Embarrass, or Humiliate Rival, Rival Aware of Rivalry*
10** Distinctive Features: Very short (Concealable; Noticed and Recognizable; Detectable By Commonly-Used Senses)*
5** Physical Limitation: Very short (Infrequently, Slightly Impairing)*
Disadvantage Points: 150

Base Points: 200Experience Required: 0Total Experience Available: 0Experience Unspent: 0Total Character Cost: 350

Height: 1.36 m Hair: Black
Weight: 37.00 kg Eyes: Brown
Appearance: Personality: Edna is an overpowering personality; she's even bolder than her designs, and speaks her mind bluntly. She's also extremely persuasive. She relishes a challenge and aspires to be the very best at what she does. Edna greatly misses the old days of designing for supers.Quote:"I never look back, it distracts from the now."

"I used to design for GODS!"

Background: Edna Mode is a world-renowned fashion designer...but she's also a secretly-renowned (within the super community) costume designer for superheroes, having designed many, if not most, of the superheroes costumes during the first great age of supers.Powers/Tactics: Edna Mode is not just a designer for supers, she assures their well-being with appropriate costumes designed to withstand extreme punishment (including fire, bullets, missiles, you name it). But perhaps moreover she knows how to motivate her superhero friends and assist them in their path, sometimes with subtlety but often with a strange combination of brute force of personality and charm.Campaign Use: 
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Re: The Invisibles Writeups



Can I get a text and/or HTML copy for Surbrook's Stuff? I've downloaded the webpages, but I want to make sure I get the "right" versions.

Sure, I'm going to revise Snyndrome so he's not quite ready - in fact probably best to wait until I've gotten more feedback (if any) for Frozone and Edna as well.


Please let me know which specific format you'd like, I imagine you must have some standards for how you prefer the Hero Designer files output. If not I'll send you one of the HTML versions.

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Re: The Invisibles Writeups


I don't klnow if anyone's pointed this out yet but you forgot Social Limitation: Secret ID


Remember "Your identities are your most valuable asset"


Which is why the Kids need 'super names' (apart from Violet, Dash and Jack-Jack)

I think the reason I left them off was that I was sort of taking a mid-late movie snapshot and that stuff kicks in relatively late, nonetheless, you're right, I'll add them, they actually were relevant early on (in the context of hiding powers, whether an identity yet).


Okay, I added those, kept them as "..._v2" and edited the above posts accordingly for Dash and Violet. (Mike if you're reading the versions you're getting are these up to date ones)

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Re: The Invisibles Writeups


Maybe I missed something but Dash's 'autofire' punches didn't look all that effective to me. I mean he hit a minion several times in quick sucession and the minion was able to shake it off in a moment (post segment 12 Recovery?) and hit Dash (who may, I grant you, have jumped given what followed). At the very most all he did was distract the minion long enough to make him run into a wall. Giving him any kind of effective HA (let alone +2d6 autofire) is going a little far in my opinion. He might hit a hundred times in quick succession but it won't actually *hurt*.


Of course, this is just my opinion.

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Re: The Invisibles Writeups


Maybe I missed something but Dash's 'autofire' punches didn't look all that effective to me. I mean he hit a minion several times in quick sucession and the minion was able to shake it off in a moment (post segment 12 Recovery?) and hit Dash (who may, I grant you, have jumped given what followed). At the very most all he did was distract the minion long enough to make him run into a wall. Giving him any kind of effective HA (let alone +2d6 autofire) is going a little far in my opinion. He might hit a hundred times in quick succession but it won't actually *hurt*.


Of course, this is just my opinion.

It comes down to the children's inexperience. Given time, Dash will learn to focus his speed into power, just as given time Violet will learn to toughen her forcefields and make them more reliable. As it is, now, both are novice superheroes at best, with plenty of raw power but little experience or skill.


It's hard to model the sort of inexperience in stat terms because stats model, in a sense, potential. Even if you give the characters disadvantages they will have to buy off as they get experience, it's hard to exactly model the effects of knowing you CAN do stuff but not knowing precisely HOW.

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Re: The Invisibles Writeups


Maybe I missed something but Dash's 'autofire' punches didn't look all that effective to me. I mean he hit a minion several times in quick sucession and the minion was able to shake it off in a moment (post segment 12 Recovery?) and hit Dash (who may, I grant you, have jumped given what followed). At the very most all he did was distract the minion long enough to make him run into a wall. Giving him any kind of effective HA (let alone +2d6 autofire) is going a little far in my opinion. He might hit a hundred times in quick succession but it won't actually *hurt*.


Of course, this is just my opinion.

Yeah, but I think those agents were fairly tough. I believe the way I wrote it up he would barely penetrate on each strike. The first agent, the one driving the hovercraft, was going to go down, I think, when Dash looked up and saw they were about to hit the cliff, though Dash would have had to get just a few more licks in. The guard seemed stunned (in the true sense, not at 0 STUN). Obviously, YMMV (and does, that's cool). I'm just explaining my thoughts on the matter.

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Re: The Invisibles Writeups


It comes down to the children's inexperience. Given time, Dash will learn to focus his speed into power, just as given time Violet will learn to toughen her forcefields and make them more reliable. As it is, now, both are novice superheroes at best, with plenty of raw power but little experience or skill.


It's hard to model the sort of inexperience in stat terms because stats model, in a sense, potential. Even if you give the characters disadvantages they will have to buy off as they get experience, it's hard to exactly model the effects of knowing you CAN do stuff but not knowing precisely HOW.

Also true, and hence their disads. Thanks Michael.


It's easy to model that... it's called experience points. ;)


(PS) IMHO, not really. Bear in mind when a PC first starts in a campaign, he usually has a pretty solid idea of how to use his powers - and those who don't (IME) tend to take a Disad which they later buy off.

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Re: The Invisibles Writeups


Yeah' date=' but I think those agents were fairly tough. I believe the way I wrote it up he would barely penetrate on each strike. The first agent, the one driving the hovercraft, was going to go down, I think, when Dash looked up and saw they were about to hit the cliff, though Dash would have had to get just a few more licks in. The guard seemed stunned (in the true sense, not at 0 STUN). Obviously, YMMV (and does, that's cool). I'm just explaining my thoughts on the matter.[/quote']

These agents were something else typical RPG Agents are not -- smart. They were used to dealing with super-powered opposition and knew how to deal with them. The one agent who stalked Violet pulled out many low-tech but highly effective tricks for trying to locate an invisble opponent, and was about ten seconds away from putting several bullets into her.


By contrast, Dash and Violet were very inexperienced. They didn't know what they could do on the isnticitve level posessed by most PCs. Under life-threatening stress for the first time, they came very close to being overwhelmed by panic. Violet, for example, didn't realize that an invisble character who stays in one place will eventually be detected by a halfway-savvy opponent even without superpowers.


Dash and Violet had NO training. Their parents evidently never expected them to find themselves in combat, certainly not while they were still children, and so they were not prepared at all. And it nearly got them both killed.

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Re: The Invisibles Writeups


These agents were something else typical RPG Agents are not -- smart. They were used to dealing with super-powered opposition and knew how to deal with them. The one agent who stalked Violet pulled out many low-tech but highly effective tricks for trying to locate an invisble opponent, and was about ten seconds away from putting several bullets into her.


By contrast, Dash and Violet were very inexperienced. They didn't know what they could do on the isnticitve level posessed by most PCs. Under life-threatening stress for the first time, they came very close to being overwhelmed by panic. Violet, for example, didn't realize that an invisble character who stays in one place will eventually be detected by a halfway-savvy opponent even without superpowers.


Dash and Violet had NO training. Their parents evidently never expected them to find themselves in combat, certainly not while they were still children, and so they were not prepared at all. And it nearly got them both killed.




And all that reminds me of why that was SUCH AN AWESOME MOVIE!!!!!!!! Sorry, I know it was a little off subject.

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Re: The Invisibles Writeups


(PS) IMHO' date=' not really. Bear in mind when a PC first starts in a campaign, he usually has a pretty solid idea of how to use his powers - and those who don't (IME) tend to take a Disad which they later buy off.[/quote']I hear what you are saying and agree. I think my approach to the last couple games I've run has given me a different perspective. In both the games, the PCs started out not knowing their powers and had to learn them going forward. I think a really good role-player could also pull it off where they have an idea of where they want to go with their character, but start with just a basic use of combat and the use of their powers, and as the game progresses plays it the way they want to be. IMO.


Nonetheless, I think your writeups to date have been really great! I love how you handled Edna! Excellent!

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Re: The Invisibles Writeups


I hear what you are saying and agree. I think my approach to the last couple games I've run has given me a different perspective. In both the games, the PCs started out not knowing their powers and had to learn them going forward. I think a really good role-player could also pull it off where they have an idea of where they want to go with their character, but start with just a basic use of combat and the use of their powers, and as the game progresses plays it the way they want to be. IMO.


Nonetheless, I think your writeups to date have been really great! I love how you handled Edna! Excellent!

Thanks very much for the praise!


As to the comment about your last games, I've always wanted to do that but...haven't. I've always thought that would be fun, thanks for bringing it up and the input.


PS - very glad you liked Edna, actually, she's a real labor of love, like most people I was deeply impressed with her character. In the end, despite an earlier answer in a poll, Mr. Incredible is my "favorite" as he really is the closest to me and I suspect many people react almost on a demographic basis to the characters as they are so well-written and true-to-life. I was really taken with Mr. Incredible's quote "I was so obsessed with under-valuing myself I under-valued all of you," which hits too close to home.

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Re: The Invisibles Writeups


Here's Elasti-Girl v2, I added Offensive Ranged Disarm, and tweaked her CON and resulting scores a bit as previously discussed.


Incoming rules lawyer. :)


Stretching is always considered to be Hand-to-Hand combat, not Ranged; she shouldn't use the Ranged Martial Arts with her stretching, just the standard Martial Disarm.


(I'm assuming that you meant the Ranged Martial Arts with that ... if not, please slap me with a fish, then ignore me.)


But, if I haven't already, allow me to toss in my appreciation of your excellent work.

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Re: The Invisibles Writeups


Incoming rules lawyer. :)


Stretching is always considered to be Hand-to-Hand combat, not Ranged; she shouldn't use the Ranged Martial Arts with her stretching, just the standard Martial Disarm.


(I'm assuming that you meant the Ranged Martial Arts with that ... if not, please slap me with a fish, then ignore me.)


But, if I haven't already, allow me to toss in my appreciation of your excellent work.

Thanks, on both accounts! Good catch, will modify, that's just in time to modify before I send the "final" versions to Mike for Surbrook's Stuff.


Any other comments on Frozone or Edna or Syndrome before I finalize? Syndrome I'll fix the ZPE thing by making it on two wrist Foci and ensuring he can two-hand attack, I just haven't checked the rules thoroughly yet. I'm also going to give him a little Armor or something just as a general balance issue, and probably make him a good bit harder to hit (probably ensuring he has skills not to be surprised and all that, I have to review) as you'll note that while the Omnidroid hit him little else does - in fact Mr. Incredible misses with a tree despite his obviously high OCV otherwise in the movie! Of course what makes this harder is that there's a lot of plot device stuff involved.


Possibly Syndrome should just be faster? That gives him aborts and explains a lot - make him SPD 8 perhaps?? What do you guys think?

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